Jake sat there, completely shocked. He was not expecting to see another person this late. He quickly put his hands over his eyes.
"Sorry! I'll look away!" Said Jake embarassedly.
"YOU BETTER!" She yelled at him.
"What is the problem, Jake? Are you not going to dominate-" Started Bloodkiff before being swiftly cut off.
"Shut up Bloodkiff! That's not what I do!" "Sorry." "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?" "Uh, nothing!" Said Jake.
She turned around and ran into her room. Jake took his hands off his eyes. "Well that was awkward." "Why did you not want to dominate that girl?" "Because that's wrong! I'm not evil, and dominating someone against their will is incredibly evil!" "Ah, yes! You are correct. I forgot that it was frowned upon by you, please, forgive me."
"It's fine, old habits die hard I guess." "Indeed." "Anyway, I've got to get this sorted out. I need you to go back to wherever you live for now." "Oh, Alright. I will go then." "Thanks." After this, the terrifying black ghostlike being sank into a red portal before they were gone. Jake felt bad for Allison. He didn't want to seem like a pervert.
She emerged a few seconds later with clothes on and a sword.
"Identify yourself!" "I'm Jake, Jake Graye. My room is here." "Huh?! So why haven't you been here?" "Because I was too busy dying." "What?!" "It was sarcasm, I had a near death experience today." "Uh, okay? So why are you here now?" "It's a really long story. I just want to say though, I'm sorry about that. I casted a spell to silence the room which probably threw you off when you listened to see if anyone-"
"It's fine it's fine! Just forget what you saw." "Huh? What do you mean? I can't just forget-" "Just use magic or something!" "I'd rather not risk doing that." "Ugh, whatever. Don't say a word of this though!" "Understood." "Great. Now how did you cast that spell?" "I have a way with magic." "Like, is it your affinity or something?" "Well yes, but that's only a dumbed down answer." "Can you un-dumb it?"
"Well, no. It's not really something I'm willing to share." "C'mon! It's only fair!" "Mmm, I dunno. Do you promise not to say anything?" "Sure, whatever. Just tell me." "Fine. I have an affinity for all magics."
Allison donned a disbelieving face. "Bullshit." "Hey, you don't need to believe me for it to be true. Just don't say anything." "Right, whatever you say." "So anyway, why are you up?" "I'm thirsty." "Ah, that makes sense." "Yeah, it does. Why are you up?" "Because I'm lonely." He said while rubbing the back of his head. "Ha. What are you, some kind of kid?" "Only at heart." "That's believable."
"Also, I have a trait from my parents that makes me need to sleep less." "A trait? What's that mean?" "I'm a demon, I have demonic traits and such that I hide." "Can I see?" "I guess so."
He unhid his features. His skin went red and his wings came out. His clothes seemed to have disappeared, as he was now naked. Not that his privates were visible. His tips of his horns began to burn with the black fire-like stuff and he grew larger. His eyes turned yellow and another set appeared.
"Jesus fuck that's terrifying!" "Thanks for that." He hid them once more. "No problem, anytime." "Yeah. Anyway, what's your affinity or affinities?" "I'm not going to tell you." "What?! That's unfair." "Maybe." "Not just maybe, definitely! I told you mine!" "That's your mistake." "Ugh, whatever. So anyway, where do I find my classes and stuff for school?"
"Shouldn't you know that?" "Probably, unfortunately, I was too busy getting crushed to finish the school day." "Sounds rough." "It was. Anyway, is there an app or something like that?" "Yeah, it's called SchoolTime. You use your name and school district as well as your fingerprint." "Okay. I'll try it out." "Great. Anyway, I'm gonna go drink something then go back to bed."
"Got it. Sleep tight." "Uh, thanks?" "Yep." Jake then pulled out his phone and looked up the app. He found it easily since it was the first result. He tapped install and waited. After around fifteen seconds, it finished installing and was ready for use. He opened the app up. There was a screen that said "Select school" on it. He tapped it.
A list appeared with schools in alphabetical order. He scrolled down until he found his school. The screen changed into one that said "Put finger here" with an arrow pointing to what seemed to be a fingerprint. He held his thumb on the print for about five seconds before the screen changed once more.
