"Found you."
Jake flew his bubble over to a window near the rooms. The rooms were high up in the castle. "Alright, you guys stay here, I'm gonna go mess around." "But I'll be bored." "Take these." He handed Rena some puzzles he created. "What are these?" "Find out." And with this, Jake activated his stealth skill and went in. On the way there, he created a gun. Upon getting to the first room, he knocked. After that, he knocked on all the other doors. He created a piece of paper that said, "Follow the trail. Bring your weapons. You'll need them." Jake also made a few light Crystals
He made a trail out of shredded paper. He made the trail go through the hallway, to a large empty room. Jake activated his X-ray skill and sat down in the empty room. The first door opened. "Huh?" A blonde young man walked out while rubbing his eyes. Suddenly, he saw the note. "Bring my weapon...?" The hero went back into his room. When he emerged, he was holding a shiny silver sword. This was Alan.
After this, another door opened. An orange haired girl walked out and soon after this, both remaining doors opened. The orange haired girl looked over at Alan, then at the note. "What's going on?" "Not sure." Alan had a deep voice with a tinge of puberty. "Should I go grab my weapon?" "Yeah." The girl went and grabbed her weapon. It was a metal staff with a smooth green, blue, red, and brown ball floating in a curved piece of metal at the end of the staff. This was Rikana
The two other people looked over at Alex and Rikana. "Should I grab my weapons or...?" A black haired girl asked. "Yeah, I'm gonna go grab my staff." Said a blonde haired girl. Both girls went back into their rooms.
First, the black haired girl emerged. She was holding two dark colored metal daggers. This was Ariko. Next, the blond haired girl emerged. She was holding a yellow-brown colored metal staff. The top of it was shaped like an angel. There was a small white glowing ball in the middle of the angel. This was Alisha.
"Alright, this is shaping up to be great!" Jake said to himself in excitement. All the heroes had gathered in the hall. his note was posted to a wall in front of their rooms. "Follow the trail? You guys up for this?" "Hell yeah! This is the first cool thing that's happened since I got isekai'd!" It was Ariko who spoke up.
"I agree with Ariko, this will be our first experience." Rikana spoke up this time. "I'll go wherever you guys go, I'm a healer after all." Alisha told them. "If you guys are Alright with it, then sure. Let's go." Alan acknowledged their agreement. "Let's go then."
"Hell yeah! I knocked on the right one first!" Jake had been counting on Alan being the leader. He had seen enough anime and manga to know that 90% of the time, the guy was the leader. The crew set off, following the trail. Eventually, they came to a halt. They found a door. "This is it, make sure you're on guard." "Yep."
They entered the door. It was dark in the room. "Rikana, cast some fire magic." "Got it." The a small orange pattern appeared at the top of her staff. Jake was currently standing in one of the top corners of the room. Suddenly, an evil voice rang out. "MY MY, ARE SOME PESTS DISTURBING MY LAIR? I guess I am a bit peckish..." "Show yourself fiend!" "Hmm, I don't know... Will you stab me with Thy toothpick?" "Be careful, he can see in the dark!" "Acute observation Alex. Maybe I should extinguish your little mage?" "H-how do you know my name?!" "I know more than just your name." "Guys, this may be a bit too dangerous, let's go!"
"Guys, have you forgotten that I can see in the dark?" Asked Ariko. "Oh yeah, where is he?" "He's right up-" Suddenly, she was cut off. Alex looked around and found that she had disappeared. "Ariko? Ariko?!"
*Splorch* Suddenly, his face was drenched in a warm liquid. "Wh-what? What is..." He put his hand up to his face. Upon removing his hand, he saw something that greatly disturbed him. His fingers were covered on blood. "AH, AHH, AHHHHH!" He started screaming. "What is it?" Alisha turned to him. "OH GOD, IM COVERED IN BLOOD!" "Are you hurt?!" "No, but I think that Ariko is!" "My my, you heroes are quite tasty! Much better than normal peasants!" Upon hearing this, Alex's fear intensified tenfold. "No... I don't want to die! I just got out of that rotten school!" Alex dropped his sword and fell to his knees, crying.
"You're next blond boy." "I don't want to die!" "Too bad!" Suddenly, some red eyes appeared in the darkness in front of Alex. "NOOO!" Alex was yanked into the darkness. "Oh god, Alex!" But suddenly, Alisha was pulled too. "NOOOOO!" Rikana started crying at this point. She dropped her staff and crawled into the fetal position. "No... No.... No...." She rocked back and forth.
*Clap* Suddenly, the room lit up. "Huh?" Jake was the one who had clapped. Upon the lights turning on, Rikana was surprised by the lights. "Hey, uh, you okay?" Asked the evil voice. "Oh god, am I going to die?" She said while burying her face into knees. "Ah, uh," *Ahem* "Y-yo, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you this much." Rikana looked up and saw a demon. It had a gray teai, gray colorful wings, and gray horns.
"Please don't kill me!" She sobbed. "Oh, geezer, uh, listen. I'm not gonna kill you okay?" Rikanna looked around. She saw her teammates tied to some boxes, gagged by some cloth. "W-what are you going to do to me?!" "I was thinking about helping you to your feet first." "What?" Rikana was confused. "Aren't you going to eat me alive or something?" "No? That's fucking barbaric!"
"R-really?" "Yeah, here, take my hand." Jake extended his hand. Rikana stood up. Suddenly, she took a knife out of her pocket. "DIE DEMON!" She stabbed him in the chest. "AHHHH!" "Die die die!" "NOOOO! MY, MY, MY, SHIIIRRRTT!" "Die die- Wait, did you say shirt?" "Yeah! Now I'm going to have to repair my shirt!" "B-but your gushing blood! I just pierced your heart five times!" "Yes, you did! I have two more." "What?! I'm a biology major, and I don't understand!"
