"The hell did I just drink!?"
A young feminine voice entered Jake's ears.
[Hello user *%@#'%$#&* is this voice to your liking?]
"Why do you sound like an anime waifu?" Jake said while chuckling at his dumb analogy.
[User *%@#'%$#&*'s memories dictate that they like the sound of female voices in anime]
"Ok yeah that's pretty accurate unfortunately..."
[Is this voice suitable?]
"Yeah I'm good with it."
"What the hell are you doing to my soul you bastard?!" Jake heatedly asked.
"Ok then...?" Jake said.
"Hey buddy, do you hear me?"
'Another system?' Jake wondered
"Pffff nope, I'm your best friend! Y'know, your soul!"
'Why is it talking to me?' Jake wondered.
"I'm talking to you because this system thingys broken I think, its putting me through some quiz but theres a console where I can type stuff. Theres a question asking what skill I think you should get and I'm thinking this console is an admin console."
"So what does this have to do with me? And also why haven't you talked to me before?" jake asked.
"Well i dont talk to you mainly due to the fact that i sleep a lot and also that you couldn't hear me."
"Okay fair enough, so what do you know about me?"
"Only your shallow thoughts, basically I know what you see and sometimes what you think, although it's only when you think it in a manner that's like talking."
"So you cant read my memories and stuff?" Jake asked.
"Nope I cant."
"Alright good to know." Said Jake
"Heh this system is waiting for me to answer, speaking of, should I type stuff in this console?"
"Sure do whatever" Jake confirmed
"Alrighty then I'm gonna type help in here..."
"It says a few things, theres setstats, setskills, editsoul, killuser, and setsystemadmin."
" Hmmm, go to setsystemadmin and try to set yourself as one." Jake said
"Alrighty, trying it now... nope didnt work it said I dont have the authority."
"Ok then go to editsoul." Jake ordered.
"Mmhmm going there now... Hehe get a load of this it says, soul not currently malleable enough.
"That's pretty funny to be honest. Alright now go to setstats and setskills" Jake said.
"Yawwwnnn, Yep ok. Going to stats now... it says, Insert soul to determine.
"Can you like go in it or something?" Jake asked
"I think, lemme see... yep i put some of myself into it, annnnd... it says its gonna analyze it and give stats based on Soulpower."
"Okay then, can you go to skills while you wait?" Jake asked.
"Here lemme try... yep I can go theres some tabs the first one is, skill choices offered to soul, and there are 4, they are, body strengthening, teleportation, magic affinity choice, and animal taming."
"Hmmmmm those are nice but what are the other things?" Jake asked.
"Theres four other tabs they are, list of skills, search for skill, skill help, and Create skill."
"Hmmmmm, go to the list." Jake said.
"Yessir going there now, kay I'm here theres a massive list"
"Can you read them off to me?" Jake asked.
"Hell no! Theres like, 43,000 of them!"
"Can you read some of them to me?" Jake pleaded.
"Ughh fine I'll read some of them... Theres, axe mastery of varying levels, alchemy, archery of varying levels, analysis, and artistic talent of varying level."
"Did you really just read from the a section?" Jake asked disappointedly.
"Shut up okay? I'm lazy, and tired. I'm gonna go to create skill now. Hmmm this is interesting, it says to inject a clear idea of a skill you wanna make but the skill will need restrictions and that the system will add some if none are added."
"Hmmm lemme think of an idea... can you read skill help to me while i think?" said Jake.
"Yeah sure, it has two pages Ill sum it up, the 1st page is that all living/sentient creatures have skills, the 2nd page says that skills are obtained by a varying methods which include but are not limited to, training your talent in them ie practicing swordfighting, being born with them ie blessings and racial bonuses, and recieving them from powerful beings."
-30 seconds later-
"Oh nice, I guess that's done now. Alright I have an idea for a skill, i can copy the skills of whatever I consume the essence of, oh and also, can I get multiple skills? I have another idea."
"Here lemme see... it says you can get a max of 3 skills from the system."
"Okay I would like, hmmm, let's call it, (Gluttonous Copycat) , And then i want, a skill that let's me eat almost anything, I'll call it (Stomach of Domination), and for the third one i want a skill to copy skills by touching them and the restriction will be that I need to touch them for longer to copy better skills, I'll name it, (A Touch of Piracy)." Jake said.
"Alrighty then do you want me to make the skills now?"
"Hell yea I do!" jake exclaimed.