The strong-looking elderly man as quite clearly trembling. "Are we under attack by the demon lord?" He asked the receptionist. "I-I-I don-dont know." "You there, gray boy, how are you still okay?" "Oh uh, I'm not sure." "Come with me son, let's talk in private." "Alright sure."
'Ah crap, this is not good, I gotta weasel my way out of this somehow'
[Might I suggest running?]
'No! Then I'd look even more suspicious!'
[Very well.]
Jake walked up the staircase with the man while everyone looked upon him with awe, fear, or confusion. At the top of the stairs was a door made of some type of dark wood. The man opened the door. "Please, come in. This is my office."
It was a medium sized room with a desk in front of a window. There were a few bookshelves. there was a skull that appeared to be an alligator with tusks.
"So may I ask why you were fine while everyone, including myself, was scared shitless?" "Uh, well you see, uh, I'm uh..." "Well? Stop mumbling." "I have a freakishly large mana pool." "So what, 10,000? 20,000?" "No its uh..."
[I would not reccomend beating around the bush, and instead coming out and saying it.]
"My mana pools 180,000. "Come again?" "180,000" The man let out a small chuckle. "Uh huh, sure. It's definitely logical that a nobody like you is as strong as an elder wizard." The man said with a mocking grin on his face. "No really, if you get a stat card I can show you." "Uh huh, let's see about that." The man got up and went downstairs to grab the machine. Ten seconds passed until the man came back with the machine. "Alright, put your hand in here, a little tidbit of information, the card also shows you your magic affinities in the form of a shape with colors pertaining to it. Such as an orange sun for a fire affinity. if your lucky you might have two affinities. such as brown dirt with green plants growing from it to indicate earth and plant affinities." "So what do affinities do?" "Affinities determine what magic your best at and can learn quickest naturally, an example: a person with fire affinity can learn water spells, just at a normal pace. "Alright I get it."
*Vherrt* The machine ejected a card. "Alright let's see, hmm?" The man was puzzled. "Its still taking shape, let's see... Your stats are all normal, except for strength, your a bit stronger than usual... Also, you dont have a class? And wait, 1500 stamina?" The man said with wide eyes. "Well that's surprising, now let's see, skills... Requires owners owner's permission? Did you screw with the machine?" "No?" "Normally only experienced adventurers can get the option to hide skills. Well whatever, moving on." The man was staring at his health and mana intently to fade in. And when it did, the man cocked his head and squinted his eyes. "What the hell? How did you... Am I going senile? This is insane, only S-SS tier adventurers have this much health or mana, and that's after years of grueling training..." "So uh, what happens now? Oh, also, what's your name?"
The man looked at Jake like he was a freak. "Uh, yeah, the names Sujii." "Alright, nice to meet you sujii" Said Jake while extending his hand. Sujii looked at it like it was gonna jump at him and kill him before taking it and shaking it. "No need to be so spooked, I dont even know any magic." "You what?" Said Sujii with a slightly amused look. "Yeah, I dont know any magic." "Well, that's uh, reassuring." Just then the magic affinity picture popped in. It was a rainbow with all colors, including black, strangely enough. "N-no way, a rainbow... Along with your freaky mana pool... What are you?" Sujii said with wide eyes. "A human, probably anyway.
[I recommend pulling up your status.]
'Okay? Status!'
Name: Jake
Level: 1
Exp: 3/100
Health: 30,000/30,000
Mana: 180,000/180,000
Stamina: 1,500/1,500
Strength: 50
Agility: 30
Dexterity: 35
Mind 30
intelligence 35
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body)
'Wait a damn minute, I was joking about me not being human being a possibility, are you saying it should show my race?
[System will update.]
Name: Jake
Race: Demon
Level: 1
Exp: 3/100
Health: 30,000/30,000
Mana: 180,000/180,000
Stamina: 1,500/1,500
Strength: 50
Agility: 30
Dexterity: 35
Mind 30
intelligence 35
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].
Jake's eyes went wide. 'I'm a fucking demon? Arent demons evil? I dont wanna be evil though!'
[Answer, Demons aren't inherently evil. It depends on how they are raised. For example, the more intelligent demon species do not kill unconditionally, but instead live in peace in cities that accept them.]
'So shouldn't I have horns and wings, y'know, demon stuff?'
[Your demonic features have yet to come in.]
'Fuck this' Thought jake while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yep dude, I'm a human." Jake lied.
"Well that's a relief, I would be quite scared if you were a demon of some sort." Said Sujii. "Haha yea, couldn't be me..." "Well now that that's cleared up, could you show me your skills?"
[I do not reccomend showing him that you have special skills.]
