Making the soul comply, new gear, and some guild stuff.

"User Jake has absorbed this soul, Now it is up to me to make it comply." "So, what? Like, torture?" "That is an option." "Hey, soul dude, you awake?"

'What's going on? Who's talking to me?'

"Do you think he's awake?" "I would assume so." "Hey, shadow guy, maybe try opening your eyes?"

'Wait, are my eyes closed?'

The hero tried opening his eyes, and it worked. All around him was black void. There were a few things about. First, there was a shelf with what looked like colorful books, second, there was a large black rectangle with a couch a few feet away, third there was a large white box.

"Wh-where am I?" "Oh hey, your able to talk now. "Hello soul, you have been absorbed by Jake, I will now make you comply one way or another you will lend Jake your power when he needs it." "What the hell is this? What do you mean absorbed?" "I will explain, you have a special soul, Jake has killed you and absorbed your soul. It is my job to make you comply by any means nessicary." "Oh god, are you gonna torture me?" "Although that is an option, it is much better if you comply willingly."

'Goddammit, I said if I got a second chance I wouldnt waste it... And I owe the guy... Guess I have to.'

"I'll comply." "Really? Wow this guy's a pushover." "No, he most likely realized that he has no choice." "Still, what a pushover." "Why can I hear but not not see you?" "Oh yeah, let me fix that." The hero heard fwoosh sound and them he saw two people. One of them was a purple haired woman with a suit of some sort and glasses, and the other one was a demon of some sort.

"So uh, guess your stuck here with us for now?" "D-demon!" "No shit sherlock, how'd you figure that out? Anyway, I'm gonna go read some manga." "Are you not going to torture me?" "Nope, you already complied, it's not like I'm a sadist." "Oh... That's good." "You wanna fight me in Ge*rs of war?

"What's that? Some type of gladiatorial arena game?" "Nope. Here, come with me." The cage door opened and then the demon walked over to the couch. "Why are you letting me out? Didn't I stab the girl?" "Well I have a few reasons, one, I want to get back at him for punching me in the face, two, I want someone who's not a living computer to play against." "I still dont trust you, you look like a demon." "Take a look in the mirror bud, you're not much better."

After saying this, the demon summoned a mirror. The hero looked at the mirror. He was naked, and he was now a 3D transparent shadow figure. "What the hell am I?" "I have the answer to that. You have a special soul, and Jake absorbed you into the system. Your soul was different than usual, which gave you highly accelerated stat growth and made you especially fluent with shadow magic. Additionally, you are unable to harm us, and if you bear ill will towards us, we will be notified."

"Oh... Okay then, that's a bit confusing but I think I get it, basically, since I had a special soul, i became a hero and my soul was good at shadow magic, and that's why I specialized in it?" "That is mostly accurate." "Okay... Can I give myself a face or something?" "I believe so, just imagine yourself with one." "Okay then..." The hero imagined himself with his face and hair.

He looked at the mirror again and saw that his hair and face were back. "Anyways, now that that's done, wanna come play?" "Very well."

Back to Jake POV.

After he confirmed the decision to absorb the soul, the hero's soul was pulled into a black orb-like object which disappeared shortly after. Left in place was a small grey skull with a black aura that kept repeating a few sentences. "Kill them." "Look at their guts!" "Play with their guts!" "Torment them!" "I wonder what they look like inside!" "Open them up like an animal"

"What the hell is this?" The skull looked at Jake. "Oh meeee? I'm just a widdle skully, who looooves guts! One of the bigshots at the church asked me to share my love of guts with the hero, kid hated killing people. But me being the nice guy I am, I helped him out! Arent I the best?! Anyway, where is the kid?" "I ate him alive." "Woah! Really?!" "Yep, I started with the arms, then the legs, then the head." Jake was trying to scare this skull thing, but ended up feeling guilty again. "Thats... That's... That's AWESOME! The kid never had the guts to do that, but you, you, you did it and then bragged about it! You so cool! I'm sure you wouldn't mind if a little guy like me stayed in your head?" "Actually, I had a different idea." "What's that idea?" "I thought I might just eat you instead." "Haha your funny! Your joking, right!? Right? Wait, your not serious right?!"

Jake grabbed the skull in between his index finger and thumb. "I wonder how you taste." "No! Noooo! NOOOO!" *Chomp* *Squish Squish* "mmph mmph mmmph!" *Gulp* "So that's why the kid was like that... Goddmmit! now I feel even worse knowing that he was basically possessed!"

[Skills gained: (Mind corruption).]

'Damn, that sounds evil as fuck. Status!'


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 26

Exp: 477/9,000

Health: 42,000/42,000

Mana: 205,000/205,000

Stamina: 2,200/2,200

Strength: 120

Agility: 90

Dexterity: 100

Mind: 45

Intelligence: 50

Sanity: 60/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


"Alright Well that's over now. I'm gonna go check on Rena." Jake walked over to Rena. He had set her against the wall of the alley. He shook Rena's shoulder lightly. "Hey Rena you there?" Rena was still unconscious. "Ah damn, that must've sucked. I'll get you some clothes while youre out." Jake picked Rena up In a princess carry. Jake walked over to the clothes shop after throwing the torso behind some barrels.

