Answers, an auction, and an overconfident idiot.

"So to start off, who sent you?" "The guild master." "How much did he pay you?" "30 gold." "Thirty!? Do I really seem that evil?" "I dont make my own opinions, I just kill who I'm told." "Fair enough."

Jake had only had a few questions. The man was very cooperative after witnessing his chantless healing magic.

[Now that you have the information needed, I recommend killing him and the guild master.]

'What the hell? Of course not, why would I do that?!'

[To ensure your safety.]

'But that's cold blooded murder!'

[No, its self defence and retaliation.]

'Dude, have you never read a book or manga or something? Killing always leads them down a dark path!'

[This is fine. You are a demon so slaughtering people is quite normal and efficient for leveling up.]

Jake facepalms at this point.

'That's the exact thing I dont wanna do! I wanna keep my human mindset!'

[I do not understand, a human mindset will only leave you merciful and unable to kill efficiently.]

'Yep, that's the point. Remember what I said earlier? Stuuuuupid robot.'

[Very well, I do not quite grasp this concept, but I will try to.]

'Kay thanks.'

[Your walcome.]

"Alright, I'm gonna let you go, only conditions are that you gotta give me half of the payment and keep quiet about my abilities." "Wait, I dont quite understand, your going to let me live, AND let me keep half the payment?" The assasin said in bewilderment. "Yeah, I'm not exactly comfortable with murdering a defenceless guy." "i expected a strong person like you to get off to murdering people in cold blood by how you talked to those slimes, but I was wrong. I will agree to your conditions of course." "Nice. Also, tell the guild master that I'm not weak enough to be killed by a mere assasin." 'Auggh no did that sound all cliche? did I sound like an idiot?' "Of course. but also, could you not tell anyone that I got defeated so easily? I have a reputation to uphold." "Uh, yeah, sure"

And with that, Jake stopped restraining the assasin. Jake was honestly quite glad to not have to kill someone. The assasin handed him the gold. "Okay, later." "Bye." And with that, the assasin leapt into the trees and took off.

'Hey assistant, do you know a place I can buy some magic items? I got some good money now'

[There are a few options. First, a magic shop. Second, a pawn shop. Third, an auction shop. Those are the places I've deemed most valid for this town.]

'Thanks, robot.'

[I am not a robot, I am an assistant designed by the Soulpower system to help you achieve whatever goal you deem to be fit.]

'So what If I said I wanted to destroy this entire universe?'

[I would do everything i can to help.]

'That's uh, strangely reassuring.'

[I'm glad this reassures you.]

"Anyway, I'm gonna go to an auction house. I'll probably find something cool like a fire sword or a demon knife or something."

And so, Jake set off to go back to the town which took him around eight minutes. He looked around trying to find an auction house. He decided to ask the guild master. But before that he stopped at Sothies store to grab something... After that he made his way toward the guild. He opened the door and, a gasp. The chatter died down gradually as people started looking at him.

"Oh no, is it him?" "I think it's the demon lord." "He's way too strong for us to be able to run." "He's kind of hot though..." People all around the guild started murmuring to each other. Jake's heart felt like it was about to give out from how much it was beating. He was nervous before but now, he was the center of attention. He quietly walked past and up the stairs. He pushed open the doors only to find the guild master hunched over some papers on his desk. *Knock* *Knock*

