Exploring the dungeon, a lonely lich, and a mission from Kelsha.

"Now let's go hug the lich!"

Jake pumped his fist into the air. "You're pretty crazy Jake." "Wow, you think sherlock?" "Sherlock?" "It's nothing." Jake started walking down the hall once more. "Hey Jake." "Yeah?" "Do you only need to eat a bit of the creature in order to get its skills?" "Actually, I'm not quite sure. I'm not sure how it works, but its probably something like as I get stronger, I'll need to eat more of something in order to copy the skills."

"Yeah, that's a pretty safe assumption." "Anyway, I'm glad I dont have to eat more to get the skills." "I can see that. I doubt that undead taste good." "Yep. They're pretty bad." Jake and Rena had been walking for about a minute. "Y'know, for a dungeon that's supposed to have undead, theres quite a lack of undead." "I agree, this is quite odd."

Suddenly- *Pwing Pwing Pwing* A bunch of sharp sticks shot out of the wall. *Tink Tink* All of them bounced off the protective bubble. After this, the floors next to the wall opened. Out of them came a few strange black humanoids that were made of smoke. "You guys really take after you're master huh?" *Whisper Whisper* They made strange whispering noises. Jake activated his universal translator. "Kill... Destroy... Do bidding of master..."

"They're pretty braindead huh?" "What do you mean?" Jake casted the spell on Rena. She heard the creatures. "Weird." "Yeah." Jake stepped out of the bubble. "Ima punch you guys into mist!" "They already are mist Jake." "That's the joke Rena." "Oh." Jake swung at the figure. His fist passed right through. "Hmm, light maybe?" Jake pulled the jar out of his Inventory. (I'm going to refer to it as an inventory bcuz its easier.)

The black figures started making sizzling noises. "Dying... Burning... Not successful..." The black things turned into black mist. But upon dying, one of them dropped a necklace. "Woah! These guys can drop crap?!" "Yes. A lot of dungeon enemies drop items. The level of the loot is dictated by the level of the enemy." "But why? Don't the enemies turn into food for the dungeon?" "That's a good point, I'm not sure why they drop items."

"Anyway, let's check this out." Jake walked over to the necklace. He picked it up. It had a grey circle piece hanging from it. Upon pouring mana into the necklace, a light blue outline appeared on the circle. "Hey Rena, any idea what this does?" "Nope." Jake walked over to Rena. "Here, you take it." Rena looked surprised. "Really? Wouldn't you benefit more?" "Probably, but still. Think of it as a gift from me." "Alright I guess." Rena put the necklace on.

"Anyways, lets get back on track." Jake walked back into the bubble. "Let's go." Jake started walking again, but only ten seconds later, there was another attack. It was more zombies. "Time to get killin'." Jake stepped out once more. "Eat... Rip... Tear..." "Heya morons! Let's fight, yeah?" Suddenly, Jake remembered his adamantite gauntlets. "Oh yeah, I gotta try those."

Jake poured mana into the slot on each of his hands.


Please choose material.




Crystal 20%


"Crystal?" "Huh?" "Nothing." Jake selected adamantite. *Bubble* *Scrape* *Screech* Jake's hands made some noises before changing. The end product was a pair of beautifully crafted gauntlets. The fingers had five segments each, and were seemingly at a ball joint at the base, thus making them able to be moved any direction. The hand part had small lines where the gloves could move. There was a design of two revolvers surrounded by roses on the back of each hand.

"Hey guys, you like my cool gloves?" "Kill... Destroy..." "I'll take that as a yes." Jake punched the zombie. It created a large shockwave which resulted In the zombies torso exploding. Jake was showered in viscera. "Gross." Jake started punching everyone. *Boom* *Splat* *Bam* *Splorch* "Easy mode." The zombies turned into black smoke. The viscera turned into smoke too.

"Wait a second, why didn't the last ones turn to mist?" "Actually, now that you mention it, I'm not sure. I thought that this must be a mid-tier high level dungeon, but now that I see these zombies turn into smoke, I'm not sure." "Maybe they were adventurers?" "Good idea." "A bit sad, but they knew the risks when they came here." "Yeah." "I wonder where their stuff went." "It probably got sucked up by the dungeon." "Yeah. Also, where are the other people?" "I'm not sure. Maybe theres some type of magic going on?" "Yeah. That's probably it."

