The girl, a racist, and the church.

Jake started back toward the inn. 'Goddamn it, I look like a creep with a child on a leash.' Thought Jake with a hand over his face. "Hey, are you feeling okay?" The girl just nodded with a blank look on her face. "Oh really? Doesn't seem like it." Said Jake in a playful tone. "You hungry?" The girl shook her head. "I doubt that somehow." Jake said. "Well I'm gonna buy you something, mmkay? Eat it or dont." Jake was at the inn.

He walked inside the inn. And he smelled something nice. It smelled like bacon. "I wonder what's cookin. I'll come down after to get something, now come with me." He said while gesturing to the girl. He went up the stairs and looked behind himself. He saw that woman from yesterday looking at him. A shiver went down his spine. After looking at the woman, he went up the stairs with the girl. As he entered his room, he saw the girls eyes open and her visibly shudder. "I promise I not a bad guy alright? I'm not gonna do anything weird." Said Jake with his hands up. He put the hat of telepathy onto the table. "Alright, come here for a second." Said Jake after sitting on the bed. The girls eyes opened wide once again. "Don't get the wrong idea okay." It broke Jake's heart to see this child expecting lewd things to happen. 'Children shouldn't have to worry about these things!'

The girl walked over with a sad expression. Jake took her hands. 'Heal wound'. The red bruises and small cuts healed. It made Jake happy to see her looking better. "See? Better right?" "Yes..." Said the girl in a small voice. This brought a large smile to Jake's face. "Great, now let's get something to eat. Oh yeah, here-" Jake removed the collar. There was a red line all around where the collar had been. "Those bastards..." He said quietly while looking at the red mark. "Here, let me heal that." 'Heal wound, man, this skill is the shit!' The mark faded after about two seconds. "Thank you..." "Your welcome." Said Jake in a warm voice with a smile.

After that exchange Jake headed downstairs to see what was for sale. There were three tables with white table covers over them. On the left table there were plates of grilled steak with some green plant. On the middle plate there were plates of what looked to be tortellini with some bread and butter. And on table number three, there were plates of bacon, scrambled eggs, and a biscuit shaped like a tree. "Alright, which one do you want?" "It doesn't matter." "Are you sure? I'm gonna take a wild guess and get the eggs." This wasn't a wild guess though.

'I'm pretty sure she'll just say she doesn't care which one. Can you tell me which one is the best for her?'

[Lizardmen love meat, but are especially fond of eggs. I believe the eggs and bacon would be best.]

'Thanks, assistant'

[No problem.]

The girls eyes went slightly larger. "Oh what's this, you wanted this one? Lucky me! Excuse me sir, how much is this?" "Twenty coppers." "Well alrighty then, two plates of eggs please." Said Jake while handing him fourty coppers. After that he picked up two plates of eggs. "Follow me." He walked back to the stairs with the girl in tow. After he got back to this room he put the eggs onto the table. The girl looked hungry. "Alrighty, this may seem strange, but before o eat 8 say itadakimasu. I'm pretty sure it means let's dig in, or maybe its saying grace, I dunno I've never been religious. Anyway, itadakimasu!" And with that he dug into the eggs and bacon. The bacon tasted like bacon from earth. It was crunchy and salty, overall Jake gave it a 8/10. And the eggs were delicious. They were moist, fluffy, and soft, and they tasted like they had milk in them which surprised Jake. a solid 8/10 as well. The biscuit was pretty good too, although after he had eaten the eggs he realized that you were supposed to eat them together. It was a 6/10.

The girl had been staring at it until Jake was halfway through his plate. "What is it? You want me to feed you myself?" "Well no but..." "I'm guessing your wondering why I'm not torturing and raping you?" "...Yes" "Well it's mainly because I dont discriminate against demi-humans. Y'see, I'm something of a demi-human myself." The girls eyes grew a bit. "What?" "I'm a demi-human too, or at least, sort of." "But where are your features?" "They haven't grown in yet I guess." "What type of demi-human are you?" "A demon."