"Wow look at you! Miss fancy college girl!" "How would you know what that is?!" "One sec, cool it nerd." "Nerd?!" Jake pulled the knife out of his heart. "Damn, that hurt a bit." Jake walked over to the roped up people. He used the knife to cut the ropes. "Here you go." As soon as he untied Alex, he was lunged at. "DIE DEMON!" Alex started punching Jake. Unfortunately, his punches did fuck-all damage.
"Can you stop, or like...?" "Why won't you just die?!" "I'm super strong. Anyway, moving on to Rikana." He walked over to Ariko. "Here you are." He cut the ropes holding her. "Y'know, you completely ruined my plans with your night vision." "Well you can suck my dick! You scared the living fuck outta everyone!" "Yeah, I guess I deserve that." "Anyways, Alicia's next." He walked over and cut the ropes.
"How did you beat everyone?" Asked Alex while staring at his feet in embarrassment. "I'm ridiculously strong, mixed with the fact that you couldn't see me." "Yeah, but how strong? How many points do you have in strength?" "Lemme see. Status!"
Name: Jake
Race: Unknown Demon
Level: 31
Exp: 1265/15,000
Health: 60,000/60,000
Mana: 220,000/220,000
Stamina: 2,600/2,600
Strength: 180
Agility: 120
Dexterity: 130
Mind: 60
Intelligence: 60
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts).
Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].
"One hundred and eighty." "That's only thirty above me though!" "Yeah, I also have 220,000 mana. I use an insanely strong body strengthening spell." "Huh." "I'm also from earth by the way." "WHAT?!" "Yep. I got isekai'd too. Although my circumstances were a bit different." "Wait, so you're from earth, and yet you're a demon?" "Guess so." "What's your name?" "Jake Graye."
"Huh. Where'd you live?" "New York." "Cool. I'm from Canada." "Really? Shouldn't you have am accent?" "Well yeah, but I only recently moved to Canada." "Huh." Jake had finished cutting the ropes. He had put more rope on while he was panicking. "Its sad, I didn't even get to use my gun." "Gun?" "Yeah. This one." Jake pulled it out and pointed it at Alex. "WOAH DUDE!" *POW* Alex flinched expecting to be shot, but nothing happened.
"BWAHAHAHA!" Jake was laughing his ass off. "W-what happened?" Alex looked at Jake. He was holding a silver revolver. Coming out of the end was a red flag on a stick that said POW. "PFFF, HAHAHAHA!" Ariko started laughing. "Sh-shut up! You all suck!" "THATS FRIGGIN HILARIOUS!" Ariko was on the ground clutching her stomach from laughing too much.
"That is actually pretty funny." Said Alisha. "I know right? Anyway, I should get going. My two monster girl daughters are waiting." Three of the four people looked at him with wide eyes. "Did you say monster girl?" "Yep. I've got a blue lizardman and a lava dragon. Ariko and Alisha both released excited gasps. "You mean to say that there are real monster girls in this world?!" Asked Ariko excitedly.
"Yep. You guys wanna meet them?" "Hell yes!" Rikana butted in. "What's so good about monster girls?" Both other girls looked at her. "They're amazing! Think of their furry ears and masculine bodies..." Alisha was practically drooling at this point. "No way, scales are way better! They're so smooth and nice! Unlike tur, they don't get hair everywhere.
"Also, have you ever watched Monster *usume?! *iia is the best! Especially the shedding scene!" "No way! Suu is obviously better!" "Girls girls, calm down!" "Ugh, fine. Still, a monster girl is a monster girl." "Yep. Anyways, you want me to bring them over?" "Yes!" "Yeah, that would be nice." Added Alan. "Alright, one second." Jake walked out the door. He sprinted over to the window. He created a window.
"Hey guys." "Hey Jake. I've done the thingies." She showed him the disassembled puzzles. "Nice. Anyway the heroes want to meet you girls." "Really?" "Yep. The heroes like demi-humans as much as I do." "Why?" "It's popular in my world." "Huh. Well Alright then." Rena walked over to Correlshia. "Hey, hey, hey." Correlshia stirred. "Hmm? Wassup?" She was half asleep. "Come with me." "Salright then." Correlshia got up.
"Alright, come here." Jake waved to the window. "Okay." Both girls walked Into the castle through the window. "Follow me." "Alright." He lead the two girls to the room. "Do you think he'll come back?" "Probably." "I hope so, I'd love to see a lizard girl." "I didn't expect you to like scales that mush Alex." "Well I do, they're great!" Jake walked through the door. "Heya guys, I'm back." "Oh hey-" The heroes caught sight of Correlshia and Rena.
"Oh my god! They're so cute!" Ariko squealed like a child. She ran over. "Woah!" Rena was taken aback by this outburst. The hero ran up and started squeezing her. "J-JAKE!? A LITTLE HELP?!" Rena said in a strained voice. "Hey uh, Ariko, can you not be so y'know, str-" *Crack* "OH-KAY THATS ENOUGH." Jake ran over to her. He pulled her arms away from Rena. Upon looking at her, he was a bit surprised.
Both Rena's arms had both broken from the pressure of Ariko's hug. "DUUUDE, CAN YOU NOT BE SO STRONG?! Heal wounds." He healed Rena's broken arms. "Woah, you can use healing magic?" Asked Alisha. "Yep." It was at this point that Alan remembered something. "Hey, where did this blood come from?" "I made it." "What do you mean you made it?" "I created it with magic." "How?" "Like this."
Jake imagined a stream of blood coming from the palm of his hand. *Splish* Blood started pouring from his hand. But not from a cut. "Thats ridiculous, how could you freely create blood?!" Rikana cried out. "Magic." Said Jake while putting his hands in front of his face, then moving them apart. "That breaks the laws of like, everything!" "Yep. I got over it pretty quick." "This is ridiculous, what's the point of The law of physics and shit?"
