The quest, trying the new features, and two brats that should learn their place.

*Fwoosh* From an outsider's perspective, it looked like a large translucent green ball shooting through the sky. On the inside though, it was a bit different.

On the inside, there was a small karaoke session going on. The bubble was quite big, around 5 yards across. Jake had been flying at a slower speed as to not exhaust himself again. He had created and given Rena a small radio. Surprisingly, Correlshia hadn't woken up yet. Jake was about six minutes from the kingdom. "Juno was mad, he knew he'd been had, so he shot at the sun with a gun."

Rena paused the music. "How does this work? It makes music without instruments." "Well yes, but it's a bit complicated. I'm not entirely sure about the specifics, but it uses something we call technology in my world." "What's that?" "Its made of metal and rubber and stuff." "So no magic?"

"Nope, none. In my world, there's almost no mana." "So how do you fight beasts?" "There are none. The most dangerous animals are tigers and stuff. But they're only about half as tall as me." "So does that mean that your world is perfect?" "Nope, my world always has humans fighting each other. They use these things called guns, they shoot a piece of metal about as big as my thumb flying at you." "But cant they just stab each other? or use bows?"

"That's what they used to do, but guns are stronger. Think about it like this, You remember how fast I took off from the ground with my wings?" "Yeah?" "Its a but faster than that." "But that's crazy!" "Yeah, best part is, they're about two feet long, Sometimes one foot long."

"But how do they make them so small?" "Refining their skills. Here, I'll show you one." "Okay." Jake stopped flying. He imagined an M16 rifle. He opened his eyes and saw that it came with a magazine. Rena looked puzzled. "That's supposed to shoot metal?" "Watch." Jake opened a window in the bubble. He cut his hand with a dagger and made a blood ball. After this, he made it float out the window and away a bit.

"Watch this." Jake took aim. At first his aim was wobbly, but eventually, he steadied up. *BANG* *Pop* Rena jumped at this noise. The bubble was splattered by the blood orb. "Wahh! My ears!" "Mmmph, quiet down I'm trying to sleep." "Sorry Correlshia. Anyway, you see what I mean?" "Yeah, that's crazy." "Hey Correlshia,can you eat metal?" "Hmm? Oh, yeah." "Wait really? I was just pulling at straws, you want this?"

"Yes, I'll eat it." Correlshia got up and walked over to Jake. He handed her the gun. *Chomp* *Crunch* "Ew, this is most disgusting!" Correlshia had bitten into the barrel of the gun. "Is that so? Maybe because it's got plastic and stuff?" "This is gross." Correlshia dropped the gun which was now missing most of the barrel onto the floor and walked away. "That bad huh? Anyway let's go." Jake started flying once again

Rena turned the radio back on. "But when you try to pretend to understand, you resemble a fool although your only a man so give it up and smile-" A few minutes later the kingdom came into view. Jake stopped flying and glided to the ground. "Guess we gotta run now." Jake hid his wings and got running. A few minutes later he saw the gate come into view. There were two guards. They were both men.

Upon getting to the gates, he was stopped by the guards. "Stop, we need to check your ID." "But you didn't ID me when I was leaving?" "The king ordered all troops to come to the castle, it's top secret." "Oh, alright." Jake pulled his ID out of his rift. "Here you go." He handed it to the guard through a window in his bubble. the guard was shocked at his use of the spatial container. After a second, the guard took the ID. "Y-You're good to go, now we need their IDs." "They don't have any yet, they are both my daughters." "Well I can let it slide this time, just make sure to get them some IDs."

"Yep, anyways, have a good day." "You too sir." After this, Jake made his bubble smaller as to fit on the street. Jake walked over to the guild. Once he got to the front of the guild, he decided to wake Correlshia up. *Shake Shake Shake* "Hey Correlshia, we're here." "Mmmm, I'm tired though." "Its either you get up, or I drop you on the ground." "Mmph, fine." Correlshia stood up. "Oh also, here. I'll refill your stamina. Give me your hands."

"Huh? Okay then." Correlshia stuck her arms out. He used "Fill Stamina" on her. "Woah, I don't feel tired anymore?" "Nope, cool spell huh?" "Yes, it's very nice. Now I can get my form back" Jake was confused. "Whatever." Jake deactivated the bubble. "Time to get you an ID Correlshia." "Alright."