The girls eyes wide and her face donned a shocked expression. "A-a D-Demon?!" The girl looked scared now. "Woah woah, I'm a good guy I promise." Said Jake while putting his hands up in a reassuring gesture. "Now please, come eat your dinner before it gets cold." Said Jake while motioning towards the bed. He had moved the table to the bed to use as a chair because he hadn't gotten a chair.

"O-okay." "Great." And with that Jake resumed eating. The girl joined him a few seconds later. She eagerly dug into the eggs. She had a smile on her face while she was eating.

After she was done she looked pretty tired. "You ready to go to bed?" "If you're okay with it sir" "Heh, even If I wasnt you'd probably drift off anyway. Here, you take the bed okay?" "But where will you sleep?" I'm gonna step out for a bit, go kill some monsters." "Alright then." After this, Jake moved the table back. "Sleep well, were gonna go somewhere tomorrow. After that he pulled the blanket over her and turned the light crystal off. The girl fell asleep almost immediately after.

'Time to go kill some crap.'

[I recommend the forest, bring some meat as bait then kill the animals.]

'Good idea. Which reminds me, I forgot to eat that wolf thing.'

[Its in the past now.]


With that he bolted toward the forest. It took him about eight minutes. He grabbed some steak from downstairs before going, -20 copper. After he got to the forest he couldnt see very well. "I'm just gonna use fire. Ooh, I just remembered, what happened to my soul?" Jake remembered how his soul had spoken to him. 'Heya, soul. You there?




'Guess not'

He lit a fire and put the steak near it. After that he jumped up into a tree above, waiting for something to take the bait. A crashing noise was heard as a pack of orange wolves with spikes came out of a bush. The biggest one was pink and was about as tall as Jake. 'Woah, why's that one pink? And why are those ones orange?'

[The pink one is the alpha and is pink because of its evolution.]

'So why are the other ones orange?'

[The alpha influenced it. Those are wolves with boosted strength.]

'Good to know.'

The wolves started sniffing around. The pink one barked as if giving instructions. It kept giving orders until its head fell off, which was a few seconds later. The other wolves did a double take. *Rrrrr* *Bark* The wolves started panicking. 'Plant control' The roots under the foliage rose up and grabbed the wolves. After they were restrained, he put a water bullet in each of their brains. "Urggh, time to eat, I guess."

[I recommend taking the core out of the wolves brains.]

'Gross, but I guess I gotta.'

He walked over to the pink wolf's head. "I guess you can call me Mitchell huh?" He set to work on digging the core out. His hands were covered in gray bits and blood by the time he finished. "I'm just gonna-" He licked his fingers clean

[New skill gained, (Authoritive).]

'Hell yeah. Skill info please.

[Skill (Authoritive): You have an easier time commanding subordinates. can be turned on and off.]



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 9

Exp: 149/500

Health: 35,000/35,000

Mana: 185,000/185,000

Stamina: 1,600/1,600

Strength: 80

Agility: 50

Dexterity: 50

Mind: 30

Intelligence: 35

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


"That's hella neat!" Jake was excited that he had leveled up. *Yawnnnnn* "I should probably sleep now. I've just gotta get these cores."

-3 minutes later-

"That was gross and tiring" Said jake while he held the marble sized cores in his hand as well as the golf ball sized one from the alpha.

'Can I use these bodies for anything?'

[If you bring the guild a piece of them, you can be rewarded for the subjugation of them.]

'Ah cool.'

Jake started taking a paw from each. The alphas bone was hard to cut through even with his water Cutter. *Yawnnn* "Man, I'm tired. I'll bring these paws in tomorrow."

