Going to hell, The request, and some exploration.

Everyone turned toward the giant lion and it's rider. It was easily ten feet tall.

The skeleton pulled out a giant flaming metal spear and launched it toward a student. The man in question died instantly upon the spear hitting him square in the face. It was a gruesome scene that made many vomit.

"HOLY SHIT! EVERYONE, EVACUATE!" The teacher screamed upon seeing this unfold.

Mister Biri's body became covered In armor a second later. It was purple and yellow with a spiked helmet. He also took out a black and gold hammer. He jumped at the beast and smashed down on it's head. This did little damage, and the lion retaliated by swiping at him, which sent him flying at the wall at an incredible speed.

Jake jumped into motion and activated his demonic armor.


Jake's arm transformed into a large blade made from demonic essence. He slashed it into the lion, which created a large cut along it's flank. The creature roared deafening at this and spun to face Jake. The skeleton also turned his attention to Jake. "YOU LITTLE CUNT! DON'T HURT MY PRECIOUS LEFFY!" He screamed angrily at Jake.

"What are you gonna do about it boneboy?!" "RRRRRGHH YOU FUCKFACE!"

The skeleton swung his spear at Jake, but missed due to Jake increasing his speed greatly.

Jake jumped up an charged a massive attack. What ensued was a massive beam of water magic that completely doused the field. The skeleton and lion were also drenched, putting out the fires on them.


The skeleton turned the water into vapor upon relighting himself. Jake was having none of this and decided to just end the battle. He created a bubble around the two and began to shrink it. It was soundproof so the screams of the skeleton went unheard. Jake shrunk it down until it was the size of a phone booth.

He then released the bubble, and what was left was a flaming pile of gore, fur, and bones. The armor that the skeleton was wearing was mostly intact, but the spear was bent way out of shape. He took the armor. After this, he blasted the pile with water to see if there was anything else.

Turns out, there was something. A small ball which Jake assumed to be the monster's core. He pocketed this as well. He was a bit upset that somebody had died, but he couldn't do anything, seeing as how resurrecting someone might not be a good idea. He ran over to the teacher, who was out cold, seeming to have passed out from his injuries. Jake healed him and walked back to the classroom.

There was nobody there and he didn't quite know what to do to get help. He didn't have to wonder for long however, because a group of five people, all decked out with armor and weapons rushed in. "THERE HE IS! KILL HIM!" The one in front leapt at Jake.

"Woah woah friendly friendly!" "What the hell?" The man stopped short of Jake and held his sword at his neck. "I'm not that skeleton guy, I'm a student!" "A student? How do I know this isn't some kind of trap?!" "If you follow me, I can show you the body of the skeleton and the lion." "Then lead me." He turned to his group. "If I don't return, know that it was a trap."

After this, he began following Jake, who lead him to the pile of viscera. "What is this?" "It's what's left of them." "What do you mean to say? That this is all that's left of them?" "Well, yeah. I crushed them." "Don't lie to me boy, I'll slap some sense into you real quick." "No, really, I'm telling the truth." "Where is Biri?" "He's over there, I healed him."

"You healed him?" "Yeah, he got knocked out and was bleeding a lot." "Hmm. Well that is good, but how did you beat the enemy if you are a healer? Actually, how did you even beat him in general? I mean, you're just a student." "I'm just strong." "Right. Well I guess that I shouldn't pry, all that matters is that Biri is fine And the class evacuated successfully."

"That's true. Who even are you?" "That, you dont need to know, just know that we're here to help you in case of an emergency." "Okay, then who is the guy I killed?" "That is also classified. You should learn to ask less questions." "Whatever. Where should I go now?" "Pshhh, I dunno. Probably back to your room? They're probably gonna end the school day." "Oh, that's fair." "Sure. Anyways, go somewhere else, this is a tragedy that needs to be resolved, meaning you can't be here."

"I understand. I'll go now." "Good. Also, what's your name?" "Jake Graye." "Jake huh? I just wanted to say that if what you said was true, and that you did kill the enemy, as well as heal Biri, thank you. You've done us a great service. Now off with you, go home."