"Those were only created because there was basically no magic." "This is so dumb! I went through school just to learn that I don't need any of it?!" "Well you can probably use your knowledge of molecules and crap." "Yeah, I guess so." "Anyways, I'm gonna go now." "Okay, but first, can you teach me how to do super strong magic like you?" "It's easy, just imagine it." "That didn't work when I tried it." "Weird. Anyway, not my problem."
"You douche!" "Don't care to be honest. Anyway, take this." Jake handed Alex a little glass cube and turned toward the door. "Take this. Call me if you need help. Of course, I have other problems, so I'll ask for payment." "But we're heroes! Shouldn't you be happy to help for free?!" Alex asked. Jake turned around. He stared at him with his mouth slightly open with squinted eyes.
"Are you dumb? I couldn't care less about your stupid little struggles. If I wanted to, I could go kill the demon lord, so please, tell me. Why would I not want payment?" Alex put his finger down and looked away. "That's fair..." He said while looking away. "Yep. Anyway, Ciao." Rena and Correlshia followed him.
Jake walked back to the window. He summoned the bubble. "Hop in you guys." "Yep." "Those heroes sucked! The black haired one broke my arms!" "Yeah, I wouldn't have brought you if I knew that would happen." "It's fine. Let's go do something fun." "Yeah." Jake took off towards the wall.
A few seconds later, Correlshia spoke up. "H-hey Jake, can I t-touch your wings?" Jake looked back and saw Correlshia behind him with wide eyes and a small smile. "Uhh, why?" "They look so big, and soft, and nice..." Correlsha started spacing out. "Yeah, I'm gonna take a hard pass on that one chief." "Please! I'll let you touch mine!" "I might have let you if you didn't look like such a creep right now."
Jake made a small mirror. He showed Correlshia her reflection. Her face reddened. "Th-that must be fake! I could never make such an undignified expression!" "Well you might be surprised..." Jake remembered the illusion the goddess made. His cheeks reddened slightly.
"Come on! They're just asking to be touched!" "Will it make you stop bugging me?" "Yes!" "Ugh. fine." "Hell yes!" A few seconds passed. *Uhn* Jake let out a noise. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He had felt a small touching sensation on his wings. Jake slowed the bubble to a halt. "Why did I just make that sound?!" His cheeks were red. He turned around, only for Correlsha to turn with him.
"STOP!" "No! You said it was okay!" "I'm gonna leave the bubble!" "NO!" Rena was watching this with an amused face. "Help me Rena!" "Nope, this is your problem." "You traitor!" Jake waved his hand, which made a doorway appear in the bubble. "Bya!" "NOT HAPPENING!"
Correlshia grabbed the base of his wings roughly. *URRRGHH* Jake fell to the ground. "You rapist!" He gasped. "They're so soft!" Correlshia was sitting on him, holding his wings. "St-staHAP!" She moved her hands halfway through him saying stop.
"They're so nice to touch. It feels like a pillow." She started rubbing all around. Jake's arms tensed up and started trying to grab Correlshia. "AHHHH, STAHP IHT PLEASE!" "No, it's your fault for saying yes." "Please, merc-" Correlsha grabbed the base and stroked it lightly.
*Bleh* Jake went limp. "You okay?" Correlshia looked at Jake. "No..." "Why?" "Huh... I wonder..." He said with an exhausted voice. "Come on struggle more! It's no fun if you don't!" "I can't believe I adopted a rapist..." "I'm not raping you, I'm just..." "Just what? Please, enlighten me. What are you doing?" "Uh..." "Yeah, that's what I thought." "Shut up!" Correlshia pinched the base of his wings. "AAHHHHHHH."
Jake was at his limit. "Correlshia, could you stop please? I'd rather you not witness what will happen." "What's going to happen?" "Well my wings are really sensitive so if you keep doing that some guy stuff is gonna-" *Rub* *Plrrt* Correlshia was confused. "What just happened?" "GOD DAMMIT CORRELSHIA!" "What happened though?"
Suddenly it dawned on her. Her confused face changed into one of horror. Rena started laughing hysterical at this. "MY GOD! JAKE, DID YOU JUST...?!" "I WAS TRYING TO FUCKING WARN YOU!" "OH MY GOD! I DIDN'T KNOW THIS WOULD HAPPEN! YOU'RE A DEMON, I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE THE SAME AS A DRAGON!" "WELL YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED WHEN I SAID!"
Correlshia got up off of him with intensely red cheeks. "You're gross!" "You're a rapist!" "Sh-shut up!" "Whatever, gimme a sec." Jake flew out of the bubble. He imagined a pair of grey boxers, which promptly appeared in his hand. He dimmed the bubble so that Rena and Correlshia couldn't see out of it. "This sucks!" Jake took off his pants and underpants which now had a large white spot. "Now I gotta throw these away! Dammit!"
Jake was a bit pissed. After all, Correlshia, who he thought of as a daughter, had stroked him into climaxing. "God dammit! This is so fucking awkward!" Jake felt incredibly embarrassed. "Goodbye my faithful trousers, you will be missed." And with this, Jake threw his trousers down into the forest below.
Jake put his new trousers on. "At least these are comfy." Jake put his pants on. "I guess I can't stay mad at her, she didn't think that I would react like that. But still, couldn't she have at least thought about what could happen?" Jake was more embarrassed than angry.
He flew back up to his bubble. He made a doorway appear. "Heya, I'm back." "Hey Jake." Said Rena. There was no response from Correlshia. He saw that she was crouched in front of the wall. She was facing the wall. "Hey, Correlshia, just to let you know, I'm not mad, just a bit, uh, embarrassed." "Kay'." she answered as quickly as possible.