It pulled up a screen that showed him his schedule. In the top left was his name next to a picture of a black question mark in a white backdrop. He wondered why it showed this, but brushed it off. The schedule was quite satisfactory for Jake. The order went, "Magical creature study, Combat magic, Free period, Potion brewing, Dungeon exploration, Free period, Physical education, Free period"
He liked this lineup of classes and was looking forward to attending them. He turned off his phone. He grabbed the remote and turned the TV off before getting up from the couch and going over to his room, closing the door behind him. He went back to his bed and laid down, staring at the ceiling.
He closed his eyes and laid there, trying to sleep. It was pretty hard to fall asleep due to his trait, but then he had an idea. What if he casted sleeping magic on himself? He figured he could try this.
He imagined the feeling of falling asleep, and brought it to his hand. He put his hand on his face, and fell asleep instantly.
He was suddenly transported to the mind space entrance. He looked around and saw that there were two white pedestals. On the left, there was a swirling black void with a black orb in the middle. Jake could only guess what it was. On the right, there was a crown made from a shiny red metal with black gems along the outside. It had a red ribbon connected by a heart around it.
He was a bit weirded out by the fact that it was a heart but didn't really care too much. He walked over to the items. He grabbed the crown first. Upon touching it, it was sucked into his inventory. Odd, but he decided to investigate later. Next up was the black void.
He stuck out his hand to the void and poked it. The moment he touched it, it reacted by flying up, then rocketing down into his chest. It took his breath away and made him feel violently sick. His stomach felt itchy and hot and he tried to puke. But all that came up was an acidic blue goo. He lied there, clutching his stomach in pain, hoping it would be over soon. It eventually subsided a bit, to Jake's relief.
He looked down and saw a black light emanating from his chest, from under his shirt. He lifted it up and saw that there was a swirling black void in the hole that had the light in it. A piece of paper popped out. He sat up and grabbed the paper. He opened the paper up and began to read.
"Your void, from dad. How to use, think of something, put hand in void, pull out thing. Remember, it doesn't have to be physical, you can bring out mana and such. Don't forget that your void draws from your energy, and you will need to rest to use the void more. Remember, you're the strongest."
-From, Dad."
Jake was confused by the letter. What did it mean he was the strongest? What did it mean by Dad? He had a lot of questions. He decided to test the void before he did anything else. He took his shirt off. He reached into the swirling black hole in his chest and thought of a wallet. He felt something appear, which he grabbed.
Upon pulling it out, he saw that it was a normal brown wallet. Upon inspection, he saw that it was completely empty. He was quite surprised by this and was looking forward to seeing what the limits of what the void could do.
The sick feeling had mostly subsided. Jake stood up breathed deeply a few times. He then took the crown out of his inventory. The heart opened up to reveal that it was a container. A piece of red paper fell out. Jake caught it before it fell too far. He unfolded it, then read it.
"Greetings, Jake. I found myself here and was told this was a home of sorts for you. I did not get the chance to give this to you earlier because of what happened, but I am glad I found a way to give you this. It is a crown that can summon undead to fight for you. It is completely random, but will drain your mana according to what you summon.
-From, Bloodkiff."
Jake was unsurprised that Bloodkiff had somehow made it in. He felt like his mind space was more of a public area at this point. The crown was sucked into his inventory once more. He was then transported to the living room area of his mind space. Draken was laying on the couch, watching TV. "Yo." said Jake. "Huh?" Draken sat up and turned around.
He saw Jake. "Oh, hey Jake! It's been a while huh?" "For sure. How have you been?" "Pretty good. I got into this show called "Daytime". It's about zombies and stuff." "Neat. Where is everyone else?" "In their rooms. They're usually either watching TV, or fucking." "That's a bit vulgar." "Yeah. But anyway, how's it been going with you?" "Pretty good I guess. There was a time I almost died, then a time where I was run through a simulation by some scientist girl, nut that's pretty much it."