And after this, Jake walked away. He walked past the four people, who gave him suspicious stares. They didn't try to stop him though. After getting outside of the classroom, he looked to see if there were any people around and upon seeing that there weren't, he created a portal and returned to the complex that housed his room.

The guards were absent, presumably occupied with searching the premises. He walked inside. There was a man with a black leather jacket and a large hat hiding his face standing next to the vending machine. Jake thought to himself that the man looked like a greaser who had an identity crisis and ended up trying to be a cowboy, but stopped halfway.

"Hey there brother. What brings you here?" Jake looked at him and then looked around to see if there was anyone else around that he was talking to.

"I mean you, Jake." "How do you know my name?" "That's not relevant, but what you are is." "You mean a demon?" "Bingo. Now lemme ask you a question, have you heard of the underworld?" "Well, probably? I know different iterations of it from shows and stuff." "Maybe "Hell" is more specific?" "Yeah, I guess. Why do you ask?"

"Well did you know that it exists?" "Hmm. I guess it wouldn't be too surprising with all of the stuff I've seen." "Well something you probably don't know is that every demon has the right to gain access to it. You just have to have the right circumstances." "Okay, well if this is some type of scam or something I'm not interested." Jake said while feigning disinterest. The reality of the situation was that Jake was very interested in this.

"Woah woah hold your horses, this isn't a scam. I'm just here as the messenger. Somebody wants to meet you, so I was hired to do that." "So you're here to kidnap me or something?" "Now wait up a moment, I didn't say that. I won't force you to come with me, but there is an opportunity to earn a ton of rewards."

"So what does this entail?" "Well I would bring you there, bring you to said person, you would meet, then discuss whatever. I would bring you back after business has been settled, then give you my number so that you can get back, then that would be the end." "Doesn't seem like a bad idea. How do I know that you'll take me back?" "I'm a man of my word. Weither you believe me or not is up to you." "Huh. Alright, I don't have anything else to do. So sure, I guess I will."

"Great." Said the man while clapping his hands together.

He took out a black rectangle and threw it onto the floor. It became a large black swirling doorway. The man motioned for Jake to follow, which he did. After this, they both stepped into the portal.

Jake stepped out of the portal. In front of him was an area that seemed like what was considered slums in video games. He looked around and saw nobody around except the man who had taken him there.

"So uh, where are we?" "One of the layers of hell." "Do you mean that there are multiple layers?" "Yep." "Is there nine?" "Spot on, actually." "But isn't that a whole different mythology?" "From what?" "Christian." "Ah, yes. Humans have warped their tales to the point ty that it's much too convoluted to explain, but the gist of it is that most religions are connected in that they all used to be one."

"So you're saying that it's all just fragmented?" "Exactly. But it's been in effect so long that it's become the new truth." "That's pretty odd." "You get used to it." "Understandable." "Sure. Now follow me." Jake and the man began walking along the street.

They saw a few people along the way, but they paid them no mind and kept doing whatever they were doing. The houses along the road were slowly becoming cleaner and more high-end.

"We're getting to the richer district, and closer to my boss." "I could tell, the houses were getting better." "Observant."

They eventually got to a large clearing which seemed to be a shopping district of sorts. There were different types of shops. He kind of wanted to check them out but assumed that he probably couldn't at the moment.

At last, they reached the place. It was a large mansion.

"This is it." "Oh, nice." "Sure. Now follow me closely, you might get lost." "Wait, how big is this place?" "Too big."

After this, they both walked into the building. The man had been right about it being big. It seemed as if it were intentionally built to be confusing. But after a few turns, they came out at a giant room that seemed to be a throne room with a cloaked person sitting on the throne.

"Hey boss, I'm back." "Hooray, and with you comes the esteemed guest." The person said with a laid back and distorted voice.

"Yep. I'm going to go now, call if you need me." "Mmhmm. Anyways, over to you Jake. How's it going?" "Uh, pretty good. How about you?" "Me? Well I would say that it's going pretty well." "Cool. So I've gotta ask, why did you bring me down here?"

"Now that is a great question. The answer is pretty much classified, but I can tell you some of it." "Why is it classified.?" "Can't tell you, but I'll explain the parts I can. First though, have a seat."

A table slid over to Jake along with a chair.

"Now let me tell you a story."