Jake smelled something. "Is it just me or does it smell like vanilla in here?" "Nope, I smell it too." "Huh. Anyways, let's get going." Jake got going once again. A few minutes later, Jake hit something. *BONK* Jake disabled the soundproofing. " AAGH, WHO DARES HIT ME?!" A deep booming voice rang out.
"What the hell?" Suddenly, a large reflective figure appeared. It was a dragon. Its scales were clear with a pink glow to them. "WHAT PUNY CREATURE DARES TO TAKE ME, REFLICTES ON?" "Hey Correlshia, you know this guy." "Yes." "Could you give me some info?" "He's a dragon of light." "Is that why he can go invisible?" "Yes."
Jake stepped out of the bubble. "Hey uh, Reflictes? Sorry for bumping you, but it's kind of your fault. After all, you were invisible." "A MERE PEASANT DARES TO ANNOY A SUPREME BEING LIKE MYSELF?!" "Yeah, anyways, could you not yell at me? Its pretty loud." "YOU WILL DIE FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!" The dragon opened it's mouth and prepared to blast Jake. *Slap* "Wh-what the hell?!"
Reflictes was surprised. "You bastard, did you just slap me?!" "Yes, I did. Anyways, i beat the legendary dragon Correlshia, and I'll beat you." "YOU WHAT?!" "I beat Correlshia. Now beat it!" "YOU KING OF THE SCUM! SHE JUST LOST HER PARENTS! AND YOU KILLED HER!?"
The dragons eyes went pink. Its crystal like scales went red. "I'LL KILL YOU!" "Hold up, I never said I killed her!" The dragon was far too angry to listen. *ROOOOAAARRRR* "I will use force if you refuse to calm down." "DIEE!" The dragon released a giant beam of light from its mouth. "Woa-" *FWAZEEM* Jake felt his flesh burning. "FUUUUCK THIS HUUUURRRTTTSS!!!" It was unlike any pain he had ever felt. It felt as if he had a thousand sunburns in one spot lol over his body.
He looked at his health bar. It was dropping quickly. The dragon stopped firing a few seconds later. Where the man had been before there was just a bit of smoke. "Serves you right! But still... Oh god! Correlshia is dead!? Poor girl just lost her parents..." The dragon shed a few drops of orange liquid from its eyes. "I swear, with element, I'll burn all those awful demons! They'll pay for what they did to Elketh and Bilknore!"
*Crack* Scales went flying. *URRRK* The dragons head shot up. Jake used his speed coupled with his spatial container to collect all of them. "If you could listen it would be greatly appreciated." Jake's skin was badly charred. "You bastard! How are you alive!?" "Because I didn't die. Anyways-" Jake grabbed Reficles and started punching their face repeatedly. A few seconds later, there was, a bloody spot bare of scales.
"PLEASE STOP!" "Not until you leave your dragon form." "NO! NEVER-" *BAM* "AUUGHH!" Jake had been punching the dragon repeatedly. Finally, a large puff of smoke erupted. In his hand was a naked young man. He had black horns that came up from behind his ears that were fish hook shaped. He also had long silver hair, although there was a bloody spot on the top.
"Y-you bastard! Why did you do this-" Suddenly, Jake's burnt body started healing at an alarming rate. "You monster!" It was at this point the he started examining Jake's wings. His face got a bit red. "Although you have quite nice wings for a monster..." "The fuck!? You're just like Correlshia!" "Why did you kill her you bastard?!" Jake pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just told you, I didn't!" "What do you mean you didn't?!" "Look!"
Jake turned the stealth mode off. Inside was Correlshia and Rena. Rena had watched the entire encounter with an amused expression. "See? I told you I didn't kill her." "But you're a demon! Didn't your kind kill her parents?" "I have special circumstances. Anyway, are you gunna behave if I let you go?" "I'd probably die." "Fair point. Does your transformation ability use stamina?"
"Yes." "Here." Jake used Fill stamina. "How did you do that?" "Magic." "Well yes, but normally that's impossible." "Whatever. Dont feel like explaining." "Alright. Also, why is Correlshia traveling with you?" "Because I kind of adopted her." "Kind of?" "I didn't sign any papers or anything, I just kind of brought her along as a close companion." "Papers? Strange. Anyway, is she happy?" "I think so."
"Well that's good. Anyway, could you let me go?" Jake realized he was still holding him by his throat. "Oh, yeah yeah." Jake let him go. Reflictes then sprouted some white wings. Along the skin parts of the wings there were little crystals sprouting from it. "Nice wings." Jake was quite enamored by the wings. "Thank you." It was at this point that Jake realized something. "Wait, do I have a wing fetish now?!"
"Bye." The dragon took off. Jake was left there with a horrified expression. "How did I get a wing fetish?! Was it Correlshia or like...?" Jake was confused on his he had acquired this fetish. "This is some bullshit... Whatever, moving on."
Jake flew back to the bubble. "Hey guys, did you miss me?" "A little." "No!" Correlsha responded rudely. "Well aren't you peachy today? If it's about the wing thing, I'm not mad, okay?" "Whatever." Correlshia had gone from crouching to laying. "I'll leave you to your edgy brooding. Anyway, I have no idea what to do. Do you have any ideas Rena?" "A restaurant maybe?" "Nah." "Wanna kill stuff?" "A bit." "Hmmm... A gladiator arena?" "Those exist?" "Yeah." "Will I have to kill people?" "Yeah. But you'll get money and stuff."
"You already know I'm not cool with killing " "Is it really that bad in your eyes?" "Yes, think about how long that person has lived! Think about all the memories they've made! All of that, just... Gone." "Why don't you try NOT thinking about it so much?" "Its just ingrained into me that killing is direly wrong." "All I'm asking is that you stop being so nervous about killing people." "Fine, I'll try." "So you want to go participate in a gladiator arena?" "Nah." "Oh, what about a dungeon?"