And with that, Jake took off towards the town and arrived earlier than usual because of his heightened agility stat. As he neared the inn he saw that there was a small crowd. There was a table in the middle with a man who was using water ropes similar to Jake's from when he was messing around. The key difference was that he had to chant again every so often while doing it. Jake walked through the crowd. "As you can see, this water bends to my will! I am incredibly experienced in water magic!" Jake decided to mess around a bit before bed.

"Oh really? Make two miniature elemental animals fight." The man looked at Jake like he was an idiot. "Ha, your funny, I may be experienced in water magic, but the amount of control to make even one is crazy, let alone two. And to make them fight? Ha!" "Is it really that difficult? Because I can do it with 4 different elements at once." "HAHAHA, you talk big, but that's impossible!" "No look, "Elemental Arena"." He said the spell out loud. As soon as he said that, the spider, snake, wolf, and tiger appeared. The mans jaw dropped. "I-i-impossible! Two elementals of the same element is ridiculously hard, but 4 of different elements, its just... Impossible!."

"I can even make them move." With that Jake sent the signal to start dancing around. the spider stood on two legs and moved its six other legs around as if classical dancing. The snake rolled around while contracting and detracting. The tiger and wolf started doing a duet they would move in perfect sync and do some type of pacing dance. The man had to pick his jaw off the floor. You're a, a, a, monster!" Said the man before running away. The crowd was still In a stunned silence.

"Hahaha, good stuff. Alright you guys, get back in there." The animals returned into his hand after he told them. *Yawnnn* "Time for bed."

"Wait sir!" A man ran up to Jake. Im a recruiter for the "Supreme Elementalists" clan! Would you be interested in joining?" "I have two questions." "Of course." "One, what's the pay like?" "Its quite good in comparison to a lot of other clans, somewhere around double the other clans in the area." "And two, do you discriminate against

demi-humans?" "Of course, why wouldn't we discriminate against those sub-human trash?" "I'm not too interested in joining." "But why sir?" The man said with an alarmed expression. "Because I love demi-humans." Said Jake with a faint smile. "But why? They're not human!" "Lemme tell you something," Jake leans in. "Me neither..." He whispered into the mans ear. The man went pale. "Dont tell anyone mmkay?" He said with a huge grin. "Y-yessir!" The man ran. "Hahahaha!" Jake started laughing his ass off. *Whew* *Yawnnnnn* "Damn I'm tired." After that statement Jake walked inside.

Meanwhile the crowd was still standing there trying to find which jaw was theirs on the ground.

As he walked upstairs and opened the door he saw the girl stirring in the bed. 'I haven't even asked her her name.' *Yawnnn* *Mmph* "I gotta go to bed now." He climbed into bed next to the girl. "G'night."







"Why did I get stuck with this lazy bum."

Jake opened his eyes. He was in a black void. "Hello?"

"...Finally" "Who's that?" "I'm youuuu." The voice said ominously. "Are you a ghost or something?" "Wh- no. I'm not a ghost. I'm here to give you something, here take 'em." Jake saw a smooth metal case and a pedestal appear. He walked over. The case had the words "Level 8" on it. "What's this?" "You'll find out when you wake up." "So uh, what do I do now?" "I prepared for that actually." A table appeared a few feet away with an overhead light. A pack of cards appeared a few seconds later.

"Let's play with cards I guess." [What is this space?] "Dude, did you invite your assistant or something?!" "No! I didn't even realize that this was a place she could go!" [Why is the host here? Why is this a black void? What's going on?] The assistant seemed like it was panicking. "Hey, uh, assistant. I think this is my dream." [Why am I here then? And who is the other voice?] "Oh me? I'm also Jake." "Wait what? How are you me?" "Well I'm all of your inner evil, and I'm here to subjugate you! Hahaha!" "What the hell do you mean? Are you gonna torture me?!" "Of course! hahahaha-"