Jake sat down.

"Around two hundred years ago, there was a massive explosion on the fifth level of hell, many innocents died, and many more became vegitive. This was one of the most tragic moments in the history of the underworld."

"Now I'm sure you are wondering, "What was it that that caused this explosion?" Good question. The answer is that some creature which we assume to be a demon exploded from the overwhelming amount of power they had."

"Sounds pretty damn crazy." "Yes, it does. Do you want to know why so many people became vegitive?" "Why?" "From what Is known, their souls were blasted out of their bodies." "That's brutal!" "Indeed. Now the worst part is that some of them didn't die or become vegetables." "What did they become?"

"They became an army of soulless creatures which follow orders from stronger soulless. They are extremely powerful physically, but only the alpha soulless can use magic. The fifth level is effectively a dead zone. We're lucky that the entrances and exits to other levels only work under certain circumstances, or we would've probably been overrun a long time ago."

"Sounds like a tough time." "Acute observation. But anyways, down to business. I'm sure you want to know why I need your help." "Yeah, I do." "It's because I want you to go into the fifth-" "Hold the fucking phone, before you continue, let me clarify, You want me to go to the fifth level of hell after you just told me how it was extremely dangerous?"

"Well, yes. That is what I was going to ask." "What could possibly sway my mind into saying yes?" "I have money that I can pay you with." "How much money?" "Five gold." "Like, five hundred?" "No, five." "Are you out of your gourd? You want me to risk my life for five gold?"

"It sounds worse when you say it like that." "No, it sounds like how it is." "Fine, fine! I'll pay you fifty gold." "Okay, that works." "Good. But you don't get paid if you fuck up." "Why would I get paid if I fuck up?" "I dunno, some people think they'll get paid regardless." "I have never met a person like that in my entire life." "Whatever! It doesn't fucking matter! Just listen to what I have to say."

"Alright alright fair enough." "Great. Anyway, I need you to bring me back the core of ten soulless." "Why? Are they valuable?" "A bit, yes. But that doesn't matter, I'm paying you way more than they're worth." "Okay. Also, one more thing, why did you summon me specifically?" "That's classified. I can't tell you." "Ugh. Whatever I guess." "Cool. Now on to business, when are you available to do this?"

"I available right now." "Oh, really?" "Yeah." "Well that's great, but it starts in three hours..." "What starts?" "Uh, the job." "Why would you bring me to you bow if you need me in three hours?" "Well it's three hours at the earliest, but I thought you would have stuff to do, so I brought you here before." "Oh, well that makes sense. I can come back in three hours if that works." "That would work fine. Would you like to go home?"

"I mean, I could. But I kind of want to go look around hell, I mean, it's not every day that you get to explore hell." "Alright. I can give you a map of how to get back here." "Hey, that'd work great." "Perfect. So I'll see you here in three hours?" "If all goes to plan, then yes, you will."

"Sounds like a great plan. Also, some advice, stay away from the demons with the happy face pins." "Why?" "Because they always cause trouble. Just be careful." "Um, thanks. I'll keep it in mind." "Great. Now go do whatever, I have important things." "Okay, I'll be off then."

Jake got up and walked out the door. He walked back the way he came. This brought him to the entrance, which was guarded by two burly demons who had not been there before. They had red wings and horns. They also each had a patch sewn onto their clothing that looked like a building with open doors with light shining from it and a dollar sign on the front of the building. One of then was black, while the other was white. They both nodded at him and allowed him by.

"Well, guess it's time to explore hell." Jake said to himself.

He walked back to the shopping district that he had been fascinated by earlier to look around and see what was for sale. The stores were pretty varied, offering a wide variety of things from weapons to food to clothes. He went over to one of the weapon stores to browse.

A man with armor and no weapon was standing at the entrance of the store, seemingly challenging people who passed by to a fight. Jake wondered why this was, so he walked over to investigate.

"Hey you, wanna fight?" "Why?" "Because it's awesome!" "Fair enough. What's in it for me?" "I could buy you a drink?" "Hm, sound like a fair deal. Are there any rules?" "No killing, and no offensive magic." "Okay. Where are we going to fight?" "Uhh, I didnt think of that. Right here maybe?" "Is that legal?" "More or less, yeah." "Well count me in, I'll just make a barrier around us to keep us from breaking crap."