Jake was getting bored of these stone halls. He had been walking for five minutes now. "Uggh, maybe send something exciting?" Jake was bored. "I'm bored too Jake." "Damn. I want cool stuff." Suddenly, a mirror appeared. He looked at it. Sitting behind it was the lich, only this time, the armor was polished and fixed. "My my, you really outdid yourself with those armor repairs."

The cheek area went pink once again. "Hey lich, your cheeks go pink every time I compliment you." The lich put a hand up to its face. After they removed their hand, the pink was gone. It picked up a pink pen, which was quite nicely made. It wrote something on a paper then showed it to the screen.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!" "Because I'm looking for cool stuff." "What are those things on your hands?" "Adamantite gauntlets." The lich backed away from the screen while slowly shaking its head. "Lies!" "Nope. It's real. In fact, I made the adamantite myself." At this point, Rena looked over. "Bullshit you have adamantite gauntlets! Even for you, that's ridiculous! Nonsensical even!"

"Yep, I used creation magic to make a bar of adamantite. It took 90% of my mana." "This is genuinely unbelievable." "Yep. Actually, now that I think about it, I left the rest of that adamantite in Kelsha's room." The lich was flabbergasted. "Kelsha?" "Yeah, y'know, the god of the mind?" "The GODDESS?!" "Yeah. Shes actually watching right now." Jake pointed to his eye. "WAIT, THE GODDESS IS WATCHING FROM YOUR EYE!?"

"Yep. I could probably get her to come over here if I wanted. Wanna know something funny?" "What's funny?" "I killed the god of gravity before coming here." "Yeah, right. Like I'd believe that." "No really, he's right here." Jake took the corpse out of his inventory. "NO! THIS IS NOT ALRIGHT!" The lich was visibly panicking. "Anyway, I'm going to come to you now." "NO DON'T!!!" "See ya."

Jake started walking. The lich was writing furiously. They kept holding papers up to the glass, which Jake ignored. "Wait a second, why dont I just use my search spell?" Jake used "Detect creatures". *Ping* A ton of dots lit up in his minimap. It also filled out a ton of his minimap. He looked and saw that there were a bunch of zombies up ahead. "Well then, let's get going." Jake took off. He made the bubble as big as the hall

He ran the zombies right over. There were quite a few wet squishing sounds. "Whoo! *oal train baby!" "What?" "You wouldn't understand." Jake had been steamrolling anything in his way. Suddenly, he came across a chest. "Ayyy loot!" Jake made the bubble normal sized. He hopped out to go see what's in the chest.

Rena got out too. "I can't wait to see what we find." "Me neither." The chest was old and wooden. "Annd, let's see-" *Bam* The chest leapt at Jake. "AAAH WHAT THE FUCK?!" The chest opened to reveal a mouth full of teeth. *BLEAUGH* It made an odd guttural screech. The chest chomped onto Jake's head. "AAAAAHHH! HELLPP!" Jake screams were muffled by the dog sized chest currently residing on his face.

"MIMIC!" "YOU FUCKING THINK?!" Jake activated body strengthening and ripped it off. *BLAH* *RAAUGH* The thing snarled at Jake viciously. "FUCK YOU BITCH!" Jake punched the mimic so hard that it left a perfect hole. The mimic turned into black mist. Upon becoming mist though, a few things dropped. First, there was a metal bracelet, second, there was a sword, third, there was a helmet, fourth, there was a nice amount of money.

"Damn, that scared me. Anyway, let's see what we have." Jake sat down. First, he picked the bracelet. Upon putting it on, nothing happened. "Huh, guess I'll eat it." He ate it like a donut. *Crunch* *Gulp* The bracelet tasted like metal, unsurprisingly enough.

[Skill obtained: (Boost speed).]

"Ohhh-kay, hold on." Jake was contemplating this. "Rena, how does a skill called (Boost speed) sound?" "That sounds ridiculously powerful for someone like you." "Yeahh, so uh, ima try this." Jake activated the skill.

