"Knights, purge him." One of them stepped forward. It was a knight with a dark brown hair and a goatee. "I'll take care of this guy by myself." Said the man while he held a mocking grin. "Very well Krebbin." Jake needed a spell to help him with these guys. 'I'm just gonna make a body strengthening spell.' Jake imagined his arm and leg muscles getting harder and stronger though not bigger. 'I'm gonna name this, "Strengthen muscles".' "I have a question." Jake said while widening his eyes as far as he could while cocking his head to look as intimidating as possible. "What do you think it would look like for a human head to pop like a grape?" Said Jake while narrowing his eyes and donning a Cheshire grin. "I-ill kill you you creepy bastard!" The man said while running at him. Jake grabbed the man's hand that was holding the sword, ripped it off, then slapped him with it.
"AHHHHHHHH MY HAAAND AUUUGGGHH!!!" "I wonder if you have any brains... Should I see?" then he lifted the man up by his head. "AHHHHH PLEASE DONT KILL ME, I YIELD I YIELD!" Cried the man with snot pouring out of his nose. The priestess had a horrified expression on. "Alright fine, I'll show you guys something that might make you reconsider." 'Heal wound'. The mand hand grew back in less than seven seconds. "WH-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!"
'I gotta make something cool to leave an impression, can I use illusion magic?'
[Yes you can.]
'Okay then.'
Jake imagined his his eyes changing colors and his appearance changing to something more demonic. 'I'm gonna name this "Scary Form"
The mans POV
The demon who had ripped his hand off then healed it and was holding him by the head was looking straight into his eyes.
"Oh, me? I'm strong." After he said that his face changed to something beyond horrifying. His forehead grew three gray horns the tips of which lit on fire. Then bony protrusions emerged from his face. His eyes changed to a deep dark red with white pupils. Then his face turned red like a tomato's skin. "D-dem..." Krebbins eyes rolled back in his head and he emptied his bowels.
Back to Jake's POV.
Krebbin emptied his bowels While his eyes rolled back. "Ew fucking gross!" Jake dropped the man after that. "I knew it was scary, but jesus christ! The guys basically dead!"
The woman witnessed this scene it utter horror. Krebbin, the best fighter in the entire battalion was just completely devastated by one man with no effort! "W-What are you?!" She screamed in complete horror. "Didn't you hear me? I'm strong." "No, you're a monster!" "Well yeah, I guess your right. Anyway, dont insult Rena again or else you'll regret it. I dont enjoy killing people, so please don't provoke me."
"Where are you going?!" The woman asked as Jake started walking away. "Hmm? I'm gonna go grab lunch. You wanna come with?" The womans look of bewilderment grew. "Anyway, bya." Jake heard some mumbling coming from behind him. ' "Enhance ears".' "Please smite the one who is unworthy of your praise, the one who does not worship you, who has created all that is. Light spear!" *Fwish* *Shilk* Jake looked down, there was a spear made from pure white light sticking out of his chest. A second after blood started gushing from his chest.
"AAUUUGGHHH. THAT FUCKING HURTS!" The woman had a satisfied look on her face. "It seems you are no match to me, a high priestess of the church." "Fuck this bitch." He took Rena off his shoulders. "Stay here in gonna go teach her a lesson. 'Status!'
Name: Jake
Race: Unknown Demon
Level: 9
Exp: 149/500
Health: 27,030/35,000
Mana: 185,000/185,000
Stamina: 1,600/1,600
Strength: 80
Agility: 50
Dexterity: 50
Mind: 30
Intelligence: 35
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].
"I don't think you quite understand what it feels like to be penetrated by a big white rod, let me show you." Said Jake while narrowing his eyes and donning a frown. "You talk as if you can survive having you hear-" The woman stopped abruptly. "Goddamnit, that's the second damn time! But this time it hurts like a motherfucker! Why don't I shove this rod into you, show you how it feels!" "I-impossible!" Jake walked over to the woman, the light spear still sticking out of his chest. He ripped the spear out once he was directly in front of her.
