The first mission, Meeting some of the other gods, and a hero summoning.

"Of course."

The goddess nodded in confirmation. She raised her hand. *Random whispered gibberish* Jake's HUD had reappeared after he signed the contract. "Alright, that should work." "I dont feel any differen-" Suddenly, some text appeared at the top of his vision.

+[Blessing of Kelsha]

+[Champion of Kelsha]

"Hmm, it's not doing much." "I'm pretty sure it would appear on your titles." "Funny story-"


"Hmm, guess I have titles now." "Huh?" "Nothing. Status!"


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 31

Exp: 1265/15,000

Health: 55,000/55,000

Mana: 220,000/220,000

Stamina: 2,500/2,500

Strength: 150

Agility: 120

Dexterity: 130

Mind: 60

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Woah shit, I have a ton of titles!" "May I see?" "Lemme see..." Jake took out his ID card. *Tap* It now had a button for titles. He tapped on it. It brought up a page that only showed his titles. "Here look." He showed her his titles. "My god, you actually do have the Soulpower system, but also, what's this Devourer of all title?" "Are you allowed to tell other people my info?" "Unless you say I can, otherwise it would be betraying you." "Huh. Alright I'll tell you, it's because I copy the skills of what I eat."

"Hold on..." Kelsha looked around for a few seconds. "Are my ears working right or...?" "Yeah, I take the skills of what I eat. That's why I agreed to items as compensation." "That's just... Whoa! That's not Alright! That is godly power!" "Yeah, I made it myself." "You WHAT?!" "Nothing, anyway I was thinking that-" *SLAM* "Huh?" Kelsha looked behind Jake. "Is that-" "Hello Kelsha! How's my favorite weak goddess doing?!" Jake was confused, who had said that?

Kelsha stood up. "Slenkis! What are you doing here!?" "Ohhh re-lax! I'm not gonna break stuff! Probably. Anyway, whatcha doin here? Talking to a dumb mortal again?" "That's none of your business! Now leave my home!" "Oh noooo, Kelsha the weak god of mind magic is angry! What ever shall I do?" Jake activated telepathy. 'Hel Kelsha, if you want, I can go fight this guy.' *Wha?!* Kelsha let out a small squeak of surprise.

'Telepathy? Interesting... Anyway, I am willing to pay you to fight him, although I'm quite sure you will die.' 'Won't know till we try though, right? Also, can I have my clothes?' 'Yes, of course.' The goddess snapped, and suddenly, his clothes appeared in his lap. He started getting dressed. "Hah? What'd that do?" "Wouldn't you love to know?" "Dont mess with me, weak bitch. If you've forgotten, I'm stronger than you."

"Of course I remember. But I have a trump card." "You? Able to beat me? Bwahahahaha!" The voice started laughing. "Y'know what? I'm gonna beat the living daylights outta you for even suggesting that." Jake was finally done getting dressed. "Scuse' me, but I can't let you do that." Said Jake while stepping into sight. "HAHAHAHA, NO WAY! A FREAKIN MORTAL THINKS THEY CAN STAND UP TO ME?! HAHAHAHA!"

Jake examined the man. He had black messy hair, orange eyes with red pupils, and was wearing only shorts. "I'm going to fucking end you if you lay a hand on my goddess." The man dropped to the ground, rolling around while clutching his stomach. "This is fucking ridiculous! You think you can fight me?" "Wanna make a bet?" "Yeah, sure." "Alright, if I win, you'll be my slave forever." "Hmm, alright. If I win, you have to mutilate yourself in front of me slowly." "That works."

'Holy fuck, Is this guy fucking retarded?! Did he actually agree?!'

"Let's sign a contract." "Yes, let's." They signed a contract. Kelsha volunteered to be the announcer. "Alright, three, two, one, GO!" Upon saying go, the god just stood there yawning. *Waka-FWOOSH* Jake went flying at the god. "Maybe I'll have to- WHAT THE?!" *SMASH* The god was sent flying. Jake had hit him square on his left cheek. He was sent flying towards a wall. "You bastard! You cheated or something!" Jake said nothing and propelled himself towards the god. The god feigned to the left, but jumped right. "Ha how's tha-" *CRACK* Jake hit right below the joint of his arm. "RRRRGGHH MY ARM!" The gods arm had folded backward.

"DIE!" The god threw a punch, which Jake dodged quite easily. And it was a good thing he did. In the wake of the punch, there was a white trail. *WAPA-SMASH* The punch created a giant shockwave upon ending. Jake most likely would have lost a limb if he was hit. The god threw another punch, which Jake ducked under. Jake shot up under the god, uppercutting him so hard that he created a shockwave above the gods head. *SNAP*

The gods head snapped back. Jake ran behind him, jumped up, grabbing the god by the head. He lifted him up, then threw him at the floor as hard as he could. *WHOOSH* *SPLAT* The gods head and shoulders were pulverized upon impact.