He ran down the hall and back. His speed didn't seem any different. He ran back to Rena. "This doesn't feel any- Oh." Jake saw that Rena was moving at a nearly nonexistent speed. Jake deactivated the skill. "Yo, this skill is pretty ridiculous." He looked at his stamina and saw that it was at 75%. "Damn, that used a ton of stamina." "Holy crap Jake! You went way too fast!" "Yep."

"Anyways, what do these other things do?" Jake sat back down. He picked the sword up. It was shiny and silver. Jake tried to pour his mana into it, but unfortunately, he couldn't. "I think this things non magical." "Really?" "Yeah, I can't pour any magic in here." "Huh." "You want it?" "Sure." The sword was somewhere around a yard long. Rena took it and put it in her spatial necklace.

"Anyway, let's look at this helmet now." Jake picked the helmet up. It was a worn and grey He poured his mana in, which worked this time, to no effect. "Let's put it on." Jake put the helmet on. Suddenly, a HUD appeared. It was similar to Jake's. It had a blue bar for mana, green for stamina, and red for health. "I'd say we can probably sell this for a lot."

"Really?" "Definitely, this is an incredibly useful item." "What's it do?" "It gives me a HUD similar to mine." "That's really rare! Only high level adventures have those!" "Awesome. We'll sell it for lots of money." "Yay." Jake tossed the helmet into his inventory. "Anyway, that's about it." Jake picked up the money, then stood up. There were three golds and ten silvers. Jake put them in his inventory.

Jake got into the bubble once more. He saw on his minimap that there were three vampires. "Vampires coming up next." "Scary." "A little." Jake steamrolled them. There were torches along the walls that he had been seeing, but they were beginning to become less common. Jake got out of the bubble. "Food time." He had taken special care to make sure only one was alive. How he accomplished was a mystery.

*HISSS* "Shush batsies. I'm gonna eat you alive now, okay?" *HISS* Jake crouched down to the crippled vampire. He tore off an arm. He took a bite. It was dry and tasteless. He finished the arm, but still hadn't gotten any skills. "Guess I gotta eat more." He pulled off another arm. He ate it quickly.

[Skills gained: (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom).]

"Sick! Status."


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 31

Exp: 8,560/15,000

Health: 60,000/60,000

Mana: 220,000/220,000

Stamina: 2,600/2,600

Strength: 180

Agility: 120

Dexterity: 130

Mind: 60

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Huh, what's vampire form do?" "Vampire form? I would assume it makes you a vampire." "Should I try it?" "If you want." "Ima try it." Jake activated the skill. Suddenly, his vision went hazy. "I don feel good..." Jake said dizzily. Suddenly his vision went dark. He was still conscious, but he couldn't open his eyes. after a few seconds, he started feeling a strange sensation in his mouth. Do you know that feeling when you have a loose tooth where when you push it you feel that pain that hurts but feels good at the same? It was that feeling.

He felt his canines being pushed out. It was a strange feeling. After about thirty seconds, the feeling stopped. "Ake... Jake... JAKE!" Jake was being shaken. He had a strange feeling, the back of his mouth felt like it wanted to stretch. *Urrghh* Jake sat up. He wanted blood. His eyes opened. They were red and had a black line for a pupil.

"You'll do for now Rena." "Huh?" Rena was confused. Jake had a sleepy look in his eyes. He could see two pulsing red lines on Renas neck, one on each side. "Can you turn your neck?" "Wh-what?" Rena was a bit scared. "Iss fine I'll do it." Jake grabbed her head and turned it to the side. "Bottoms up." "J-JAKE! WHAT ARE YOU-" *Shlk*

Jake put his newly grown vampire teeth above her neck. They then extended outward into Rena's neck. "My... Ahhh." Her neck felt warm and tingly. "My neck..." *Suuck* The fangs made a slurping noise. Rena's eyes felt sleepy and she had a relaxed look on her face. Eventually, Jake stopped drinking. His eyes went gray and the tiredness cleared.

"I feel better now thanks Rena... Oh God." Jake realized what he'd done. "Iss okay Jake I'm ulright." Rena said in an extremely relaxed voice. "This is not okay! I'm gonna get locked up! I'm done for! I'm going to jail!" "Thass fine I can visit you." "NO! This isn't fine! I just sucked you without permission! Theres also the fact that you're a minor!" "I'm sure you'll be okay. That rule doesnt apply to demi-humans." Jake was nervous. After all, he had just sucked Rena like a juice box.