"I hope you like my big white rod." *Shilk* "AAAAAHHHHGGGHHHH!" He moved it around while it was Inside. "Maybe this will teach you not to stick your big white spear in people!" "PLEASE STOOOOOP!" "Tell me, would you have stopped?" *Shlick* "YES OF COURSE! AHHHH!" After about ten seconds he yanked it out of her stomach.
"That's what you get for being a prick. Don't worry though, I won't kill you." 'Heal wound' The hole closed up in somewhere near 5 seconds. The woman collapsed to the ground crying in the fetal position. 'Nice, now I feel like an asshole!' "Goddamnit, I got too angry." He walks over to Rena. "Do you think I was too harsh?" "Yeah a little bit." "Dammit, I didn't mean to go that hard, I got too angry." "Its okay though, I forgive you." "Aww, thanks." He said before rubbing her head. "Alrighty then, get up here." He said while crouching down. She climbed up onto his shoulders.
And with that they left. The knights didn't try to stop him because of his display of strength. Once they got back to the inn, he asked Rena if she was hungry. She nodded so he went downstairs to see what there was. He looked around and he saw that there werent many people.
There were only two tables today. The two options were, Plates of what seemed to be pulled pork sandwiches. And bowls of some type of soup. "I'm gonna go with a sandwich." "20 coppers." "Yep, here they are." Jake grabbed a sandwich and went upstairs." *Click* *Swish* "I got some food."
Rena got up from the bed and walked over. Jake handed her the plate. "Thanks sir." "Call me Jake." "Alright." After that she started eating the sandwich. Jake took off his shirt. *Flump* "Ughhh. Do you think that white robed lady is gonna cause problems Rena?" Asked Jake while face down on the bed. "Probably." "Yeah, thought so." Jake rolled onto his back and looked at the wound that was still healing on his chest. "Its okay though, your super strong." "That's not the problem, I'd assume they're closely connected to powerful kingdoms, so that will probably cause problems." "I didn't even think of that." "That's fine, your just a kid after all." "But I'm eleven!" "That's younger than I thought." "I don't look that young though!" "Yeah, you do."
Rena pouted about this for a few minutes. Jake felt a cold shiver go down his spine. "Sonethings wrong..." "What is it?" "I dunno, I just got a chill down my spine."
'I'm gonna make a spell for these types of situations.'
Jake imagined a dome expanding around him in a pulse like motion and glowing yellow silhouette of the eyes of people who were sensing him in somehow, sight, sound, magic, etc, appearing around him once he closed his eyes.
'I'm gonna name this, "Sense watchers".
'Sense watchers'
Two pairs of eyes appeared. One was right next to him, it was Rena. But there was another downstairs. "Now what the hell?" "What is it Jake?" "Theres someone watching us somewhere." "How do you know that?" "I got a new spell." Rena's eyes narrowed. "When?" "Just now when I got that shiver." "That's crazy! Even if you have an affinity its ridiculous to be able to learn it instantly!" Rena said with a look of disbelief. "No I didn't learn it, I made it." "That's ridiculous! how could you have done that?!" "I just imagine the effect of the spell then name it." Rena started shaking her head. "That's power befitting the demon lord or higher..."
"How do you know this stuff?" "My mom insisted on teaching me things when I was younger, so I know a lot of stuff." "I know this might be insensitive but, how did you get put into the auction as a slave? "Isn't there more pressing matters?" "Yeah, sorry. I let my curiosity get the better of me." "It's fine."
After this, Jake put his dark green shirt on. "This shirt's getting dirty, I'm gonna get a new one soon. He put his pack on as well. "You want a ride?" "No it's fine." "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." "About what?"
After Rena asked what Jake grabbed the hat of telepathy. *Chomp* "What are you doing?!" "Eating this hat?" "Well yes, but why?" "I'll tell you later." *Munch* *Snap* *Rip* "Well that wasn't too bad, it was kind of salty."
[Skill gained, (Telepathy).]
Name: Jake
Race: Unknown Demon
Level: 9
Exp: 149/500
Health: 32,000/35,000
Mana: 184,500/185,000
Stamina: 1,600/1,600
Strength: 80
Agility: 50
Dexterity: 50
Mind: 30
Intelligence: 35
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].
'That's hella neat.'
'Activate (Telepathy).'
