The town.

Sothies offered his hand to Jake. Jake stood up and shook it.

"I'm Jake, nice to make your acquaintance." "likewise, I'm going to get going now, stay safe kid."

"Alright, I'll probably stop by your shop." "See ya."

And with that, sothies walked away. Jake then resumed scooping up the gel-like substance into the glass bottle. Jake had filled it most of the way up by the time he stopped, although it had a bunch of little debris in it, grass, dirt, tiny pieces of wood and such.

"Well I guess it's time to get drinking" Said Jake with a grimace.

*chug chug chug*

"EEUUUGHHH that's rancid!"

The orange gooey substance tasted like how burning rubber smelled mixed with dirt. Jake fell to the ground on his hands, trying to keep the substance down. he examined the ground trying to find something to take his mind off of the sick feeling. he studied how there were a few small bugs that looked similar to insects from earth. There were a few that were like ants, and a beetle. He had just realized how the grass faintly smelled like lemon scented detergent.

"Thank god that's over" he said as the taste had finally faded.

He could feel his throat and chest slightly tingling.

[Skill has been acquired, (Warm Body).]

"No way that's all I got right? Status!"


Name: Jake

Level: 1

Exp: 3/100

Health: 30,000/30,000

Mana: 180,000/180,000

Stamina: 1,500/1,500

Strength: 50

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 35

Mind 30

intelligence 35

Sanity: 98/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm Body).


"Goddammit! I endured through that for a bad skill? uggghh, I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe I can ask the assistant what it is."

[Yes, I can answer most questions about skills]

"Alright then, what does warm body do?"

[Warm body info: "Your body is warmer than most people, This skill can be toggled on and off and up and down. The bonuses of this skill, You get sick much less, Its harder for you to get cold, and you make a good body pillow."]

"Okay that has a lot more uses than I thought, I'll test out the temp raising later."

Jake closed the interface. He looked into the distance. There were mountains a long ways off. It was mostly hills and grassy fields around him. Jake decided mentally that he was gonna go to the town. He got up and walked over to the road. He thanked whatever being that brought him here for giving him shoes. So off he went to the town.

It had been about 5 minuites since he started walking when the path started to go up a hill. After he went up the Road he saw a town around 30 meters away. It was a classic fantasy type town. Y'know, the stone and wood houses, the occasional shop and such. Jake was excited to find a town.

"Woah, it's nearly exactly like I expected!"

The town was a medium sized one. There were flowers growing here and there, plus the occasional slime and such. There were people walking about the streets.

"Alright so, first order of business, I'll try to find an inn or hotel or whatever to stay at"

It was getting a bit late. Jake walked around looking for something that seemed like an inn. A minute later he saw a shop, he decide to see if it was sothies shop.

*ring* ring*

"heya customer, whatcha need today?"

there was a medium sized man with brown short hair and a moustache.

"Hey, does sothies work here?

"Nope, Sothies shop is 4 buildings down, the one with the pickaxe and guitar sign." "Alright, thanks man"

With those instructions he made his way down to the shop, on his way there he saw a stone and wood building with a sign of a mug and a heart. Jake got a weird feeling from that building. Once he got to sothies building he was about to step in when he heard a deep masculine voice yelling.

"What do you mean mana potions are fifty copper?!

Jake stepped into the shop. He saw a man who seemed to be the manifestation of that one buff school bully, y'know the one who does weight lifting and picks on nerds.

"whaddaya want little man?!" the big man yelled at Jake.

"Well first off, I want you to stop yelling at me, second off, I want you to stop yelling at my man sothies."

"Do you want me to break your face, you little bitch?"

"Not particularly, it'd probably hurt."

The big man was about to snap when sothies stepped in.

"Best discount I can give you is 5 copper off, any less and I would be losing money."

"Fine, I'll take two"

The big man handed over the money and left. Jake was wondering why a huge guy like that needed mana potions.

"Why did a muscle brained idiot like him need mana potions?"

"Body strengthening spells. Most fighters have one or two."

Jake took a few seconds to look around, there were miscellaneous items. on one shelf there was a holder with 5 differently colored Crystal's, and nest to it was a plant in a jar, on the shelf below it there was a bottle with three grey circular crystals, it looked similar to those bottles of 3 tennis balls you get at stores.

"How much mana do those potions restore?"

"120 points, it's a medium quality potion."

"120? but that's so little."

"120 is enough to fill your mana up to half! what do you mean its little?"