Jake walked into the guild with his two companions. Like last time, most of the people ignored him. He walked through the building towards the front desk. "Hello sir. do you need something?" "Yeah, I'm here to turn in this request." Jake handed her the paper. "Let's see... S+ tier? Did you really do this?" "Yep, I went into that giant hole at the top, but the dragon was busy bathing. The womans eyes widened. "You went into Correlshia's Lair?!" "Yeah." "What does she look like?"

"Well kind of like this-" Jake used creation magic to build a replica of Correlshia. "Di-did you just use creation magic?" "Yeah." "That magic is so rare though!" "Well I'm something of a rare specimen myself. Anyway, what's the reward for doing the quest?" "It doesnt have one listed... I'll go ask the guildmaster." *Click* *Swish* The woman went into a door behind her. While Jake was waiting, he figured he'd look around a bit-

"Jake, I'm hungry." He looked behind him and saw Correlshia standing there with a bored look. "Lemme make something." Jake conjured up a donut. "Here, take this." Jake was secretly wondering if she would be like Lef*cios. *Chomp* She put the donut in her mouth whole. *Chew Chew* *Gulp* "Dry and sweet. Tastes weird though. Do you have meat instead?" "Damn it, I was hoping I could tame you with sweets." "That's weird. Anyway, meat." "Yeah yeah, here you go."

Jake had conjured up a small box of fried calamari. "Try this." "Okay." Jake handed it to her. *Nom* Her eyes lit up. "What is this?!" "Its called calamari, its fried squid." "It is delicious! Although it has the same strange taste as the other food." "Maybe a side effect from using creation magic?" *Click* *Swish* An old man with a large white beard walked out. he was wearing a purple-red robe with golden patterns scattered around it.

"Hello there young man, I hear you searched Correlshia's lair, is this true?" "Why, yes. I did go to-"

[Warning, Someone is attempting to view your information, Will you allow this?]


"Well that's awfully rude dontcha think?" The mans eyes narrowed and he donned a frown. "What was rude?" "Trying to access someone's info without permission, I feel like that's a bit rude." The man's eyes widened. "How did you know that?!" "Well it's not like you were trying to hide it, or were you?" Jake donned a fake confused face. "You little-" "Little what? If I recall correctly, I'm strong enough to completely block your search. So you may or may not want to watch it."

"Tsk, don't get full of yourself, I could win against you in a battle." "We can test that later, for now though, let's keep it civil. Now anyway, what's my reward?" "It's these special gloves." The man pulled out a pair of gloves from a spatial ring. "These gloves triple your physical power. They are quite valuable." "Oh, that's pretty nice. I could probably make something better though."

"Oh really?" The man's face changed to an amused one. "These were made by a royal Smith, I doubt you could make something even remotely as good." "Wanna make a bet?" "Sounds good to me." "I'll bet this large diamond." Jake pulled out the large diamond. "Oh my, that's a very nice gem. I'll bet this knife. It was made from a scale of the legendary dragon, Melkets." The man pulled out a yellow dagger that had sparks fly off it every few seconds. "Sounds good."

"Alright, I'm gonna start now." Jake started by erasing the enchantment on the gloves. "How... No matter, you've only erased an enchantment."

'Hey Lexi, how do I make a strong strength multiplier enchantment?'

[With the material given, you can put up to a twelve times multiplier on it. The enchantment looks like this.]

Jake was shown a picture of three fists stacked in totem pole fashion, with fingers out at seemingly random positions. Jake got to work on creating the enchantment. It took him about five minutes. *Phew* "That was grueling. Anyway, my winnings please?" "Y-you cheated! Theres no way you could have-" "Ah tah tah tah, no being a sore loser." "You've just made a very powerful enemy." "Shut it, no-one likes a sore loser." The man's face screwed up in anger.

"What did you just say?!" "I said, S.H.U.T. I.T., You catch me this time?" "YOU BASTARD!" Most people looked over to the counter. They saw the guildmaster yelling at the new guy in a rage. "I'LL KILL YOU!" "No, you wont." With that being said, the man leapt at Jake. *Swoosh* *Crack*

Within a second of him jumping at Jake, he was sent flying face first into the ground. Only a few people were strong enough to see what had happened. First, the man jumped at Jake, second, Jake had slapped the back of the man's head, third, the man was propelled towards the ground face first, which in turn had put his head through the floor. "Urrrgh, what the hell?" The man lifted his head out of the ground.

