The guild plus a misadventure.

*Click* *Swish*

"Hello sir, it is time to pay for another day or leave." Said a kind looking girl with brown hair and yellow-green eyes.

"Hurrng? Time to pay? Didn't I already do that?" said Jake while laying face down sprawled out on the bed.

"Yes sir, you did last night but you only paid for one night." "Oh, alright. Do I need like, bring th sheets down or something?" "No sir, why would you? It's mandatory to cast self cleaning on all inn beds after all." "Oh yeah yeah, sorry I'm still half asleep. anyways, how much was the price again?" "Twenty five coppers for the day, forty five for the night as well." "Can I just pay a silver for two full days?" "Yes that would be acceptable." "Alright here-" Said Jake while reaching into his bag.

Jake pulled out a few coins and looked for a silver among them. "Ah, here you go, keep the change." Said Jake while handing the silver over. "Thank you sir, enjoy your stay." "Thanks" "Also, breakfast is happening right now, so if you would like you can come buy something." Jake yawned and gave a thumbs up to confirm that he heard her. And with that the woman nadded and left. "What a night eh?" He said, his deep morning voice finally clearing up. Jake realized that he heard something about auto-cleaning magic.

"I haven't actually tried using magic yet, maybe I'll try that. How'd it go? Wasn't it, envision it in in your mind or something similar? Lemme see."

Jake held up his hand, open palmed. He imagined a campfire crackling away, how the wood makes that nice popping sound, how the smoke always moves to blind you. And then to a bit of surprise on Jake's part, nothing happened.

"What? I was totally expecting that to work too... Maybe I have to say fireball or something? Fireball!"

Semi-unsurprisingly, it didnt work. 'maybe I can ask the assistant?'

[Yes I can answer your question. the reason it's not working is because your mana ducts are clogged. More specifically, the world your originally from was almost completely devoid of mana. There are only a few select places with mana in it. So because of how weak the mana was your mana veins didnt circulate right and was clogged with what could be described as dried mana.]

'Damn, thanks. That's a pretty detailed description.'

[Your welcome.]

'So how do I unclog them?'

[You will need to find someone with suitable magical power to circulate mana through you.]

'So like, how strong, does an average mage work?'

[Yes that would be sufficient. Although asking someone to circulate their mana through you can come across as strange in this world. it Is like asking someone to breathe for you in a sense.]

'Alrighty then, I'll probably find one at the guild right?'

[Yes, it is nearly guaranteed, all people in this world have mana. The exceptions are ones that can not control it. And also, mage is a common adventurer class.]

'Good to know'

And with that Jake stood up. Je walked over to the door and fumbled the key in his still partially sleepy state. "Dammit, let me out you stupid key!" Jake said jokingly.

After getting out the room he went downstairs. Jake smelled something great. Jake realized at this point that he wasn't feeling hungry. 'That's strange, hey assistant, why am I not hungry?'

[The amount of mana in your body is nearly none, so your body is unsure of what to do with it. Since it doesn't know its converting it to energy.]

'Wow that's pretty awesome, is it still safe to eat?'

[Yes it is. your stomach is configured in a way that makes it completley convert almost anything into energy. ie, when you eat something normally inedible, it will be completely converted to mana and energy.]

'Goddamn im awesome!'


Jake let out a happy chuckle without realizing it because of the new information. (Now something to note is that when he talks with the assistant it is much faster than a normal conversation so his conversation with the assistant took around a second, give or take). After his conversation with the assistant he made up his mind to buy breakfast. It wasn't very loud in the morning, so he wasn't as nervous.

There were a few breakfast options on display. There was a few plates of pancakes with a blue sauce which he assumed to be a berry syrup, eggs with a food that resembled a drumstick, and a plate of assorted sliced fruits. Jake never much liked raw fruits, he particularly disliked peaches though. Jake was okay with eggs, but he was in the mood for something sweet. That left only the pancakes. Jake then walked over to the tough-looking guy behind the table.

"Hey uh, how much are these pancakes?" "10 coppers." "What's this syrup?" "Gunzleberry syrup." "Alright 1 sec." Jake looks through his coin purse. "Ah crap I only have 1 copper, can you make change?" "Why? Cant you just split it?" "Split it?" "Here look-" The man takes out a silver. "Here look, put your mana into this symbol and itll turn into coppers." Jake looked upon the coins with wonder. "I didnt know you could do that." "How? Are you not from around here?" "You could say that..." "Anyway here you go." The man gives Jake 90 coppers for his silver plus the pancakes. "Have a good day." Jake said while walking away.

"Itadakimasu!" Jake said to himself as a joke because he had seen it in anime.

