The crash, the dragon, and some new features.

Jake had activated his Strengthen muscles spell and taken off in a full sprint. He was moving faster than U*ain bolt at around 60mph.

'I can almost see the dragon waifu!'

Jake was beyond excited about getting to see a classic fantasy move, Aka the dragon waifu. He almost forgot that Rena was on his shoulders. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH TOO FASSSSST!" Screamed Rena. "Oh fuck, sorry! I'll help!" Jake casted shield bubble on Rena and himself so that she wouldnt go flying off. They were now in a ball similar to a hamster ball, minus the rolling. *Phew Phew* "You scared me Jake! Why are you so excited?!" "You wouldnt understand, it's a me thing." "Is it the dragon?!" "..." "Why are you so excited about the dragon?!" "Rena, let me tell you something, I'm from another world, and where I'm from, worlds like these are only found in fiction books and such! Living in this world is like a dream for me!" Jake and Rena had been shouting because of how loud it was while he was running.

"Wait, so you're telling me you're like one of the heroes?!" "Yeah, pretty much!" "But that still doesn't explain why you're so excited about seeing a dragon!" "Well there's a few reasons! One, I love scales! Two, I also love horns! Three, who wouldnt want to see a dragon waifu?!" "Waifu?!" "Oh uh, you wouldn't know what that is, just ignore it!"

"Anyways, I gotta make this bubble less loud, I'll cast a sound dampening spell!" Jake imagined his bubble changing to silence. "That's better." "So what was your other world like?" "Almost completely devoid of mana, no huge beasts like dragons, and working is usually sitting in front of a colorful screen all day." "That sounds terrible!" "It wasn't all bad though, there were things to do after work for fun." "Like what? What could possibly make that bearable?" "Anime and media. There were these things called televisions that you would use a black rectangle on, and it would make the pictures change.

"I don't quite understand." "Here lemme show you." Jake imagined himself projecting whatever was on his mind in front of him as an illusion. He named this spell "Project thoughts". "Here see?" "Jake, what the hell?!" Jake looked backwards and saw that he was projecting an episode of anime where there was a dragon waifu. "Whoops, anyway, that's what I would watch everyday after work." "How was it fun?" "I would show you, but you might turn into an otaku like everyone else." "Otaku?" "It basically means obsessed with anime and such."

"I don't see how that could happen." "It happened to everyone else who watched it." "Who were they?" Jake realized that he had talked about the people living in his head without even thinking. "Crap, I can't tell you yet." "Why not?" "I dunno, just a second."

'Hey assistant, why cant I tell Rena?'

[You can.]

'Wait, what!? Since when?'

[A little while ago- Hey is this thing on!? Stop!]

'What's going on?'

[The demon is attempting to use me as a microphone- Heh hey Jakey, I'm using you're assistant as a microphone right now- FUCK OFF! *SPLAT*.]

'What the hell are you morons doing?'

[I punched the demons head off. He did not listen when I told him to go away. Also, you can bring your companions with you to this space once you reach level 30, I have only just learned this after a quick update yesterday, which was probably around two hours for you.]

'Who exactly makes those updates?'

[I am unsure, all I know is that they are nicknamed Admin Four.]

'Ah, okay. Anyway, I'm going now.

[Bye- Oh Jake, you're gonna leave without saying bye? Leave now! Oh cmon don't be so cold we just drank togeth- *SNAP* *BREAK* *SQUELCH* I warned you.]

'I'm just gonna go.'

"Anyway, I guess I can tell you." "Alright, what is it?" "Basically, I have a system that allows me to absorb special souls after killing the person with it. I can also see my stats and skills without a card." "W... WHAT!? I know that people with A tier strength can view their status, but souls!? You can absorb people's souls?!" "Yeah, I absorbed that shade hero guys soul." "That's mind boggling!" "Also, when I go to sleep, I go to a place with all the souls, including mine. Here I'll show you. "Project thoughts"."

Jake projected a memory of the place. "What the hell! This is crazy! Also, who's that one who has all the bony spikes and stuff?" "That's my soul." "But its so... Demonic!" "Yeah, I'm a demon. Funny how that works." Said Jake sarcastically. "Fair enough." "Anyways, how long do you think we have until we reach the mountain?" "Probably two and a half hours."