*Ring Ring* "Hello there young man, what do you need today?" A feminine voice met his ears. Je looked over and saw a middle aged woman with dark orange hair at a wooden counter. "Oh hi, I need some new clothes." "I can see that, there bloody and ripped. Did you get in a fight or something?" "Jake realized he was covered in blood and bits still. "Oh uh, yeah I just got in a fight. Gimmie a second." Jake used his blood magic to take the viscera off of his body.

"That's quite impressive." "Anyways, I would like some clothes for me and my daughter." Jake walked over to the counter with Rena still in his hands. "Alright, do you know what your daughter would like?" "I believe she wants a teal blue dress. Please make it suitable to move quickly in." "Alright." The woman had taken out a notepad and began writing. "And I would like a dark green shirt and gray pants." "Seems simple enough." "Alright, also, do you know where I can get some gear? Armor and such?" "Well it's a store called "The iron mallet" and it's a bit down the left side of the street." "Ah thanks." "I'll go get your clothes right now." "Okay then." The woman went into a door behind the counter.

A few minutes later the woman emerged with the clothes. Jake got a green tee shirt and grey pants, while Rena got a teal dress that had some stitching of a flower pattern. "Thanks, these are quite nice." "No problem, I'll give you a discount because your a demon too." "Mmhmm- Wait, hold the fucking phone! How did you know that?!" "Well for one, you were covered in blood when you walked in. Two, there were blood curdling screams from outside about you being a demon. I assumed you were a demon like me." "But I casted a spell to-" Then Jake realized his mistake, he had only casted the spell to the alley, but that had included the shop.

"Goddamnit, I screwed up." "Nah its fine, what type of demon are you anyway?" "I dont know yet, they haven't come in yet." The woman looked at him with a puzzled expression. "That's odd, your features usually come inn at a young age." "Is that so... Anyway, what kind of demon are you?" "I'm an arm demon, I use them to make clothes, although I usually hide them under gloves and such." "Cant you hide them with magic?" "No, I haven't learned any transformation or illusion magic. I dont have an affinity for either."

"Isn't there enchanted items?" "Well yes, but there too expensive." "Ah that makes sense."

'Hey assistant, you said I could make items right?'

[Yes, you can. Although its considerably more draining than if you were to enchant an item.]

'How do I enchant items?'

[A quick explanation: Channel concentrated mana through your fingertip, and draw the symbol corresponding to the enchantment. The symbol will vary, example: an fireball enchantment is a spiky circle, similar to a sun in a childs drawing, but if you add a circle to one side, it will be stronger. The more complex and powerful the enchantmen, the harder it is to create, although anybody can use an enchanted item once its created because the item uses the mana stored, although if you want the object to be stronger you need to add a core of some type.]

'Sounds simple enough.'

"I can probably make something for you in return for you not telling." "I'm seriously doubtful that you're strong enough to do something like that, I mean, you haven't got enough demon energy to see." "Oh that? That's because of a spell I made." "What do you mean? Are you super strong or something?" "I'm as strong as the demon lord." Said Jake with a completely straight face.

The woman let out a small chuckle. "Riiight, because someone that strong would be in a human kingdom, not killing everyone." "You want me to show you my demon aura, or my demon lord aura?" The woman squinted. "Your demon aura." "Alright then." Jake lifted the spell. The womans face drained of color. "N-no way, your really as strong..." Jake put the spell back on.

*Crash* *Stomp stomp stomp*

"MARIA! THE DEMON LORDS HERE TO KILL USSSSS!" Screamed a man's voice from a doorway that lead to some stairs. A few seconds later a 9 ft man emerged from the stairs with flaming armor on, or was it part of him? Anyways, the man was carrying a giant sword with a dark purple hilt that had a red eye with a black line for a pupil slotted into it. The man had black hair with a groomed black beard. "You bastard! I wont let you take her! It was her decision to leave the army!" "Woah there big guy, hold on-" *FWOOSH*

The man swung the sword at Jake at the speed of a racecar. Jake grabbed and stopped it with his hand that he had used "Strengthen muscles" on. The sword then lit on fire. "I'll kill you!" Jake Still had Rena in his hands, so it was awkward to move around. "Cool down you buffoon!" Jake jumped up and punched the man in the face which sent him flying back. "Run Maria! Hes too strong!" *Sigh* "If you had listened to this man you would have heard that he isnt here for the demon lord or the demon lord himself." "Wait, so you're not here to kill Maria?"

Jake pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, I'm not." "Oh, well in that case, sorry." Sid the man while rubbing the back of his head. The mans armor shrunk into him while the man shrunk as well. "I'm sorry, me and Maria left the demon fourty lord years ago. I thought he was here to get rid of loose ends." "That makes sense. Anyway, like I was saying, I can probably make you something for your arms." "But why?" "Well I kind of feel guilty for killing that guy back in the alley, he didn't even get a hit off."

"Who was he?" "The hero of shade." "Hmmm, I dont remember him, he must've been a lowdown hero." "I dunno, anyway, do you have an accessory I can enchant?" "Hmmm..." The woman went upstairs. She was up there for somewhere around 30 seconds. Once Maria came downstairs, she was holding something. "I found this lying around. Will it work?" "Let's see." Jake took the item, it was a hair clip, made of some black stone and purple gems.

"I got that from one of the demon higher ups when I was serving. I used to be something of a bigshot myself" Maria said proudly. "Nice, why'd you leave?" Asked Jake while examining the hair clip in one hand with Rena in the other. "I was tired of pillaging stuff, wanted to get away from it. And hey, now I have a nice shop." "Did this guy share your sentiment?" "Yeah, he was bored of meaningless killing, so he came with me." "Anyway, moving on, I can use this clip for it." "Alright, show me what you can do." "Right-o."