"Stop being a sore ass loser." With that, Jake took the dagger and left.

"Why are humans so greedy?" Asked Correlshia. "Dunno, don't care." "Okay." "Anyway, time to get lunch." "Sounds good." "Egg time!" "Yep." Jake conjured his shield bubble and started going towards the store. He thought of something on the way.

'Hey Lexi, what's the difference between a the heroes and a summoned hero?'

[The heroes from this world are considered normal heroes. Their class is normally hero of their affinity, but summoned heroes have a job that relates to their main function, ie legendary swordsman, legendary potion brewer, legendary healer, etcetera.]

'Well that's nice to know. Also how are heroes summoned?'

[Usually, only very large kingdoms can summon them. Summoning heroes requires a large amount of mana, which can be obtained by using powerful wizards. More than one hero can be summoned, and usually there is more than one summoned. Most commonly though, they use the classic party system, meaning they summon four of them.]

'Ah, thanks for that.'

[No problem.]

By this point, they had arrived at the restaurant. "Time for food!" "Yes." "Alright guys, let's go." Jake desummoned the orb. "Wait, Correlshia, before going in, I gotta do something."

'Add companion!'

"MMM?!" Correlshia was surprised by the window and jumped a bit. "What is this?" She asked confusedly. "Just say accept." "Accept."

[User Jake, Companion, Correlshia has been added to your party.]




Rena Waterstone




Slot 3 empty

Slot 4 empty

Next slot locked

[Settings] [Help]


"I'm gonna look at your Info, that okay with you?" "Only if you show me yours." "Fair enough." Jake pulled up his status and showed it to her. "Woah, how did you do that?" "Say, Status." "Status." A window appeared before her.


Name: Correlshia

Race: Lava dragon

Level: 195

Exp: 40,000/290,000

Health: 55,000/55,000

Mana: 100,000/100,000

Stamina: 2,000/2,000

Strength: 320

Agility: 250

Dexterity: 200

Mind: 50

Intelligence: 55

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Fire breathing), (Alternate form), (Night vision), (Scale growth) (Rock eater), (Lava spraying), (Greater heat resistance), (Disease immunity), (Warm body), (Cold resistance), (Berserker rage), (Self destructive rampage), (Crushing jaw), (Draconic eyes).

Titles: (Legendary dragon), (Hot headed) (Companion of the Soulpower systems user), (Orphan), (Lava dragon), (Gluttonous), (Dragon of mount dragoran), (Loli dragon).


"Wait, loli dragon?! Bahahaha!" "What's that mean?!" "It means someone who has a child's physique." "I'm only 70!" "That's even funnier!" After a few seconds he stopped laughing. "Anyways, let's go get food." "Yes."

Jake and Correlshia entered the shop. Correlshia currently had her hood down. He saw the woman eyeing Rena. "Hey, I'm here for lunch." "Alright then, follow me." The woman lead them to a booth. The booth was the exact same design as the last one.

"Do you know what you would like to order right now? Or do you need a menu?" "We would like a menu." "Alright, I'll bring one over." At this point the woman left. Jake took a brief look around. There were a few booths taken. There was also a bar-like section with chairs instead of booth's.

"I have your menus here." "Oh, thank you." The woman handed Jake three menus. With this, the woman walked away. Jake handed Correlshia the menu. "Am I supposed to eat this?" "Nono you look through it and find which one you want." "Oh okay." "I already know you want eggs Rena." "Yep."

After about thirty seconds, Correlshia was done looking. "I don't know what any of this is." "Fair enough. You are a dragon after all. I'll find something for you." Jake opened his menu up. There were a bunch of choices.

'What would a lava dragon want?'

[Most dragons like food that is spicy. They also like any type of fatty meat.]

'Ah, thanks.'

"I'm gonna get you sweet pepper bacon, with some fried eggs." "Okay." "I'll also get you some orange juice." "What is orange juice?" "You'll know soon enough." "Okay." "Anyway, I'm gonna test out my new features while we wait." "Okay."