Suddenly, Rena sobered up. "Oh my god... Did you just..." "Are you finally sobered up?" "Did you just brutally violate me?!" "You make it sound so much worse!" "No, that's what just happened!" "I'm sorry Rena! I didn't mean it!" "I swear to go, if you turned me into a vampire, I'll rip your face off!" "I dont think I did." "Good." Rena was beyond embarrassed. He looked around.

He saw something that he hoped he wouldn't. It was the lich. They were holding their hands over their face with their fingers put in a way that let them see through. The lich had metal gloves that went with it's armor now. "Hey, uh, can you ignore that?" The lich grabbed some. "Did you just during your companions blood?" "Uh, yeah, unfortunately." "Why would you do that?" "I'm not sure, I activated my vampire form, and my mind was like, "Drink blood now."."

"How are you a vampire?" "Funny story, I just now became one." "How?" "I ate a vampire, and gained the skill to do so." The lich wasn't even surprised at this point. "Great. So you can eat stuff and take their skills?" "Yep." "I'm screwed." "I told you I just want to hug you." It was at this point that Jake remembered something. "I forgot I had another cheat skill!" "What is it?" "I'll tell you later." "No! Tell me now!"

"Fine, I'll do it over telepathy." "Alright." Jake activated telepathy. 'I can copy skills by touching people. The time depends on the skill.' 'I'm not even surprised to be honest.' 'In not sure if I should be insulted.' 'Whatever.' Jake deactivated telepathy. "Anyway, I'm going to go straight to the lich now." "How?" "I have them marked on my minimap." "So you could be ended the dungeon this entire time?" "Yep."

"Anyway, let's go." "Alright." The lich was panicked once more. Jake took out his adamantite gloves which had disappeared upon his vampire transformation. He still felt the need to suck blood, although not as strongly. "Let's get goin." Jake started punching his way through floors. He came across a few zombies which he ignored.

Eventually he got to a large room. It was dark and had dark stone bricks for walls. There was a worn dark gray carpet leading to a throne. It was a gray throne with faded red cushions. The throne had a mirror floating above the left arm. A few feet away from the throne was a door. "Hello?" Jake called out. "..." No one answered.

Jake made a bubble for Rena. "I'll go look." Jake walked over to the throne. The mirror was set on him. "Left in a hurry I guess." He looked around the throne. "No lich here. Guess it's time to try this door." Jake walked to the door. Before he got there, it opened. *YAAAAH* A distorted voice yelled out. Out from the door came a large polished sword. "What the hell?" Jake was a bit surprised. Behind the sword was a black haired girl in the lich's armor. Jake swatted the girl.

*Aah* The girl cried out in a distorted voice upon being struck. "Who are you?" "You bastard! I'll kill you before you can destroy my hard work!" "Your hard work?" *YAAH* The girl leapt at him once more. But this time, a few skeletal hands came out of the blade. The hands grabbed Jake. "Woah, that's awesome!" "Why are you not afraid?!" "Its not every day that a sword tries to grab you."

"You're an idiot!" It was at this point that Jake realized that this girl was the lich. "Oh, I get it! You're the lich right?" Jake had been dodging numerous attacks. "Shut up!" "Do you still need a hug?" The girls cheeks went red. "Shut UP!" She stabbed at him again. Jake decided to humor her and stand still. *Shink* The sword piercet all the way through. "Ha! I win!" "Do you?" "Of course!" The girl had a happy expression. Blood started pouring out of his chest.

"After all, I just pierced your heart. Now you can't destroy my dungeon." "I never said I would destroy your dungeon." "That doesn't matter now! You're going to die!" Slowly, the girls happy expression faded. "Why are you not panicking?! You're going to die! Can't you make my victory feel less empty?!" "I'm not going to die." "Are you slow?! You have a sword in your heart!" "Correction, one of my hearts."