'Hey assistant, what's the symbol I would use for body alteration magic?'

[It would be this symbol, with this shape here.]

An image of a symbol that resembled a double helix with rounded ends.

[If you want the spell to alter the arms you need to move this rung here, and add one a bit below it. After that, you need to add a command to change upon wearing and taking off.]

It was a very complex process, but once Jake had learned how to so it he began working on the hair clip. It took him around seven minutes to do and by the end he had sweat dripping off his brow. "Whew, finished."

[New skill gained, (Lesser enchanting proficiency).]



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 26

Exp: 543/9,000

Health: 42,000/42,000

Mana: 200,120/205,000

Stamina: 2,200/2,200

Strength: 120

Agility: 90

Dexterity: 100

Mind: 45

Intelligence: 50

Sanity: 79/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


"Here try it out." "Alright then." Maria took off her gloves and rolled up her sleeves. Her arms were light red and looked as if they were bone. The fingers had long, retractable claws and were pointed at the tip. They were quite nice in Jake's opinion. The woman put th hair clip on, and to her surprise, her arms turned the color as the rest of her skin, and her hands turned normal.

"This is... This is... Incredible! You just created these out of nowhere! You can just take the clothes for free! Do you see this Daxus?! I've got normal arms!" "This is amazing! Now we can go out and hold hands and stuff like a normal couple!" "Oh, you flirt! Here lets go!" And then the two demons ran out. "Well that was nice. I guess I can just change in here."

Jake started undressing In the middle of the store. He had set Rena down next to him. "I look like a fucking nonse right now." Muttered Jake. Jake set the clothes in a pile next to him. As he started putting the shirt on something rather, embarrassing happened. "Damn it all! I forgot to grab shoes in my has-" Maria came running back in barefoot, when she saw Jake.

He was only wearing some dark blue boxer briefs. He had a well chiseled body, with a well defined six-pack. "Hey, uh, what are you doing in my shop?" Jake's face went red. "Oh uh, yeah, I was changing." "I can tell." So, um, you mind looking away?" "Sure, I'll look away from the man who's undressed in my store." "I'm sorry okay? I thought you weren't gonna come back!" The woman pinched the bridge of her nose. "Whatever, just get dressed." "Mmhmm, will do."

With that being said, Jake quickly put his shirt and pants on. After that he picked Rena up in a princess carry once more. "Alright, well then, have a good night Maria." "Yep, come again sometime." After this, Jake left the shop. Rena was still sleeping but this time, she was sleeping while lightly snoring. "An inn, an inn... Ah, theres one!" Jake spotted what he assumed to be an inn to the right of him. It's name was "Beer and beds".

Jake walked up to the door, which was a wooden door with metal hinges. *Creeeak* There were a few people dancing, as well as people drinking. There was a musician playing next to the fireplace. Jake looked at the reception desk then walked over. "Hey, uh, can I get a room for me and my daughter?" "Yeah, that'll be fifty coppers." Said the young looking man in a bored tone. "Yep, here." Jake the man the money. "Hey kid, you sound bored, wanna see something cool?" Asked Jake. "Hmm? Yeah sure." "Watch this. Stick out your hand." "Mkay?" The man put his hand out open palmed.

"Elemental arena." Jake dropped the spider o to the mans hand. The man gasped and swatted it in surprise. "Woah, what was that!?" "Magic." "Well yeah, but how did you do it so easily!" "Wanna see something even cooler?" "Hell yeah!" "Stick out your hand again." "Alright." "Elemental Arena" Jake dropped the tiger, wolf, and snake into his hand. "Whaaaaaaaat? You're so cool!" "Mmhmm, I know. Anyway, have a good night." "Y-yeah, you too. Here's the key." The man handed him the key, which had a triangle with a triple claw mark in it

After that exchange, Jake headed upstairs and looked for the door. Once he found it he unlocked it and looked around. There was a window, a table with chairs, a large bed, and a lamp. "Wow this is pretty furnished huh? Anyway, time for bed. Jake say Rena down on the bed while he grabbed the blanket. after he put the blanket onto Rena he took his shirt off. "Whew, I reek, I've got to make a spell for this." Jake realized that he didn't smell especially good. Jake laid down in the bed and closed his eyes. "Weird, I'm not tired. Well, whatever. I'm just gonna try to sleep anyway."

Jake sat there for about three minutes unable to sleep. "N-nooo... I dont wanna eat anymore... Bugs are yucky..." Jake heard Rena sleep talking. After that she rolled around a bit. She eventually rolled over to Jake and grabbed him tightly. "No I dont want you to fight... Father..." Jake rubbed Rena's back.

Ths seemed to calm Rena down, although she was still holding him tightly. "This is pretty nice, I can probably sleep like this." Jake mumbled to himself. *Snooore*

Jake opened his eyes only to see the black space once again. "Once again, you have reward to claim! Observe!" A loud voice rang out. A pedestal appeared about three yards in front of him, but this time, there were three. Two of them fell off "Oh God fucking dammit! Do you know how much of an idiot I feel like now?!" A hand grabbed Jake's shoulders from behind. "AHH!" Jake Instinctively activated "Strengthen muscles".