"You can do that?" "Yeah." "Cool!"

Jake created a barrier around the two that was about the size of boxing ring. He made sure that it was constructed in a way that it didn't screw up foot traffic up too much.

"Great! Time to fight?" "Sure, let's go!"

They both rushed at each other. The man swung at Jake, landing a solid right hook on his cheek. Jake retaliated by slapping his arm away and punching him in the side of the head. The latches holding the helmet on snapped off instantly and the helmet flew off.

Underneath was a blond haired man with glowing red eyes, who was smiling madly.

"Nice punch!" "You too!"

The man went for an uppercut, but missed due to Jake jumping back quickly. He dashed at the man directly after doing this and punched him in the stomach. The man went flying into the wall, and slid down while clutching his stomach. His face turned to a pained expression.

"I surrender!" *Cough* *Cough*

"Oh, damn, do you need help or something?" "No, I'm good. I'll just drink a potion."

He followed this up by pulling out a red potion and drinking it. He stood up after a few seconds.

"That was one hell of a punch!" "Thanks." "No, seriously, that was insane. How did you even get that strong?" "Well I'm just good at body strengthening spells." "For sure! Now, about that drink, I've got a place in mind." "Great, I'm not from around here, so that works out nicely." "Alright, guess I'll be your guide. Follow me." "Got it. Also, what's your name?" "Percy."

And after this, Jake followed him through the streets for around two minutes until they arrived in front of a building. There were no windows, but there was a pink and blue neon sign that read "Twirling Cap". It was shaped like a bottle cap and the lights turned off and on in a way that made it look like the bottle cap was spinning.

There was a line of people between metal fences that lead to a door that was guarded by a huge man with a black shirt that had the bottle cap logo and a name tag that read "Hello, I'm: Mess with me and you die."

This was funny to Jake, and he smiled when he saw it.

"Hey, fist! What's up?" Said percy to the bulky man. "Oh, hey Percy. What have you been up to?" "Fighting, like usual." "I swear, you're going to pick a fight with the wrong guy and get your shit beat." "Well that's what happened today. This guy wrecked me." "Really? He doesn't look that strong though." "Looks can be deceiving."

"I guess that's true." "Yep. Anyways, I gotta get in." "Alright P. Don't cause problems." "C'mon, you know me." "Yeah, that's why I'm telling you." "Whatever."

Fist opened the door and allowed Percy and Jake past the line. They walked inside.

Jake was greeted by bright neon lights and loud music. There were pole dancers, a giant dance floor, a bar, a DJ booth, and various other things you would find in a club.

"The bar's over here." Said percy while motioning for Jake to follow. He followed him to the stools and sat down.

Percy replaced his armor with some casual clothes and sat down.

"So, what do you want?" "Well I'm not much of a drinker. I've actually only drank a few times. Do you have any recommendations?" "Well I'm partial to this stuff called horn spinner. I know it sounds dumb, but it's really friggin good." "Guess I'll try it."

Percy turned to the woman working the bar.

"Hey Lanie!" The girl turned around.

"Well look who strolled back, it's the testosterone addicted dipshit who drinks girly drinks. What do you want." "Well that's a bit harsh!" "Gonna cry? Maybe piss yourself?" Percy chuckled at this.

"Maybe, maybe. Can I get two horn spinners?" "I mean, you can. But you could also get something that doesn't make you look like a pussy bitch." "Man, fuck off! You haven't even tried it!" "That's because I value my dignity as a demon. You? You don't even know the meaning of dignity."

"You seem a bit angry today. Why's that?" "Well first off, you're here. Second off, I've had a hard time with some guys after work lately." "Want me to fuck em up?" "If only it was that simple. They just so happen to be some of Vixxa's goons." "Shit. Why are they going after you?" "Well they're guys, and they usually get whatever they want. So they're just a bunch of strong horny entitled cunts."

"That sucks. Do you think I could take them?" "You could take one of them at max. Two though? It'd be more efficient to suck the barrel of a shotgun." "Sounds like a rough time." "Yeah. Thanks for asking though." "Hey, that's what friends are for right?" "You sound pretty damn stupid right now." "Well, better to sound stupid than to be a bad friend." "Whatever."