"Sorry dude, but that's private." "Very well then, I shall refrain from asking any further." "Oh also, how do I use magic?" "You dont know?" "No I dont." "Think of it like this, you say a chant and envision a certain pattern, its appearance depends on the spell. After that, the corresponding spell will happen. If your really good at a spell, you can do it with just the pattern." "Alright thanks." "Your welcome. Also, would you like me to bump your rank up to S?" "Not right now, I'd probably be targeted by some cocky thugs." "Well alright then, tell me if you change your mind. Now, please leave me, I have work to do"
And with that, Jake left the man to his business. Jake was incredibly happy to have been registered. 'That guy said something about me not having a class, would you happen to know anything about that?'
[Yes, as you have not opted into any form of combat yet, you have no set class.]
'Interesting. Can I get a class?'
[Not yet, you must first specialize into something.]
'Alright then, moving on, I'm gonna go practice magic somewhere secluded.'
And with that Jake set off to go practice magic. Jake walked to the edge of town and looked from the top of the hill for a place to practice. He saw that there was a forest about 3 minutes from where he was. Jake walked over to the forest. "Alright this looks like a suitable spot. Lets get practicing." 'Hey assistant, how do I use magic?'
[Imagine the thing your trying to do, ie starting a fire, pouring water, then guide it to where you want it.]
'Okay then.'
Jake imagined a high speed beam of water, and tried to guide it to his hands. As soon as he did it, he heard the sound of water being sprayed from what sounded like a hose. "Hooold the fuck up, that breaks the laws of physics and stuff, so uh, why is this allowed?"
[If your world had more mana there likely would have been no law of conservation.]
"Oh uh, good to know." Jake's attention snapped back to the violent stream of water. Jake pointed it towards a tree, which was promptly lasered through. "Yooo, I could be like one of those anime samurai, y'know, the ones where they're like, "How do you hope to defeat me with your puny resolve? Bring it on!" and then the guys flash across the screen and then the evil one gets cut in half and slowly slides apart while uttering something like, "No... How did I, looose..." and then dies" Jake excitedly told to no-one in particular. Eventually his excitement died down. 'Hey assistant, can I like, assign a word to this spell to make it easier?'
[Yes you can.]
'I'm gonna call it Water Cutter'
[Very well.]
"Water cutter" *Fssst* A beam of water appeared from his finger tip. "Alright then that's really cool. I gotta make something less flashy though. Jake imagined a water cutter, but only a single small burst. *Pfsst* Suddenly, a small stream of water that looked very similar to a bullet shot from his finger at the speed of a bullet. 'Friggin cool. Anyway, I'm gonna name it "Water bullet".'
[Skill acquired, (Water control).]
"Nice one, me. Status!"
Name: Jake
Race: Demon
Level: 1
Exp: 3/100
Health: 30,000/30,000
Mana: 174,350/180,000
Stamina: 1,500/1,500
Strength: 50
Agility: 30
Dexterity: 35
Mind 30
intelligence 35
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].
"Pretty good huh?" Just then Jake thought of something. "I should probably get some gear." Said Jake while internally salivating at the idea of getting some cool crap.
[User does not need to buy things. You can simply create the items with magic.]
"Yeah but that's boring, I want some cool stuff that I found while shopping, not made.
[I do not comprehend.]
"That's cuz your just a dumb robot" Said jake condescendingly.
[I am not stupid I have been given access to all information I could need.]
"Oh really? So do you know why I want to go shopping instead of creating items from magic?"
[I, I... This is a valid statement.]
"See what I mean? Stuuuuupid robot."
"Well, with that I'll be off to go kill some creatures."
Little did Jake know that there was a black Cloaked figure in a tree watching him and listening to him "Talk to himself". The person readied themself to tail them a bit more, but knew they had to remain undetected, otherwise they'd be on the recieving end of his water attacks.
"Iiiive veen working in the coaaaal mine, all dip dap dip doop dip dap daaay." Sang a song not so well remembered by Jake.
He'd been walking for a little while trying to find something to kill and eat. "Ah a slime" Said Jake while pointing to the green slime that was just outside the forest in the grassy plain. "Hey buddy, sorry to be a downer, buuut, I'm gonna eat you. Keep jumping around if you consent." The slime kept jumping obviously. "Wow really? Okay then, just remember you were okay with this." Said Jake in a joking manner. He sat back and used a water bullet. *Fsst* *Pllp* The slime made a squishing sound as it started wobbling. "Woah crap, I didnt mean to do that much damage, i gotta keep it alive, otherwise it'll be like last time." Jake shivered at the thought. "Alright buddy, I'll make this as quick as possible, I dont wanna hurt you, but this will probably be blindingly painful, If you can feel pain."
Jake approaches the now wobbly slime, with a hungry look on his face. "Dont worry, I'll put you to good use." And with that Jake plopped down next to the slime. "Itadakimasu." Said Jake in a joking manner. he used his dagger to try to cut off a piece but it just turned into the liquid like substance. So with no other choice, Jake picked up the slime and bit into it. The slime was... good? It tasted like how a pleasant flower smelled. Jake was pleasantly surprised. It felt very nice to chew, and it felt quite cool when it was going down, kind of like how drinking cool water at night when you wake up feels. "My my, whatever your eating, it's good, good job my man."