"Woa-" *Whoosh* *Splorchka* Hake looked at the thing he had just knocked the block of of and saw that it was the demon. There were pieces everywhere behind him, and the horns were still intact, the demons body fell backwards. "OHHHHHH FUCK..." Jake panicked, he had just killed the very thing that was helping him. "Oh god, oh fuck!" *Sluuurgh* Slowly, the pieces started moving back together until they gathered as a g


"Dude, look I'm really sorry this time, also, did you just say something about screwing with the system?" "Yeah, I forgot to tell you, I'm your soul, and something else." "So what are you?" "I think I'm the demon part of you. Basically what happened is I was just chilling, taking a nap like usual, when this giant red flood came crashing in! It was a pink-red color, and i got doused. But after that, instead of being a formless white blob, I was this demon-you thing! And there was this little voice quietly yelling at me to kill them all, I killed it, it was floating in the corner of my room."

"Interesting, so I guess that that voice was supposed to be my demon nature or something right?" "Yeah that's about right. Anyways, new guy arrived, you have something to do with that?" "Is he a black guy? Wait that came out wrong." "Yeah, he's a black silhouette guy with a big gray X on his chest,and he goes by Draken." "Yeah, about that, I killed him." "You WHAT?" "Yeah... I kind of ate him alive then popped his head like a water balloon." "Jesus fucking christ! That's beyond gruesome! You evil bastard, he's such a nice guy too!" "Well Y'see, he was under the effects of a curse." "Okay I guess I see, anyway, wanna come to my room?" "Yeah, let's go." Jake grabbed the boxes, which turned into golden dust upon him squeezing them.

*Fwish* Jake was teleported into a black space, only this time, it looked sort of like his apartment. It had a tv, a bookshelf for manga and comics, a fridge, and his ol reliable, the sofa. Jake loved his couch, it was a large green couch, with pillows built into the armrests. *Sniff sniff* "This brings a tear to my eye." Said Jake while wiping away an imaginary tear. "Although it's missing my treadmill and DVD and CD shelf." "Ah damn, is that so? Here lemme fix that." The demon reached his hands forward and wiggled his fingers around.

"Hocus pocus, bring my imagination into focus!" After saying this the aforementioned objects were magicked into existence. "BWAHAHAH THATS SO DAMN CHEESY!" "Shut your bitch ass mouth up, I'm still working on it!" Said the demon while looking away with his eyes closed. "Is it really that bad though?" He asked while opening one eye. "Yeah it-" *Yawwnnn* "Yo, are you back demo-"

The voice stopped a second after a head popped up from the couch. "O-OH GOD! NO! PLEASE NOT AGAIN!" Jake was pretty surprised by the appearance of the hero. He was wearing g a black tee shirt and gray sweatpants and his hair was messy. "Woah holy crap! You look like a fucking neet! Hahaha!"

Jake couldn't hold back his laughter at how drastically the hero had changed. It was ridiculous seeing as he had absorbed his soul only an hour and a half ago. "How the fuck did you change that quickly?" "the hero was surprised he didn't try to kill him instantly. "Aren't you going to wring my neck?" "Nah dude, sorry about, yknow, eating you alive and all. I learned that you were influenced heavily by a spirit." "Wait, what?" "Yeah one of the higher ups put a vicious gut-loving spirit in you." "That explains a whole lot." "That's nice, anyway how did you become a neet so quickly?" The demon stepped in.

"Its because time is weird around here, it kind of has its own agenda." "Huh, okay." "Anyways, I've got enough controllers if you want to play Ge*rs of War." "Yeah sure, but where's assistant?" "Oh yeah, the demon tried but failed to hold in a laugh. "You should see for yourself." The demon pointed to behind them, where there was a door. "She's right in there." "What the fuck am I about to see?" Jake opened the door only to see a beyond weird sight.

The assistant was on a bed, splayed out, with a peaceful look on her face, and the weirdest thing of all was that she was naked. He looked back at the demon who was laughing his ass of with a weirded out look. "What the fuck? Isn't she supposed to be neat and tidy? What the hell did you do?!" "I, didn't do, anything!" The demon said in between fits of laughter. Jake was still a guy, so the sight of a large breasted, naked woman splayed out on a bed was... enticing to say the least. "Woah there big man, are you pitching a tent for your assistant? Oh my! What a scandal!" The demon fell to the ground laughing hysterically at his jokes. "Fuck off! I'm gonna go wake her up."

Jake walked over to the peacefully sleeping assistant. 'Hey assistant, how do I wake someone up?'

[I would recommend shaking their shoulder roughly.]

The assistant's mouth was moving but she was still in the same sleeping position.

*Shake Shake*

"Aah!" The assistant jumped upon being woken up. "Wh-what are you doing here Jake?" The assistant said in a nervous voice. "Are you a neet right now too?" "A neet?" "Okay well I guess neet isn't exactly correct, more like a shut-in." The assistant snapped and then clothes appeared. It was a white man's shirt with black shorts. "Goddammit is everybody gonna copy my style?" "I am using these clothes because they are quite comfortable."

"Whatever. Anyway, what have you been doing?" "I have been doing highly productive things." Sais the assistant while fidgeting around with her fingers. "Riiight, and would you like to tell me what that entails?" "Oh you know... Learning about your history." Said the assistant while looking more nervous by the second. "Right, can you give me specifics?" "Uh, well, I have been watching your memories! Yep, that's it!" "Can you tell me which ones?"