"But anyways, how about those drinks?" "Sure sure."

Lanie walked over to the shelves of drinks and looked at the one that was second to the top. The bottle was too far In the back for her to reach though. But to the surprise of Jake, the bottle floated down to her hand.

"That's a neat trick." "Thanks. I get it from my mom." "So is is magic or telekinesis?" "Telekinesis. Do you want anything?" "I'm here with Percy." "Oh, is that second spinner for you?" "Yeah." "Just a warning, you will look like a total bitch if you drink this." "That's fine. What does it matter if it tastes good?" "That sounds really gay." "Whatever." "Suit yourself I guess."

She poured a clear liquid from the bottle into two shot glasses, and handed one to each of them. Jake drank it and was grossed out. It tasted like grape cough syrup and maple syrup.

"This is awful!"

He was completely disgusted.

"What do you mean? It's great!" "You have got the worst tastes ever!" "Whatever, I think it's great."

Lanie spoke up.

"At least somebody has decent tastes." "It's not decent, it's normal." "Exactly." "You guys are ridiculous. I gotta go do something, you can talk about how your tastes are oh so refined without me."

Percy got up and walked up some stairs that were a few feet from the bar.

"So anyways new guy, what brings you here?" "Well I was contracted by a guy to go to the fifth layer of hell and kill some husks, and it starts in three hours." "The fifth layer? Is he trying to kill you?" "I don't think so? I feel like he could have just outright attacked me." "Who was it?" "Um, I don't know if I can say." "C'mon, don't be a buzzkill." "Okay. He was a guy who was in a throne, and he wore a hood. His voice was distorted and he had a guy with a leather jacket or whatever working for him who he sent to come get me."

"No fuckin way! You're lying!" "What? Why do you say that? Is he some type of big shot?" "Yeah, that's Legile one of the big ones. He's one of the three people who operate in this town." "For real?" "Yeah. He owns the shopping district." "Why did he want to meet me in particular then?" "You must be pretty important if he sent Tony to get you."

"Is Tony that cowboy guy?" "Yeah." "Huh... Who are the other two big players?" "Well there's Legile, who runs the shopping district, Vixxa, who runs the fun district and the businesses that come with it, then there's Mercer. He runs the more violent businesses, like mercenaries, guardsmen, and the more extreme weaponry."

"How do you identify someone from their faction?" "They usually have insignia of some sort that will show you." "What are they?" "Mercer's is a bullet and a knife in an X shape. Vixxa's is a yellow smiley face, and Legile's is a store with light coming out of the door and a dollar sign on the front." "Huh. That's nice to know."

"It might save your life sometime." "Maybe. Who runs this building?" "Huh?" "Like, which of the three owns this building?" "None of them. We're independent." "Ah. Are any of their workers allowed here?" "Yeah. We don't turn away people as long as they can play nice."

"So what flies as nice?" "It's pretty much just don't cause any unnecessary violence, don't harass anyone, and don't break anything if you can't pay for it." "So crime is totally fine?" "We're a nightclub, not a police station. If something happens, we can just blame the person who caused it." "Seems pretty straightforward." "It is."

Just then, a man came and sat down. "Hey, could I get a few shots of Lapers whiskey?" "Sure, one moment." Said Lanie.

She turned back to Jake.

"I gotta go do my job now. Talk to you later?" "Maybe." "Sounds good." She turned back over to the man who had asked for the alcohol.

Jake got up and walked over to the railing around the multicolored dance floor. He did not feel comfortable with dancing in a crowd. He took out his phone, and found that there was no service here. Luckily, he had always been one to download offline games in the case of him not being around somewhere with data coverage, which was often because he had a crappy provider.

He absentmindedly tapped away at the game, not noticing the person who was sneaking up behind him. But upon putting his phone away a few seconds later, having died in his game, he quickly became aware of them.

He spun around, and was greeted by the sight of a girl with a loosely fitting dark gray tee shirt who realized they had been caught in the act. They also had a smiley pin.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jake said suspiciously.