Suddenly the voice appeared. It was a being that resembled Jake but had some key differences. Firstly, it had red eyes. Second, it had gray horns growing from the side of its forehead. Third it had bony protrusions all over its arms. Fourth, it had faint pulsing blue light lines on its arms and legs. Fifth, it had light dark gray wings. It was wearing a dark gray tee shirt with light brown shorts. "ha" It stopped laughing as it realized it was visible. "Oh fuc-" "EEYAHH!" Jake jumped up and punched it square in the face. "AHHHH MY FACE! YOU PRICK!" It fell to the ground holding its face while rolling around in pain. "DON'T JUST PUNCH PEOPLE YOU DUMB FUCK!" "Oops." "OOPS? FUCKING OOPS? YOU BROKE MY FUCKING FACE YOU BRUTE!" "Dude, If a demon tried to jump you, you'd attack too!" "I'm not a fucking demon!"

[Might I inquire what's going on?] "I don't know, I think this moron tried to jump me. "IM DIDN'T TRY TO JUMP YOU, I AM YOU, YOU DUNCE" "I think I punched him too hard and he's gone crazy." [Understood. Maybe punch him again and see if it does something?] "YOU GUYS SUCK!" "Its your own damn fault for being so damn freaky."

"Whatever, screw you guys. Let's just play cards." The demon got up. "Yeah sure." [Might I inquire on how I can play without a corporeal form?] "Good question." "Have you tried imagining her having a corporeal form?" "No I haven't." "Maybe believing she has one will work?" "let's see." He imagined a dark purple haired girl wearing a black suit and glasses. Of course he imagined her with acceptable breast size. [It seems I have a corporeal form now, but I feel strange. I feel warm and there's a strange movement in my chest.] "That's probably your, uhm, assets. [What does that mean?] "Y'know, I look like a demon, and I'm still not as much of a fucking degenerate as you." The demon said while pinching the bridge of its nose.

"He meant your breasts which he gave jiggle-physics to for some ungodly reason." "Can't you sugarcoat it a little?" [Why did you choose this form?] "Oh uh, its because, um, it looks nice." Meanwhile the demon was looking at this with satisfaction. "Serves you right for fucking bashing me." "I'm sorry, okay? It was instinct!" "Yeah whatever let's just play cards." [I accept this declaration.] "Agreed."

So with that the trio started playing go fish. "Do you have any two's?" [Go fish.] So far, the assistant was dominating the game." "Goddamn, your assistant is good at go fish." "Unfortunately so." Some more time passed. [I win again. This feeling is quite pleasant.] "Oh sure gloat all you want." "Ha, isn't she supposed to support you?" Jake started glowing. "Woah, what the hell?" "Oh, I think you're waking up." "Yeah that makes sense."

"Alright well, you can come back whenever I think." "Alright then, I'm gonna come back tomorrow." "Kay bye. Also, why are you not going?" [I'm not sure.] "Well whatever. It's cool if you stay here with me." [I have a theory, what if were both in the same mind space.] "Good theory. well if your gonna stay here I'll show you my place." "What do you mean your place?" "Its nothing you need to worry about." "Oka-" And then he disappeared.

Jake opened his eyes. He sees that the girl is holding his arm 'I've gotta get up, but how? I dont wanna wake the girl up. Jake looked around It was bright outside. 'I probably overslept.' He looked down an the girl who was clinging to his arm with a serene expression. Seeing this made Jake happy. This must be what parents feel like.

'Is there teleporters or anything?'

[Yes there are. They are almost always in the town hall. You can only access them if you are A rank or above.]

'Ah okay, sounds simple enough.'

'Guess I'm gonna have to ask for a rank raise from the guildmaster.'

"Mmmpf." "Oh hiya, your awake now huh?" "Hmm? Ahh!"