"One of... Wait, you're a demon?!" The girl had a fearful expression on. "Yep. Anyway-" Jake pulled the sword out and tossed it. "I still have a trump card!" The girls hand glowed green. "DIE!" The ground below her started rumbling. *BAM* A large red skeletal hand came out of the ground. *ROAAAAR*

A large red skeleton that was wearing armor crawled out of the ground. It had a very large sword. The skeleton was at least 15 feet tall. The skeletons blade lit on fire. "Woah! This is so cool!" Jake was amazed. "Tremble before me puny demon! This is the end!" The girl gloated from the shoulder of the skeleton. "I'm gonna eat this thing now." "WHAT?!"

Jake activated body strengthening. He punched the skeletons leg with his adamantite gauntlets. The bone shattered. *RAAUUUGHH* Jake grabbed the broken piece of leg and started eating it. The skeleton swung it's massive sword at Jake, which he dodged. The skeleton swung out a few more times. Eventually, Jake finished the leg.

[Skills gained: (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity).

"Boring. Status!"


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 31

Exp: 9,170/15,000

Health: 55,120/60,000

Mana: 219,500/220,000

Stamina: 2,550/2,600

Strength: 180

Agility: 120

Dexterity: 130

Mind: 60

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Are you disrespecting my incredible summoning prowess?! Kill him!" Jake was still dodging the swings of the disabled skeleton. "I'm just going to end this, it's getting a bit boring." Jake activated (Boost speed). *Waka--BLAM* Jake shot off the ground. The next events took place in a second or so. First, he kicked the sitting skeletons head off, grabbed the girl, then was behind the skeleton.

The girl turned her head toward Jake's head slowly while quivering. "Heya girl." The girl jumped out of his hands and backed away while in a sitting position. "I'm guessing you know what happens now." Said Jake while cracking his knuckles. "No! NO!" She screamed in a non distorted voice. She had a scratchy, raspy feminine voice. Jake was towering above her at this point. "NOOO!" She screamed while putting her arms in front of her face. Jake leaned down and hugged her. "AAAAAHHHH!"

The girl was expecting to be violated then killed, but instead she was... Hugged? "Wh-what are you doing?!" "Hugging you." "Is this a prelude to your disgusting plans?!" "Yep, in fact-" Jake took his arms away from her. "Prepare yourself!" The girl tensed up *BAM* Somthing fell to the floor. *Eep* The girl was startled. "Anyway, time to begin." The girl perked at him. He had his demon features out.

Sitting between them was a dark wooden box. "Wh-whats this!?" "Chess." "Chess?!" "Yep. Anyway, choose your color." Jake had taken the cover off of the box. There was a box on each side, each housing a different color. In between the boxes was a board. "My color?" "White or black." "Why?" The girl took her arms away from her face. "Well you need to pick a color for chess dont you?"

"What is chess?" "It's a board game." At this point, Rena walked out of the bubble and over to them. "You're a dick Jake! Do you always have to scare women?!" "I don't always scare women!" "Really? Give me an example of when you didn't scare a woman!" "Uh, there was that time when uh, uh..." It suddenly dawned on jake that he was a sadistic bastard. "No you're right! I'm evil!" Jake went to his knees. "Noooooo!" Jake yelled.

"Whatever. Anyway, are you okay? Jake might come off as an evil bastard, but he's pretty nice." "What's going on? Are you reprimanding the demon that just beat me?" "Yep. Anyways, Jake figured playing a game would be a good way to break the ice between you guys I guess." "What is this game?" "It's chess." "I have not heard of this game. When was it made?" "I'm not sure. All I know is that it was a while ago."

"So how do you play this?" "Well first..." Rena explained the rules to her. After this, Rena and the girl played a game, which Rena won. "It's funny, I was the one who came here to talk, but you needed up being the one to do it Rena." "Yeah, I guess that is quite funny." The girl had taken her helmet off to reveal that she had lime green hair as well.

"I have a question." "Yes?" "Can I touch your horns?" "My horns?" "Yes. They look quite nice to touch." "I'll let you touch them on a condition." "Yes?" "I get to touch you." The girls cheeks went red. "You pervert!" "Nono, I'm trying something out." "What is it?" "You'll see." "Ugh, fine." The girl scooted over to Jake. She started touching his horns all over. Jake put his hand on her shoulder. He activated (Touch of Piracy) for the first time.


Please select a skill to copy.