"Fine! I'll admit it, I've been slacking off! Sue me!" "It's fine, I'm not mad or anything, I was just wondering how you got turned into such a... Modern person." "Well it started a few days ago. I was feeling quite bored, when I saw Draken and the demon watching something on TV, and I was curious. I looked closer and saw they were watching something animated. The pictures were quite nice, and they captured my attention fully. So, me being completely enamored by this new form of entertainment, I also found that these clothes were quite comfortable. And after a few days, my old self kind of disappeared."

"What a story, anyway, let's talk about more pressing matters, like why whoever lives inside my head gets turned into a shut-in." "I am quite unsure of why this happens, It might have something to do with you being the master of the domain?" "Yeah that sounds plausible. Anyway, what do you want to do now? I've still got a little while before I go." "I would like to watch a new anime I started recently called "Date a *ive", would you like to watch it with me?" "Oh yeah, that sounds cool. It's a pretty good show."

And with that the assistant snapped and after, a TV aappeared. A remote appeared in the assistants hand. *Click Clackety Click* The assistant had gone to his favorite anime app, Anime fa*z, and selected Date a *ive. "Wait wait wait, how are you using the app?!" "I'm not quite sure myself, it may be due to you having a connection to the other world, but you can connect to the internet from there. I will say, it is quite useful for getting new episodes of Tsukim*chi moonlit fantasy."

"How does that even make sense?! Isn't there little to no mana in my world? How could I connect to it?" "It is not impossible to create a portal to your world, there are magical beings that live there, albeit in the underground." "What the hell, this is too much. Whatever, let's just watch the anime." And with that being said, the assistant started the show.

"Hey Jake, why is she shooting herself with a gun?" "I think it gives her more respawns or something." "Oh, okay. Why does she want to hurt him so badly emotionally if she wants him to herself?" "I think shes a sadomasochist." "Oh okay." Jake and the assistant had been watching for a while. "Hey guys, you want to come play something?" Both the people looked over at the one who had disturbed their lair. It was the demon. "I've got a few different consoles out here, as well as most games for them." "I dunno, I'm spending time with my assistant right now." "You should give her a nickname, how about Bartholomew." Jake giggled a bit at this. "Fuck no, anyway your right, hmmm... Lexi sounds nice." "Yeah sounds fine to me." "I do think this name is sufficient."

"Anyway, you wanna come play something?" "Yeah, sure I guess." "I will stay here and watch this." "Alright have fun." "So whatchu want to play?" "Terra*ia sounds good to me." "Sounds good, console or PC?" "Console, you know I got all the knowledge." "Yeah."

Jake and the demon walked out to the couch where draken was currently situated. "Oh hey demon and *Gulp* You." "Call me Jake." "Alright." "Hey draken, were gonna be playing a different game today." "Awww, but we just killed the riftworm! I want to see what happens next." "Sorry dude, but the big cheese makes the rules." Said the demon. "A-ah, okay." "You can play too if you want Draken." "Okay, what game are we playing?" "This one." Jake booted up the X*ox and booted up Terr*ria. "So basically, you make your character like this-" Jake showed him the ins and outs of the game.

An hour had passed since they had started playing. "No wait, you guys already have 220 health, give me that heart crystal!" Draken was panicking a bit. "Sorry kiddo, but no good vault hunters like you don't get any crystals." "Heh, good one Jake." "Cmon guys, pleeease?!" "Uggh fine you can have it." *Click* *Press* "Thanks Jake!" *Twingg* Jake had been playing the game with the two guys when the assistant walked out of her room. *Swish*

"Demon, do we have any alcoholic beverages?" "Oh, yeah. There on top of the fridge in the back." "Thank you." Lexi floated up to get a better look at the top. "Wait, you can do that?" Asked Jake and the assistant at the same time. "Yes, I can float if I choose to do so." "Huh, cool." *Squelch* "Oh goddammit, I died because I looked at you!" Complained the demon. "I do not believe it was my fault." "Its fine, he'd just salty that he died." "Salty?" "It basically means irritated." "Oh, alright."

Suddenly, Jake started glowing. "Ah dammit, I gotta go." "Hey demon, what's happening?" "He's waking up." "Wait, he's asleep?" "Yeah he comes here when he goes to sleep." "Interesting." *Zwoosh*

"Ja... J... JAK... JAKE!" "Hmm?" Jake opened his eyes. Rena was up against the wall next to him. "Hey Rena, what's up? It's still early out." "Y-you have demon parts now." "Huh-" *Bang* *Smack* Jake felt a part of him hit something. "What the fuck?" Jake sat up and looked behind him. "I have wings now?" "Yeah, when I woke up, you had them curled around me along with your tail." "Tail? What tail? Wha- Auugh!" Jake tried to get up, but toppled over because of the added weight of his wings and was now laying beside the bed.

It was soft and warm. "Rena? Are you touching my shoulder?" "Nope, that's your tail." "Jake tried to crane his neck but instead his tail moved around him so he could see it. It was dark blue, and shined, and the end was a cylindrical triangle. It moved to Jake's thoughts. "Woah, That's hella cool! I wonder if I can flap my wings." Jake tried, but was unable to move them much. "Maybe mana will work?" Jake circulated his mana through his body and felt a small hole like thing. It felt as if there was a circle of water, but along the side, there was a wooden door that he could let some water go into. Jake imagined putting his mana through the door.