"Hmmm, I could try my wings?" "I dunno, will I be safe?" "Yeah, I'll just try to fly and see if it's faster that running." "Alright." "I'm gonna leave you in the bubble for this." Jake deactivated his hide features spell. He put mana into his wings, which responded with all the non white colored hexagons glowing their respective color. "3, 2, 1, GO!" *KRAKAZOOSH* Jake took off so fast that he made a crater. "HOOOOLLY SHIIIIT!" Jake screamed while hurtling up towards space.

Once he got high enough, it got black like night around him. There were weird black creatures gliding around. They were something straight out of a horror movie. They had thin, sticklike limbs, with blades on the ends. They also had gross leech-like faces with teeth sticking out of them. They were about as big as him. *SCREEEEECH* Once one of the creatures spotted him, it let out a deafening screech. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Jake was easily angered by unnecessarily loud noises.

"Boy, I'm gonna lay you out!" *SCREECH* Jake activated Strengthen muscles. He flew up to the grotesque creature. *Riiiiip* It ripped apart like paper in Jake's hands. The other creatures fled upon seeing this. "That's right you fucking grim reaper wannabes! Run!" Jake looked at the two halves of the creature in his hands. "Time to eat I guess. Let's hope your half as tasty as you are annoying."

Jake took a bite out of its head. It was quite strange. It felt like calamari to chew, but had small crunchy bits. It tasted like a mix between salmon and dust. "Not terrible to be honest." Jake finished half of it. "I'll bring Rena some."

Jake flew down and saw a crater about 10 feet across. It wasn't very deep but was still ridiculous considering that he had made it with only taking off. He saw that the green bubble was floating above the crater where he left it. "Hey Re- Oh never mind she cant hear me." Jake walked over to the bubble and entered. "What the hell was that Jake? You took off like an etherian boxing frog!" "A what? Anyway, I brought you some food."

Rena looked at his hand. "What the fuck..." "What'd I do?!" "You just brought that back like it's something normal." "What is it?" "That's a space ripper, an Insanely strong monster, not to mention that it's an alpha." "We they taste better than fire slime." "WHY DID YOU EAT IT?!" "Because I gain skills from things I eat." "Nooo..." "Yeah, that's why I ate the hat and the ring." "I'm not sure why I'm surprised, it was pretty obvious now that I think about it." "Anyway, you want some?" "No, The rocks found in their skin is completely toxic, they will kill you within seconds." "So that's what those were. They taste like dust." "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" "I have a special skill."

[New skills gained: (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality).]

'Oh yeah, I should check my status, Status!


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 29

Exp: 7043/12,000

Health: 48,000/48,000

Mana: 207,000/207,000

Stamina: 2,270/2,270

Strength: 125

Agility: 95

Dexterity: 110

Mind: 50

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 98/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


'Hey Lexi, what do (Rock eater) and (Alpha mentality) do?'

[Rock eater makes rocks and minerals edible and more appealing. Alpha mentality let's you overpower and command any creature, not including humans, below level 25.]


"Anyway, does this thing have a core?" "Yeah, most likely." "So is that a no though? Should I not cook this for you?" "Do you want to kill me?" "I'll take that as a no." Jake ate the rest of the creature, excluding the core. "You're a freak." "Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, this core is black, it reminds me of that shade hero guys core." "Wait, what?" "Yeah, I've got it here-" Jake said while pulling the heroes core out of his spatial container. "You took his core?" "Well yeah, it will probably be good for a weapon." "Fair enough." "Anyways, let's get going." "Okay."

Jake pumped mana into his wings once more. *ZWAKOOM* The bubble could be seen flying through the air at a ridiculous speed. "It'll probably take us around five minutes now." "Thanks for the info Rena."

A little while later Jake was very close to the mountain. *Huff Huff* "Holy crap, I might be ridiculously strong, but my wings can not take more!" "Are your wings exhausted?" "Yes! It feels like I've been using them for hours." "Interesting. Anyway, it may be a good idea to approach the mountain slowly. "Good ide-"

Ssuddenly, Jake's wings gave out. "Oh, oh no, this is not gonna be good." "Wait, what just happened Jake?" "Funny story, my wings just completely gave out." "That's really bad." "Brace for impact. Jake's bubble functioned in a way that let him toggle physics on it. He could deactivate physics, but Rena would most likely turn into red soup if she went flying into the wall of the bubble at this speed.

"Grab onto me Rena." "Okay." Rena grabbed around Jake's chest. Jake also grabbed Rena. *SPLAT* *SNAP* *CRACK* *SMASH* *Bam* The ball came hurtling down towards the mountain. As it hit the mountain, a small crack appeared on it, which was healed Immediately. The ball had hit something living which was instantly turned into modern art upon impact. But Jake was not exactly unharmed.