*Phew* "That was a bit exhausting... Not." Kelsha had watched the entire fight. She had been unable to see Jake clearly. Only being able to see a dark green blur. "Di-did you just... Did you just beat Slenkis? In a physical fight?" "Yep. It was pretty easy. Anyway, he's gonna be okay, right?" "Yes. There's only a few ways to beat a god." "Like?" "A contract, breaking their core, Certain types of magic." "Huh."

*Splch* *Splat* The gods body was squirting a yellow sparkly liquid. "Damn it all! Ichor stains badly, now I have to clean it!" "Hmm, lemme see something..." Jake used his blood magic. And, surprisingly, it worked. "You can use blood magic?!" "Yeah. How didn't you know that?" "I cant be monitoring you twenty four hours a day!" "Fair enough." *Crack* *Snap* *Blub*

The head had regenerated from the neck up. It was a gruesome scene. "Urgh, what the hell just happened?" "You lost to me." "No... That's impossible! There's no way I could lose to a mortal!" "Slenkis, come here and kiss Kelsha's shoes." "Hell no-" Slenkis' legs started moving. "Wh-what?! No! NO!" Upon getting to Kelsha, he kneeled down, and licked her shoes. Slenkis started crying. "This sucks! Why do I have to suck up to a mortal?!" "Because you lost."

"You can stop now." The god stopped. After stopping, he crawled into the fetal position. "Anyway, I command you to listen to Kelsha as a master as well." "God dammit!" "Really? You're going to give control to me?" "Yeah, I don't see why not, he was being a douche." "Alright then. Anyways, I'm guessing you want payment?'l" "Yep."

"Alright, how does ten golds and an item sound?" "Sounds fine to me." "In order to get the item, I have this machine that dispenses them at random. You use these tokens." Kelsha pulled out a silver coin. After pulling out the token, she snapped. A machine the size of a vending machine appeared. "So basically, you put the coin in this slot here, twist this knob, then it will dispense an item."

"So it's a gacha machine?" "Gacha machine?" "Nevermind, gimme the token." "Of course." She handed him the token. She also made a small pouch of money appear, which Jake promptly stored in his spatial container. "Also, why isn't my assistant working in here?" "Your assistant?" "Yeah, she's a little voice in my head. I got it with the Soulpower system." "I'm not sure. Maybe my mind magic messed with it?" "Oh yeah, I remember that." Said Jake, as his face darkened.

Jake put the token into the machine. *Twist Twist* *Kachunka* He twisted the knob until it made a clicking noise. The machine started making a whirring noise. *Clank* Something had fallen into the slot at the bottom. Jake crouched down and grabbed the item. He looked at it, only to see that it was a small ball of golden bandages. "You need to wait a minute for the bandages to disappear." "Alright then."

"I should mention, since I'm only a mid-tier goddess, I only have mid-tier items." "So how do these rankings work?" "Well it goes like this, all gods are made with varying strength. And the way that gods get stronger is by training and getting more people to believe in them. The way that gods get people to believe in them is by selecting a champion to fight for them. Also, gods can occasionally come to the mortal world and perform miracles." "Very interesting."

"Slenkis here has a large following. That's why he's considered a high-tier god." "Okay, that makes sense. Also, where did that door come from?" "I was hiding it with illusion magic, although it was broken once he opened the door." *Ding* The golden ball made a wind chime noise as the bandages disappeared. Under it was a silver ring. It had an emblem of some gauntlets on it.

"Oh my, that's a great item!" "What's it do?" "Once you put mana into it, it creates a gauntlet on each hand. And the best part is, if you circulate mana through it while holding a bar of metal or leather or some other material, the ring will absorb the material and the gauntlets will be made of that material." "Huh." "Pretty good huh?" "I have a question." "Sure." "How the fuck is this a mid-tier item?! That's ridiculously overpowered!" "What do you mean?"

"Think of it like this, if you add the strongest metal in existence, how can anyone harm you?! You grab their fucking sword, and they cant do jack shit! That's ridiculous!" "Well yes, under certain circumstances It is quite good, but it would take an incredibly long time to gather enough strong material to make that viable, and then there's the fact that it can't have more than one form saved, so you can't slowly add it as you get it. You would have to have enough all at once."

"I have a question." "Yes?" "Can you use creation magic?" "Yes, all gods can use it to some degree, although only gods of creation can specialize in it." "Tell me, what's the strongest metal you know of?" "That would probably be Adamantite." "Can you create some?" "Well yes, but only a pea sized amount with my mana pool." Slenkis stood up from the ground. "Is your champion an idiot? How does he not know this stuff?" "He's from another world." "Wait, that's against the rules! Have you really broken one of the oldest rules in this realm, and taken a summoned hero as your champion in your mad search for power?!"

Kelsha donned a grin. "Nope. Hes not a hero, he was summoned into this world by something else, so he's not a hero." Hearing this, Slenkis' jaw dropped. "NO FUCKING WAY! IS HE THE ANOMALY THAT WE FELT A FEW DAYS AGO?!" "Ding ding ding. And I got to him first." "YOU LUCKY BITCH!" Jake stepped in. "Slap yourself." *Plap* "Owwww, you're a dick!" "I know. Anyway, what do you mean, Anomaly?"