Jake put his hand over her mouth before using it "Mmph?!" 'Hey Rena, don't panic! I'm using g telepathy.' 'What is this!?' 'Don't worry, I'll tell you what's going on but first you have to come outside with me, there's someone right below us listening in on us.' He took his hand off her mouth. "I thought I heard someone outside the door, guess not." "Okay."
[Jake, someone is attempting to access your info, will you allow access?]
'Hell no! You little punk, you really think I'm gonna let you do that?!'
Jake declined immediately. 'The guy just tried to see my personal info! I'll keep you safe, so don't panic!' 'O-okay' "Huh, I just got a weird feeling... Anyway, let's get going." "Okay." And with that, they both exited the room. Jake went down the stairs, and once he got to the bottom, he looked around like usual. But looking around was just a facade. before this, he had created an illusion spell that he called "Poker face". It allowed him to create an illusion which he controlled, that acted like a mask.
He was secretly staring at the man who was looking at him while he was upstairs. It was a black haired man with a skintight black suit with a zipper on the front. There were some metal bands an his arms and legs. And lastly, there was a large gray X on the front of the suit.
'Oh no, I'm gonna cut myself on all this edge. Like, seriously, You look way dumber than you think.'
It was took all Jake could do to not walk up to the man and tell him how dumb he looked.
'He's the classic, ninja/rogue from anime. I'm assuming he's another assasin.'
"Alright, I'm gonna go give the key to the receptionist." "Alright." Jake walked over to the desk. "Hey, I'm going to leave earlier that I paid for, you can keep the money." The man that was there took the key. "Very well then sir, we hope to see you again." "Have a good one." Said Jake while walking away.
Jake felt the assassins eyes drilling into the. back of his head. 'The person who was watching us is looking at us.' 'That's scary, he looks strong.' 'He probably is strong.'
As they walked out of the inn, the man got up as well. He put some coppers on the table. Jake was obviously expecting this.
'Not gonna happen.'
Jake used his plant control to make a wood plank raise up slightly and trip the man. "Huh- Woah!" *Bam*
'That's whatcha get, you stalkery prick. So much for being a ninja huh?'
After this, he walked out of the inn and set off to the guild. "I've gotta go turn in these paws, so were gonna go to the guild." "Alright then." Jake made his way over to the guild once more.
After he got there, he walked in. After he walked into the guild, he saw a humorous sight. "Hello sir, are you turning in some monster parts? Yes? Alright, here's the reward for those frog tongues. Please come again." Behind the counter was the black demon he had sent, dressed in a suit.
Jake had to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing. "No way, they put him at the counter?"It was a particularly funny sight to see an muscular, black, lizard faced demon with a dark purple aura at a reception counter.
Jake walked up to the counter. "Hello si- HRK" The demon sounded like they'd just choked on something particularly dry. "He-hello sir..." The demon said in a strained voice.. "At ease, I'm not gonna rip you limb from limb." "A-alright, what do you need for today?" "I would like to turn in these paws." "Y-yes sir."
About two minutes later.
"These paws add up to about seventy silvers sir." "Pretty nice." The demon handed him seventy silvers and fourteen coppers. "I would like to thank you for sparing me last time we met, it is much better to humble myself than to die." "No problem, just be sure not to cause problems." "Of course sir." "Anyway, bye." "Safe travels."
Jake and Rena walked out. "That was funny!" "I know right? A big demon like him looks ridiculous."
'I saw a small dark purple aura, I'm guessing that was my demon eyes skill?'
[Yeah, that was most likely it.]
'Yeah? Is that that recommendation again?'
[No, i have been living with the demon, and he is rubbing off on me.]
'Wait, you're living with him?'
[Yes, we have been watching your memories together lately.]
'Wait, my memories?!'
[Yes, it's pretty fun to watch your memories of anime and other media.]
'Please don't delve too deep into there.'
[No promises.]
*Shiver* 'Is he back? "Sense watchers".'
He saw two three pairs of eyes, one inside the guild, one next to him, and one in the building diagonal from him.
'I should probably make a spell to conceal my demon energy or whatever.'
Jake began imagining a purple aura around himself getting pulled in like a vaccum.