His wings started flapping rapidly *BAM BAM BAM BAM* "OH CRAP, STOP YOU IDIOTS!" Jake panicked because of how much noise he was making. The wings stopped after that. Rena was watching this with a weird look. It was part amusement, part confusion. Jake finally had his wings under control. "Alright then that happened." Jake attempted to get up but- *Bump* "The hell?" Jake had hit his head on something.

"What just happened?" "I'm pretty sure you bumped your horns on the bed frame." "My what?!" Jake looked up but couldn't see them. He reached up to feel around and to his surprise, there were two smooth horns growing out of the sides of his head. "So this must be what those boxes gave me." "Boxes?" "Yeah, when I go to sleep I go to a place where I uh-" Jake thought about it for a second, was it really a good idea to tell her? "It might not be a good idea to tell you." "Alright then." "But anyway, I need to make a spell to hide these. Jake imagined his demonic features being able to appear and disappear upon will.

'I'll call this spell, "Hide features".'

Jake activated the spell and, it worked, mostly. There was a small piece of horn still sticking out of his head on each side. "Well I guess it can't always be perfect." "No matter how many times I see you create spells, I cant get over how crazy that is." "Yeah, I get that a lot, mostly from you though. Anyways, let's go get some cool stuff." "Cool stuff?" "Some items and stuff from an item shop." "Are you gonna eat the items?" "Probably. Oh also, what color are my wings?" "They are white, with the membrane part being mirror hexagons, and there are different colored hexagons scattered about." "Damn I've got some kick-ass wings huh?"

'Hey assistant, should I get a minimap or something? Maybe a companion tab?'

[Coincidentally you get those at level thirty.]

'Hell yeah.'

"Anyways, what do you want for breakfast?" "Eggs." "Thought so. Wanna find a restaurant?" "Yes." "Alright, sounds good. Before that though, change into your new clothes." Jake opened the door after and left after getting up to let her change in privacy. About thirty seconds later, Rena walked out of the room in the new dress. "It suits your scales well." "Thanks." "Anyway, you want to ride on my shoulders?" Rena shuddered, probably remembering last night. "What happened to that guy that attacked me?"

"I killed him, obviously." "Oh, that's good." Said Rena looking visibly happier. "You're so morbid." "Yeah." Rena climbed onto Jake's back after he crouched down. Jake walked down the stairs. There were a few people sitting at tables in the inn. The man from last night was sitting at the desk again. Once he caught sight of Jake, his mood brightened. "Oh hey there mister, sleep well?" "Yeah, like a rock." "Nice nice, would you like to pay for another night?" "Yeah, here." Jake handed him another 50 coppers. "Have a good day sir." "You too."

And after that, Jake walked out of the inn. "Alright, let's find us some eggs huh?" "Yeah!" Jake walked the streets looking for a restaurant. "Hmmm, Miraculous elixirs, Fight house, Abigail's armory, Breakfast day... Hey, that sounds about right." "That seems like it would sell eggs." "Alright then, let's go." Jake walked up to the door, and smelled that sauce he had had back in the inn in Stetcher. "Smells good."

Jake pushed the door open and looked around. It resembled a fast food restaurant vaguely. There was the reception desk, with the kitchen behind it, although there wasnt any technology. Then there were the booths, y'know the ones that you see at frie*dlys or r*d arrow? Yeah, those. It smelled sweet and fruity in the restaurant. Jake walked over to the receptionist. "Hello, can I get a booth for two?" "Certainly." The woman looked up at Jake's shoulders and squinted her eyes.

Jake saw this and was going to avoid any racism. Jake used elemental arena to summon the shadow spider to intimidate the woman. "Is there something in my hair?" Jake asked acting while acting like he didn't know why the woman squinted. The woman saw this display of power and was obviously a bit frightened. "N-no sir, I had something in my eye." "Ah, okay." "Please come this way sir." "Mmhmm." The woman led him over to a booth.

The booth was red and the table was smooth stone. "Right here sir, this is your table." "Alright thanks, also, do you serve eggs here?" "Yes, eggs are popular here." "Alright can I get an order of eggs and bacon plus just some bacon?" "Yes, that would be fine." "Alright." The woman scribbled something on a notepad she had taken out. "Your order will be here shortly."

The woman left to go give the order to the chefs. "Ha, did you see her face when I used my magic?" Rena giggled. "Yeah that was pretty funny." "Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted anything." "What do you mean?" "Well you're a kid, so I figured you might want a toy or something." "Are you sure?" "Well of course I mean it."

"Well I kind of want a toy model of one of the legendary dragons." "Really now? I'll look for one for you." "Yeah, either form would work." "Wait, either form?" "Yeah, every legendary beast has an alternate form that they either change to by will or change to when they are severely weakened." "So, what, do they look like a human?" "Yeah, even kids know that." "No way..."

Jake got excited imagining all the dragon waifus he could see. He imagined their scaly skin, their horns, their tails, their long, warm, moist tongues- ANYWAY moving on, he was eager to see one. "Are there any legendary dragons nearby?" "Well if I remember correctly, there is one that lives on mount Dragoran." "How far away is that?" "For you? Hmmm... Probably three hours away." "Which one lives there?" "Hmmm... I'm not completely sure if I'm right but I think its Correlshia, the lava dragon."