"You're the talk of the realm! Every god here felt that burst of energy, and none of us wanted to lose out on the chance to get a champion that strong!" The god explained with a sour look on his face. "Wow I'm that famous? Cool. Anyway, I command you to give me your blessing." "Ugh, fine." He held out his hands.

+[Blessing of Slenkis]

"Fuck yeah, two blessings in one day! Status"


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 31

Exp: 1265/15,000

Health: 60,000/60,000

Mana: 220,000/220,000

Stamina: 2,600/2,600

Strength: 180

Agility: 120

Dexterity: 130

Mind: 60

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Holy shit, my stats rose drastically!" "Well yeah, you got blessed by me, Slenkis." Said the god pridefully. "Holy shit, my intelligence went down by 50 points?!" "What?!" Slenkis asked in a voice similar to S*out from T*2. "HAHAHA! Nah, I'm joking. My strength actually went up by 30 points, and my health and stamina went up quite a bit too." "That's more like it."

"Anyway, can you make me that Adamantite Kelsha?" "Yeah sure." She put her palm out and closed her eyes. "Now please note that I'm not a goddess of creation, so I can't do creation magic very efficiently." Suddenly, a small bead of red metal rose from her hand. *Phew* The goddess wiped a bead of sweat from her brow.

"Is that Adamantite?" "Yeah, it's an insanely strong metal that only a few people have weapons made from." "Hmm, hand it to me for a sec please?" "Alright." Kelsha handed him the metal. "Hmm, lemme try something..." Jake closed his eyes and focused on the metal. He felt the metals magic energy. "Alright, here goes..." Jake imagined the same magic energy as the adamantite. Suddenly, his hand felt heavy. Jake opened his eyes. Sitting in his hand was a bar of adamantite. Both gods were looking at him with looks of disbelief. "Theres no way! It must be fake!" "Listen, I get that you're my champion, but you don't have to fake stuff for me." "Its not fake." Jake looked down at his mana bar. It was 90% empty. "That took ninety percent of my mana." "WHAT?!" Both were flabbergasted. "That's only 90% of your mana?! That's insane! The concentration of your mana must be akin to a creature from a level 3 world."

"Anyway, time to try out these gauntlets." Jake popped the ring into his mouth. *Scrape* *Crunch* *Squeal* *Gulp* Jake finished the ring. "Di-did you just...?" "Did he just eat the ring?" Said Slenkis with his hand over his mouth, trying to hold back his laughter. "Well then, you've got a great champion, I'm sure you made a great choice recruiting him." Said Slenkis only barely keeping himself from laughing.

"Shut up! I didn't realize he was a moron! I just th- Oh, wait. I forgot." "Forgot what?" "Let's see if he was lying." "What?" Jake finished the metal.

[Skill obtained: (Gauntlet creation).]

Jake tried to activate his gauntlets, but nothing happened. He tried to circulate his mana. He felt as if there were slots for his mana, similar to his wings. He poured mana into both the slots.


Please choose material.




"Woah." "What?" "Watch this." Jake selected bone. Suddenly, his hands felt weird. He opened his eyes and looked down. His hands were bubbling and changing color. They became white with black lines. Upon finishing, they looked like he was wearing a bunch of bone plates on his hands that all fit like a puzzle. "No, no no no, HOLD THE FUCK UP!" Slenkis turned to Kelsha in shock and disbelief. "This... This... NO THIS BREAKS THE LAWS OF SKILL GAINING!" "I know I know! I'm just as surprised as you!" "Holy crap, that's cool as fuck!" Jake said excitedly.

"Alright, I've got an idea. I'm going to make a spell to enhance my teeth so that I can eat this adamantite." Slenkis put his face in his hands. "You can make spells? "As in create them on the go?" "Yep." "Kelsha, please, tell me this is an illusion or mind magic or something!" "Nope, I can hardly believe that this is happening."

Jake imagined his entire mouth becoming as hard as titanium. He imagined his teeth becoming as hard as diamonds. He named this spell, "Enhance mouth". *SCREECH* Jake had bitten into the Adamantite. Unfortunately he had only managed to go a few inches in. *RRRRGGGGHHH* Jake grunted with effort. *Tink* *Crack* *SHATTER* Jake's teeth shattered violently. "Holy shit! You actually bit through!?" "Yuh" Jake currently had no teeth. "Jush one seckin." Jake used heal Wounds on himself. After a few seconds, his teeth grew in, pushing out the pieces of old tooth.