"Hey, that's not a half bad idea. Do you know where any are?" "Not around here. Usually they have large stone towers that mark their location." "Interesting. How are dungeons created?" "I think, and please note that I dont remember very well, but I think that they're formed by high magic concentration, and also, exceptionally strong monsters can create one by pouring their mana into an area. A lot of times, strong monsters will accidentally make their dens into dungeons by releasing mana while sleeping."
"Interesting. Should I look for one?" "I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find one around here." "Well then, its settled. I'll look for one" Jake started flying in a random direction.
He had been flying for a minute and a half when suddenly, he spotted a tower. There were some people going in and out. "I'm guessing that's one?" "Yes." "Great. Let's get going. Also, why does it still smell like vanilla?" "No idea."
Jake flew down to the tower. Upon reaching the ground, he hid his wings. "This Is gonna be fun." "Probably." "Hey, Correlshia, you wanna come with us?" "No." "Alright, See you then." Jake created a door, then walked out. A party of 4 caught sight of this. A black haired young man asked. "Hey, you. What was that?" "Me?" Jake asked while pointing at his chest.
"Yeah, you. What did you just do?" "I got out of my bubble. Why do you want to know?" "But it appeared out of nowhere!" "Yep. I know that." Jake made the door disappear. "Where'd it go?" "It's still there." "Is it invisible?" "Yep." "Can I see it?" "Sure." Jake made it visible. The man's jaw dropped. "How can you do that?!" "Magic." "Well yes, but how?" "I'm good at magic."
The man realized Jake wasnt going to reveal anything. "Would you like to join our party?" Jake turned around. "Do you think it's a good idea Rena?" "I dont think it makes a difference. You're probably going to be fine either way." "How will me joining you work?" "Well what we usually do is divide the work among us equally, and when we leave the dungeon, we split the loot we found."
"Hmm, doesn't seem like a good deal." "Do you know who we are?! We're the midnight swords! We're quite well known around here. I'm sure that you will die if you don't come with us." "PFFF! The midnight blades?!" What a stupid name!" Jake laughed at them hysterically. "You bastard!" The black haired man pulled out his sword. "Jordan, calm down." A red haired woman with a brown witch hat on told the man.
"Fine, but you better watch your back." Jordan warned Jake. "Oh no, is mister night dagger gonna hurt me?" "YOU! I'LL DESTROY YOU!" The red haired woman grabbed the man as he tried to lunge at Jake. "I'm gonna go now." With this, Jake picked up Rena, who was now giggling, and put her on his shoulders. Jake went towards the base of the tower. The man was still shouting at Jake. Towards the base of the tower, there was a line. Jake stepped into the line.
"So what do I do?" "Usually you go to the entrance and walk in." "I also have a question, will there be things to find?" "Yes. Every week, dungeons will reset themselves, but they will have a new layout." "What happens to the people that are inside?" "They get spat out at the entrance If they're inside when it resets." "So why are dungeons so user friendly?" "User friendly?" "As in good towards people who ransack it."
"Well i think I understand what you mean, but the answer is that its it's not." "How so?" "The dungeon is a sentient being more or less. It uses the items generated as bait for adventures. Also, the dungeon generate monsters which upon dying, turn into mana which feeds the dungeon." "How do you know all this?" "My mom taught me." "Well yes, but you're so knowledgeable about so many things, who was your mother?"
"She was the town teacher." "So she taught you a ton of stuff?" "Yes." "Who was your dad?" "He was an experienced warrior. He taught me lots of survival info like what is and isn't edible, and how to take fires, just general survival information." "Wow, you had a great dad." "Thanks. What was your dad like?" "I'm gonna activate telepathy for this." "Okay." Jake activated telepathy.
'He was a pretty cool guy. He worked a lot at a construction company. I remember going on a cool hike with him. He got murdered there.' Jake's face darkened. 'How did he die?' 'That's a bit insensitive don't you think?' 'Sorry...' 'Nah, it's good. He told me to stay in this tree trunk we found, and then he walked off. I was 12 at the time. I was there for an hour before, me being the ADHD riddled child I am, I went and looked for him. I was walking for a long time, but eventually I heard voices. They were saying to check the area for anyone. I yelled out to them that I was near them. The person that came over was a policeman. He asked if I knew where my dad was. I didn't. So he walked me down to the road, where there were a bunch of cars.'
'I'm not sure what cops of cars are.' 'Think of police like the city guard, they arrest anyone who breaks the law, and cars are sort of like metal carriages that dont need anything to pull them.' 'Odd, but please, carry on.' 'Anyway, upon getting there they offered me a blanket, which I declined due to it being really hot. After this, an ambulance arrived, ambulances are big cars that being you to a place where you can get medical attention. Anyways, the ambulance brought me to a hospital, where I stayed for a while. Eventually, my mom showed up in tears. She had called the police after she realized that we should have been home two hours ago. The entire time that I was there, I had a blank expression on.'
'I remember, I was thinking that this was all some weird joke or something. But I felt something nagging at the back of my mind. It was almost a smell. I felt like it was telling me to pretend like it was all okay, and that would keep me safe. A few hours pass. I was pretending to be asleep. After this, a man comes into the room. I remember exactly what was said. "Is the kid asleep?" "Yes." "Good. We found Jack. Wolves ripped em' apart." "Those bastards! They'll pay!" "If you want, we can attack tonight." "No, I've got to look after Jake." It was at this point that mom realized i was awake. "Fuck, he heard us." "Do you need me to cast somethin'?" "Please do.".'
It was at this point that Jake's face changed into a confused one. 'Wait, that's not what happened... Weren't they talking about he got mauled by a bear?' Jake's face got serious. 'Wait, I can remember two different scenarios...' 'Maybe they casted some mind magic on you?' 'But in my world, there was no magic... unless...' 'Unless what?' 'Maybe my parents were involved with magic?'