"So are they hostile?" "Only if someone disturbs them." Jake donnned a grin. "I'm gonna go pay them a visit." "No way, that's a dumb move! Although I guess you are really strong... You'll need a defensive spell." "I'll make one right now then. Jake imagined a green transparent bubble engulfing him that was as tough as titanium.

'I'll name this spell, "Shield bubble".'

Jake used the spell and a bubble engulfed him. Jake was happy with the result. "Wow, that's pretty good, should I punch it?" "If you want to break your hand, this bubble is as hard as titanium, and completely effect resistant, aka, burnproof, acidproof, waterproof, its got it all"

"Thats insane!" "But please, do punch it, I need to test it." *Sigh* "Alright then." *SLAM* *Snap* "MMMMPH." There was a bone sticking out of her finger and her hand was bent at an odd angle. "OH FUCK, I didn't expect you to hit it that hard! Heal wounds!" *Snap Crack* The wound looked as if time was reversed. Rena had tears at the corners of her eyes. "I didn't know you were so damn strong, how are you that strong?" *Sniff* "It's because I'm a lizardman, and also because my dad leveled me up a bit before..." "Before? Oh, sorry nevermind..." "Its fine-" "Hello, here's your foo- Huh?"

The woman walked around the corner to see Jake with a green bubble around him. "Sir?" "Oh sorry, I was testing out a new spell, anyway, is that our food?" "Oh, uh, yeah its yours." The woman set the food on the table. "Enjoy." The woman walked away. "Let's dig in eh?" "Yeah!" *Scarf Nom Chomp Crunch*

A few minutes later Rena had finished the eggs and bacon while Jake was eating slowly. *Ruummbble* "How are you still hungry?" Jake asked in disbelief. "Sorry, I'm a lizardman, we have a skill where we can use all our stamina in a single strike as a last ditch effort. So I'm still hungry because I used it on your shield." "That's... actually really interesting, maybe I can make a spell like that?" "If you do that it would be catastrophic." "Anyway, how much stamina do you have?"

"Its been a while since I looked, but I think its somewhere around 130 right now, it's quite high since Im a lizardman." "I have over 1,500 stamina." "What?" Rena asked in a disbelieving voice. "Yeah, im kind of a freak of nature." "N-no kidding! That's akin to a legendary beast, no, probably more!" "Anyway, you want this bacon?" Jake still had a lot of bacon. "Yes! or uh, yes please." "Thought so." Jake slid the bacon to her. *Chomp Crunch*

"Arent you gonna be hungry though?" Asked Rena after finishing the bacon. "Nope, I feed off of mana." "How?" "It just works." "I'm still hungry..." "Man, you're such a glutton." "Its not my fault! You asked me to punch the bubble!" "Fair enough, here I'll make a spell to restore your stamina." "No that's impossible, you cant convert mana into stamina." "Watch me." Jake imagined himself putting his ha ds onto someone and pouring energy into them. 'I'll call this spell, "Fill stamina".'

"Fill stamina" A blue light flowed through Jake's arms, into Rena. A green light spread from the spots he was touching. "WHAT?! THATS IMPOSSIBLE!" "Calm down calm down! I basically have creative mode with my magic." "What does that mean?" "It basically means I can do anything, create items, heal, kill, anything." Rena's eyes widened even more. "You can create things?!" "Yeah, I can magic whatever into existence." "Create a dragon figurine." "Alright."

Jake closed his eyes and imagined Ald*in the ridiculously strong dragon. He imagined him in a sitting pose, on a black circle base. *Fwoosh* He opened his eyes and saw the masterpiece he had created. Rena's jaws had dropped onti the floor and her eyes had widened so far you could see the white part around her reptilian eyes. "B-b-but thats creation magic! A lost magic!" "Yeah, it's pretty awesome." "Can I have this figurine?" "Of course."

"Awesome!" "Hello customer, you owe 40 coppers." "Alright, here you go." Jake handed her the money. "Alright, you ready to head out Rena?" "Yeah." "Have a nice day." Said the woman as she left. "Alright, climb up-" Jake crouched down and Rena climbed up onto his back.

"Alright, where was that weapons and armor shop that demon lady told me about?" Jake wondered out loud. "She said it was called the iron mallet, let's see..." Jake went back to the clothes shop then went the way he was told before. Eventually he saw a sign of a hammer and an ingot plus the words "The iron mallet".

"Ah here it is, the shop." "What are we doing here?" "Buying stuff." "Can't you just make it?" "Well I could, but that would be boring." "So what?" "Shush, were gonna go buy stuff."

*Ring* "Heya customers, whatcha lookin for?" A well muscled man was sat behind the counter. He had a horseshoe moustache. "Yo, I'm looking for some gear for adventuring." "Oh I gotcha, well have a look around." "Right on."

Jake looked around him and saw a bunch of cool things. There was a large metal sword with a large red core in the hilt. There were also a few sets of armor. There were a bunch of daggers in a glass case. As well as magic wands. The amount of stuff there was ridiculous. A particular set of armor caught his eye. It was a light type armor with metal plates all over it. But he picked it up and it was surprisingly light. There was a purple core on the front most metal plate.

"Hey, what's this core do?" "Oh that? It changes the color of the armor according to the user, although I'm not sure what determines it." The metal was nicely polished. "I think I'll get this. You see anything you want Rena? Rena?" Jake looked behind him and saw Rena enamored by a glass case. "Hmm?" Jake walked over, puzzled by what could've gotten Renas attention this much. He walked over to her and saw what it was. It was a dagger that shined quite a lot. It was white and had wings on the handle.