Jake recieved a fork and knife with his pancakes. Jake was the kind of person who preferred to not use knives on food. Jake put his fork into the pancakes and cut off a piece with it. He put it in his mouth and began to chew. It was ridiculously good. It was crunchy on the bottom with soft above, and the pancake itself tasted sweet. The syrup tasted like blueberries. It was so delicious that he considered that maybe the chef was some great food sorcerer in disguise but discarded the idea. He devoured the pancakes ravenously.

"Goddamn, those were the best damn pancakes I've ever had." Jake said with a content smile.

After breakfast he decided to go to the guild. "I wonder if I'm gonna get robbed while I'm on my way. If I do, I cant even defend myself very well." Jake said to himself. Jake made his way to the middle of town and looked for the sign saying "Skull Cutters". After about 3 minutes of looking he saw it. It was a pretty large building. It was a stone building with wood beams on the walls. There was a wooden double door that looked quite sturdy. Jake gathered his courage and walked in. Jake was hit by a wave of noise hit him hard. This time was worse than last time. Jake's heart was beating incredibly fast. He decided to go to the desk. There was a woman with blonde hair and yellowish brown eyes at the desk.

"Hello there adventurer, would you like something?" "Uh ye-yeah, co-could I get r-registered or something, please..." "Yes of course, the registry fee is a silver." "Y-yep I got that right h-here." Jake handed the woman a silver with his faintly shaky hands. "Alright then would you like to get a card with your stats so that you can get a ranking?" "Mmhmm that works."

The woman grabs something from under the desk. "This is the card maker, it makes a card with your stats, skills, and info." It was a contraption about the size of a waffle iron, there was a slot for your hand and there was also a little slot for cards to be dispensed. "Please put your hand into here." "Alright." Jake put his hand into the machine. it started whirring. after about a minute the machine dispensed a card which the receptionist immediately took. The receptionist kept squinting and moving her mouth.

"It appears that our machine is malfunctioning." "What do you mean?" "It's completely blank in the stat and skill sections." "Oh I know why." "Do you have some skill or something?" "No my mana ducts are clogged." The womans eyebrows raised. "How?" "Oh y'know, it just ah, happened." "Very well. I will request a mage to come over." The woman walks over to a guy with a black robe, bald head, and a moustache and says something to him while pointing to Jake. The man walks over to Jake with the woman. "So this is the kid who's got clogged ducts?" the man said with a cocky grin. "Yeah I-I am." "Dont worry kid, I'll help ya. Let's hope you can handle a little bit of my mana." And with that he grabbed Jake's hands and started pouring in mana. "Looks like your not a pushover kid." "Yeah, by the way, are you pouring in enough? I cant feel anything." "Quit being a smartass kid, I'm pouring in a ton of mana. In fact, I'm surprised your still standing." "No, really, I cant feel anything." The man got frustrated at this statement. "Waddaya mean ya cant feel it?" "I mean I cant feel anything different other than your hands on mine." By this point, beads of sweat was starting to appear on the man's forehead. "Yknow what? I'm just gonna push all my mana in at once." The woman interjected. "Wait Cecil, that's dangerous!" "Nah its it's fine, the kid can take it." "Wait, what's going on?" Asked Jake. At that very moment he felt a small rush of energy that spooked him a bit. it was kind of like when you get scared by someone when your not expecting it. The man was now panting. *Huff* *Huff* "How's that kid?" Just then everyone in the guild felt incredibly fatigued and unable to move, anyone who was sitting fell into their arms, and anyone who was standing fell to their butts. The chatter stopped immediately and was replaced by fear for their lives. People started fearfully murmuring amongst each other.

"Is there a fucking demon general or something?!" "A-am I gonna die?!" "Forget about demon general, its probably the demon lord themself!" "I dont wanna die!"

Jake was looking around in confusion. He felt a lot lighter and a lot stronger. He looked at the blonde woman who had a terrified expression plastered on her face. "Hey, are you okay? you need some help?" Jake asked worriedly. "D-D-D-DEMON LORD!" "What?! Where!?" Jake spun around on high alert. Then he realised. "Wait, is this my doing?"

[Affirmative, your mana ducts have opened and ar moving rapidly, the mana is creating an incredibly large amount of pressure. the main reason why it activated so quickly was because you were feeling nervous and subconsciously wanted the people to quiet down. The aura can be turned off if you want to. It is a skill called, (Demon lord authority). This skill gives you an aura equal to If not greater than a demon lord.]

'Thanks Assistant.'

[Your welcome.]

'Toggle (Demon lord authority)'

The aura disappeared from the guild at once. The people were looking around in silence completely stupefied by what had happened. A large muscly man cried out, "What the genuine hell was that!?" And just like that people started gossiping about what just happened.

There was a a staircase on each side of the reception desk. At the top of the stairs there was a balcony, and from the balcony a coice called out, "What the hell just happened?!" And from the balcony down the stairs emerged a large, heavily armored man who had a rocking gray beard, who was shaking uncontrollably.