"That's pretty weird." "For sure. Anyway, have you seen a guy made of black smoke, he has red armor, ringing any bells?" "No? If it's supposed to, it isn't. We haven't had any new visitors in a long while. Moving on from that though, do you want to play games or something?"
"Nah, I was thinking about training. Do you know where Lexi is?" "Either in her room, or in The demons room." "Didn't we agree to call him something else?" "You can if you want, I just call him that because he's terrifying." "He's not that scary." "Speak for yourself." "Whatever. I'm just gonna train alone." "Alright. The offer will still be up later though." "Kay."
After this, Jake walked over to the gym he had created a while ago. He opened the door, and looked around. It looked the same as it had when he had left it. He walked in, and wondered what he should do to strengthen himself. He decided to lift weights.
*Snap* With a snap of his fingers, a weight lifting station appeared. It had weights ranging from small, to comically oversized. He looked for the one that seemed the best for him. The one he decided to use was a 300LB weight that was pretty huge. He put one on each side of the bar, then laid down to start lifting.
He began lifting the weights, and did this for around twenty minutes. By the end, he didn't feel very exhausted, but felt like he had done enough. He opened his stats.
Name: Jake
Race: Unknown Void Demon
Level: 50
Class: Void user
Exp: 466/27,400
Health: 53,000/53,000
Mana: 120,000/120,000
Demon power: 1,100/1,100
Stamina: 1,450/1,450
Strength: 182
Agility: 190
Dexterity: 200
Mind: 140
Intelligence: 85
Endurance: 135
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill), (Summon Bloodkiff), (Gaseous), (Summon plant), (Nature form),(Mana solidification),
Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies), (Loves to run over small creatures), (Horrifying demon), (Body is partly plant), (Tortured a plant), (Cool plant companion).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings], [Rewards tab].
He saw that he had gained two points in strength. "Hell yeah." He said with a victorious fist pump.
He then began to think of Rena and Correlshia. Why hadn't they been able to join his dream? Was it distance? Magic blocking? Them saying no?
He didn't want to focus on this, so he decided to do something else. He remembered that Draken had offered to play with him. This seemed fun, so Jake decided to do this. He got up and walked over to the door, then exited the gym.
He walked over to the couch, and began talking to Draken.
"Hey, the offer to play games still up?" "Yeah." "What do you want to play?" "Mmm, how about *alo?" "I guess that sounds pretty nice." "Cool. Grab a controller, they're under the TV." "Got it."
Jake got up and grabbed a controller from the cabinet under the TV. He sat back down on the couch and began to play with Draken.
About an hour passed before Jake began to get ejected from the mind space. "Huh? Already?" Asked Jake. "That's a bit odd" "Yeah. Bye, I guess." "Bye. See you later." "See you." After this, he was ejected from the space.
He woke up to an alarm blaring next to his bed, on the nightstand. He turned it off and began rubbing his eyes. He looked at the time. "5:20 AM"
"Why is it set for so early?" Said Jake to himself. He sat up and looked around. The morning light was seeping into his bedroom through his window. He got out of his bed and walked out into the living room. So far, there was nobody else in the room. This was unsurprising to Jake because he had been able to wake up quickly, thanks to his demonic trait. He decided to leave the apartment and take a stroll.
He left the apartment and began to walk toward the entrance. He seemed to be the only one in the hallway at the moment. Upon reaching the lobby though, he saw that there was a person buying something from a vending machine.
Jake continued on with his walk to the doors. After he reached them, he left. There were two guards at the entrance. They paid him no mind. He took out his phone and opened the school app. He checked to see if he could find where his classes were. He tapped on his first class. "Room 424. Tap for instructions." He tapped it. A GPS appeared on his phone.
He was unsure of why his phone knew where he was, seeing as he hadn't turned his location on. He brushed this off, assuming it was something to do with magic. He started walking on the path the GPS told him to. After two minutes of walking, he arrived at the class. He walked up to the doors and opened them. The inside of the room was almost the exact same as the enchanting and potion brewing classrooms. The main difference being that it was dark.