Toggle HUD: Off

Toggle Dark mode: On

Toggle Assistant: On

Toggle Minimap: Off

Toggle Team HUD: Off

Toggle Allow companions to see your windows: On

Toggle Allow all to see windows: Off

Toggle Team use of status window: On


Jake switched on toggle HUD.

"Woah!" Jake was startled by the new things he saw. First, there was a red health bar down at the bottom left corner that had some demonic looking horns on the corners, under that was the blue mana bar, and under that was the green stamina bar. He also had a small plus shaped crosshair in the middle of his vision. At the bottom of his vision, there was a compass like line that told him what direction he was looking. Also, whenever he focused on someone, they would be highlighted by a faint white outline.

"I've got a cool HUD now." "A what?" "HUD, Heads Up Display." "What's it do?" You wanna see?" "Sure." But before Jake did anything, the woman came back. "Do you know what you would like to order?" "Yes, She'll have some Sweet pepper bacon with two fried eggs and a glass of orange juice, and she'll have some scrambled eggs with normal bacon with a glass of milk, and I'll have a plate of bacon with a glass of milk." "Alright. It will be out shortly." The woman had been writing what he had said on a notepad.

The woman walked away. "Alright Rena, so you wanna see the HUD?" "Yeah." "One second."


Toggle HUD: On

Toggle Dark mode: On

Toggle Assistant: On

Toggle Minimap: Off

Toggle Team HUD: Off

Toggle Allow companions to see your windows: On

Toggle Allow all to see windows: Off

Toggle Team use of status window: On


Jake enabled the team HUD. "Huh?!" Rena had the usual surprised reaction. "W-whats going on?! Theres stuff in my eyes!" "Woah woah! We're in a public place, quiet down!" "Sorry, but what is this?" "Its your info." "What's that mean?" "Down in the corner, the red is your health, the blue is your mana, the green is your stamina." "But that's crazy! Only otherworldly heroes have these!" "Well I'm not from this world."

"How about you Correlshia-" He looked over and saw Correlshia sitting there with wide eyes. "You there Correlshia?" "..." "Rena what's happening?!" "I'm pretty sure she's just more surprised than me." Jake started shaking Correlshia's shoulders "Huh? Am I seeing things. I seem to have something in my eye." "No, that's an HUD, it shows you your information." "Like?" "Your health, mana, and stamina." "You mean these things in the corner of my vision?" "Yes, those are indicators of your health mana and stamina." "But thats-"

"Hello, here's your food." The woman brought the food over to them. "Yay." "Thank you." "Food." And with that being said, the woman set the food down onto the table. "Enjoy."

Rena dug in immediately. You could tell just how much she loved eggs. "Lizardmen really love eggs huh?" "Definitely, eggs were regarded as a luxury food in my village." "Good to know." Correlshia had gotten over the initial shock of the HUD. She looked at the plate for a second before turning to Jake. "How do I eat this?" "With a fork?" "Fork?" "That four-pronged metal rod there."

"But it's more efficient to use my dragon claws." "Your what?" "Look-" Correlshia's arms suddenly morphed into red scaled, clawed, Dragon as. "MMMM, Could you put those away please?" "Why?" "People are usually scared of dragons, knowing that they're eating next to one would be quite the jarring experience." "Hmph, fine." Correlshia's arms went back to normal. Jake was relieved. "This will be harder, but will still work."

"Great, so you're gonna use the fo-" *CRACK* Suddenly, Correlshia's jaw unhinged. Jake's eyes went wide. Correlshia picked up an egg and lifted it into her now unhinged jaw. *POP* Her jaw popped back into place. *Chew* *Pop* *Chew* She chewed the egg, and was surprised when the yolk popped. "Did you just, unhinge your jaw?" "Yes? What else did it look like?" "I'm not from this world and even I know that that's impolite." *Gulp*

"Why is it impolite?" "Something about Dislocating a part of your body in front of people. Rena, this is considered impolite right?" "Yeah, that's why I don't do it." "Mmhmm see- Wait, you can do It too?!" "Yeah, wanna see?" "Not right now." "So how do you want me to eat this?" "With your fork. To be honest, I wouldn't mind if you used your hands." "Alright."