"Oh, uh, I was just walking by." "Riiight. Were you just sneaking around for no reason?" "Yes." "Okay listen, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but if I catch you being shady again, I'm going to do some non-advisable things." "I was just passing by, that's all. I'm sure you understand."

Her eyes then turned slightly pink as she began staring Jake directly in the eyes. "You wouldn't really do anything like that to a pretty girl like me, right?" "Actually, I would. Keep your magic to yourself."

This visibly scared the girl when her magic had no effect.

"Haha, yeah, of course, that was an accident you know? I wasn't trying anything..." "Sure, whatever you say. Now get the hell out of my sight." "Y-Yes sir!"

She decided to get away by walking into a crowd of people, which worked. Jake was glad he had recieved the warning from Legile.

He went and sat down at a table that was next to a small restaurant. This struck Jake as weird, seeing as it was a restaurant in a nightclub. It was somewhat small, and didn't really change the atmosphere of the building, which he figured to be the reason that it was here, as well as the purpose of making extra profit off of hungry dancers.

He didn't feel hungry or thirsty though, so he just sat at the table, staying on guard all the while as to keep from being snuck up on by another Vixxa's personnel.

While sitting there though, his mind wandered. It dawned on him that he didn't feel any horniness, despite there being many scantily clad women, most of which dancing on a stage or on poles. He was puzzled at this, and searched his mind for why he was like this. He realized that it had been like this since he had first been teleported to Reffim.

It was odd, because he remembered when he used to get the urge to beat it back before he was isekai'd. He also thought about how he hadn't needed to use the bathroom or have a regular intake of food. He figured that him not needing the bathroom was because of his stomach which completely digested anything he consumed. He wondered what it was exactly in his stomach that did this.

He also wondered why it was him that was selected to go on this insane adventure, and what the hell he had drank after he had been brought to Reffim that had given him the system that had made him so strong.

He was deep in thought when a girl with brown horns walked out of the crowd toward him. He looked up and locked eyes with her, and upon arriving in front of him, she squinted her eyes.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" "Uh, what?" "You fucking asshole! Can't you just go along with something?" "What?!"

Jake was extremely confused.

"Do I know you?" "No, you don't. But you know my colleague." "Who the hell are they?" "The girl who you accused of "Sneaking"." "Oh, her. Yeah, I did call her dumb ass out. Maybe it would have worked if she had put more practice into being sneaky." "Shut the fuck up! She practiced hard to do that!" "That's great and all, but I don't see how this is my problem."

"Well she was just trying to be nice!" "Wait what?" Jake's face turned confused.

"So sneaking up behind me while I'm distracted is nice?" "Well, no. But if you weren't so close minded you might have been able to have fun."

Jake became even more confused.

"What the hell? Are you trying to confuse me? Because if yes, than you're doing a great job." "Whatever! I'm sorry on her behalf, I'm sure we can work something out."

Her eyes turned a bright pink color and Jake felt a bit of haze in his mind. He shook it off before it became a complete fog.

"You crazy bitch! Quit it with your whore magic!"

Het face darkened.

"How did you resist that?" "It's called being strong. Now quit fucking with me or you'll regret it, I have no qualms with fighting you right here." "...Yeah, I get it."

She took her hands off the table, and walked away.

'Hey Lexi, what the hell is going on?'

[Well I don't have a definite answer, but I would assume that they're trying to seduce you so that they can rob you or something.]

'Do I look like an easy target?'

[No, but you are good looking, which is why they would think that you have some valuables on you.]

'Well thanks for the compliment, but last time I checked, I wasn't exactly handsome enough to make it onto the front cover of any magazine.'

[Your looks and body have improved with your level.]


[Well it's more complicated that that, but it can be simplified down to your level.]

'Well that's pretty awesome.'

[Indeed. Now please note that there is someone right behind you.]

'Wait what?'

His eyes were suddenly covered from a pair of hands belonging to a person behind him. He went to take them off, but his hands were grabbed as well

"Get the hell off me!" "Aww, don't be so angry. This will be fun." "Nope! Don't want what you're selling! Now unhand me!" "Don't be so cold. I'm sure we can both enjoy this."

Jake was a bit spooked by this point, so he amped up his body strengthening magic, and yanked his hands free. After this, he grabbed the hands on his face and yanked those off too.