"Callista, I keep telling you to knock before enteri-" When he saw Jake He trailed off as he went pale and his eye widened. He dropped his quill. "Y-You're supposed to be..." "Supposed to be what?" Said Jake with a fake look of confusion. "Oh, uh, y'know, out adventuring and, stuff." "Oh yeah, I did that a little while ago. Funny story, a hooded guy was following me. I took care of him though." Said Jake with a demonic grin. "O-oh that's great, did he say anything?" Said the guildmaster with a bead of sweat on his forehead. "Yeah he said some weird stuff... Yknow, stuff like, "I'm a B+ rank adventurer!" and "Okay fine I'll talk, please leave me with at least two fingers!" Y'know, stuff like that." Said Jake while his grin grew wider. Jake was trying to make it sound as grisly as possible. "He-He said some strange things indeed. He was probably just an uh, madman." "But here's the weird thing, after I completely dismembered him, he said that you hired him... Crazy huh?" The guildmaster looked completely mortified. "Y-You d-dismembered h-him, huh? and w-what do you mean b-by that?" "Oh, it's simple, I slowly cut his arms and legs off with this dull dagger I have. And everytime he would scream I would stab him in the torso, it was pretty damn funny to see him trying to stop screaming." Said Jake while showing the guild master the dagger he had covered in some red jelly he had bought from Sothies earlier for fifteen coppers while chuckling morbidly. "Y'see? I hadn't gotten around to sharpening it yet, so I had to make do with his skull, kind of ironic huh? Seeing as this is the skull cutters." After this, Sujii nervously chuckled at his joke. "Heh, yep, pretty ironic." After this, Jake licked his blade which he had washed before using the jelly. "Mmmm, tastes like fear, pain, then, hmmm, despair? No, sadness." Said Jake while like looking up thoughtfully. "So uh, did he say anything else?" The guildmaster asked nervously. "Oh, but of course, I forgot about it until now. He said that you paid him 30 gold, then showed it to me, which added a bit of credibility to his statement... Y'see, I was wondering... Did you, perchance, hire him?" "Oh uh, um, no o-of course not."

At this point Jake couldnt hold himself back any longer and started laughing hysterically. "HAHAHAHA I fucking cant anymore!BWAHAHAHA!" "Wh-whats so funny?" "Dude I know it was you, I was just fucking with you. HAHAHA!" "So what about the assasin you killed?" "I didnt kill him." Said Jake while wiping a tear from his eye. "Why not? Didnt he try to kill you?" "Well yeah, but I would kill someone for 30 gold too." Sujii was beyond confused. "So you didnt come here to torture me to death?" "Hehehe nope, I was just getting some payback, I actually hate killing to be honest." "So what are you planning on doing now?" "Oh, I was actually here to ask you if you knew where an auction house was." "Oh yeah, theres one called the Golden Chance. it's right down the road, the one with the golden laced door. you need to have a certain amount of money to get in though, specifically at the very least, 10 gold." "Alright thanks for the info. Also, here, have this jelly." Said Jake while handing sujii the jelly. "Damn, you really got me good son." Said sujii while chuckling. "Alright, bye."

And after all was said and done, Jake left. He set off to the auction house. He looked around the street. There were a few buildings that piqued his interest. There was a magic shop named "Enchantments and alloys" as well as a church that doubled as a doctor's office. James wasnt sure If it was a good idea to go in there seeing as he was a demon and all.

After about 30 seconds of looking he found the auction house. "Ah here it is." As he walked up to the door he saw a few fat people walk in. "If I can use fantasy anime and books as a reference, I'd say those are probably nobles. And after that thought, he went inside.

Inside was a small room. It had three chairs on one side, and a window made of metal bars on the other, an well as a door up ahead. The three fat nobles showed the person their ID's and were let in. Jake walked up to the bars. "Hello sir, would you like to participate in the auction today? You can put up an item if you would like." Said the brown haired woman behind the bars. "I'm just here to participate in the auctions." "Okay then, We need you to sign this waiver that prevents you from trying to report anything you may see that could be, or is illegal." "Yeah sure." The woman handed Jake a waiver. 'Alright let's read this...' "Alright I agree." And with that Jake signed the contract with a quill.

"Alright sir, here's your Identification card. Put a drop of blood on that symbol in the circle and the card will fill out your name." "Alright got it." Jake pulled out his dagger and slid it across his finger which, surprisingly, didnt hurt. As soon as the drop of blood hit the symbol, his name was filled out and so was a picture of his face. "This way sir. Your seat number is 36." As she said that, the door opened

Through the door there was a large room that resembled an opera theater. There were balconies for what he assumed were VIPs, as well as normal seats. There were already a few people in the seats. Jake looked around for 36, but only saw 30. He walked over to 30 and looped around until he saw 36 a few seats away. He sat down after walking over. There was a small tray where you add money to show your when you raise the price and take the money when you buy something. He looked around and saw a large floating sign with letters and a timer. "Auction will start in (28) minutes!" 'Oh come on, that's so long though!'