"So please, eat without causing a commotion." "Very well." "Thanks." "Anyway, Rena you still hungry?" "No." "Good. Anyway, how you liking your meal?" He looked over and saw that she had picked up an entire egg with her abnormally long tongue. "What are you-" *Pop*

The eggs yolk had popped right in front of Renas face and sprayed over her. She then put the egg in her mouth and ate it. "That was not pleasant." "Whatever, not my place to care." "That's mean." "You're the one who popped it next to your face. Anyway, I'm gonna try some if the other features." "Okay."


Toggle HUD: On

Toggle Dark mode: On

Toggle Assistant: On

Toggle Minimap: Off

Toggle Team HUD: On

Toggle Allow companions to see your windows: On

Toggle Allow all to see windows: Off

Toggle Team use of status window: On


Jake toggled the minimap on.

A small circle appeared in the top right of Jake's vision that was transparent until he focused on it. It was mostly black except for the shop hhe was in. He took the form if a small red arrow while Rena and Correlshia took the form of blue dots. He figured out he could zoom in and out if he wanted. He could zoom out very far. Anyone who was near him appeared as white dots.

But once he zoomed out far enough, he saw that there were two red dots far out. There was a legend at the bottom of the map, green is friendly, white is neutral, and red is hostile.

'Why are there two dots headed toward me?'

[If you focus on the dots, you can see what they are.]

'Oh, okay.'

Jake focused on the dots harder until a black square appeared above them. The box said, "Demon general half one "Smash"." Jake focused on the other one. "Demon general Half two "Zap"." Jake was confused. What did it mean half?

'What does it mean half?'

[I would assume it means to say that they are one being split in half. One half is for physical fighting, the other is for magic attacks.]


"Apparently there is a demon general headed toward us." *PFFFFF* Rena violently spat out her drink. "A what!?" "A demon general, apparently it's one that's two people." "You mean Smash and Zap?! They're headed over here?!" "Yeah, I'm using this cool new feature called a minimap. it's a little map in the top of my eye that acts like a map. It allows me to see people around me in the form of colored dots." "That's incredible, but theres more important things."

"There the weakest general, but they're still super strong." Let's go over to them and make them rethink this." "Okay, but you're gonna be the one who does all the fighting." "Naturally. Anyway, I'm gonna prepare something."

A few minutes later, they walked out of the restaurant after paying a silver. "Ah fuck, I forgot to get you guys ID's" "Oh yeah." "Let's get those on the way." "Alright." Jake was going to walk near the guild anyway, plus, this was a chance to fill in his map. After he got there, he walked in and this time it quieted down a bit. He walked up to the counter. There was a brown haired, green eyed woman there."Hey, I would like to get some ID's for my daughters." "Certainly, That will be twenty silvers." "Alright then, here it is."

"Please come with me." The woman said to Correlshia and Rena. "I would like to come with." "That would be fine." The woman lead them to a room next to the reception desk. She opened the door and ushered them in. Inside there were a few ID machines. "Please come over here." The woman lead Rena and Correlshia over to a machine next to the wall. "By the way, this information is not shared right?" "No, it is completely confidential. Also, would you like to get an updated license? We got new machines yesterday which include additional info." "Hmm, sounds good to me." "That will be an additional ten silvers."

"Here it is." He handed her the coins. "Alright, each of you need to put your hands into a machine, It will automatically give you a rank as well." Everyone went to a machine and inserted their hand. *Vhrrrr* After about thirty seconds, the machine spat out their cards. Jake automatically jumped up and grabbed Correlshia's before the receptionist could.

"Sir? I need to see that." "One second." Jake looked at the card. It was like his in the sense that it made a window pop up instead of them appearing on the card. He opened the stats and saw that it was exactly like his systems. It included the race.

"Sorry but I can't allow you to see this." "Why?" "It has some highly sensitive information on it." "Like what?" "Her race." "Is she not a lizardman?" "Let's go with that." "Its fine. Jake looked at the card again and saw that the face picture and ranking was fading in still. After a few more seconds, her face and ranking faded in. She was an SS+. "Alright, I'm going to grab mine."He walked over to his card.