"Urrrgh." "Ow, my tail hurts." "Moys beribrink uraetd." Rena unburied her face from Jake's chest. "Are you alr- HOLY FUCK!" Rena had looked at Jake and seen that he was not exactly what a doctor would diagnose as good health.

His right arm looked like a childs drawing of a lightning bolt, both his legs were curved from pushing into the bubble at high speed. And his head looked like a deflating ball, with an eye hanging out. As for his wings, they looked kind of like folding fans. "Artues elrkay? Murms urets, irtrink mehads borak toh." "OH GOD, JAKE! ARE YOU GONNA BE GOOD?!" Rena had tears streaming from her eyes.

Suddenly, Jake's head started going back to normal. "Muh head got brokened, hurts lots. Thinks brain got squeezed." *Snap Pop Squelch Crack* Jake's arms and legs started moving back Into place. His wings started mending and unfolding. It was a grotesque sight. After about thirty seconds, his body was back in proper shape. "That was... Odd to say the least." "Goddamn you Jake! I thought you were gonna die!" "Me too."

"You scared me!" "I was scared too, basically what happened is, we hit the ground, I felt a blinding pain, Which stopped shortly after, then I smelled blood and cheesecake, after that one of my eyes stopped working, and the other one saw everything alternating between gray and pink. After that I healed up. Oh also, your tal and arm is broken." "Huh-" Upon hearing this, she looked down and saw her tail and left arm at weird angles. "AUUUGGGHH!"

This time around, the breaks hurt more than they did at the cafe. "Heal wounds." The breaks snapped themselves into place. "Thanks, anyway, what did we kill upon impact?" "Let's go see." Jake deactivated the shield bubble. When he got out he saw the trail the ball left. They had landed on a flat area, there was a huge crater where they had landed, and a few smaller craters where they had bounced.

In the first crater there was a large bloodstain, as well as a white scaly skin. "I have no idea what that is." "Well that's not good, guess ill ask Lexi." "Lexi?" "Shes like a guide, she knows a ridiculous amount if things." "Whatever, that's not the craziest thing I've heard, there are mages that are born with the divine assistant skill, although it hurts them or something.

'Hey Lexi, what's this creature I killed.

[That is a white mountain salamander. They are a variant of salamander.

'Thanks Lexi.'


"Apparently it's a white mountain salamander." "Never heard of it, although salamanders are usually D rank monsters." "Ah okay, Status!"


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 29

Exp: 10246/12,000

Health: 19,700/48,000

Mana: 205,000/207,000

Stamina: 2,270/2,270

Strength: 125

Agility: 95

Dexterity: 110

Mind: 50

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 98/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


"I'm at low health." "Sounds plausible, after all you just got splattered like an animal off a cliff." "Yep. Anyway, let's set off." "Are your wings working now?" "Yep, let's head up to the mountain." "Alright, also, can you make it less deadly inside your bubble?" "Sounds like a good idea. Jake imagined the bubble being soft and cushioned inside. "Shield bubble." *Zwip* The bubble appeared over them once more. "3, 2, 1, LIFTOFF!" *FWEEENKRKAPOW*

Jake shot off the ground like a bullet, it took him ten seconds to get to the top. It was flat and had a massive hole in the middle. "So is this a volcano or...?" "I'm not sure, all I know is that the dragon supposedly lives here." "Well, guess we're gonna go in, I'm sure we've also completed the quest." "Wait that might no-" But Jake was already going down the hole by the time she had started. "If you could maybe just listen for once, it would be nice." "Sorry, gotta go fast!"

As Jake went farther down, there was more red light. Once he got to the bottom it opened into a giant space, bigger than a stadium. There was lava running along the walls and a few pools. Jake turned off physics on his bubble. "I'm gonna go look around." "Okay then."

Jake exited the bubble. He looked around for the dragon, but didn't see it anywhere. "Ohhhhh Correlshia!" Jake said in a sing song voice. "..." "I halfway thought that would work." *Sploosh Sizzle* Suddenly, a large red dragon head emerged from a lava curtain and looked around with tired eyes. "Ah, there you are!"

'I'm not sure how I just realized this, but I need a spell to fireproof myself.'