[Would you like some ideas to curb your boredom?]

'Yes please.'

[Three ideas, one, create a new spell. Two, play with magic to practice your control. Three, go to sleep with a timer.]

'I'll just screw with magic.'


After this conversation, Jake imagined a small beam of water connecting his thumb and his pointer finger. He opened his eyes to see a small rope of water, that was about a inch thick. He imagined it swirling ant twisting, and it did just that. He saw people looking at him with wide questioning eyes.

'Is there any way for me to hear what they're saying?'

[Yes there is, you need to make a spell to strengthen your ears.]

'How do I do that?'

[Imagine your ear being able to hear better.]

'Sounds kinda shady but okay...'

Jake imagined an ear. He imagined the ear recieving small lines in different colors. Then he imagined the ear recieving bigger lines from farther away. He applied the spell to his ears.

"Is he wearing some type of magic item?" "I think he's using magic, but how?" "Did he do chantless casting?" "I need to see more!" Said the people around him in hushed voices.

'It works! I'm gonna name this, "Enhance ears".'

[Spell has been created.]

'Alright nice. Anyway, the people want to see more, and theres still 20 minutes.'

And after he said that he thought about what would be the flashiest thing to do. 'Oh I know.' Jake imagined a wolf made of water and a tiger made of electricity. On his hand appeared the two miniature animals. The animals looked straight forward as If awaiting instruction. "Fight for me!" And with that the two little animals started to fight. The wolf started off by lunging forward which the tiger sidestepped it with ease. The tiger retaliated by jumping onto the wolf's back trying to pin it. This didnt work out very well, the wolf slid backwards making the tiger fumble and roll, an opportunity which the wolf seized. The wolf jumped onto the tiger pinning it, and ripped off its front right leg, the tiger bled small bolts of electricity. The wolf was pushed away by the tiger which shakily righted itself. The wolf lunged at it once again, the tiger tried to sidestep again but the wolf anticipated this and grabbed it while it was trying to get away. After it had pinned the tiger once again it drove for its neck and ripped its neck out. The tiger rolled around a bit, volts gushing out of its neck, until finally it died. After it died, the wolf jumped on its body and made a howling motion, which no sound came from. After that, both animals melted into his hand.

"He-he just put on an entire show with two elements, silently?!" "WHOOO" *Clap* *Clap* "You're incredible young sir!" The people around him cheered for him. At this point there were only 6 minutes until the auction.

"Well? Are you amused?!" "Yes!" "That was amazing!" "You're a prodigy!" "Mmhmm." Said Jake while gloating. "You want to see a preview of what's to come? Well have a look!" and with that, he summoned a spider made of darkness, the tiger, the wolf, and a snake made of roots. The crowd roared, there were many more people now because they had been slowly coming in. "Your the best mage I've ever seen!" "How did you get this strong?!" "WHOOOO NICE!"

'Holy shit, that actually worked! I need to make that a spell! I'm gonna call it, "Elemental Arena". I've gotta see how much mana I have left, Status!'


Name: Jake

Race: Demon

Level: 1

Exp: 10/100

Health: 30,000/30,000

Mana: 174,400/180,000

Stamina: 1,500/1,500

Strength: 50

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 35

Mind 30

intelligence 35

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


'Holy crap, I'm honestly a freak of nature. Also can you give me a specific specific species of demon please?'

[I will ask the system for an update.]



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 1

Exp: 10/100

Health: 30,000/30,000

Mana: 180,000/180,000

Stamina: 1,500/1,500

Strength: 50

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 35

Mind 30

intelligence 35

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].


'Your a smart-ass, you know that?'

[No I am not, there is no definitive signs of your species of demon.]


"Ladies and gentlemen, the auction is starting! Please take your seats." A booming voice echoed through the air. There was a man on the stage with a stick that vaguely resembled a microphone.

"Well well, we have quite the crowd today huh?!" Said the announcer while waving his free hand around. "Well it just so happens that we have a few rare things today for you fine ladies and gents!" *Clap* *Clap *Clap* Lots of the people in the crowd clapped or cheered at this statement. "Anyway, now to start the auction! First off we have this special bracelet that gives you super strength! Price will start off at two gold coins!" *Murmur* *Murmur*

'Should I buy this?