The girl rolled away from the shirtless Jake. "Wh-what are you gonna do to me?" Asked the girl, fear clear in her voice. "Hehehe, well first off I was planning on asking your name. And then, I was gonna...! Take you out to breakfast!" Said Jake with an evil grin. "I knew it- Wait, huh?" "Mmhmm, and after that I was planning something particularly evil, I was gonna make you ride on my back on the way to the next town over! Pretty evil huh?" Said Jake with another evil grin. "But... You were shirtless!" "Oh yeah, that wasn't part if my dastardly plan, I just sleep with no shirt." "But I thought you were gonna do something dirty and reveal your true colors!" "Haha, your way too dramatic. Nah, I'd feel way too guilty." The girl was puzzled

"So anyways, what's your name?" "Its... Rena." "Rena huh... That's a nice name. Anyway, were headed to the guild now" "Alright."

A few minutes later they had arrived at the guild. Jake had taken to carrying Rena on his back. As he walked into the guild he activated his ear enhancement spell. The moment he stepped foot into the guild It got quieter, but not silent like last time. "Is that a demi-human?" "Gross!" "That kids got some balls bringing in vermin like her."

As soon as Jake heard that he faced the man who said that. He appeared to be a mage. Jake slowly brought his hand up to his face like a gun, using his thumb as a sight. He aimed it at the man who said that, and then, "Bang!" after he said that a baseball sized hole appeared in the mans shoulder. "AHHHHHHHH MY SHOULDER, WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" "You made a rude comment, so I was teaching you what happens." "You little Bitch! Who do you think you are?!"

'Assistant, is it possible to focus my demon lord authority on someone?'

[Yes it is possible.]

'(Demon lord authority)'

'Hmm? it's not working?



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 9

Exp: 149/500

Health: 35,000/35,000

Mana: 185,000/185,000

Stamina: 1,600/1,600

Strength: 80

Agility: 50

Dexterity: 50

Mind: 30

Intelligence: 35

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


"Why is my skill gone?"

[You deemed it bad to use and hid it subconsciously. Just focus on it to unhide it.]

He began focusing on it. until eventually he felt

like it was back


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 9

Exp: 149/500

Health: 35,000/35,000

Mana: 185,000/185,000

Stamina: 1,600/1,600

Strength: 80

Agility: 50

Dexterity: 50

Mind: 30

Intelligence: 35

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


'(Demon lords Authority)'

The man's face went white and his eyes went wide. A faint choking sound sounded from the man's still open mouth. "Well? Werent you talking big just a second ago? The man was completely mortified, most of the thoughts going through his mind were, "I'm gonna die!" "Alright, it's fine as long as you get it." Jake left while patting the man on the shoulder. '(Demon lords Authority).'

After that, he walked up the stairs with his super hearing still active. "What the hell did he do to Braker?!" "Why can he just casually walk up to the guildmasters room?" After this, Jake figured he'd mess about a bit before he left.

"Why can I go to the guildmasters room you ask? Well it's obviously because I'm stronger than him!" Said Jake with his arms outstretched while leaning over the balcony. *Gasp* *Murmur* "I can't believe he's stronger than the guildmaster!" "Anyway, I'm going to go talk to him now, please, resume what you were doing." And after that he went into the guildmasters room. Strangely, he didnt feel nervous after addressing the crowd.

"Oh, gray boy. I heard you making a ruckus out there. That was quite funny though, Y'see, Braker is a bit of a troublemaker. Anyway, what do you need?" "I need you to bump me up to SS rank." "Oh? I didn't think you'd ask so soon. But very well. Please hand me your ID card." After Jake handed the card to him he put some mana into it. "Oh yes, i forgot. I never put a rank onto your card because of all the confusion." After this, the guildmaster put a rank of SS under his physical indicator. "All set."

In case you dont know what the card looks like, it's something like this. When your rank surpasses C+ the card stops showing the stats on the card and instead shows the stats in a window that pops up after the owner taps the card. The window a white box, similar to what Jake's status window looks like, but it also has a small replica of the person in the top right corner. It also didn't have the Help options. Although the card still showed the person's name on it.