Jake imagined his skin being bathed in things like, fire, lava, napalm, then being completely fine. He made it transfer to his clothes too. He named it "Fireproof". The dragon looked around for a bit before it spotted Jake. *Random loud gibberish* "Ah crap, I can't understand you. I'll make a spell. He imagined a dog barking and it being translated into English, and his English being converted to dog. He named this, "Universal translator".

'Goddammit, being able to create spells whenever is the fucking best!'

"Why do these weak creatures keep trying to steal my treasures?! They should learn their place! Although, I am quite tired... I'll tell them to leave so that I can get back to my bath, I'm still covered in blood." Suddenly, the dragon switched to English. "Leave my home, I will kill you if you don't comply!" "Oh? But I just wanted to say hi! What a buzzkill!" Jake was across the space from the dragon. "Very well, die like an idiot!" *PLOOOOSH*

A huge stream of lava sped toward him. Upon hitting him, he let out a scream. "AUUUUGGGHHH MY FLESH, IT BURNS! AHHH!" "Stupid creature, what did you think would happen? I am the legendary dragon Correlshia, sister of the legendary dragon Paxus! Now perish!" "AHHHHHhhhh, oh wait, nevermind, I'm fine. "What! How are you alive?!" "Because I didnt die obviously! Pfff, idiot." Jake said playfully. "How dare you call me an idiot?! I will rip you apart!" "Oh really? Try it."

The dragon jumped out of the lava and took to the air. "Oh my god! You're covered in blood!" "W-what?! I just washed myself!" If the dragon could, its cheeks would probably have turned red. "PFFFF!" Jake could barely hold in his laughter. "I can't believe you would fight me while you're covered in blood like that! It's just so disrespectful!" "I-I was just washing myself! You interrupted!" "Oh my, now you're trying to tempt me with your body!? This is much too much for me!" Jake said while putting the back of his hand over his eyes in false shock.

It was at this point that Correlshia realized Jake was screwing with her. "YOU BASTARD! I'LL RIP YOU APART!" "Come at me then, you dirty dragon!" "SH-SHUT UP!" The dragon rushed at him, only for him to bash her downward with both hands in a mace like manner. "URRKH!" The dragon went flying downwards. Jake activated telepathy. 'Did you see that shit Rena?!' 'Huh? Oh, yeah. That's pretty disrespectful to her though.' 'Not my problem. Besides, don't I need to weaken her to get her into her human form?' 'Yes, once you deal a nearly fatal blow, she will transform.' 'Alright, got it.'

Jake deactivated telepathy. "Hey Correlhsia, I wanna see your human form, is that okay?" "Ullggghh." "You okay?" Jake said with a hint of concern. He flew down to Correlshia and his his wings. She was dazed. "Hey, you need some cold water? Should I tell the ref to call the match off?" The dragon came to and leapt back. "YOU GOT LUCKY! PREPARE TO DIE!" The dragon started running at him on all four legs.

Upon reaching him, she swiped at him, which he easily dodged. "How was that luck?! I clearly 1-hit KO'd you!" "DIE DIE DIE!" "I think you need to cool down." Jake blasted her with his Water Cutter at lower power, around the level of a fire truck. "PLLLBBBTT, WHERE DID THIS WATER COME FROM!?" "Me, obviously." "YOURE GONNA DIIIEEE!" The dragons eyes went red. "HIIIRRRRAAAAGGHHH!!!" "Holy crap, I didn't expect you to be this roid ragey!"

"I didn't want to hit you again, buuuut-" Jake vanished from his spot leaving a small shockwave in the air where he was. He appeared above the dragons head. "Nothing personal kid." Jake said into the dragons ear before axe-kicking her head into the ground. *BLEGH* The dragons head shot down. After this there was a large *Poof* of smoke.

Laying there planted firmly in the ground, was a girl with long red hair that had orange and yellow coming from the ends, as if it was fire raising up. She had some black horns with red orange and yellow patterns on it sticking back that protruded from a bit above her forehead. She also had a red scaly tail with spines along the top. And lastly, she had some black tattoos scattered around her body that were shaped like flames. She was laying facedown in front of Jake.

"You've got to be kidding, a fucking loli? Out of all the dragon waifus you could take after, you take after goddamn Lef*cios?! Goddamnit, I cant ogle you without feeling guilty now!" Jake was having a bad time. "This sucks. I thought I would get a mature dragon waifu like Tom*e." Atfter about two minutes, Correlshia started stirring. "Urgghhh, my head, what happened?" She pulled her face out of the ground. "Heya." "Ahh! Wh-what did you do?!" Correlshia had a very anime-esque voice. "I beat your ass." "You mean to say that you bested me, Correlshia in combat?!" "Well yeah, I don't see anyone else around here.