[No, it's not recommended.]

'Okay then.'

"Two golds and fifty silvers!" " Three golds!" "Three golds and seventy five silvers!" "..." "Going once?!" Going twice?! Sold to number 43!"

The man who it was sold to was large and muscular. He had spiky dirty blonde hair. "Hell yeah, this will complement my muscles nicely!" "Come pick it up after the auction good sir!"

"Next up we have an incredible item that comes from a dungeon far away! It's the hat of telepathy! Starting at Seventy five silvers!"

'Should I buy it and eat it?'

[It may be a good idea.]

By this point the hat was up to 2 golds. "4 golds! Shouted Jake. Everyone turned to look at him. As you probably know, Jake isn't good with being the main focus and so, his heart started racing. "Going once! Going twice! Sold to number 36! Come pick it up after the auction young sir!"

'Do I really look that young?'

[Yes, as a demon you look naturally young and handsome.]


[In not sure. That's just what I'm told.]

'Huh, weird.'

"Annnd for the next item, we have a very nicely made piece, an earth magic staff! Starting at three golds!"

'I dont need that right?'

[No, you dont need it.]

'Got it.'

"four golds!" "..." "Going once! Going twice! Sold to the fine young lady in the back, please come pick it up at the end of the auction!" "Hell yes, I finally got a staff that matches my affinity!" He heard The light brown haired girl mumble to herself.

"And now for item number four, A young demi-human slave!" After the man said that Jake heard a scraping sound as a cage was pushed out into the stage. Inside it was a young white haired girl that looked no older than 12. She was dressed in yellowed white clothes. She also had some teal scales coming up her cheek from where her jawbone met her skull as well as a tail with scales that matched the teal color. Seeing this made Jake's jaw drop and his eyes widen. He slowly shook his head in disbelief.

'I get that this is a fantasy world and all, but I didnt think there would be slavery! And let alone children!'

[Slavery is completley legal. Especially the slavery of demi-humans as demi-humans are heavily discriminated against in a lot of countries. Normally the women and children are captured and the men are killed.]

'But thats, that's so... Fucked up!

[Not in the eyes of the humans of this country.]

Hearing this made Jake's heart break. He wasnt a cold hearted demon, he was a demon with a modern day person's mindset! In his eyes, this was unacceptable, completely deplorable!

"Starting at five golds, it also comes with a whip, and a slave crest! And ti top it off, she's still a virgin!" "Five golds and fifty silvers!" "Seven golds!" "Seven golds and 90 silvers!"

Jake looked in his money pouch, he had 15 golds, 11 silvers, and 85 coppers. "Ten golds!" Jake shouted out. "Eleven golds!" "Twelve golds!" Shouted Jake with determination. "..." "Going once! Going twice! Sold to 36 for twelve golds! Come pick it up after the auction please!"

Jake was feeling relieved that he'd been the one to get her, and not some sick, sadistic scumbag.

'Was that a good idea?'

[They are a good species of demi-human. It is a lizardman which have naturally high strength as well as tough scales.]

'That's great'

"Alright next up is a special grimoire from a dungeon in the next town over, "A great mages guide to fire magic. Starting at 3 golds-"

And with that, the auction continued. There werent many items of note. The only one he took much interest in was ring of summoning. It was a metal ring with a large white gem that had a black pattern in it. According to the auctioneer, it would summon a beast to fight for you if you poured your mana into it.

"Thank you everyone for participating in this auction! We hope to see you again sometime! Now, anyone who bought something, please come to the back of the stage to collect!" And with that the man walked into the back of the stage.

'Welp, time to go collect the girl.'

[Just letting you know that you sound like a creep.]

'Woah, since when can you talk independently?'

[I was trying a method recommended for users who seem to not like the assistant.]

'Well alright. It's okay, I dont hate it.'

[Very well, i will continue using this where possible.]