'I'll name this "Hide demon energy".'
The spell was made in a way that kept the spell active until he deactivated it.
'Alright then, that's one pair of eyes gone, now for the second.'
Jake activated "Strengthen muscles" and lifted Rena onto his shoulders. "And off we go." *Fwoosh* "Woah! We're going so fast!" "Yep, so hold on tight!" Rena grabbed around Jake's neck.
After about forty seconds of looking Jake found what he assumed to be the Town hall. It had large stone pillars for corners, and was made with high quality wood. The door had metal plating. *Scrrch* "Hello sir, what do you need today?" "I would like to use the teleporter to go to the nearest kingdom." "That would be the kingdom of Ercona. May I see your ID?" "Yeah, sure."
Jake took out his ID and brought up the screen. *Gasp* "Your an SS rank?! That's quite surprising. Anyways, the teleporter fee is free for you." "Ah nice, that goes for my companion too right?" "Yes, it does." "Great. Anyways, how do I use the teleporter?" "Come with me, I'll show you." The woman walked through a door next to the desk.
Inside the door was a large purple circle with intricate symmetrical shapes inside it. "You need to stand in the circle while holding hands with your companion." "Yep." "Then insert mana into the symbol then say where you want to go. it can only teleport you to other teleport pads."
Jake inserted his mana into the symbol. "The kingdom of Ercona." *Fwazoosh* There was a flash of light and then he felt air rushing past, until it stopped abruptly.
"Did it work?" Asked Jake while opening his eyes. "Woah..." There was a large city below him, as well as a giant castle a little ways off.
"Well I guess it worked eh Re-" *BLEEEUUURGH* "What the hell?!" *Bleeuugh* "Woah, you okay Rena?" Rena had tears coming down her face. "That hurt a lot." "I can see that." Jake bent down and patted Rena's back "Damn, that must've sucked." "I'm okay now." "Great."
After that Jake looked around the tower. There was a staircase that led down somewhere. "I'd assume I'm supposed to go down there. but first-" Jake washed the vomit away with his water Cutter on very low power.
Jake walked over to the stairs. They were stone like the rest of the building. Once he got to the bottom of the stairs he saw a crazy sight. The streets were bustling with people, and there were carriages pulled by different beasts, there were different horse species, unicorn, bicorn, elemental, as well as other things, like giant lizards or golems. There were also a few stands, other than that, there were a few types of people, adventurers, citizens, merchants, slaves, all doing they're own things. The road was a large cobbled path, and the buildings were stone with lots of alley's.
"Woah, it's crazy here, much more lively than Stetcher!" "Yeah, there's so many more people!" "I wonder where we should go first." "Maybe we should find a guild around here?" "Good idea Rena."
And with that being said Jake set off to see if he could find a guild to get acquainted with. So he started walking around with Rena on his shoulders, looking for something that looked like it could be a guild. There was a building called "The nicked vein". "That looks about right." "Yeah that's probably it."
'Sense watchers.'
As Jake had feared, there were 2 pairs of eyes.
'Oh look, here's ninja-prick. Degenerates like you belong on a cross. I swear to god, if you stalk me any more, we're gonna have problems.'
'Hey Rena, that guys watching us again.' 'How did he know we were here?' 'I dunno, but I'd guess he followed us.' 'Why though?' 'Maybe he was hired by someone? Whatever it is, if he tries to hurt us, hes gonna lose something.' 'Your nice Jake.' 'Thanks.'
The man was on top of a building behind him, watching him. Jake walked into the guild. It was lively and loud. It was much more energetic than the one in Stetcher. Jake didn't wasn't very nervous now, but he still felt a but jumpy. 'Time to register, do you want to register and get a card?' 'Yeah sure.'
Jake walked over to the receptionist lady. "Heya, I would like to register here and get my daughter a card." "Pfff, daughter? Your saying that that disgusting demi-human is your daughter?" "Oh I get it, you look down on her... Tell me your thoughts in a sec." Jake took out his guild card from his bag and tapped it. "A-an SS rank?! I-im sorry! I didn't mean it!" "That's what I thought, next time, check yourself before you wreck yourself."