It felt weird talking to someone who was laying in front of you naked while you were towering over them. "So, you want to uh, get up?" "Huh? Oh uh, yeah! I was about to do that anyway!" The dragon said with insolence. "Right, anyways, you need a hand?" "Curse you!" The dragon yelled. Correlshia began wiggling until she got her right hand out which she used to push herself. "HRRRNG!" "Pffff, Hahaha!" "Curse you you insolent human! I'll rip your arms off and shove them up your anus!"

"Jesus christ, you're rather vulgar huh?" A few seconds later, the girl had succeeded in getting out of the ground. "Prepare to die peasant!" "Did you you just call me a peasant?!" Said Jake while laughing hysterically. "Die!" Correlshia ran at him with her hands raised. "Woah woah, put some clothes on!" Said Jake while bent over, crying from laughter. The dragon ran at him and tried to punch him, and ended up breaking her hand. "OWWW!"

The dragan dropped into the fetal position holding her hand. "Why cant I beat a simple human?!" She started crying. "Ah crap, now I feel like an asshole... Hey uh, I'm sorry for laughing so much, if that makes you feel any better. I can heal your hand, if you'd like." "No! Just go away! You've already ruined my day throughly enough!" She sobbed.

"I was planning on taking a nap because my eyes hurt from crying already, and you had to make my day worse!" The legendary dragon started crying harder. Jake sat down. "Hey look, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had problems of you're own. I didn't mean to make your day worse." "So are you going to kill me?! Just to put the bow on this day?!"

"Nono! I'm not a bad guy I promise! I just love dragons and I heard you were nearby." "So are you going to enslave me?! Make me do deplorable things?!" She asked, still sobbing. "No, I'm not a scumbag." "So what is it then?! Money?! Bragging rights?!" "No, I just wanted to say hi!" The dragon girl switched to dragon tongue. "He's obviously lying, all human are terrible! First mom and dad, and now me?! What have we ever done?! We try to keep to ourselves, yet they try to hunt us?!"

"What happened to your parents?" She looked up from her hands. "H-how can you speak the dragon tongue?!" "I've got a spell." "So what If something happened?! Why do you want to know?!" "Because I'd feel guilty if I left you without trying to help." "Why? You're just a human, all humans hat the other races!" "I'm not a human." "Huh?" She looked up at Jake with her orange reptilian eyes that were red and puffy from crying. "What do you mean you're not a human?" "I'm a demon."

"So you're going to use me as a disposable plaything like mom?!" The girls face transformed into a terrified one. "No, what the fuck!? I already said I'm not a bad guy!" "But mom said all demons were bad!" "A lot of them are, but I'm different. Also, what do you mean like your mom?" "The demons captured my mom and when the other dragons found her... They used her even after..." Her face screwed up even more. "Oh god, that's fucked up beyond belief! You poor child!" Jake actually started to cry a bit.

He grabbed the dragon and pulled her into an embrace. "Oh my god, you shouldn't have to think about these things! This is incomprehensibly wrong!" Correlshia was surprised by this outburst, but realized it was a friendly gesture. She eventually gave in and buried her head in Jake's chest, sobbing.

About two minutes later, she stopped crying. "Why do you care so much?" Asked Correlshia. "I'm from another world, in my world, there are only humans. Theres no dragons or salamanders or huge wolves, only small, manaless creatures. And the world has no mana, so most humans will die from a single stab wound if they don't get help immediately. In my world, having sex with children is completely illegal, and everyone will think of you as a disgusting waste of space. There are no adventurers or monster slayers, only humans with boring jobs. And the only wars are between humans about dumb things like oil, or minerals, or words, or other dumb shit. In my world, the very thought of a woman being raped and killed is enough to make most people feel queasy.

Jake told the dragon about earth, and how it was much less chaotic. "I wish I lived in that world, if I did, mom and dad would still be here." Said the girl in a shaky voice. "But unfortunately, I can't resurrect the dead, I think."

'Hey Lexi, can I resurrect the dead?'

[Yes and no, If you resurrect them ten seconds after they die, yes, but any longer after that and they'll just be resurrected as a soulless zombie, although there are special ways to bring them back, they are forbidden spells, and incredibly dangerous. Necromancy is heavily looked down upon in this world.]