He walked in. This was a mistake, because immediately after, he was tripped by something. He fell down, but caught himself before he hit his face. Something leapt onto his back. It was about the size and weight of a medium sized dog. "The fuck is-" He felt something prick his back. He retaliated by unleashing his wings, and pushing the attacker away. He activated his night vision and looked around.
There was webbing all over the floor around him. He had a bad feeling about this. He turned around. Eight beady eyes stared back at him. "THE FUCK IS THAT?!" He screamed while swatting the creature away. It went crashing into the wall. "What the goddamn hell is going on in my classroom!?"
A stern, female voice said from the dark. "Hello?! There's some gross fucking spider trying to kill me! ...albeit not very efficiently." "What?! Did Kara get out again?!" "Kara?" A woman rushed over. She was wearing a gray tank top with green cargo pants. Her hair was loose and hanging down.
She grabbed the spider's legs and ran over to a pet cage, which she stuffed the spider into. What the hell is that and why do you have it in an easily escapable cage?!" "It's a giant tileslider spider. They're pretty docile when you train them. The real question is, who are you?"
"I'm Jake. I have your class soon. My alarm went off really early so I figured I would come have a look at my class, assuming you were here." "Alright. So why did you just walk in?" "Because I wanted to see if you were here. I assume you're my teacher." "Yes. I do teach this class. Anyways, why are you so energetic? Didn't you know you have like, an hour before classes start?"
"No, I had a ridiculous day yesterday. I'm a demon, I have something that makes me need to sleep much less and wake up faster." Her face became interested. "A demon? You mean an actual demon?" "Uh, yeah?" "Not a half demon?" "Those exist?" "Great! Would you mind doing a test for me? I was hoping to get a demon in one of my classes." "Lucky you I guess." "Yep. Anyways, I'll be back in a second, I've got to go grab something. Please take a seat." "Okay." The teacher walked over to a door and went in.
Jake wondered if this was a good idea or not. He sat down at a desk. The spider was moving around frantically in it's cage, trying to get out. It had small hairs along it's legs and body. He had never been much afraid of spiders, but was still a bit unnerved by it.
He reached under his shirt and felt around in the hole in his chest. It was still there. He felt around for the ball of light, and found it. The odd thing was, while it was warm, there was another ball of cold. He lifted his shirt and looked at the hole. There was now a black orb spinning with the other orb. It was reminiscent of the void, and he figured that was what it was.
Although he was pretty sure he knew what it was, he had no idea how to use it. He decided to try to use it later. He put his shirt down and waited a bit more. A few seconds later, the teacher walked out of the room. She was holding a strange device in her hands that had a needle at the bottom. It seemed to be some sort of syringe.
"This will only hurt for a few seconds, but be warned, it does hurt a lot." Warned the teacher.
"I can take it probably." "Good."
She positioned the device over his arm, and pressed a button. The needle shot into his arm. He didnt feel anything from the needle other than a slight suction in his arm. There was a small rectangle of glass that showed the contents of the syringe. It was filling up with red blood slowly.
"So what brings you to this school?" "Well a bunch of stuff has happened but I ended up going on an insane adventure and met a bunch of people, some of which tried to kill me, but after that I got back here and apparently my mom was some kind of grade A student here a while ago and that got me and my kids into here." "Okay, that's a bit crazy of a story but I'll roll with it." "I get that." "Yeah. Anyway, is there anything in specific you want to learn in my class?"
"Well not really. I just want to see some cool creatures." "Well lucky you, we just so happen to see a lot of creatures in this class." "I figured. Are there dragons?" "Dragons? You mean the ones who went almost completely extinct thousands of years ago?" "Um, yes?" "No, we don't have dragons. Do you know how many dragons there are known to be in the world at the moment?"
"No, how many?" "You can count it on two hands." "Oh, I get it." "Yeah."
Jake realized that Correlshia being a dragon may not be so good for her health.
"Theoretically, if I were to have a daughter that was a dragon, what would happen?" "Well you would probably be arrested for kidnapping and the family the dragon belongs to would probably kill you."
"But what if she wasn't from this world?" "Uh, I'm not really sure? If you really did come from another world, that would mean you were somehow able to get there and back which is currently impossible with the technology and magic available today. It would be extremely hard to believe." "Hm. Okay then." "Yeah. but anyway, today were going to be studying different types of reptile monsters."