(Summon undead)

(Forbidden magic)

(Dark magic)

(Shadow magic)

(Sword proficiency I)

(Magic proficiency VII)

(High enchanting proficiency)

(Dungeon creation)

(Undead form)



"Holy shit! It actually works!" "What works?" "I can copy your skills!" "MY WHAT?!" The girl slapped Jake away. "Would you mind if I copy (Synthesis)?" "Why would you want that?" "Well I just feel like it's a very good skill." "All I use it for is my undead. That's how I made that sword." "Huh. Anyway, can I copy it?" "I guess." She held out her hand. Jake took it. The menu popped up once more. Jake selected synthesis.

Suddenly, a white circle appeared on the girl's arm. "What's that?!" "Me copying your skill I guess." Suddenly, a part of the line got bigger, and started crawling up the circle. It seemed like a progress bar. "So uh, where do the other people go?" "There is a teleporter at the entrance. It sends people to different parts of my dungeon." "That makes sense. Also, why do you have a dungeon?" "Well that's a really long story." "I've got time." "Alright, just remember I warned you."

"So first off, I was born into Elements village. It was called that because of the nature of the people there. Everyone was born with an affinity for an element, and you could tell what it was by their hair color. Without fail, every person had hair that matched their element. Occasionally, a child was born with a different colored hair. The color would change upon them turning twelve. I was born with black hair. My parents both had black hair and the shadow element, so it made complete sense."

"My two brothers had the shadow element and black hair. My whole family was known around the village as the shadows. My family was close-knit and loving. But upon turning ten, my hair became green as well. Everyone was confused. It was uncommon, but still happened that a child would have two elements. They assumed I had a life element as well. This lead to a few cheating accusations for my mother, all of which were cleared up."

"And so, life went on. Only problem was, I couldnt use shadow magic as well as my brothers. This caused some confusion, but was brushed off. Unlike they thought though, I couldnt use any life magic. No plant would grow, and no wound would heal. Two years later, I was out playing with my friend. He used earth magic. I have forgotten his name from how long its been. We were playing around near the river when disaster struck."

"We were seeing who could find the shiniest rock. He saw an especially shiny one deeper in. He yelled to me that he was going to grab it, to which I responded by looking over. Out if the water came a large bipedal fish. It was an evolved creature. I was far too started to yell out. to him. The fish bashed him over the head, which knocked him out. I was stuck shivering in fear. The fish clawed at his chest ripping his entrails out mercilessly."

"I gained my composure a few seconds later. I conjured a shadow dagger and threw it at the fish. I hit it straight in the back of the head. The fish convulsed a bit before dying. I ran over to the boy. Upon seeing the state of his stomach, I puked. It was the most horrific thing i had ever witnessed. I dragged him out of the water while crying profusely. I remember asking him to wake up over and over."

"After seeing this wasn't working, I started crying harder. Suddenly, a large green burst of green light enveloped the boy. He convulsed violently before standing up. Only problem was, he sti had his wounds. I remember being scared. It was at this point that I screamed go away. He started walking away. Unfortunately, he walked toward the village. I laid stayed there crying for hours."

"Eventually, I heard shouting. There were a lot if footsteps coming my way. Eventually, I heard one of them shout my name. Someone came over and picked me up. I was so exhausted from crying that I fell asleep. After this, i remember waking up in my bedroom. I thought it had all been a dream, but I was sorely mistaken. Upon opening the door, I was greeted by my parents. They said we needed to prepare to leave. I asked them why. They told me it was for reasons I shouldn't worry about."

"After this, everything moved so fast. My parents packed some bags, and were about to leave, when we heard shouting. Outside our house, there was a mob of people. They were shouting at my parents to kill me. They were waving swords and other weapons around. My parents were scared for my safety. They screamed to the people outside that they would never hand me over. I remember the village chief himself yelling to them as well."

"The village chief had four colors in his hair. He had blue, red, brown, and white hair. He said that he would not hesitate to kill all of us if they didn't hand me over. I was scared out of my mind. My parents gave me a backpack and told me to prepare to run. After this, they broke the door down and began massacreing whoever was in sight. It was an absolute nightmare. I remember being so scared that I wanted to just lay down and cry."

"After this, both my parents were ended by the chief. My brothers were scared and ran, only to be decapitated by the chief as well. I felt like ending myself and trying to wake up from this horrible nightmare. But for some reason, I felt the bodies of the fallen almost calling out for me. I knew exactly how to use my necromancy somehow. I used it, and everyone rose from the ground."