After that, Jake made his way to the back to get the girl and the hat. He peeked into the back to see what it looked like. There was a medium sized room with a white stone floor. There were also few people giving the items to the buyers. He saw a man with a tuxedo-like suit waiting next to his things. "Heya, those are mine." Said Jake with a friendly wave to the man. The man nodded and smiled. "A fine slave you've got here. Here take this." After saying this the man handed him a black leather whip with metal plates and small razors placed around the end. "Its enchanted to make every strike unbearably painful. It's a finely crafted piece. And now it's time to come do the slave crest." Jake took the whip with an awkward smile. "Haha, yeah... Anyway, I'll just skip the slave crest." "Really? Well alright. Please don't come back to ask for it later." "Yep, I got it. "Very well then sir, here you go." After saying that the man collared the girl and handed the leash to Jake. This made Jake's blood boil. But he put on a fake smile while thanking the man. "And here's the hat." The man handed him the hat of telepathy. "Thank you for using the golden chance sir, we hope to see you again." Said the man with a small smile. "Yep, I'll probably be back." Said Jake with a strained smile only barely holding back his anger. And with that, he left.

It had been about two hours. He made his way toward the inn. But first, he looked for a clothes shop. He saw a sign of a dress and scissors with the text "Suitable shirts" hanging next to the door of a large building. "Ah, that's probably one." As he was walking in he looked at the girl, she had a few red bruises on her arms and legs. 'Oh you poor girl.' Thought Jake sadly.

[I suggest using "Heal Wound" on her.]

'Good idea.'


'That's an awfully human response.'

[In using the recommendation.]

'Okay then, I'll do it after, I dont want people to see me do it.'

He walked into the shop and saw a lot of clothes he saw children's clothes, adult clothes, as well as other things. "Hello? is anyone here?" Just then he heard a shuffling noise. "Oh hi, are you a customer?" A woman with pink hair emerged from behind an clothes rack. "Yeah, im looking for some clothes for her." He said while pointing to the girl. "Oh alright, would you like children's clothes or some lingerie perhaps? 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN LINGERE?! SHES A KID!' Screamed Jake internally. "I would like some children's clothes please." "Would you like it custom made?" "Yes, please do, I need it to fin her tail." "Alright, what's your price range?" "One gold." "Very well." "I would like some normal clothes, no frilly dresses please." "Yessir." "Here, go with her please." Said Jake with a gentle smile. The girl nodded slowly with a blank look on her face and went with the woman into a room behind the counter.

About ten minutes later, both the girls emerged from the door. "Hello sir, the dress is done." "thank you, have a good day."

After that he walked out the door. He made his way to the inn because it was getting dark. "Hey there kiddo, what's a little guy like you doing out here by yourself?" Jake turned around to see a large lanky man. "Nothing much, just heading back to my inn room. Why? What's it to you?" "Oh It doesn't matter that much. Oh hey, look at you, pumpkin!" Said the man after seeing the girl. "What a cutie you are, you mind leaving her with me for babysitting? I'll do it for free." "Jake opened his eyes wide and put on a creepy smile. "Oh, thanks for the offer, but its fine." "Hey hey hey, what's with the smile, you mockin me kid?" "Oh no no no, I just found it funny that you're so eager to babysit her." "Alright listen here you little prick, hand the girl or else, *Shiing* You'll get stabbed." Said the man while pulling out a knife. Jake made his smile bigger. "What'so funny kid?! Ya wanna get stabbed?" And with that, the man ruched at Jake. *Fssht* *Fssht* The man dropped like a sack of potatoes. "AHHHH MY LEGS!" There was now a golf ball wide hole in each of the mans legs. "Tell me, do you wanna know what death feels like?" "N-no, s-stop please!" "Why should I stop?" Jake napped his finger into the hole. He moved it around "AAAAUUUGGGHHHH!!" "It kind of feels like those ridges on the top of my mouth." Said Jake with a sadistic grin. "P-please s-s-stop." "Well alright I guess I could, but your gonna have to promise me something." "Of course, anything!" "Stay away from me from now on." "Of c-course." And with that Jake healed the man's injuries. "Wh-what, h-how, you just..." The man was in utter disbelief. Jake pat the man's shoulder. "Dont tell anyone m'kay?" "O-okay." And with that Jake started towards the inn once again.