"So I can access the town teleporter now right?" "Well yes, and for quite cheap because you're SS rank." "Nice. Also, Sujii, what's your opinion on demi-humans?" This alarmed Sujii. He remembered what had happened to Braker. "demi-humans? Well, I'm indifferent." Said Sujii with a complete poker face. "Oh really... Well that's great. Anyway, gotta go." "Farewell." And with that him and Rena left the room. He walked down the stairs to see Braker white as a ghost. "Oh hey Braker, that hole hurt? Lemme fix ya up." After saying that he approached Braker.

"N-no, Please dont kill me, I'll be good to demi-humans, I swear!" "Oh really? That's great. Anyway c'mere." After that, Jake walked up to him. The man closed his eyes expecting to breathe his last, only to realize that the pain in his shoulder was gone. "H-huh? Im not dead? And the pain is gone?" "Alright then, don't forget, no racism!" Said Jake sternly. "Y-yes sir!" "Good. Now I'll be off." And with that, Jake took his leave.

"Wow, that was kinda funny." "I know right? Racist assholes like him deserve what they get." Jake had been walking back to the inn and talking with Rena, who was on his shoulders. "Why are you so nice? Aren't you a demon? My parents said that demons are horrible, barbaric creatures." "I'm just special I guess." "Yeah, your definitely special. Your as strong as one, maybe even two heroes!"

"Wait, there's heroes?" Said Jake with alarm. "Of course, theres a few places they reside. There's the most common one, the church. Then there's the big kingdoms, and then there's unknown heroes. The heroes are created from people who received a divine gift from a god." "Is this just common knowledge?" "Of course, even children like me know of them." "I guess I'll be careful if them, because I'm probably their natural enemy." "Yes, that's true. The heroes do slay demons quite commonly."

*Wakoom!* *Thump* *Thump* *Smash!* "Woah what the hell was that?" Jake looked toward the noise behind him. There was a 15 foot black, muscled, humanoid emerging from the top of a house. Tiles flew everywhere. "AHHHH DEMON!" "NOOO I DONT WANNA DIE!"

"HAHAHAHA, run puny humans! I will be your undoing! Ahahaha!" The demon stepped through the house after talking. "I-I-im, scared sir." Said Rena while trembling and holding on to him tightly. "Dont worry, I'll take care of this moron. HEY YOU, Your ruining my and Rena's day." "Hmm, what's this a tiny person dares to- EEK!" As soon as the demon looked at Jake, it fell to its ass. "WH-WHATS A DEMON GENERAL DOING HERE!? PLEASE HAVE MERCY!" "Demon general? Oh, I don't think you quite grasp what I am." Said Jake with small smile.

'(Demon lord Authority).'

Jake activated his aura skill on the demon. The demon shrank. Literally, the demon shrank down to human size. "P-please have mercy on my soul oh great one!" It said while kneeling to Jake. "Hmmmm, I guess I am feeling merciful. I'll make you a deal okay?" "Of course, anything for my life!" Jake thought about if for a second

'Hey assistant I have two questions, one, why did he know I was strong? Two, what should I make him do?

[The reason he knew you were strong is because most demons have upgraded vision, and they can perceive demonic energy. He saw that you were basically blotting out the sun with your energy, similar to a demon lord or general. And I think that you should send him to the guildmaster in cuffs with a note saying, "You owe me one -Gray boy" in order to gain a favor from the guildmaster.]

'Good idea.'

"Alright, I'm gonna have you put some cuffs on and have a note mmkay?" "Yessir!" Jake asked him if he had anything to write on. "Do you have something for me to write on?" "You can use my body if you'd like sir."

'Damn, he's pretty compliant huh?

[Demons are naturally inclined to follow who's strongest. Although they do sometimes fight the stronger one for dominance.]

'That makes sense.'