"Sounds pretty cool." "It is. Anyway the vial is full."
She removed the syringe from his arm.
"Alright. I'm going to keep this for later. I need to study your blood and look at the demolicules in your blood." "Demolicules?" "It's also known as demon energy. Dangerous stuff in the wrong hands." "Why?" "Well It's the stuff that makes demons demons so that's a pretty good reason. It can also make other living beings demons. It's extremely versatile." "Oh okay, I can understand that."
"Yep. Anyways, class starts in a bit. Feel free to wait here until then. Oh! I forgot to turn the lights on. Youce probably been talking to just a voice." "No, I have night vision." "That's amazing! How did you get it?" "I would rather not say." "Ah okay. I understand not wanting to say." "Yeah, thanks. Anyways, I'm just gonna use my phone until class starts." "Alright. Tell me if something happens, I'll be in my office." "Mmkay."
After this, the teacher walked over to her office and entered it. Jake took out his phone and browsed the app store for games for a few minutes before finding one and playing it. This lasted for around twenty minutes.
Someone walked into the classroom. Jake glanced over. It was another student. They had glasses and black hair. He looked back to his phone and continued playing his game.
Before long, people were filling the room quickly. There was chatter among the students like a normal school, the type that was completely incomprehensible unless you were listening for something in particular. He ignored this and continued playing his phone. A few minutes passed.
"Welcome students, to my class! This is the Magical creature study classroom, for anyone who came into the wrong room. But moving on, I expect all electronics to be put away while my class is in effect."
The chatter had died down when the teacher had started talking. A few people put their phones away and others turned them off and put them down.
"We are going to start off by doing a class activity to help us know each other better. We're going to be introducing ourselves to the class one by one. When I call on you, feel free to say something pertaining to yourself. Feel free to skip though if you don't want to share."
And after this announcement, she began the activity.
"I'll go first, My name is Patami, but you can call me Miss Pat. I love animals and love my job. Now..." She looked at a clipboard she took out of a spatial ring. "Trevor Bixxis, you're up."
A boy with brown hair spoke up from the seats. "That's me. Hi, my name is trevor, and I really like potion making. My favorite animals are crabs." Said Trevor semi shyly.
"That's great, I love crabs too. Now its Tianna Grant's turn."
"Oh, that's me!" Exclaimed a girl in the front. "My name is Tianna, nice to meet all of you! I like baking cookies and killing monsters!" She said energetically. "That's nice, maybe you can share some cookies with us sometime. Now it's time for Quint Relson."
It went on like this until it was Jake's turn.
"Now for... Jake Graye." "Oh, uh, hi. I'm Jake, and I'm a demon. I'm also a huge nerd." "Well that certainly is interesting. Next up is Ayla Renistein."
And after this, the remaining people introduced themselves. It was about five minutes later when the introductions ended.
"Great, that's everyone. Now, today we will be doing something simple. I'm going to be bringing out a creature for everyone. Make observations, but do not harm the animal."
There were some murmurs among the people that died down quickly. The teacher went to a room that was near her office and began doing something. She emerged with a bunch of animal cages in each hand. She set them down and went and grabbed a few more. Eventually, there was a lot of crates stacked up like a pyramid. The crates each had a colored blanket over each of them.
"Alright, everyone come grab a crate, but don't look at what's inside." And with this, everyone got up and started walking over and grabbing a crate. Jake followed suit and went to get one. He grabbed one with a green blanket over it.
"When you get to your seat, you may not trade in your animal for a different one. You will have to use the animal you get. You can take the blanket off when you sit down at your seat." After this, a few people put theirs down and grabbed a different one, as if they were expecting something bad in the one they picked.
Jake stuck with the one he picked and sat down at his seat. He lifted the blanket. Inside was a creature he had never seen before. It was a small brown, curly haired dog with what seemed to be insect wings and compound eyes.
"Well this is a bit weird..." Jake mumbled to himself.
"Now, I'll be passing out clipboards with the work on them. If I miss you, please let me know." Said Miss Pat.