'Hey Lexi, is it possible to use magic on earth?'
[I am quite sure you have asked this before, but yes. Although there is next to no magic in your world, if someone with magic were to run it through your magic veins, you could start using magic. I updated recently, and while updating, I was given the option of looking through some new information. Apparently, in your world, there is an odd form of pollution from machinery. Instead of being able to suck up mana upon birth, the person instead needs to have mana circulated through them before they can absorb mana. Although sometimes there are unique circumstances.]
'I dont quite understand.'
[Simply put, in order to use magic in your world, someone with magic needs to unclog your veins first.. Any affinities for magic are still there, they just lie dormant. Although sometimes, there are people who's veins become unclogged without outside interference. These people are usually hunted, although it is quite hard to find people who are smart with their powers. The reason your world is rated so high on the difficulty scale is because there are very powerful people who watch for magic users.]
'Thanks for clearing that up.'
'Anyway, like I was saying, I heard them talking about something in the hospital. After this, My mom told me that dad was mauled by a bear. After this, we moved to New York. Once I turned 18, I moved out. I wonder how my moms doing. Anyway, that's my story.' 'That was great... Jake, I have a question.' 'What is it?' 'Will you leave me? I dont want you to go back to your other world if it means you'll leave me...' Rena's face screwed up.
Jake reached up to her and put his hand on her reassuringly. 'Come on, I dont seem like that much of a dickbag do i?' Rena donned a smile. 'No, you dont.' She hugged his head. Jake switched off telepathy. "Anyways, we're going to be at the front of the line soon." "Yeah."
*Shiver* "Something's wrong! Sense watchers!" *Ping* Three pairs of eyes appeared. One on top of him, one a few spots behind him in line. And one in a tree 10 yards away. "One second Rena. Jake put Rena down, then put a protective bubble that would move with her around her. "Save our place in line.
He walked toward the tree. "Oh man, wouldnt it ne terrrrriiiblle if some shot me!" Said Jake with his hands in a cone shape over his mouth, while facing the tree. *Twing* Jake summoned his bone gauntlets. *Thik* Jake caught the arrow that was a foot away from his face. "Wow, what a coincidence." He used his X-ray skill. Crouched in the tree was a person with a mask covering the bottom of their face. Notably, they also had long ears. "An elf huh?" Jake mumbled to himself.
Jake used Strengthen muscles to leap at the person. "What the fuck!?" He used both hands to mace the person over the head. The person rocketed toward the ground. *BAM* "I really hope I didn't kill them." He walked over to them. "Hey, you alive?" "Urk, What the hell are you?!" The person pulled their head out of the ground. "Angry. And strong." Jake picked the person up by the neck.
"So tell me, who sent you?" "Like I'd tell-" *RIIIP* Jake ripped his arm off. "I said tell me." "I'll never say anything you bas-" *TEAR* Jake ripped his other arm off. There were a few startled gasps from people behind him. "Next, I'm going to eat you alive." "Wh-what the hell?!" "Who. Sent. You?" "Fine fine I'll say! It was the Goddess of Archery, Likelsa!" "Thanks. Heal wounds." The man's arms grew back. "Wh-what the hell?!" "Don't come back, or else i might have to get revenge."
"Revenge?" The man was confused. "It's nothing, get outta here." The man leapt onto a tree, then leapt through the trees at an alarming pace. "Damn, he's fast." Jake looked down and saw that he had left his bow. "Mine now." Jake stored the bow in his spatial container. He then switched his eye to a camera he had placed in Kelsha room. Y'see, before leaving the goddesses room, he had placed a camera.
He had made a spell called "Spying eye". The spell allowed him to shoot a small camera like creature from his finger. The camera can be accessed at any time by switching the camera feed with one of your eyes sight. Jake looked into the room, only to find it empty. His camera was placed near the throne. "Is she out or something?" But suddenly, Kelsha emerged from a portal. She was wearing the normal dress, but had slightly messy hair.
"I've gotta stop going to my champions mind space... Its bad for me." She mumbled to herself. "Let's just go do the normal thing I do... Spy on my champion. Kelsha snapped and a medium sized mirror appeared on the arm of her throne. She tapped the mirror. Some text appeared. "Two messages unread." Under this was, "Contacts." And under this was, "Choose spying target." she tapped this option. Two options appeared. "Jake." And "Add new target." She tapped Jake. A buffering symbol appeared. "I wonder if he'll do anything interesting today. Maybe he'll even mutilate someone..." The goddess reached down to her skirt.
Eventually the buffering symbol disappeared. On the mirror was a camera feed of Jake from a 3rd person perspective. The goddess tapped the screen and some text came up. "Change position.", "Change perspective.", And "Change target. She changed perspective. It changed to Jake's sight. "Huh? Only one eye?" Kelsha was confused. She tapped the mirror. "Its rude to spy on people Kelsha!" *AAAH* The goddess was spooked and fell off her throne.
"Did he just say Kelsha?" The goddess was beyond confused. "Maybe it was a fluke." She stood up. "Nope. Not a fluke." "JAKE?!" The goddesses face became surprised and confused. "Huh, I wonder if Kelsha was watching and got spooked." The goddess wiped her brow. "Of course he can't see me, I mean, im using a one way spying mirror after all." The goddess was visibly relieved. "Nah, I'm screwing with you. I'm totally watching you." "Uh huh, Right. If you're watching me, then how many fingers am I holding up?" The goddess held up two fingers. She had a confident smile.
"Two." "WHAT?!" The goddess was beyond surprised. "Yep, anyway, can you talk to Likelsa for me?" "Likelsa? Shes a mid-tier goddess like me, why do you want me to?" "She sent a goon after me." "A goon?" "Someone to come kill me." "WHAT?!" The goddess donned an angry expression. "Yeah, I figured you would like to know." "Yes, I would like to know!" "Anyway, gotta go." "Bye."