"That's fucking gruesome!" "I know right?" Jake spat out all the tooth pieces. *Clink Clink* Jake bit into the same spot. *HRRRNG* He got a bit farther, but was still unable to pierce all the way. He took his mouth off the bar. " Oh, that's it! Hey Slenkis, I need your help." "Okay?" "I need you to push my mouth shut." "Okay, I can do that." Jake positioned his mouth onto the bar. Slenkis positioned his hands onto the bottom of Jake's chin, and his nose. "Ree, hooh, wuh, go!" *HRRRNNGG* *SCREEECH*

The god pushed his mother together with all his strength. *SCREEECH* *CRASH* He pushed until, finally, the metal gave in and was cut off of the bar. Only problem was, the god couldnt stop pushing in time, and ended up smashing Jake's teeth together. The aftermath was... Less than pretty. His teeth shot towards each other at a ridiculous speed. And once they met, well they became something reminiscent of red snow that smelled similar to burnt chalk. After that, his jaw went flying downwards from how hard his teeth met. And the result was his jaw getting blown downwards. His cheeks were ripped downward. His face gushed blood while the Adamantite piece fell out.

"Holy shit! I'm sorry, I couldnt stop!" "Good lord, what have you done to my champion?!" Suddenly, Jake's jaw started raising while the skin and muscles holding it up were slowly repaired. Eventually, his jaw was back in place. "Damn, that hurt pretty bad." "Only pretty bad? YOUR JAW JUST GOT RIPPED OFF! HOW IS THAT "PRETTY BAD"?" "I feel less pain, I think it's one of my demon attributes or something."

"Wait, did you just say demon features?" "Yeah, I'm a demon. Did you not know that?" "No, I did not fucking know that!" said Slenkis with a confused face. "How?" "Most of us gods have a magic spying window on you at all times, and none of us have seen any demon features." "Its not like I hide them all the time. In fact, I use my wings quite often." "So how have we not seen them?" "Beats me." "I have an idea." Butted in Kelsha. "Yes?" "Maybe the windows can't pick up his demonic features?" "But why?" "Not sure."

"Also, why can't i see sense any magic power or see a demon aura?" "I made a spell to can it." "Of course you did. Can you show me?" "Yeah." Jake deactivated his concealment spell. "Wh-whoa, thats uh, yeah. That's pretty fitting of your power." Slenkis looked a bit unnerved. "I agree, your aura is quite fitting." Jake canned his aura.

"Anyway, I'm gonna eat this metal now." Jake reactivated his spell. He popped the metal into his mouth. It was ridiculously hard to chew, but eventually, he swallowed it. "That's hurts a bit going down." Said Jake with a grimace. Jake Checked the gauntlet screen again.


Please choose material.





"Hell yeah!" Jake deactivated his bone gauntlets, preparing to activate his adamantite gauntlets, but then- *Slam* "Kelsha! Are you alright!? I think we're under attack!" A young looking woman with brown hair and a purple robe ran in. She looked at Jake, and her eyes widened. "OH MY GOD! ITS A DEMON LORD!" In her hand appeared a golden sword with cyan colored jewels. "DIE YOU DEMON BASTARD!" The woman leapt at him. "Woah, shit!" Jake instinctively activated body strengthening.

"Wait Cartissa- *BLAM* The woman was shot headfirst into the ground. "Ohhh, sorry. Was she your friend? I didn't mean to make them role-play as a plant." "Its fine. Hey Cartissa, are you alr- *Whoosh* The woman was launched out of the ground. "DIE YOU EVIL BASTARD!" "Woah woah, hold on!" "YAAAHHH!" *Swish* *Swoosh* The woman kept speeding up. "I might have to take drastic measures if you dont calm down!"

"SHUT UP YOU BASTARD!" *Splorch* He had punched right through her head. Where her face had used to be, there was now a baseball sized hole. "HOSA ARKT BROAL!" The woman fell to the ground in a large pool of blood and bits. He started smelling flowers once again. "JESUS FUCK, I EXPECTED HER TO BE MORE DURABLE!" *BLEUUUGHHH* Jake puked violently at this gruesome scene. "Don't worry, she'll be ffine. Anyway, you might want to get going." "Yeah, alright." "Here, take this." The goddess handed him a small glass pyramid. "I'll use this to call you." "Alright then. Should I put this in my spatial container?" "No, you'll have to keep it on your person." "Alright." "Here, I'll open a portal." The goddess waved her hand, and a green portal appeared. "Right through there." "Alright, thanks." "No problem. I hope to see you again soon." "Bye." Jake walked into the portal. But right before he went in, he pointed his finger upwards. *Pew*

Jake felt himself fall a few feet. "What's going on here?" *AAH* He heard two squeals. "Woah, what just happened?!" Jake looked below him and saw Correlshia and Rena under him. "Oh fuck, sorry!" Jake said while getting up. "Jake?!" They both said in confusion. "Heya, I'm back." Rena got up and ran over to him. "Where did you go?!" Rena had a few tears on her face. "I got kidnapped by a goddess." Corrshia spoke up

"You what?" "Yeah, I got kidnapped by a goddess." "What do you mean you got kidnapped by a goddess?!" "Her name is Kelsha. She wanted me to be her champion." "HOLD UP A FUCKING MINUTE! You got kidnapped by THE Kelsha? Y'know, one of bigger goddesses?" "Well that's not what I heard. She said that shes only a mid-tier goddess. Slenkis was a high-tier god apparently." "You're saying that you met two gods, in one day, both of whom were extremely well known?" "Yeah." "I'm just gonna go back to bed. This is way too ridiculous for me." After Rena said this, she went over to the bed, and crawled back in.