There were body parts strewn about the front of my house. The ones who had fallen were standing around, doing nothing. I told them to mutilate the chief, but let me end him. They swarmed the chief in great numbers. They were all cut down though. Upon seeing this, I was enraged beyond compare. I felt my skin melt away, and be replaced by only bones. In my hand appeared a greatsword made from condensed darkness."

"I screamed out in rage, a roar so mighty that it shattered the chiefs eardrums like glass. He was standing there in pure agony. I ran up to him and swung my sword at him. He blocked it with two swords, each a different element. The chief was enraged at having been hurt by a child. Behind me appeared countless black knives. The knives shot at the chief at a breakneck speed. The chief was turned into a pincushion. He was barely alive by the end of the assult."

"I took the liberty of ending him with my bare hands. I strangled the life straight out of him with joy. I remember the way his face went from angry to scared to oxygen starved. It still makes me happy to remember it. His face went purple before I let go. He breathed in fiercely, to which I responded to by strangling him once more. I did this a few more times, a perverse smile on my face which had come back upon beating him. I remember laughing and smilingtevery time he said help or stop. It was incredible.

"After this, there were only a few people left in the mob. They ran away upon seeing the chief beaten. After I killed the chief, I felt as if there was no reason to stay around. I left the village. I remember wandering for days until, finally, I collapsed. I was fine with dying right there, but the world had other plans. I laid there alternating between crying and laughing. Eventually, I felt a rumbling beneath me. I felt myself sinking into the ground while falling asleep."

"I woke up in this room. A small window appeared In front of me. It said, "Congratulations on forming a dungeon! Aren't you a strong girl? Anyway, use this window to create a dungeon. You can access the layout of the dungeon, create items, summon creatures, and other things. Have fun getting revenge on this rotten world!" I saw the window and thought I was hallucinating. When I poked it, the message disappeared and was replaced by an options board."

"And that's about it. Ever since then I've run my dungeon in hopes of gathering an undead army that I can wreak my vengeance with." "Wow, that's a pretty tragic backstory." "Yes." The skill copying had finished a third through her story. "Seems like you really needed a hug." "Shut it." "Anyway, time to try this new skill. Status!"


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 31

Exp: 9,170/15,000

Health: 60,000/60,000

Mana: 220,000/220,000

Stamina: 2,600/2,600

Strength: 180

Agility: 120

Dexterity: 130

Mind: 60

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Alright I'm gonna combine (Armor generation) And (Blade generation)." "You have those?" "Yep." Jake activated the skill. It asked him to choose between synthesize object or synthesize skills. He chose skills.


Please select two skills



Jake Inputted the skills.

[Skill gained, (Bladed armor generation)]

"HOLY SHIT THATS AWESOME!" "What is it?" "I just got a skill called (Bladed armor generation)!" "That's ridiculous!" "That's quite impressive." "I'm going to try some other things." Jake looked his status over again. He combined (Bladed armor generation) and (Gauntlet generation). He got a skill called (Bladed suit of armor generation.) "This skill is incredible!" Jake was basically crying with joy. "Status!"


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 31

Exp: 9,170/15,000

Health: 60,000/60,000

Mana: 220,000/220,000

Stamina: 2,600/2,600

Strength: 180

Agility: 120

Dexterity: 130

Mind: 60

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"This is crazy!" Jake looked at his circulation. There was a slot for mana in his chest area. He poured mana in.


Please choose material.




Crystal 20%


He chose adamantite. a quarter of his mana was drained. Suddenly, his body started shifting. A few seconds later, his body was covered in spiked red armor. Everyone was drop-jawed. "Is that adamantite?!" "Yep." "You never fail to amaze." "Oh and look at this! It has pockets! There were pocket like parts of the armor that you could put an latched adamantite plate over to hold the items in. "This is great!" "Great?! This is godly!" "I know right?! I wish he understood just how ridiculous he is!"