He jumped away, and landed a few feet from the person who had grabbed him. It was a large, enticing woman. She had a tattoo on one of her arms with Vixxa's logo on it. She also had four arms, which explained why she could hold Jake's hands and cover his eyes. She also had a pair of dark purple horns that were smooth and somewhat shined.

She was still smiling even though Jake had escaped her.

"Oh my! I love strong men, they're always so much fun!" "I think it's time to blow this joint." Said the girl in a slightly high pitched, yet laid back voice.

Jake enhanced his speed and took off towards the door.

There was a person coming in, which Jake took advantage of by running out the door before it had time to shut. He turned around, a d saw that there was nobody behind him. He was relieved that nobody was chasing him. *SMASH* His head flew down into the ground, burying half of his face.

He felt like he had just been smashed by a steamroller. Meeting someone as strong or stronger than him was completely unexpected.

Jake's face was lifted out of the ground by his neck and dropped to the ground. "You're so fast and strong! You must be with Mercer!" She said, still retaining her calm voice.

He took a look at her more closely, and took in her features. She had dark pink irises that seemed to draw your eyes to them, and her face was a sight for sore eyes. She had a loose fitting shirt that went over all four of her arms. It was green and white with wave patterns on the sleeves which came back to a large wave pattern on the shirt. She was around 6'5, and pretty imposing while standing over Jake.

"Can we reschedule this date to a different time?" "Oh my! You really think this could be a date?" "I mean, it's not everyday that a beautiful lady chases you out of a club after approaching you." "Oh stop, or I might just have to take you out for real!" "Well if you insist." "You're such a flirt! Unfortunately, I have orders to bring you back to my boss. But I'm sure we could have fun after?"

"Well I don't know if I can come along right now, I have a job to do in a little while." "Come on, can't you just make an exception?" "I would, but he's a powerful guy that I can't exactly disobey." "Who is it?" "Legile." "You're serious?" "As serious as I can be. Which doesn't amount to much usually."

"Well that is unfortunate, but I can't let you leave." "Why?" "Well you're so strong that my boss wants to recruit you." "Can't she just send me a letter with some money and a badge?" "No way! We have high standards, and I mean high standards! She only accepts the strongest people." "What standards are there?" "They need to be able to resist a level three seduction attempt from an experienced succubus."

"Did I do that?" "Yes. In fact, I was a level four, and you didn't even show signs of extreme fatigue. So you've really sparked her interest." "What is she going to do?"

The womans face turned slightly pained.

"Well it usually consists of her going at you until you lose your mind and obey her unconditionally."

Jake's face turned slightly fearful.

"Fuck that! I won't become some type of sex soldier!" "I mean, I might be able to keep her from doing that... Too much." "What the hell? Do you think that I'm okay with getting fucked into slavery?" "Well isn't that what most men would prefer?" "Maybe some fucking weirdos, but most sane men would prefer to have free will."

"I'm sorry, I really am, but I have to bring you in." "Fuck that. If I'm going to get captured, I'm going to put up a fight." "I don't want to ruin your handsome face, but I might have to if you try to escape." "Well so be it."

Upon ending his sentence, he unhid hes wings. He also summoned his essence wings. This made his shirt rip violently, which confused Jake greatly. He didn't have time to think about it though, because he took off at sonic speed right after. He knew that getting caught was the worst case scenario, so he put his all into escaping.

There were visible rings of air where he had flown through. He flew for somewhere around ten seconds before glancing behind him. He saw that the girl had also unhid some wings, and was right on his tail. He had an idea right then.

The girl smashed into the wall that he had created. He had altered it to be completely invisible, and it had worked flawlessly. The was was covered in blood and a few pieces of viscera. It looked like a bug who had hit the windshield of a car that was going fifty miles per hour.

He felt bad because the girl was quite pleasant and had been polite to him in spite of him refusing to come with her. He decided that it was necessary in preserving his own life and focused on going to see if there was anything of use on her corpse.

He glided down to her body to check it out.

It was gruesome. She was a pile of bones and gore. Her wings looked like a school paper based project that got stomped on. Her body was squashed like a bug on a windshield, and her limbs were compressed like tin cans that got stomped on.