So Jake kept eating the slime. Until finally, he bit something hard. *Tink* "OW what the hell?!" He put the slime down for a second, it was only half a slime at this point and yet, John hadn't gained a skill yet. Jake examined the spot he bit into. There was a gray ball about the size of a large marble. "Is this a core?"
[Affirmative, this is the slimes core. Most monsters that have evolved once have one, the core evolves with the creature. Thus meaning, the stronger it is, the better the core.]
"Cool, can I eat it?"
Jake plucked the core out with a wet popping noise, and once it was out the slime melted.
"Alright then." *Crunch* *Crunch* "Huh, tastes like pennies." *Crunch* *Gulp* "That felt nice to chew."
[New skill gained, (Plant control).]
Name: Jake
Race: Demon
Level: 1
Exp: 10/100
Health: 30,000/30,000
Mana: 180,000/180,000
Stamina: 1,500/1,500
Strength: 50
Agility: 30
Dexterity: 35
Mind 30
intelligence 35
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].
"Nice, I got a new skill!" Said Jake excitedly. Just then he heard a rustling sound come from the woods. Out from it emerged a wolf-like creature. It had some spikes on its body, one on each shoulder along with a bunch on it's back at random. "Grrrowwrr" "Your one screwed up looking wolf."
After Jake said that the wolf lunged at Jake. "Woah there little doggy." Said Jake while dodging the wolf. 'Water bullet!' *Fssht* A small hole appeared in the wolves side. The wolf let out a small whimper before lunging at him again. "Woah there, you could have hurt me!" The wolf was getting angrier. "Alright, time to end this." 'Water Cutter!' *Fshhhht* The wolf was cut in half from its shoulder to its flank. It fell apart in two halves exposing its inner workings to Jake. Along with looking gross, its intestines had ruptured, making a liquid that reeked spill out. "Hurk, Hurk, Oh my fucking god, that's the grossest thing I've ever seen, Hurk." Said Jake while gagging violently. Jake looked away and fell to his hands. 'I'm a demon, right? shouldn't I get some racial bonus that makes me less grossed out by this?'
[No, that is not a trait you have obtained yet.]
'Goddamnit that sucks'
Suddenly, Jake felt very warm on the middle of his chest. "What the hell?" Jake said. He looked at his chest, only to see that his chest was violently spraying blood. "It would seem that the guild was just a fluke, you're just a man." "Wh-What the fuck?!" Said Jake while panicking. "And here I was being cautious, I doubt I would have been needed for someone as weak as you." Gloated the person behind him. Jake had an idea. 'Status!'
Name: Jake
Race: Demon
Level: 1
Exp: 10/100
Health: 25,367/30,000
Mana: 180,000/180,000
Stamina: 1,500/1,500
Strength: 50
Agility: 30
Dexterity: 35
Mind 30
intelligence 35
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue].
'Oh, so I'm not gonna die yet?'
[You probably will if you dont get the knife out of your heart.]
'Also, why am I not feeling much pain?'
[Your body has been strengthened significantly. your body is not under any significant damage currently.]
'But they stabbed my heart!'
[You have two more.]
'Racial trait?'
"Hmm, your pain tolerance is quite high. But alas, no man can survive their heart being pierced."
"Well that would usually be true, but I'm not a mere man." "What?! You should be dying and unable to speak right now!" "Save your words for later." And after he said that he shot both the mans legs with water bullets. "Aagh! I thought you were just chanting quietly, but it was silent?! "Yep, now, you have some talking to do." "It seems you dont know what I am, I am a B+ rank assasin! I'm trained specially to not speak under torture!"
[I have a recommendation.]
'Sure, go.'
[I recommend stabbing and cutting him shallowly over and over until he is about to die, and then healing him.]
'I can do healing magic?'
[Just create a spell like water bullet and cutter, imagine it healing and such.]
'Okay then, I dont really wanna torture min though.' Jake envisioned a cut with blood dripping from it. Then he envisioned the cut mending and becoming normal once more. 'I'm gonna name this, "Heal Wound".'
"Hey, I've got something for you to test for me, try not make me feel too guilty." Said Jake with a poker face. "What are you going to be able to do?" Said the man with a cocky grin. *Shrlk* "RRRGH, what the hell are you doing?" "Cutting you." *Slich* *Fshlt* "AAAHHH STOP IM DYING!" Jake was puzzled, wasnt he a B+ rank Assassin? "Hey, dude, I dont like doing this. If you agree tell me what I want to know, I'll stop, okay?" *Huff* *Huff* "Fuck you-" *Stab!* "AUUUGHHH!" "The deals open still." "Forget it, even if I told you I'd still die from blood loss." "Oh dont worry, I can help with that." Jake said as he used the healing magic while holding the man down. 'Heal wound' "Wha-What, n-no way, you can heal something that severe with no difficulty, and no chant and spell..." The man's face went pale. "I-Ill talk..."