There was a sign under it that said, "Holy dagger". Jake tapper Rena's shoulder while saying, "See something you like?" Rena jumped a bit. "Wahh! Huh?" She turned towards Jake. "Yeah, this dagger is really nice." "Hey dude, Can we look at this closer?" "Oh fer sure." The man talked while he walked over. "That there knife can mess with demons just by being near them." The man opened the glass with a key. "Ysee? it shines because-" "URRGH!" Jake looked away and his demonic features popped in. "Ow what the hell! My eyes!"

"Oh no! Jake! Your features!" "Jake finally got his eyes to stop hurting. "Y-y-you're a demon?!" "Uhhhhhhh, would you believe me if I said no?" "Yeargh! Please don't kill my family!" The man said while getting on his knees. "What? I'm not gonna kill anyone don't worry." "Y-you mean it?" "Yeah, im just here to buy some gear." "But don't demons torture people for fun?" "Yeah they do, but I'm different." "Oh, okay." Jake then retracted his demonic features.

"Anyways, I'd like to buy this armor, and Rena, do you see anything you want?" "Well I saw a nice necklace." "Alright, bring me over to it." Rena lead Jake over to a glass case. The case said, spatial containers. "Ooooh, I'll get one of these, which one do you want?" "This one." Said Rena while pointing to a silver necklace with a square purple gem on it. "Heya shop keeper, how much are these?" "Two golds each." "Nice, I'll get two."

Jake grabbed two spatial containers. The necklace and a ring. "Alright, I would like to buy the armor and these spatial containers." "Alright, that totals 6 golds." "Yep, here it is." Jake hands the man 6 golds.

'Im running low on funds I've only got, 4 golds, 9 silvers, and 19 coppers.'

[I would recommend doing requests from the guild.]

'Good idea.'

Jake popped the ring Into his mouth. "What the bloody hell are you doing?!" *Crack* *Crunch* "Eating this ring." "Well yeah, but why?!" "Personal reasons." *Sigh* "Whatever, your money." "Here you go Rena, your necklace." Jake handed Rena the necklace. "Anyway, it was nice doing business, I'll probably be back sometime." "Have a nice day." Jake left the store after.

[Skill gained, "Spatial container".]



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 26

Exp: 497/9,000

Health: 42,000/42,000

Mana: 205,000/205,000

Stamina: 2,200/2,200

Strength: 120

Agility: 90

Dexterity: 100

Mind: 45

Intelligence: 50

Sanity: 79/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


"Alright nice." Jake said. Jake tested out his new skill. *Shwezam* A blurry square appeared in front of him. He reached in and felt complete cold. He took his hand out and looked at it. It was normal. Jake pulled his dull dagger out and put it in. It disappeared into thin air. When he put his hand in, he instinctively knew what was in the space. "Fuckin awesome!" "What Is it Jake?" "I have a spatial container skill now!" "WHAT?!" Rena was shocked. "Watch this. Jake put his bag into the space. "It just disappeared?" "Watch this-"Jake pulled out his black dagger.

"That's crazy!" "Right? Anyway, let's go to the guild." Jake put his new armor into the container. "Alright." Jake lifted Rena onto his shoulders. He headed towards the guild. Once he got there he saw that there was still blood from his fight when he first got there. "You ready?" "Yeah." Jake walked up to the door, and pushed it open. A few people saw him, but ignored him. "Alright, I'd assume that that wall over there filled with papers is the request board?" "Yeah, that's it."

Jake walked over to the requests, passing a few people who visibly tensed up. He activated his Enhance ears spell. "Yeah did you hear that the king's going to summon a hero from another world?!" "Yeah! Those filthy demons are in for it now!" "Another beer please brenda."

'A hero summoning eh? Hey Lexi what does that entail?'

[Kingdoms of this world will sometimes summon heroes from different worlds to fight in their wars. It is very similar to isekai anime.]

'That's pretty cool.'

Jake looked at the papers. There were pictures of monsters with info on the request. At the top of the request there was a rating. And at the bottom there was a reward. The hardest one Jake saw was an S+ rank mission. It was to go scout mount Dragorian. "Perfect!" Jake said while popping an excited smile.


"So what you're saying is that the hero of shade was killed?" "Y-yes ma'am, we believe he was killed by this man here." A ratty man was standing in front of a woman with long red hair with a poster of Jake. "That bastard! I'll burn him to a crisp! I'll rip his cock off and feed it to him over tea!" "Ma'am, you're heating up the room!" "Oh yeah, sorry. Anyway, at least it was only Draken, if we'd lost Emily or Darius we would have been screwed. Send someone after him." "At once ma'am."

Back to Jake.

"Lucky us huh Rena?" "Yeah, that's actually a pretty nice coincidence." Jake was pretty happy that he found an excuse to go see the dragon. He couldn't wait to go and see a real dragon waifu. He walked over to the receptionist who was different this time. "Hey, I would like to do this quest." Jake said with the paper in his hand. "Alright- WAIT, this as an S+ mission!" "I know, I'm SS class." "O-oh, okay then, I'll give you the mission.

"Thank you. Anyway, time to get going Rena." "Yep, let's go." "Alrighty then." With that being said, Jake activated his Enhance muscles spell and took off.

'I wonder if they'll be all formal, or will they act like I'm lower than them? Either way, here I come dragon waifu!'