"What time is it?" Jake looked behind him at the window. It was dark out. "Huh. I guess I should go to bed too." "Yes, that would be a good idea." Jake took his shirt off and put it into his spatial container. "I'll test out my gauntlets tomorrow." He climbed onto the bed, in between the two girls. "Gnight you guys." "Night." Jake felt the darkness that was sleep closing in on him.

*Fwish* Jake opened his eyes and looked around. in front of him, a text box appeared.

[Bring companions with you, y/n?]

"Yes." *Zwip* *Zwip* Two beams of light appeared. Suddenly, Rena and Correlshia were there. "What?!" "What is this magic?!" Both girls were confused and surprised. "Hey guys. Welcome to my head." "Jake?!" Both girls said the same thing. "Yep. Anyways, you guys want to go say hi to my friends?" "Hold on! What do you mean your head?!" "I mean my mind. This place is my mind. I have a few people who live in here." "Is this a dream?" "No."

"Y'know what? Yeah. Let's go meet these friends." "Alrighty then." Jake snapped, and a door appeared. "Cool." Jake opened the door. "What the fuck do you mean I died from the Swarm*ak?! I wasnt even out of cover!" Jake opened the door. Only to hear Draken screaming obscenities at what he assumed to be the TV. "Oh, hey Jake." Draken glanced back from his game upon hearing the door click open.

"Whatcha playing?" "Gea*s 5." "Horde mode?" "Yep." Jake walked over. "So Draken, I have someone who I'd like you to say hi to." "Huh?" Draken looked over. she saw Rena and Correlshia. "OOOOHHHHHHH, UHHH, OOOHHHKAYY." He said in a strained voice.

"Jake, mind if I ask something?" "Sure." "Is this the guy who gutted me like a fish?" "Yep." "And he's here?" "Mmhmm." "And he's relaxing leisurely?" "Uh huh." "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN UH HUH?! HE GUTTED ME LIKE A FISH!" "I understand your anger, but theres a reason why." "Oh really? Tell me then." "He was being influenced by an evil spirit." "WELL- Wait, did you say evil spirit?" "Yeah. He was possessed." "Oh, well I guess I can forgive then."

"Really? You can forgive me? Even after I gutted you?" "Yeah. I can understand it if you didn't have much say in the matter." "Do you want me to gut myself or something?" "No, that's ok." "Wow, I'm really surprised your so willing to forgive." "Well I'm not dumb, I know that its dumb to be angry for things that dont matter." "Wow, okay. That's a pretty grown up way of thinking."

"Yeah. Having your friends and family slaughtered in front of you tends to do that." "Fuck bro, that's awful! Who did that?!" "The kingdom of Pelkats." "Man, I'm sorry. That really sucks." "Yeah. It's alright now though." "Huh. You want to come play *ears of war with me?" "Play what?" "Come here, I'll show you." "Alright." Rena walked over to the couch. "Jake, what is this place?" "Its sort of a recreation of my room from my other world?" "Huh."

"Anyways, want to come watch anime with me?" "Anime?" "Yeah, it's cool. Come look." Jake lead her to Lexi's room. *Knock Knock* "Hmm? One second!" He heard movement behind the door. *Click* The door opened, and a disheveled looking Lexi was standing there. "OH, uh, hi Jake. What's up?" "Nothing much. I was wondering if I could come watch anime in your room with Correlshia."

"UH, yeahhhh, uh, one second." Lexi closed and locked the door again. "Hmm, let's see..." Jake activated his X-ray eyes. He was quite shocked by what he saw. Sitting in the bed, panicking, naked, was his soul. "Fuck fuck fuck! Uh, here I'll make a door to my room!" He said in a whisper. "Yeah! Do that!" Lexi whispered back. *Snap* The demon snapped, and then, out of nowhere, a wooden door, with some stickers on it appeared nearly to the bed.

The demon ran through it as quick as possible. The assistant then walked over to the door. She snapped, and her hair became less messy. She opened the door. "Oh hey Jake. I was just fixing my hair." "Ah, alright. Anyway, can you go show Correlshia some anime?" "Yeah sure." "Thanks. Go with her Correlshia." "Very well." "Also, Jake, what happened a few days ago? You were contacting me, but communication was suddenly cut off." "I'll explain later."

*Fwoosh* On the opposite side of the room, a door with stickers appeared. "Yawwwnn, oh hey Jake, what's up." The demon snapped. A mug of milk appeared in his hands. "Yo, whats up dude." "Nothing much. Just watching anime and stuff." "Right. Anyway, I brought my family over." "Ah, that's cool. You mean Correlshia and Rena?" "Yep, that's right." "Do anything fun lately?" "Fun? Oh uh, yeah."