"Hey hey, what's going on over here?" "Hmm?" a large man walked up to him. "You givin bella a hard time?" "Yes." "You wanna take this outside?" Jake held his chin as if thinking it over. "Yeah sure."
Stalker POV
'He's gonna go for the guild immediately? surprising.' The man was thinking to himself while eating an orange. There was a medium sized pile of orange peels next to him. He had been spying on the man for a while now with his X-ray skill. 'Ugh, why'd they have to send me for someone this boring? Maybe he'll look nice inside... Or maybe that girl? I've never seen the insides of a lizardman before..." The man smiled a sick grin while depeeling an orange. 'She'll be the first.' He bit into the orange.
Back to Jake POV
"Alright, let's take this outside." "Your pretty cocky for a kid, let's see if you can back it up." "Wait Jorel! He's SS rank!" "Yeah right, he's just a kid. Let's go shorty." "Heh, yep, let's go."
They went outside the inn. "Let's put some stuff on the line okay? If I win, I want your rings." "Fair enough, if I win, I want the girl and your money." "You okay with that Rena?" "Yeah, your obviously going to win." "Stupid girl, you may be a filthy demi-human, but I'm sure you'll live for a few rounds in my bed." Rena contorted her face in disgust. "Your gonna regret saying that." Said Jake with a small smile.
"Three, Two, One, Fight!" And just like that Jorel ran at Jake quickly, he had a large waraxe. "Ya better move ya idiot Hahahaha!" *Schwing* *Pss* With one water bullet, Jake sent the axe off course. "What the bloody hell did ya just do to my waraxe!?"
*Shpllt* *Badump* *Badump* The man felt a pain in his chest, then looked down. His chest was spraying blood violently. "Wh-wh-w-WHAT THE HELL?! MY HEARRRTT!!" Jake was holding the mans still beating heart in his hand with one hand behind his back. "That was rather weak... Are you supposed to be strong?" Asked Jake mockingly. The small crowd at the door to the guild simultaneously dropped their jaws.
"I DONT WANNA DIEEE! MOOOMMMMY!" "I'll make you a deal, if you give me all your money, and get on your hands and knees and beg Rena for forgiveness, I'll heal you. Great deal right?!" "OKAY I'LL DO IT!" The man got onto his hands and knees in front of Rena. "P-PLEASE FORGIBE ME KIND YOUNG LADY, I OVERSTEPPED MY BOUNDARIES, PLEASE SPARE A PIECE OF TRASH LIKE MEEEE!" "Hmmm... Alright then, I'm feeling forgiving today. "T-TH-THANK YOU KIND LADY!" "Alright then, I'll keep my end of the deal, come here." Jake was glad he didn't have to kill him.
The man crawled over to Jake weakly. Jake put his hand into the mans chest and put the heart in place. "Heal wounds." And after about ten seconds, the hole was patched up. "Th-thank you for letting me live! I'll never disrespect demi-humans again!" Said the man, still bawling his eyes out. "Great, now give me the rings and the money." "Yessir!" The man handed him the objects.
'9 golds and 30 silvers? Hell yeah! Also, I wonder if these rings are enchanted.'
Jake was covered in blood at this point. "Off with you, I have better things to do." "O-of course!" And with that the man scampered away. "Goddamnit, I shouldn't have been so flashy! Now I'm covered in fucking blood!" Jake said irritatedly. "Dont you have blood magic?" "Oh yeah, your right Rena." Jake used his blood magic and began sucking the blood away. It looked like a reversed video of red wine staining something. Once the blood was all collected in a ball in front of him, he grabbed it and threw it. It made a huge stain on the ground a few yards away. "Hehehe, nice."
"Anyway, let's get going Rena. I've gotta go get some new clothes." "Alright, me too." "Hmm? Oh yeah, your covered in blood too, I'll get you some too. And with that they set off. Jake had completely forgotten about the ninja in all of the excitement. "My my, this is gonna be fun. the man said with an excited voice and expression as he popped an orange slice into his mouth.
Jake was looking around for a clothing shop when he looked into an alley and saw a sign of a dress and a clover. the sign said, "Lucky suitors". "Look's completely safe to me." "What does?" "That alley, I was making a joke since it look's shady." "Ah, I get it."