"Maybe I should combine some other skills." "Of course you should! This is ridiculously overpowered!" "I agree with the lizard girl. This is incredible." "I have two questions for you lich girl." "Call me Dharkeen." "Well that answers one question. My question is, why were you a lich on the mirror?" "Well usually I use my undead form, which Is the lich form when I'm looking through the mirror. It makes my reflexes and reaction speed stronger. there are two problems though, one, I become physically weaker, and two, I can't switch between

"Interesting. Oh, also, aren't lich's supposed to lose all emotion?" "Maybe? It's never happened to me." *Zwing* Suddenly, a pink portal appeared next to them. Kelsha came out of the portal. "Ew, it smells like undead in here!" Kelsha was repulsed. Dharkeen jumped up and grabbed her undead sword. "Identify yourself!" Kelshas hand glowed white. "Why dont you come here for a sec?"

"Woah woah Woah! Both of you calm down!" Jake shouted. "This filthy undead dared to talk back to me! The goddess of the mind, Kelsha!" "Calm the fuck down *qua!" "Unlike *qua I'm smart!" "OH FUCK, YOU ACTUALLY GOT THAT REFERENCE?!" "Of course, I helped myself to a few DVD'S from your mind space." "How did you even bring them out?" "I made a material copy." "Oh. Anyway, that's piracy." "Piracy?" "Y'know what? Never mind. Anyway, what do you need?"

"I have a mission for you." "Which would be?" "I'll fill you in in my home." "Ugg, fine. First though, stick out your hand." "Okay?" Kelsha stuck out her hand. Jake put his hand on her and activated (Touch of Piracy).


Please select a skill to copy.

(Portal creation)

(Illusion magic)


"I felt like you would have more skills." "Huh?" Jake chose (Portal creation). The white circle appeared once again. "What's this!?" "Nothing. just let it happen." A minute later, the piracy finished. "Awesome!" Jake created a glass communication square and gave it to Dharkeen. "Circulate your mana through this to call me." "Okay."



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 31

Exp: 9,170/15,000

Health: 60,000/60,000

Mana: 220,000/220,000

Stamina: 2,600/2,600

Strength: 180

Agility: 120

Dexterity: 130

Mind: 60

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Anyways, I'll catch up with you later Dharkeen." "Please visit again. It was nice not killing someone for once." "I'll try. Anyway, let's get going Kelsha." "Alright." Kelsha opened a portal. "Come on Rena." "Me?" "Yep." "Alright." Rena got up and walked over to the portal. "Let's go." And with this, they walked through the portal.

*Fwoosh* Jake felt the disorienting feeling of being teleported. He felt himself land abruptly. "That sucks every time." "You get used to it." "It seems you've made some modifications." The trone room not had a couch and a TV. It also had a bookshelf full of DVD'S. "Pretty nice." "Thank you." "Anyway, what's this mission of yours?" Rena walked around a bit in awe. She was in shock that she was currently in the goddesses house.

"I need you for a challenge. Pretanos challenged me to a duel, And I need your help." "What do I get from this?" "Well I have the prize machine and money." "That works." "Be careful though, I hear that he's been training his champion in lightning magic." "Huh. Also, did you hear that I killed a god of gravity?" "Oh yeah! You gotta see this!" Kelsha lead him over to the mirror.

She tapped at it for a bit before showing him. It was the video of him killing the god, but edited hilariously. It had parts where it looped, specifically when the god got mutilated. "isn't it hilarious?" "That's pretty damn funny." "I'm sure that Plikelt is gonna be pissed about this, but screw it." "I'm guessing that's Plikelt?" "Yep." "Should I do something with his body?" "You could eat it."

"Good idea." Jake took the corpse out of his inventory. He started with a hand. The meat was a nice texture. The ichor had a sweet flavor. Overall, it was delicious.

[Skills gained: (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity).]



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 31

Exp: 9,170/15,000

Health: 60,000/60,000

Mana: 220,000/220,000

Stamina: 2,600/2,600

Strength: 180

Agility: 120

Dexterity: 130

Mind: 60

Intelligence: 60

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Cool." "What?" "I got some skills. (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), and (Remove gravity)." "You really dont get just how ridiculous those skills are do you?" "Nope." "Anyway, do you agree to this mission?" "Yeah." "Alright. lets sign a contract." "Okay." Kelsha summoned a contract. Jake took the quill and signed the contract. "Splendid." "Yeah." *Bam*

"So you're Kelsha's new champion?"