"Like what?" "Uh, y'know. The usual. Watching anime and reading webnovels." "I think you forgot something." The demon started sweating. "F-forgot something? Nope. That was everything." "I think that you know exactly what." "Wh-what? Can you remind me?" "..." "What is it?!" "It's... Watching my memories of course." "OH, uh, yeah." The demon took a sip of milk. "Oh, there'salso you banging Lexi." *FFFSSSTT*

The demon spat his milk out violently. "How the fuck did you know that?!" "I used my skill X-ray eyes. Once Lexi came out and panicked, I figured something was up." "Fuuuuck! I was hoping you wouldn't find out." "Why?" "Dont you think it's a bit weird to bang your friends assistant?" "Not particularly. When a guy and a girl stay together for awhile, it would make sense for them to get to know each other and crap like that." "I'm pretty sure that that's wrong, but yeah, at least your good with it."

"Yeah. Anyway, want to go watch anime with us?" "Nah. I've been playing a lot of video games lately, and I wanted to play some horde mode." "Alright then. Mind if Rena joins you?" Yeah, that's fine." "Great. I'm gonna go over to Lexi now." "Kay bye." With this being said, Jake walked over to Lexi's room.

But right as he was getting to the door, he heard a noise. *Zwoosh* He looked behind him, and saw something that completely surprised him. There was a purple portal opening in front of the TV. "Jaaaake, what's this?!" Draken asked in a half alarmed voice. "I'm pretty sure that's Kelsha." Said Jake with a hand over his eyes.

"Dammit! Get out of the way portal! I'm gonna die!" Draked ran over to the portal and started grabbing into it. "What the hell? There's a person in here?!" Draken pulled as hard as possible. "WHO DARES TO GRAB ME?!" Jake was pinching the bridge of his nose at this point.

A few seconds later a woman emerged, holding Draken's hand. "You pest! Don'tyou know who I am?" "No! And I dont care either! I'm currently on wave forty seven on blood drive! If you could get your dumb bitch ass out of the way, I could get back to killing swarm bastards!" Kelsha was taken aback. "W-whats with this foul language?! Do you genuinely not know who I am?!"

"Unless you're a goddess, I have no reason to acknowledge you. Now, move your stupid blond ass!" Kelsha donned a grin. "Well I just so happen to be a goddess." Drakens eyes widened. "Wait, really?" "Yes, I am Kelsha, god of the mind! And you have disrespected me!" "You're really Kelsha?! That's awesome!" "Yes, praise me more mortal!" "Yeah, that's great and all, but, I still need you to move."

"Yes, praise me- Wait, you still want me to move?!" "Yes ma'am, if you would step out of the way, it would be much appreciated." "I swear, you mortals have no respect!" "I'm not a mortal." "What?!" It was at this point that Jake stepped in. "What the fuck are you doing here Kelsha?!" "Doing where?!"

It was at this point that Kelsha looked around. "Where am I?" She let go of Draken's hand. "My mind. Or something similar." "Who are these people?" "Well the one you were talking to is Draken, a hero of shade. The one over there," Jake pointed to his soul. "Is my soul. And the one sitting here dumbfounded, is Rena. My adoptive daughter." "Wait, so is this something from the Soulpower system?" "Yeah."

"But I've heard stories of the Soulpower system, but I've never heard of such abilities." "Like I said, its complicated and probably a bit universe shattering." "Very well. Anyway, this is Rena huh?" "Yep." Rena had witnessed this entire situation with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth. "So you're saying... What is... You're actually..." Rena was completely at a loss.

"Is she all there in the head?" "Yes, dont be a dick. Anyway, this is Kelsha." "So you were actually being serious when you said you were kidnapped by a goddess?" "Yep." "And your saying that you're, one, her champion, two, on equal terms?" "Yeah, that about sums it up." Rena put her face in her hands. "And I have one last mind shattering surprised." "Theres no way that it can be more insane than this." "So you know the god of Destruction Slenkis?" "Yes, of course. He's one of the most popular gods." "Well I beat him in a fistfight, and now he's my servant." "..."

Rena just sat there shaking her head slowly. "There's no fucking way that you beat the god of Destruction in a fistfight, even though you're you..." "Nope, he did actually. And he gave me ownership too." "Show me proof. This is way too far fetched to just believe." "Hmm, I cna show you my titles?" "I guess that works." "Wait, theres a different way." Kelsha butted in. "What is it?" "You could show her your tattoos." "Tattoos?" "Yes, when you get a blessing from a God or goddess, you will get a tattoo." "Huh, let's look at my back first."

Jake took off his shirt. "Is there one there?" "Yeah, my mark is right here." She poked below his right shoulder blade. "So is there only one mark?" "Yes, it shows my blessing and my champion mark." "Cool." It was at this point that he looked down, and realized that his other tattoo was on his front side. "Slenkis' tattoo is right here." He turned around. "Ah, I see." He saw Kelsha's eyes wandering. "Hey, my tattoos up here." "Yes I knew that."