She began walking around the room, handing out the work to the students.
He was handed one, which he had a look at.
"Observe your animal and write any observations about it below."
Below the instructions was a box. He began writing.
"It is brown, it seems to be canine in nature, it looks like some kind of bug mixed with a rat terrier, it has compound eyes like a fly, it smells relatively nice."
He knew this was not particularly good, but was fine with it. He decided to just wait until the next step.
Jake took a look around the room. There were people all over the classroom doing the work. Some of the creatures were gross, while others were cute or cool looking. He hadn't paid much attention to people in the introductions, mostly only listening to the people talk. He just laid on the desk with his head down for most of the time, not because he was upset or anything, but because he was bored.
His eyes scanned the room, searching for something interesting. He saw something across the room that, while interesting, didn't seem quite alright.
There were three people walking toward someone who was wearing a dark blue hoodie. The person had a bit of white hair visible, but that was it. The three people were all wearing grins.
"Sup' bitch. How's it been?" "..."
The man in the middle who had said something became a bit irritated upon being ignored.
"Hey, why so cold? You know I hate being ignored." "..."
The man squinted and became even more irritated.
"Listen here you deaf fuck, When I talk, you listen."
"L-leave me-" "Leave you alone? Why? So that you can summon a demon?" "Go away...!" "Or what? What are you going to do? Piss yourself? Maybe cry?" The two people who were behind him sniggered at this.
The person in the hoodie's voice wavered slightly when they talked, and their voice was feminine, leading Jake to believe that it was a girl.
"Stop it! Why are you even doing this?" She said with a quiet voice that seemed like it was about to shatter and lead way to a flood of tears.
"Well I think that what I'm doing is pretty heroic, seeing as you're an evil person." "I-I'm not!" "Well it may not have been proven, but everybody knows that you're just waiting for everyone to look away so that you can stab someone and desecrate their corpse." "Please just go away, I'm not my mom..." "That what you say, but maybe we can find otherwise if we go outside and-"
Jake decided to stop idling around and do something. So he got up, and walked over. It took him around three seconds to reach the people.
"Somebody order a demon?" Said Jake while cracking his knuckles menacingly.
"The hell? What the fuck do you want?" "Well, I kind of want some ice cream, but frozen yogurt-" The man waved his hand, dismissing Jake's sarcasm.
"Can you not see that I'm in the middle of something? Could you maybe just, leave?" "Um, no? You're quite obviously bullying somebody, and I'm not the kind of guy who's just going to watch in those situations."
"Listen, I understand that you have a hero complex and all, but you don't understand. She's an evil person, and her mother is a worshiper of a dark god. What I'm doing here is just a public service."
"How is she an evil person?" "Well it hasn't been confirmed, but everyone knows that she's evil!" "Well I don't, so that doesnt apply to me." "Just walk away before things get ugly." "Bro, you're the only ugly one here." "You think you're cool or something? You wanna see about that? Because we can duel." "Duel?" "Yes, duel. Are you an idiot? We both sign a paper agreeing to terms, then we fight with those terms."
"That sounds a bit barbaric, can't we just play rock paper scissors?" "Quit it with the bullshit, you a pussy, or are you gonna fight?" "Hmm, I guess so." "Well then, let's go outside and make the agreement." "Sure."
All four of them began to walk to the door. Jake glanced back at the girl who he had decided to step in for. She was hunched over her desk, tears dripping from within the hoodie, her face still not visible.
As the group left the building, the guy who had been bullying the girl pulled out a piece of paper. "Just sign this and we can begin." "Okay."
Jake took the paper and read it. He read the fine print, but found nothing wrong about it. He made a pen, and then signed his name.
"Hope you have insurance, because this is going to be painful." Said the man while cracking his knuckles. "I'm not very afraid." "That's your problem. Take your position." "Whatever. Also, what's your name?" "Krey." "Got it, I'm Jake." "Got it."
After this, one of the two people who were with Krey stepped in between them and counted down. "Three, two, one, Fight!"
Krey stood there, seemingly doing nothing. Jake enhanced his eyes with magic and spotted him moving his lips slightly.