Jake switched off his camera. "Oh, that gives me an idea." Jake imagined being able to see any spying mirrors that were on him and whatever was on the other side. Upon activating it, he saw that there were at least twelve watching him. The mirrors took the shape of a normal mirror, but they were transparent and white. The person on the other side was also white. "My my, I'm quite popular huh?" There were seven goddesses and five gods watching him. "I guess I need to make something to get rid of these mirrors."
Suddenly, he realized that his vision was tinted slightly white. He focused and saw that he could see the features of whoever was on the other side. Make the number watching him fourteen. he took a swipe at one of the mirrors, which greatly confused the god in the other side. His first went right through. "Guess I'll make a spell for this. He imagined being able to break the mirrors with his hand. He named this spell, "Break watching mirrors". "I would recommend turning off your mirror, because this is about to get ugly."
Jake activated his "Break watching mirrors" Spell. His white fire appeared on his fists. "Die mirror!" Jake swung at the mirror he had previously. It shattered into white triangles. The people who were watching were confused by where the white triangles had come from. jake started to break all the mirrors. A few gods had realized what was happening and stopped watching.
Eventually, Jake had destroyed nine mirrors. He brought his hands up to his eyes. He plucked both the mirrors off his face. One was Kelsha, which he was fine with. The other one however, was confused. He saw the god muttering to himself. "Bya." Jake crushed the mirror in between his fingers. "Easy clap boi." *Zwing* An orange portal appeared near him.
Out from the portal walked a man. He had pale skin, gray hair, a gray beard, and was wearing a suit. "You there, peasant." "Jake looked around. "Me?" "Yes you, did you just break my mirror?" "Yes." Said Jake with a smile. "I think you need to learn your place. Maybe being crushed under four hundred thousand pounds of weight will teach you." The man took off his white gloves. "Well I'm saw-ree! You're the one who was spying."
"Shush. I will show you what happens when you mess with me, the God of gravity!" The people who had been watching gasped. "Just so that you know, I beat Slenkis in a fistfight, so you might wanna be careful. The man's face changed to a surprised one, Which quickly switched into an angry one. "Lies! No mortal could beat Slenkis! Especially not in a fistfight! Now fight me!"
The man jumped at Jake. *Whish* Jake appeared above the men. He grabbed the gods arm and put his foot on his back. He pulled his arm up, but upon touching the man's hand, his arm rocketed toward the ground. "What the fuck?!" Jake's arm tore out of its socket. "OW FUCK! My arm!" "Feel my wrath peasant!" Jake's arm regrew a few seconds later. "I guess I'll have to end you quick then." Jake put.both arms around the mans neck and pulled as hard as possible. "AAAAUUUGGHHHH!" *SNAP* *SPLORCH* The mans head flew off like a soccer ball.
"God my ass. Fuck you and your mirror." Said Jake while flopping him the bird. The gods neck started spraying yellow liquid. "Jake!" Rena yelled to him. "Huh?!" Jake ran over to Rena. "What is it?" Jake was alarmed. Upon seeing what was happening, he calmed down. "Ah, it's our turn." Jake removed the bubble from Rena.
"Hello sir." "Heya." "I assume you want to get into the dungeon?" "Yes, that is correct." "Alright. I need your ID and ten silvers." "Coming up." Jake reached onto his spatial container and took out the needed items. "Wow, did you just use chantless spatial magic sir?" "Yes."
'Hey Lexi, is there a big reason why most people are surprised by my chantless casting?'
[Yes. There are two reasons. First, chantless magic takes a lot of practice, and second, the kingdoms have spread false info around about chantless casting being nigh impossible to achieve. If the people themselves dont believe they can do it, there is little to no chance of being able to do it.]
'Huh. Interesting.'
Jake looked over at the god. He was not regenerating. Jake handed the man the money and his ID. After a few seconds the man spoke up. "Alright sir, you're good to go." "Great. I'm going to go do something." "Very well?" Jake walked over to the Gods body. "I'll eat this later." Jake stored the body in his inventory. Jake ran back over to the dungeon. He realized that Kelsha was still watching him. "Good luck sir." "Thanks." And with this, Jake went into the dungeon.
He descended down the stairs with Rena. Upon reaching the bottom, he was met with a strange sight. It was as if he had just set foot into a castle. He was in a hallway. There was a red carpet on the ground. Lining the walls were suits of metal armor. Jake walked up to one. *Clank* *Slash* The suit of armor came to life. "Pretty neat." Jake pulled its helmet off. He looked inside. There was a small pink crystal. "Your food for me now." Jake put the crystal In his mouth. *Crunch*
He chewed the crystal up. *Gulp* The armor turned to black smoke and vanished. "Why the hell did you just eat that?!" "Because." "Because what?" "If I told you, it'd probably blow your mind." "Tell me." "I can copy the skills of whatever I eat." Renas eyes widened. "That's crazy! Although I guess it makes sense, you did get spatial magic after eating that ring." "Yep. Anyway, I didn't get any skills from this." "Sad."
Jake advanced down the hall while keeping his distance from the wall. "This is pretty boring." "Yeah. I wonder if we're going anywhere." "Good question." Jake and Rena had been walking for two minutes. "Oh hey, look!" Rena pointed ahead towards a chest. "Hell yeah!" Jake ran up to it. He opened the chest. Inside of it was a large jar. The jar had a white flame in it. "Damn, did you get the jar treatment?" Jake giggled to himself.
"What's this Rena?" "Not sure. Maybe pick it up?" He picked the jar up. The fire turned and looked at him. It had grey dots for eyes. "Waaugh!" Jake was spooked and dropped the jar. "What is that thing?" "Maybe its a spirit?" "Whatever it is, it's creepy as hell." "Not really." "Let's agree to disagree." Jake picked the jar up and put it in his spatial container. "Let's continue on." Next to them was a staircase. "Sounds like a good idea." Rena grabbed his hand. Jake headed down the staircase.