"Anyway, I'm going to go watch anime, feel free to come with." "Anime?" "Can gods and goddesses get in touch with other worlds?" "Occasionally, yes. But usually we don't. Why?" "Have you ever heard of earth?" "Yes, actually. I've heard that its somewhere between 7 and 8 level difficulty. Wasn't it something about the creatures having special machines? Oh yes, I heard that there is little mana, so most normal humans are unable to use magic." "Yep, no magic for normal people."

"Actually, I wonder if there are people with magic." "Well I assume so, there is magic in all worlds." "Huh. I wonder how Axel is doing..." "Who?" "My old friend." "Ah." "Anyway, feel free to come with." "Wait, my champion! I have something to discuss with you!" "Call me Jake."

"Very well. I would like to discuss something with you Jake." "What is it?" "Theres a tournament coming up. Once a year, all the gods get together and have their champions fight. Killing is forbidden, and there are prizes for the gods and the champions." "So you want me to participate?" "Yes. It takes place in a week." "What are the prizes?"

"Well for the gods or goddesses that win, they usually get a higher tier, more authority, money, a better domain, and sometimes even power boosting items. As for champions, they usually get money, items, or other material possessions." "Seems like a pretty good deal. I'm in." "Great! I'm sure you can stomp through this competition." "Probably. Anyway, you want to come watch anime with me?"

"Sure. I will partake in this." "Great, follow me." Jake walked over to Lexi's door. *Knock Knock* "Come in." Jake opened the door. He saw Correlshia laying on the bed watching the TV, completely oblivious to everything else. "Shes pretty into it huh?" "Yeah. I put on SA* And she got completely immersed into it." "Makes sense. It's a great show." "I can attest to that. I am half way through season one.

"Come here Kelsha." "Are you trying to get me into your bed so that you can-" Jake pinched her lips together. "SHUT." "Fine." The goddess walked over to the bed. Upon looking the the TV, she was confused. "What is this?" "It's anime." "What is anime?" "Sit down and watch, you'll understand." "Also, what are those white lines down there?" "It's English, is the language of this world not english?"

"No, the language of this world is the language of magic." "Huh. So how do I know it?" "Well it is widely know, almost every world uses it as a basic language." "Huh, well I would assume that the system helped me?" "Affirmative, the Soulpower system gives the host the ability to speak the language of magic." "Thanks Lexi. Anyways, I can probably make a spell to help."

"Thank you." Jake imagined english being translated to the language of magic. He named this spell "Translate words". " "Translate words"." Jake casted the spell on the goddess. "Woah! That actually worked?" "How could you doubt me like that?" Sad Jake feigning sadness. "Well it's not every day that you see someone creating spells out of nowhere! I'm a goddess, and even I have never seen something that ridiculously powerful."

"It's whatever. Anyways, let's watch this now." "Very well." The goddess watched the TV for a while. "What are these "*word skills"? They seem to be quite good." "Yeah, sword skills are a big part of this." "Also, I don't quite understand. Why was he put into the town upon putting on that strange helmet?" "That is incredibly hard to explain with your limited knowledge of my world." "Ah, i get it."

"Wait a second, how are you reading the subtitles Correlshia?" "Hmm? What are subtitles?" "Those white words at the bottom." "Those? I didnt know they were words. I was just looking at the nice pictures." "Oh my god, I thought you were watching it this entire time. Here I'll cast my spell." Jake used his translation spell on her. "Woah, those are words?" "Yep. Oh, why didn't I think of this earlier." "What?"

Jake used his universal translator spell. "Wow, I didn't think they were actually saying anything." "Yep, they are. Anyway, back to the anime."

A few hours later, the goddess had her eyes completely glued to the screen. "Do you need to blink, or like...?" "No. it's fine." "Right." Jake had become increasingly aware that Kelsha was not blinking. It was a bit creepy. "I'm gonna go check up on Rena." "Mmhmm." "Im just gonna, like, go." "Mmhmm." With this, Jake got up and left.

He opened the door. Sitting on the couch, gaming intensely was Rena. "DIEEE YOU *OVENANT BASTARDS!" "KILL EM ALLLL!" Both people were gaming intensely. "Hey guys." Both people looked back. "Oh Hey Jake." "Hey dude." "Whatcha doin?" "Playing *alo reach." "Nice."

Then it dawned on him. "Wait, how can, one, you read and understand English Draken? And two, how do you know that they're called the *ovenant Rena?" "Ah, I can answer that. Soul dude taught me english a while back. It was right after I played *ears of war for the first time." "Alright, that makes sense. And Rena, how do you know what they're called?" "Draken told me." "Huh. That makes sense."