"That's like, somewhere around 1% of my mana though?"

Sothies looked at Jake like he was an idiot.

"Can you read? Are you by chance illiterate?"

"No I can read it perfectly it says-"

Then Jake realized how freakish his man pool actually was.

'I gotta keep my mana under wraps until I figure out how to use it.'

"Oh never mind I got confused my bad"

"Ah I got it. So, do ya need something? Supplies? Info?"

"Actually I would like to ask three things, what's the currency system like, is there a guild or something nearby, and 3, where is the nearest inn?

"Alright that's a lot but I'll do my best to answer, number one, it goes like this, ten coppers is enough to get you a bed at a bad inn. 100 coppers is a silver. A 10 silvers is enough to get you nice meal. 100 silvers is gold. A gold is enough to get you a room in a Good inn plus a good meal. 100 golds is a tungsten. A tungsten can buy you a medium sized town. And 100 tungsten is a large tungsten. Which can do most things. As for the second question, yes there is a guild nearby, its towards the center of the town, it's the big stone building called Skull cutters. as for the third one, Theres one two buildings away, its the Alchohol happiness inn. Beware though, a handsome young man such as yourself is prone to fall to the temptation of those beautiful women, be careful!"

"Thanks Sothies, your the man! Anyways, I gotta get going."

Jake looks inside his bag and takes out his pouch.

'Ah ok, I've got 4 golds, 19, silvers, and 26 coppers.'

Jake tossed 5 silvers to sothies.

"Thanks man, good luck to ya!" "You too Jake. Oh and also, tell yer friends to come to the Assorted objects if they ever come my way." Sothies said while giving him a thumbs up from behind the counter.

And with that Jake walked out of Sothies store. He decided that he would go to the inn first and get a room. He made his way over to the inn. The first thing he smelled upon getting close to the inn was the smell of alcoholic beverages and flowers. As he entered he was nervous, he was pretty antisocial in the other world, the only person he actively talked to was Axel. He saw a scene straight out of a fantasy anime, people sitting in groups or alone some wearing armor or holstering weapons, a large majority of them were drinking. There was a fireplace with what seemed to be a 1 eyed deer mounted above it. There were some women around the store leaning against the walls and such, looking like predators searching for suitable prey. Jake went to the front desk with his heart beating rapidly. He gathered up his confidence to talk to the man at the reception counter.

"H-hey i need a room, for t-tonight please." He said awkwardly.

"Certainly, what kind of room are you looking for? We have special soundproof rooms." "NOno its uh, good, I'll just take a normal room." "Well alright then, that will be 25 coppers." "Yep I got that r-right here." "Okay then heres your key the symbol ot the key will match your room. Your room is upstairs. "

The receptionist handed him the key. It had symbol of a circle with a eye in the middle. Jake made his way over to the stairs. But right as he was about to start up the stairs someone grabbed his shoulder which in turn made him jump and make a small squeak of fear.

"Hey there sunny, would you like to spend some Time with me?" Jake spun around and looked at the woman who had approached him. She was quite nice looking. She had Light blue hair and was wearing a white and brown shirt with a white cloth hanging down which exposed a lot of skin. "O-oh uh n-no thanks" Jake stuttered. "Awwww well that's no fun, you seem a bit nervous, I can help you with that..." The woman said with a seductive grin. Jake was kind of panicking at this point.

"Nono it's really fine I'm just not good in crowds." Jake said while rubbing the back of his head. "Then why dont we go up to your room and talk instead?" "No, Really, I'm good." The woman put on a frustrated frown. "Are you by any chance gay?" The woman asked confusedly. "WHAT- *ahem* no I'm not gay, I'm just not looking for your services at this moment." jake said while his eyes were looking around nervously. "Well alright, if you get tired of your hand, you can always ask for me, handsome."

The woman then walked away. Jake's heart was beating ridiculously fast. 'I almost just got seduced!' He was too tired for any more social interaction and so, he went to his room.

When he got to his room he looked around, there was a table with a pot-like object on it. Inside the sitting inside the entrance of the pot was a white, rough looking crystal. When he touched it it lit up and off when he touched it again. The other thing he saw was the bed. It was quite nice, it had white sheets with a white blanket, and the bed frame was made of smooth wood. There were 2 pillows, they were dark gray which didnt really fit into the white theme. With his observations complete, he climbed into the bed, and entered the river of unconsciousness.