"I can only resurrect people ten seconds after they die." "But necromancy is illegal." "Well yes, but I mean as living people." "That's incredible!" "It is." "Thank you for caring sir, it helped a lot." The dragon girls eyes were swollen red from crying. "Heal wounds." Jake healed Correlshia's wounds. "Thanks, my hand was hurting." "Alright, I'm gonna get up now-" "NO, er, no. Stay like this for a bit longer. Please." "Alright." Jake started rubbing her head.

A few seconds later, Jake remembered Rena. He decided to bring her over to say hi. *Swish* When he brought the orb over, he saw that Rena was grooming her tail. He opened a door on the side of the orb. "Hey Correlshia, this is my adoptive daughter, Rena." Rena looked up from her tail and saw the doorway. "Oh hi, you done leaving me behind now?" "Yeah, sorry. But Correlshia has some problems that I figured I would help with." "I didn't expect her to be this small, she looks as young as me." "Well yeah, I'm only seventy."

"Anyways, you good now?" "Yeah, I feel less sad now." "Great." "Hey Jake, I'm kind of hungry." "Okay. Hey Correlshia, you want to go get some food?" "Food? Oh yeah, I am quite hungry..." "Alright then, that's settled. Let's go get food." "I want eggs!" "I know you do, what do you want Correlshia?" "I'm not sure, usually I just eat whatever I find." "Hmmm, I'll find something. Do you want to take your treasure with you?" "It was stolen when I was out at mom and dads funeral." "Well that sucks, got anything you want to bring?" "All I have are some colorful rocks hidden in the lava." "Would you like to take them with you?" "I guess."

Correlshia got up and walked over to the lava curtain. "Hey, uh, Correlshia, you're pretty weakened right now, are you sure that's a good idea-" Correlshia dove into the lava curtain. "Nevermind I guess." About 30 seconds later, the dragon girl emerged, holding a bunch of gems in her arms and mouth. "Why are you using your mouth to hold them?" "Because they feel nice to put in your mouth." "Okay then."

Once she was right in front of him, she spit the gems out and handed them to him. He counted them, there were 10 diamonds, 14 rubies, 18 sapphires, 7 emeralds, and 1 large diamond. "Where did you find all these?" "When I was bathing. Sometimes they get in between my claws, so I pluck them out. They feel quite nice on my tongue, so I keep them." "Noted. Anyway, I'll store these." Jake tossed the gems into his storage.

"Before we go anywhere, you need some clothes." "Why? Is there something wrong with my body?" "Yes and no, walking around naked is generally looked down upon in society." "Why?" "Because, genitalia is usually not something people like their kids seeing." "Why?" "MMMMMM, Child, listen, I don't make the rules. Anyway, I'll make you some clothes now."

Jake imagined a large red hoodie with sleeves for horns in the hood. He imagined it with a pocket on the front. And lastly, he imagined it with strings to pull to tighten the hood. He opened his eyes and saw the hoodie in his hands. "hey Rena, what did that look like from your perspective?" "Well you stood there for about 10 seconds until the shirt appeared above you hands at which point you opened your eyes." "Huh, anyway here's a shirt for you." "Woah! That was cool! Make something else." "I was planning on it." Jake handed her the hoodie, and then got to work on making some pants and underwear. He imagined a pair of gray sweatpants and some white underwear.

"Here you go, some pants and such." How do I wear this?" "I forgot you've never worn clothes... Alright, so your legs go here-" Jake showed her how to wear the clothes. "Oh also, why are you considered a legendary dragon if you're only seventy?" "I'm not sure, it probably has something to do with how I killed a bunch of guys that tried to kill me fourty-something years ago." "Oh, that makes sense."

After this, Jake walked over to the shield bubble. "Milady-" He bowed like he was a butler inviting a rich woman into a car. "Hmm?" The dragon girl cocked her head." "It means get in." "Oh, okay." Correlshia walked up to the bubble and climbed in, then yawned. "Egg time!" "Yes, we will get you some eggs Rena." Jake hopped into the bubble after the other two. Once he got in, he saw that Correlshia was already asleep. *ZWAKOOM*

Jake took off upwards out of the hole. He was surprised that Correlshia wasn't woken up by him taking off. "Sound sleeper eh?" Even though the bubble was soundproof, him taking off was still audible inside the bubble for some reason. Maybe because he was inside? Anyways, moving on.