"Here, I'll cast my translation spells on you." "Your what?" Jake casted both spells. "Woah, I can understand them now!" "Yep." "When does this wear off?" "I don't know." "Cool." "I'm glad that you guys are getting along so well." "I'm honestly surprised that we are. I kind of impaled her and all." "Yeah. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to play *OD Infinite warfare?" "Yeah su-" Suddenly, him and Rena started glowing. "What's happening?" "We're waking up."

"We're? As in all of us?" "Guess so." "Ah damn, guess I gotta log you out then huh?" "Yeah." "You made her an account?" "Yep." "Interesting." *Zwoom* Jake and Rena were ejected from the mind space.

Jake opened his eyes. He sat up. Outside, he heard lots of yelling and cheering. Rena sat up at this point. "What's going on?" "Some sort of celebration?" "Lemme see." Rena turned toward Jake and saw his tattoos. "So was that mind space thing not a dream?" "Nope." Rena got up and walked over to the window. "Huh. Theres a bunch of red and purple banners around." "Yeah, that's Ercona's flag." "Really? That explains that guildmaster guys choice of colors." "Yep."

Jake put his shirt on. But before leaving, he saw that Correlshia was still sleeping. He walked over and shook her. "MMPH!? WHERE AM I?" She said while panicking. "Woah woah woah, were awake now." "Why am I here now?" "You were just in my mind space. Once you wake up, you get booted out." "Oh, okay." "Anyway, let's go see what all the commotion is about." "Alright. Will there be food? I'm hungry."

"Yeah, we can get some food." "Good." "Can I get eggs?" "Is that all you think about?" "No, I just throughly enjoy eggs." "Oh-kay then. We can get some eggs." "Yay!"

'Hey Lexi, I have a question.'


'Is it possible for a Soulpower system assistant to have sex?'


'How would it feel?'

[Quite nice.]

'So how was it?'


'My soul.'

[How did you find out about that?!]

'X-ray vision.'


'Its good, at least you're having fun.'

[Well Alright then.]


Jake went down the stairs. There was a man there this time. "Morning." "Heya." The man gave Jake a small wave. Jake walked out of the inn with Rena and Correlshia. There were people celebrating all throughout the street. Jake walked up to a random man. He was wearing a white shirt with leather pants "Hey, what's going on?" "How don't you know?!"

"The king has successfully summoned four heroes!" "Really?" "Yes! It was announced this morning. They were summoned late yesterday. It was only announced today." "Interesting."

Jake realized that that's why the guards were away from the gate. "Well that's great!" "I know right?!" "Yeah! Anyway, you have a good day." "You too man." Jake then walked away. "I've got an idea for today." "What's that idea?" Asked Rena. "We're gonna pay the heroes a visit." "Y'know, I can actually see you being crazy enough to try that."

"Aw, that's a bit mean dontcha think?" "Its the truth." "Fair enough." "So how do you plan in getting in there?" Asked Correlshia. "My wings." "Your wings?" "Have you not seen them?" "No I have not." "Huh. Odd. Anyway, I'm just going to add a stealth setting to my bubble." "That's a good idea." Jake imagined his bubble becoming completely mirror like. He imagined it being hard to see with the naked eye.

"Alright, I'm just going to give you guys stamina. for now." "Aw, but I wanted eggs." "Alright fine." Jake imagined a white plate with some cheesy scrambled eggs on it. Right after, he felt the plate land in his hands. "Here you go." "That's awesome! You can just create this?" "Yep. Now let's get into the bubble." Jake summoned his bubble.

He made a door appear. Everyone climbed in. Jake made the bubble invisible. After he was sure that nobody was watching, he took his wings out. He looked over at Correlshia. She was standing there, eyes glued to his wings. "You like what you see?" "Ye-yeah..." She was practically drooling. "So, uh, are wings a big thing in the dragon community?" "Yes. It's about the same as humans picking a partner based on their face." "Huh, interesting."

"Anyway, time to get going." Jake took off, although not too fast so that he didn'trouse any suspicion. He made his way towards the huge castle on the incline towards the middle of the city. He realized a few seconds later that a presence hiding option would be a good idea. He imagined the aura and other factors that people could sense were hidden within the bubble.

Once he was at the castle, he realized something. How was he going to find the heroes? "How am I going to find the heroes? Guess I need to make a spell."

Jake imagined a pulse spreading out that identified all creatures within its radius. He imagined it displaying an outline of them when he closed his eyes. He also made it so that it would show information on anyone he focused on. He named this spell, "Detect creatures".

"Detect creatures." A large pulse eminated from Jake. Jake looked at his minimap. There were now a ton of white dots and one red dot. before he looked at the white ones, he looked at the red one. It said



Founder of the church.

Hates your guts for killing Draken.


After this, he looked through the white dots until he found what he wanted. situated beside each other were four rooms. Each had one dot in it. On each info card was a description.


Alan Chanley

Otherworldly hero.



Alisha Brenko

Otherworldly hero



Ariko Hanawa

Otherworldly hero



Rikana Asis

Otherworldly hero


"Found you."