So far only his name had faded in. "Can I see your card sir?" "No, I have information that would make people hunt me." "What!?" "Yeah. So, sorry, but no can do." "Very well." A few seconds later the picture of his face had faded in. "Yep, next." A few seconds after this, his ranking faded in. "X? What's X supposed to be?" "A-An X rank?!" "Yeah I know, I can kill the demon lord yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, what's X rank? I've got to hurry up, there's a calamity incoming."

"A-a what?" "Anyway, once you stop being measurable by letters, you get a special stat on your card called battle power. An X equals 100,000 battle power, There are no letters after that." "Oh, good to know. Anyway, I'll go stop the calamity now." "What do you mean!?" "Bya"

And with that, he brought Rena and Correlshia with him. "You guys ready to go stop impending doom?" "I'm going to watch." "Whatever, I'm going to take a nap." "Right-on. Anyway, let's go." Jake summoned his shield bubble. "Getchu rollin!" "What?" "Nothing."

Jake set off towards the exit. Once he got there he saw two different guards. There was a girl and a guy. "Heya, notice the demon general approaching?" The guy who looked sleepy looked over at him. "Heh, yeah." It was a few seconds later that he processed what Jake had said. "Wait, what?!" "Yeah, the demon general, Zap and Smash. They're over there in the distance." It was at this point that the other guard had heard what he had said.

"WHAT?! THERE'S A DEMON GENERAL?!" "Yep, you guys might wanna run." "OH GOD, RUUUN!" The two guards ran into the city and screamed to the men on the walls to close the gate. The gate started closing. "Well that was easy."

Jake looked into the distance and saw two small figures approaching. "Enhance ears"."

"Why'd those guys run? I wanted to cut them apart!" "Smash, your an oaf. We need to focus on staying hidden. If you've somehow forgotten, we're not here on the demon lords order. He may be a good demon lord, but he doesnt realize we need to attach settlements sometimes. Also, we get caught by Aishieka or Garreth, we're screwed." "Yeah yeah, you're such a buzzkill. Also, what's that guy doing?" "I'm not sure, but he has no magic energy exuding from him." "Guess I'll rip his head off first."

Smash's weapon shaped itself into a large spear. "I could use my aura or my (Demon lords authority)... but that would be boring. Let's scare some children." Smash sped up drastically. "HEY IDIOT, IM GONNA RIP YOUR DUMB GRAY HEAD OFF, HAHAHAHA!!!" Smash leapt high into the air, intending to split Jake in half with his spear. "AHAHAHA-HURK! What the hell!?"

Jake had grabbed his hand and ripped the spear out of it. "Wanna try again little man?" "Y-You can't hurt me! I'm basically a god!" Jake's Smile grew bigger. "I SMASHES YOU!" Jake said in an angry voice. Jake lifted up the kid by his arm and started smashing him on the ground. He would smash him back and fourth by lifting him over his head then smashing him on the other side. *SMASH* *BANG* *CRASH* *CRACK* *BOOM* *BANG* *BAM*

After about 20 seconds of this absolutely barbaric treatment, Jake ended it by smashing him into the ground so hard that he was stuck into the ground similar to Correlshia. "PUNY GOD!"

Zap was nearing him, and once he caught a glimpse of Smash, his eyes went wide. "Heya nerd, got any lunch money?" "Wh-what the hell!? Did you just beat smash in physical strength?!" "Yeah, it was a bit boring." Said Jake with his pinky finger in his ear. "H-how did you beat him?!" Jake cocked his head in a confused manner. "With my hands? To be honest, he was a lot weaker than Correlshia."

"C-Correlshia?! You don't mean the-the legendary dragon Correlshia, right?!" "Ah, that's the one! Thanks for reminding me." "Yeah right!" It was at this point that he shot an ice spike at Jake. Jake caught it midair and popped it into his mouth. *Crunch*

"Y-you monster, how are you so strong!?" "Magic." "But you have no magic exuding from you!" "Well yeah, I guess your right. I think my demonic aura hiding spell hid that too." "Wait, your what?!"

"Demonic aura, yknow, the purple aura we demons have?" "B-but I've never seen you before, surely you're not really a demon!" "Wanna see?" "Yes!" Jake deactivated his demonic aura hiding skill. "N-no, no w-way, THERES NO WAY YOUR AS STRONG AS THE DEMON LORD!" "Yknow, the first time I got that, I felt like a baller, but now it's just kind of annoying."