Jake had reached the top when he saw it. The last level he needed! It was another white salamander. "Looks like I'm going to reach level thirty today." "Hmm?" Jake stopped the bubble and got out. "Well hey there big lizard, you wanna fight?" *Skrek* "I'll take it as a yes. Time to go anime style on yo stupid lizard ass." *Zwing* In a second, Jake had moved so fast it appeared as if he teleported, appeared above the salamander, then axe-kicked its head into red mist. "Time to eat." Jake ate the lizard in about minute, then cleaned himself with blood magic.

[New skills gained: (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts).]

[New features gained, check them out in the status tab.]



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 31

Exp: 1265/15,000

Health: 50,000/50,000

Mana: 210,000/210,000

Stamina: 2,300/2,300

Strength: 130

Agility: 100

Dexterity: 120

Mind: 50

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Hell yeah! I got the companions tab!" "The what?" "To be honest, I don't know, I just assume it'll let me see your info." "Wait, that's a bit of an invasion of privacy." "Nah, anyway, trying it out."

'Hey Lexi, how do I use the companion tab?'

[Click the words on your status.]

'Huh, okay. Thanks Lexi.'

Jake reached out and pressed the button. Another window appeared in place of the status.



Slot 1 empty

Slot 2 empty

Slot 3 empty

Slot 4 empty

Next slot locked


Jake walked away from the screen and over to the bubble. "What's wrong Jake?" "It says I don't have any companions." "What does?" "This little I can bring up by pressing a button that says companions on my status page." "Am i not your companion?" "I dunno, lemme see."

'How do I get Rena as a companion?'

[Think, "Add companion" while looking at and in front of the person.]

'Sounds simple enough.'

'Add companion!'

A few seconds passed. "Waughh!" Rena was frightened by something and fell backwards. "What's that!?" Asked Rena while pointing at the air. "What's what? Did a window pop up?" xl"Yes, actually. It says, User Jake of the Soulpower system would like to add you as a companion, do you accept?" "Cool! Maybe say accept?" "Okay then. Accept."

[User Jake, Companion, Rena Waterstone has been added to your party.]

"It says that I'm in your party now." "Yeah, I got a window saying you joined." "So what happens now?" "I'll look at the tab again." Jake pulled up the companions tab.



Rena Waterstone


Slot 2 empty

Slot 3 empty

Slot 4 empty

Next slot locked

[Settings] [Help]


"Is says that I can look at your info." "W-wait, thats personal info!" "Would you like to look at mine?" "Well I guess..."

'Is there a way to show her my stats?'

[You can let her see your windows by enabling a setting in the settings tab.]

'Good to know.'

Jake clicked on the settings tab.


Toggle HUD: Off

Toggle Dark mode: On

Toggle Assistant: On

Toggle Minimap: Off

Toggle Team HUD: Off

Toggle Allow companions to see your windows: Off

Toggle Allow all to see windows: Off

Toggle Team use of status window: On


"Hooooly shit, this is awesome!" Jake was beyond excited. "What is it?" "I've got a ton of new settings now." "Settings?" "New thing that can help me, it's kind of hard to explain. "Okay." "Oh also, try saying, Status!" "Okay, Status! Ahh!" Before her was her stats, on a panel.


Name: Rena

Race: Lizardman of the forest

Class: Fighter

Level: 12

Exp: 37/500

Health: 500/500

Mana: 300/300

Stamina: 145/145

Strength: 45

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 30

Mind: 35

Intelligence: 45

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Last ditch strike), (Tail regeneration), (Scale growth), (Crushing jaw), (Night vision).

Titles: (Innocent), (Persecuted), (Companion of The Soulpower systems user.), (Last survivor of the forest genocide).


"What is this?" "Its your stats." "Well yes, but this is crazy! I have a floating window in front of me." "Wait, what's that at the bottom? Titles? You also have a class?"

"Yeah, everyone has titles, don't you?" "No look-" Jake toggled the setting to let teammates see his windows then brought up his status. "Wh-what the hell?! I knew you were strong but this is fucking insane! You could kill a demon king if you wanted!" "Yeah, I know my stats are ridiculous, anyway, what is the forest genocide?" "It was the mass genocide of my village, only a few were spared." "And I'm guessing they were sold into slavery?" "Spot on."

"Anyway, let's go get lunch." "Yeah. Eggs sound pretty nice." "Breakfast day it is."