After this Jake started walking down the alley. "Alright then, let's go get some clothes." "Alright, can I get a blue s- "Stop! In the name of the church, I demand you show me your guts!"
Jake was in the middle of turning around when- *Shllk, Srrkt Srrkt* He turned around to see Rena with a black protrusion coming from the left of her stomach that started cutting right. She put her hands up to her stomach and grabbed something, only to feel something slimy and circular. She looked down only to see a pinkish intestine in her right hand. "But thats..." She trailed off as her eyes rolled back and blood rushed up to her mouth.
Rena fell over. Jake saw this in slow motion. As she fell over, he saw a man behind her with his mouth open in an "OHHH" expression with his hand over his mouth. "HAHAHA, that reaction is too much! BWAHAHAH! Bu-bu-bu-bu thats... HA, priceless!" "Wh- Rena... Wha- No... No... NO!"
'Rena's dead... Rena's... Dead... It was all my
fault for not checking for him... She's dead... NO...! She cant be dead, she's only eleven... What am I thinking... Of course she's dead... And it's all my fault...'
"She's dead... RENA'S dead..." Tears start running down Jake's face. "You killed her! KILLED HER! SHE WAS ONLY ELEVEN!" "Oh no, mr crybabys gonna throw a fitsie, do you need a nappie? BWAHAHAH!" Just then Jake's eyes when blood red, and purple lightning sparked from his eyes. "Your going to pay dearly for what you've just done, you insect!" Announced Jake in an otherworldly voice reminiscent of control core Ang*l.
"What the hell? So no more crying? Boooring. Guess I'm gonna kill you no-" *Spritch* *Tear* *Fsssst* "What?" The man looked around confusedly only to realize he was missing both his arms. "Wh-What the fuck? My fucking arms! AUUGHHH." The man fell to the ground. "Maybe you'll end up as someone weak in the next life and experience the pain of helplessness." "D-don't you know who I am?! I'm the fucking hero of shade from the church! Th-they'll sic Marinie on your ass if you kill me!" "Oh will they? I wonder how they taste." "Wh-what the fuck?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DO YOU MEAN?!" "Hush trash, I must see if Rena's still alive."
Jake basically teleported to Rena. He felt for a pulse. "Nothin- WAIT!" A single beat occurred. "HEAL WOUND!" The gaping hole in Rena's stomach closed up, and her breathing came back. "Thank any god that's nameable! Rena's alive! She's alive dammit!" Jake held Rena up to him in an embrace. "Thank you whichever gods were watching, thank you dearly!" Said Jake with tears streaming down his face once more. "They'll have Marinie kill that little shit if you kill me!" Jake Looked at him with wide eyes and a frown. "I'm going to eat you alive." The hero's face contorted in fear. "Wh-what do you mean eat me?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN EAT ME?!" Jake picked up the hero's arms, then bit two fingers off one. "AH-AH-AHHHHHH!!! YOU'RE A FUCKING DEMON! AHHHHHHH!!" Jake took a bone out of his mouth and used it as a toothpick. "Your right, I am." "HELP! SOMEONE, ANYONE, HEEEEELPPPP!" "To be honest, kid, it was all rigged from the start. No-one can hear you or see you." Jake had casted a soundproof shield and an illusion over them.