Zap's face had gone completely pale. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" Zap had collapsed to his knees and was looking up at the sky. "I didn't want to die so soon! Why god?! Couldn't you have let me see my family once more?!" "Two things, first, isn't saying oh God a taboo or something? Second, when did I say I would kill you?"

"Huh?" Zap looked at him with his tear-stained face. "Wh-what do you mean?" "I never said that I would kill you, if you agree to leave I'll let you go." "Someone as strong as you would have mercy on us?" "I'm only level thirty one." "B-but your as strong as if not stronger than the demon lord!" "If I'm being honest, I hate killing." "So you'll let us go?" "Yeah, I'm gonna ask you for some things in return though." "Anything!" "One, any money you have on you, two, a map on how to get to the demon lords castle."

"That's it?" "Yeah, I can't really think of anything else." "Alright then, I've got fourty golds on me." "That works." Jake walked over. "Give it." "Yeah." Zap gave Jake a coin bag. He popped it into his spatial container. He saw that he gained 41 golds, 10 silvers, and 50 coppers. "You have spatial magic?!" Jake canned his aura again. "I have every magic." Hearing this, Zap's eyes widened even more. "Anyway, here you go. Heal wounds."

Jake healed the Smash, who he had previously smashed into the ground. "Thanks Zap, what happened." Once he looked behind him, he saw that the one who had healed him was not in fact his sister Zap, but instead the man who had forced him to role-play as a plant. "Y-you! You humiliated me! How did Zap not kill you!?" He scrambled to his feet and glanced around. "You looking for this?"

Jake showed him the knife in his hand. "Y-yeah, give it here yeah?!" "I dunno, you made an extremely hurtful comment, I want an apology." "You dare to humiliate me more?!" "Yes. In fact, along with an apology, I want you to cover yourself in honey and feathers, then run around the streets squawking like a chicken." "YOU BASTARD!" "Smash, calm down! He's ridiculously strong, if he wanted to he could remove you head with one hand!" "Wh-What!?"

Smash's face drained of color. "N-no way! If you say that..." "Zap's right. Now, my apology." "I'm dearly sorry sir! It wont happen again! I will go cover myself in honey and feathers!" "Nono it's fine I was making a joke!" "Oh, okay." "Anyway, your cool weapon." "You really think?" "Yeah, anyway, just some advice, train your body strengthening magic more." "Okay."

"Anyway, get going." "But wait, where are your demonic features?" Asked Zap. "Oh, here I'll show you." Jake unhid his features. "Woahhhh... Those are the coolest wings ever!" "Yeah, there pretty cool." Said Smash while pretending not to care but still having an amazed look. "So you really have that many elements?" "What do you mean?" "The colors on your wings indicate what elements you have." "Huh. Where's you guy's wings. "Under our clothes." "Show me." "Okay." "W-wait, I can't!" "Why?" "I'm a girl" "Oh, sorry. I didn't know."

"Look at my wings, pretty nice eh?" His wings were black like a bats, and had tan energy flowing through them. "Pretty nice. Anyway, the city protectors are gonna be here soon. Go on git!" "Okay, bye" Jake hid his features once more.

"So when are they gonna get here?" Jake looked over at the bubble which he had moved over to beside the gate. He saw that Rena and Correlshia were talking. "Its Nice that they're getting along, I'll make it look like the battle was super intense. But what to use?" "Jake pondered it for a second. "Oh, that's it! Grenades."

Jake imagined a grenade with a dial to set the element. And just like that, he felt something fall into his hand. "I'm gonna name this spell "Create elemental grenade"." Jake created a few.

He threw two fire grenades, one ice, and one electric. *Creeeak* Jake looked backward and saw the gate opening. "About time." Jake muttered under his breath. "YAAAAAHHHH!" Jake saw a bunch of swords raised as the gate was lowering. "WE MAY DIE, BUT PUT YOUR ALL IN-" That's when they saw Jake standing near all the elemental craters.

"You there, citizen, where is the demon general?!" "I killed them." "What?!" "Yeah, they were pretty weak." "Theres no way you killed them!" It was at this point that a beautiful woman with pink hair that was tied in a ponytail walked forward from the crowd and up to Jake.

"Hey there big boy, you want to tell me what happened?"