Upon reaching the second floor, he was greeted with stone brick walls. This floor was much more like a dungeon. Suddenly, he saw a ghost! Wait, no, that's a mirror? Floating near Jake was a spying mirror. But unlike last time, there was a helmet on the other side. It was black and spiky. It looked like the type that would go down to your neck. Where the face should have been, there was black smoke. The helmet was resting upon a bony hand.
"Well hey there helmet, what are you doing spying on me?" He said while looking straight at the mirror. The helmet person jumped His bony arm flew to the side. "Yeah, you. What do ya think you're doing, spying on this handsome face for free?" The helmet cocked its head to the side.
It looked around a few times before getting up. Under the helmet, there was black spiky armor with numerous nicks and cuts. You could see a rib through some of the holes. The skeleton came back a few seconds with a piece of paper that said "Can you see my spying mirror?" "Yes, I can see your spying mirror. The skeleton started scribbling furiously. "Leave my dungeon at once!" "Why would I do that? Theres still cool stuff to get." "Please leave! I have important things to do!"
"Like what? Polish your bones? I will say, they look quite nice today." The smoke in the helmet turned slightly pink around where the cheeks would be. "Shut up! Leave my dungeon now pissant! If you refuse I will put my entire undead army on you!" "Ooh, you're gonna send snacks over?" The skeleton cocked its head confusedly. "Snacks?" "As in food, because I'll eat them." "Why?" "Because I'm hungry." "How could you be hungry enough to eat an undead?"
"I'm just a glutton I guess." "You're quite odd." "Yes, same goes for you, I mean, you're talking to the person you're trying to kill." "You make a fair argument." "Thank you." "Anyways, please leave my dungeon at once." "Not until I get to see the big boss themself." "I'll kill you before you can land a hit!" "Land a hit? It's not like I said I would kill you." "How do I know that?! Even before I became an undead, people still tried to kill me!"
"Huh. Seems like a you problem. Anyway, I'm going to make my way over to you now." "Please leave!" "Nope." Jake continued along. He came across a few zombies. They were completely oblivious of his presence. "Hey brain crappachino! Over here!" Jake giggled at his insult. The zombies turned towards him. *Gwarrgh* The zombies groaned at him. Jake activated body strengthening. "Its time to kick bubblegum and chew ass... And I'm all out of ass!" Jake ran at the zombies. He threw a punch at ones face. It exploded. "Well that was weak." Jake flicked the other zombies, which had the same effect.
"Huh. Snack time I guess." Jake picked up an arm. He bit into it. It felt terrible. The veins were stringy and the meat was mushy, similar to the bottom of a moist chicken patty. "Holy fuck this is terrible!" "Odd, I can't imagine why." "Quit it." Jake bit into it again. He braved through it and ate an arm.
[Skills gained: (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage).]
Name: Jake
Race: Unknown Demon
Level: 31
Exp: 6,000/15,000
Health: 60,000/60,000
Mana: 219,000/220,000
Stamina: 2,600/2,600
Strength: 180
Agility: 120
Dexterity: 130
Mind: 60
Intelligence: 60
Sanity: 99/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage).
Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].
"Braindead rage huh?" "What's that?" "Dunno. Probably shouldn't use it." "Good idea." He looked at the mirror to see a jawbone sticking out slightly from under the helmet. After a few seconds, the skeleton grabbed some paper and the jawbone went back up. They wrote "DID YOU JUST EAT A ZOMBIE?!" "Yeah." "Are you even human?!"
"Nope. I'm a demon." "You're a what?!" "You yell a lot." The skeleton had put an exclamation point at the end of each sentence, or at least this worlds equivalent. "That doesn't matter! Why do you want to do this dungeon so bad?!" "Well there's two reasons, one, I was super bored, two, there's cool stuff here." "Is that it?" "Yeah. I really don't have any other reason." "So you're honestly telling me that my dungeon is more like entertainment and shopping than a mission or something else important?"
"Yep, that's about right." The skeleton looked dejected. "Maybe I should just kill myself..." "Nono dont do that! You have stuff to live for! Probably." "No I don't! Do you have any idea how long I've lived for? Two hundred and thirty years! And do you want to know how many people I've talked with? Thirty! I killed them all! And do you want to know what I got for doing that?! This dumb shit!"
The skeleton turned the towards a pile of things. There were shields, swords, wands, books, bags, anything an adventurer would carry. "Now please, enlighten me, what is it that I have achieved?" "Do you want a hug?" The skeletons cheek areas smoke went pink. "A what?!" "A hug. Like me showing you that I care and stuff." "But im a skeleton!" "Well you obviously have emotions, so I dont see why you wouldnt want a hug."
"So you're telling me that you would be willing to give a lich a hug?!" "I don't see why not. You're obviously a sad NEET who needs a hug." "Neet?" "It's a term for someone with no job or anything who just stays in their room all day." "I'm not like that! Or, well, whatever!" "Anyway, I'm gonna come down there and hug you." "YOU'RE WHAT?!" The lich's cheek areas went bright pink. "I can't handle this stupidity! I'm going to leave!" "Bye."
The mirror disappeared. "Who were you talking to Jake?" "A lich." "A LICH!?" "Yep. They were using a magic spying mirror. I made a spell so that I could see them" "That's ridiculous, how much could you possibly have needed that?" "I had twelve mirrors on me. "TWELVE MIRRORS?! WHO WAS SPYING ON YOU?!" "Some gods. In fact, that guy I fought outside was the god of gravity." "Jake... Even with how ridiculous you are, this is the peak... How do you handle this?" "The trick Is to be just as crazy as what's happening." "That's ridiculous." "Yep." Rena just put her hands in her palms.
"Now, let's go hug the lich!"