"Alright I'll use your skin." *Shrrrk* *Shrrrk* *Grunt* *Shrrrk* "That's good enough." Jake conjured some roots from the ground to tie around the demon's wrists. "Now head over to the guild. It's the large wood and stone building called skull cutters near the middle of town." "Yessir." And after that the demon left. "Wow sir, you beat that demon without even touching him!" "Pretty neat huh? Anyways I'm gonna check out the house, you stay outside." "okay."

Jake stepped through the wall. He saw that it was a normal house interior, A table, rug, bed, the essentials. But there was a hole in the ground that lead to a basement. Inside the basement there was a red pentagram. There were six dead hooded people. They had dark green cloaks. "Cultists huh? I wonder if eating them would be a good idea..."

[Yes it would be recommended.]

'Goddamn, this sucks. Guess I gotta though.'

*Shlrrp* "Hurk, so that's what humans look like inside..." *Chomp* "MMBLLTT, god, this really sucks! They taste rancid!" *Chomp* *Clank* "Huh? Is this a core?"

[Yes, humans with magic have cores. usually located just below the ribcage.]

'Cool, I guess.'

Jake had finished one person after about four minutes. "Oh god, I cant do this anymore. I'm sure one is enough."

[Skills gained, (Demon summon), (Demon eyes), (Blood magic).]

'Oh cool. Status!'


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 9

Exp: 149/500

Health: 35,000/35,000

Mana: 185,000/185,000

Stamina: 1,600/1,600

Strength: 80

Agility: 50

Dexterity: 50

Mind: 30

Intelligence: 35

Sanity: 86/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


"Blood magic huh? I'll try it out." Jake used the blood magic by trying to sense the blood around him. After he sensed it, he tried to move it, and it worked. He formed a floating blood ball in front of him. "Neato."

Jake climbed out of the hole. it was a bit difficult though so he got some roots to make a ladder for him. *Hup* He saw Rena waiting for him. She sighed in relief after seeing him okay. "Sir, your okay!" She said while running up to him. "Well, more or less." "Why were you in there for so long?" "I'll tell you at the inn." "Alright." After this he put Rena back onto his shoulders.

As they started walking away, Jake heard a bunch of people running behind him. He looked behind them a few seconds after he'd started walking away. "Where's the demon?!" "Is anyone hurt?" "Look for people trapped under things or hiding!" About twenty people who were wearing similar clothing came running toward the building. There was a blonde woman in large white robes among them. One thing the people all had in common was a small shield shaped insignia with a white ankh symbol in the middle.

"Hello there citizen. Can you tell us where the demon went? The woman asked a a man who was still shaking. "A man with gray hair and a child on his shoulders came by and the demon shrunk itself and kneeled to him begging for mercy!" The man said hurriedly. "Calm down sir, there is no more danger." At that moment the woman saw Jake.

"You there, gray haired man, can you tell me what happened?" Jake panicked a little bit. 'Ah crap, shes probably from the church! What am I gonna do?' "You mean me?" Asked Jake while pointing to himself. "Yes you, what happened here?" "Oh uh, nothing much. I was just passing through." "Right... So can you tell me why you're traveling with demi-human trash on your shoulders?" This pissed Jake off. "What'd you just say?" Said Jake lowering his eyebrows. "I asked why you're traveling with demi-human trash, and treating them as an equal." 'Ohohoho, you stupid bitch, you think your so high and mighty? We'll see.' "You dare insult my daughter? Don't do it again if you value your life." "My My, it seems we have a citizen who doesnt know their place. Maybe we need to do some attitude reforming." Said, her voice laced with mockery.

"Want to see if you're strong enough, you dumb blonde bitch?" The woman narrowed her eyes, raised them, then smiled. "Was that a threat to a priestess of the holy church? My My, it seems like you are under the control of a demon. It is so unfortunate, I guess we must purge you in the name of god. Said the woman with fake sadness while lowering her head. But Jake caught a faint smile. "Knights, purge him.