After grabbing the hero's arms, he realized someone might peek in, so he created a spell he named "Privacy space" and casted it in the alley. "Wanna know something funny? I'm as strong as the demon lord." "OH GOD PLEASE, HELP ME!" The hero had tears and snot all over his bloody face Jake had finished the hero's arms and was walking over. "Oh god, oh god, please help me. Please! I'm sorry for what I did! Please spare me!" "I'm usually merciful, but I'll make an exception for you." "What? Oh god, no! NO NO NO-" *Rip* *Crack* Jake had ripped his legs off and began eating them. "Y'know, when I saw you in the inn, it was extremely difficult to stay back and.not tell you how dumb you looked." *Chomp* *Rip* "You looked so damn stupid, kind of like a child who was playing assasin." "Oh god... Please... Help me..." "Now I'm gonna kill you, get ready to face death like a man. "Nononononono don't do it please. I'll reform. I'll change." The hero said in a hoarse voice. "Die with dignity you coward!" *Whoosh* *SPLAT*
He blew the hero's mind with his kick. No, literally, the hero's head flew in every direction, similar to slush when you stomp on it. The adrenaline was wearing off of Jake at this point, and his red eyes faded. "Oh God, oh fuck!" *BLEUUURGHH* *HURK HURK* *BLEUUUGH*
Jake puked violently at the realization that he had just popped someone's head like a water balloon. "Oh god, I just killed someone, and a 20 year old chunnybyo at that! FUCK that's nasty! I gotta eat the brain though." Jake used his blood magic to pick up all the head pieces, which he compressed into a ball and swallowed. "Goddammit, this ability is taxing on my mind! And I haven't even used this other one! Ugghhh, this ability is sickening."
[New abilities gained: (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision).]
Name: Jake
Race: Unknown Demon
Level: 26
Exp: 477/9,000
Health: 42,000/42,000
Mana: 205,000/205,000
Stamina: 2,200/2,200
Strength: 120
Agility: 90
Dexterity: 100
Mind: 45
Intelligence: 50
Sanity: 46/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].
It was getting dark outside at this point, so Jake grabbed the hero's torso and cut it open with the hero's completely black crystal dagger.
'Come on come on come on- Ah, here it is.'
Jake pulled out an orb with a black, swirling interior. "At least I got an awesome core right?"
[Special soul detected, would you like to absorb it?]
'Wait, this core is his soul?'
[No his soul is in front of you, would you like to absorb it?]
Jake looked up and saw something rather startling. It was a black 2D silhouette standing above where the hero died. It had his face and it was looking around in fear, The same face he wore once he realised he was outmatched severely. "Well hot damn, you're back huh?" The hero's face contorted and he started crying in fear. "N-no! not again please! Just kill me!"
'Hey assistant, absorb the soul.'
The hero's POV.
I was laying on the ground with no arms, looking at the man responsible. "Oh god, oh god, please help me. Please! I'm sorry for what I did! Please spare me!" I was pleading for my life desperately. "I'm usually merciful, but I'll make an exception for you." "What? Oh god, no! NO NO NO-" *Rip* *Crack* He had ripped my legs off and begun eating them. I kept blacking in and out of conciousness, pleading for my life all the while until finally, "Nononononono don't do it please. I'll reform. I'll change." I pleaded, my voice from screaming. "Die with dignity you coward!" *Whoosh* *SPLAT*
[Scanning soul... Special soul detected, determining if soul is absorbable. . .]
'Am I alive? No... I know I just got crushed like an orange. This must be hell... I knew I would be sent here eventually... if only I didn't become such a freak, I could have lived longer. At least I died to someone who wasn't a complete freak like me... I wonder why I became such a sadistic weirdo in the first place. Maybe it was the power going to my head and clouding my judgment. Why did I have to attack the girl anyway? Even if she was a lowly demi-human she was just a kid... At least he saved her I guess... Now that I think of it, why did I hate demi-humans? I feel like there was a reason... But that doesn't make sense, most of them bleed red like us humans. Is this me reflecting on my life? I don't know, but if I got another chance I wouldn't waste it.
Then i felt myself being sucked through the air, and then i was back where i died. *BLEUUURGHH* *HURK HURK* *BLEUUUGH* The man was puking violently. I was in disbelief. 'Didn't he just kill me? Why is he puking? Ugh...' Suddenly a wave of dizziness hit me, I couldnt hear anything and my world was spinning. Once the dizziness ended, I saw the man digging through my torso, until he pulled out my mana
core. "At least I got an awesome core, right?" Then he looked up at me. Straight in the face. I felt as if apocalypse itself was staring me in the eyes. "Well hot damn, you're back huh?
'No, nononono not again, this cant be happening... no, no, NO!' "N-no! not again please! Just kill me!" *Vshhh* Suddenly, I felt myself being sucked into some kind of vortex.
"Well what the hell is this cage doing on my room?" "User Jake has absorbed this soul, Now it is up to me to make it comply."