"Dammit! This sucks! I hate killing people so fucking much! She was pretty cool too..." *Gurgle* "What the hell was that?"

He looked for the source of the noise and saw that her torso was moving a bit. It seemed to be convulsing and contorting.

He was completely mortified when her head lifted up and her face began rearranging itself.

"You're sush a nites guy! You efen came back to me affer turnig me into a pile of Jello!"

Jake silently wondered why there was Jello in hell.

"Hey, you look great and all, but I still won't come with you. I value my sanity more than I value laying pipe." "Thereds till the option to come willingly."

"Okay, this isn't going anywhere. I think I'm just going to leave. Please leave me alone."

Her face fully reformed.

"I can't leave you alone though! I'm just going to keep chasing you." "In that state? I doubt you can even move." "I can just heal like I always do." "Well catch me if you can I suppose."

And with this, he took off in a random direction. He just wanted to distance himself from this oddly persevering woman.

He flew until his normal wings got tired. This was the indicator that he was probably fine to just land without the danger of the woman catching up to him. He landed and put his wings away.

The area he landed in was full of stores. There were also buildings that seemed to be where you hired protection. He walked over to one of the weapon shops to take a look at the stuff for sale.

The inside of the store was lit by glowing white crystals that were lined along the ceiling. He was unsure of why they didn't just use normal electronic lights. There had been an electronic DJ booth in the club as well as electric outlets. This made him wonder what the state of technology was here.

He put this aside and looked around. The stock was pretty generic, metal spears and swords and other melee weapons. There were also some wands, but what caught his attention was the selection of guns. It was strange to him that there were guns in hell. They had clear crystals in them where you would put magic into them to load them.

He figured he should synthesize one of these with his plant, but didnt know if it would even work.

He remembered that he had the gun that he had bought from Coin. Ir was a pistol which used magic to fill the cartridge.

He took it out and held it near the gem on his hand. It hadn't transformed into a weapon in a while and Jake couldn't feel anything from it. He used Synthesis, but instead of glowing white like it had before, it instead glowed only slightly white before beginning to melt into unusable goop. Jake was surprised by this reaction and wondered why it had occurred.

He burnt the goo away with fire magic as to leave no mess.

This was unfortunate to him, but he wasn't too disheartened, as he could probably get another one sometime. In the meantime though, he decided to walk around some more. The area had many places to explore, and it would be nice to have something to do while he waited.

He looked around the street to see what there was to do, and settled on a store called "Tailor's Place"

He assumed this was a clothing shop and was mildly interested. He also needed some clothes seeing as his were ripped, and he didn't feel like making his own.

The store was relatively high-end and he figured the clothing would be of high quality.


There was a bell above the door that alerted the woman in the desk in front of the door to Jake's arrival. "Um, sir? You need to be fully clothed to shop here." "Kind of ironic wouldn't you say? I need to be wearing clothes to buy clothes?" Jake sighed and used magic to create a shirt for himself. He put the shirt on directly after.

"Well then, I suppose we can provide our services to you now. What are you looking for today?" "Well I was looking to buy a shirt." "Just a shirt?" "Well I assumed that there would be clothing racks where I could buy shirts, but i don't see anything." "This isn't a normal clothing store sir, we create high quality custom outfits for our clients. Did you not know this?"

"Sorry, but I'm not from around here. I didn't know that you were this kind of store." "It's fine. But we only offer this lobby to paying customers." "Ah, I'll leave." "Very well."

Jake walked out the door. Just as he was about to walk around some more though, as he was being approached by a hooded person. He did not want to deal with this so he began swiftly walking away from the entrance of the store while not showing that he knew he was being followed. The person began walking faster.

He turned right down an ally and walked down it. The pursuer also turned down the ally. He turned right once more, but instead jumped up to the roof of the building that he came out in front of.

The person came out of the ally as expected, but looked around somewhat panicked when they didn't see Jake. Jake silently jumped down behind them.

He grabbed their shoulder. "Where'd he go!?" "WHAT THE-" They spun around to face Jake. "How the fuck did you get behind me?!"

"Well I don't think that's important. But a important question is, why were you following me?"