Suddenly, Krey threw a flurry of seven fireballs at Jake. He evaded five of them but got hit by two of them. They burnt his clothes, but he was otherwise unharmed.
"You must be some type of fire resistant demon, but that's too bad, because I can use more than just fire magic!" Yelled Krey while taking out a yellow sword.
He rushed at Jake, raising the sword above his head, a victorious smile on his face. The sword raced down at Jake, but unfortunately was stopped dead in it's tracks by Jake's hand.
"Bro, even a salamander was stronger than you." With this, Jake ripped the sword from Krey's hands and stabbed him in the stomach, completely piercing him.
"GGGAHLK!" His face quickly turned to one of fear, pain, and confusion. "What the fucking fuck?!" He screamed in terror.
"Eat shit." "AAAHHHH!" Jake ripped the sword out.
"Do you admit defeat?" "YES YES! BUT PLEASE, HELP ME!" "Hmm, okay." Jake healed him, then walked away, leaving Krey to wallow in terror.
Jake headed back to the classroom, using blood magic to get the blood off of his clothes He opened the door to see most of the classroom staring at him. He tried to ignore this and just walk away without showing that he was anxious from everyone looking at him.
The dog-like creature that was in the cage was still sitting calmly while panting. It seemed completely content in the cage.
Jake sat back down and examined the creature more to try to take the attention off of him. The people of the classroom began looking away and whispering among themselves.
A few minutes later someone approached him. It was a boy with dark brown hair.
"Hey, what happened out there?" "I beat that guy in a duel." "How?" "He wasn't that strong." "Uh, yeah he was? He was the guy who had a streak of twenty people beat without sustaining any noticeable damage." "I probably just caught him off guard." "Everyone was watching though, he got completely humiliated!" "How was everyone watching?"
"One of his friends was broadcasting the fight to a screen that one of the guys here had and was showing everyone." "Oh, uh. I guess he was using something when he did the twenty fights." "Like, how did you even do that?"
Jake was feeling a bit irritated.
"Can you quit it with the questions? I'm not a Telltale game. It would be really nice if you could just not." "Oh oh, yeah, sure. Uh, bye." The boy walked off swiftly.
He walked over to a group of people and whispered to them while glancing over at Jake. Jake buried his head in his arms and ignored the people staring at him.
After around five minutes, the teacher announced the next instructions to the class.
"Now that you've recorded what your observations, please put the blanket back over the cage. I will be assigning you a partner shortly so please wait patiently."
The people in the classroom began putting the blankets back over the cages. Jake did the same. The class had resumed to it's normal idle chatter. Jake decided to mess around with magic while he waited for the teacher to move on to the next step. He used elemental arena to create a shadow spider and a healing butterfly that he had come up with on the fly.
The set them on his desk and watched them fight. He figured the spider would easily win.
The spider started by shooting a black thread at the butterfly, which hit it's wing. The butterfly was yanked towards the spider. The spider jumped at the butterfly, but then something surprising happened. The spider suddenly exploded, splattering a spot on the desk in black liquid. He was puzzled by how this had happened.
He then pitted a flame tiger against the butterfly.
The tiger circled around the butterfly for about five seconds before finally leaping towards it. It was promptly blown into fire colored goop.
He was confused by this, but had no time to think about it before the teacher announced new instructions. "I will be assigning partners, please wait for your partner to be assigned. You will be comparing animals and observations." She said while opening a notebook and looking through a page.
She began listing off names and telling them their partner. Jake was the ninth one to be partnered.
"Jake Graye, you're with Cynthia Reiss."
He had no ideo who this was, so he waited for the person to find him. A minute passed before he decided to get up and ask the teacher. Jake got up and walked over to the teacher.
"Hey, uh, where is my partner?" "Oh. It's that girl wearing the sweatshirt that you were talking to." "Wait, her?" He said while pointing over to the girl he had stopped the people from bullying. "Yep. Now get to it."
He walked over to Cynthia who didn't seem to notice him walking over. He sat down next to her.
"Hey, you're my partner." "...?"
She glanced over to him, but didn't turn her head enough for her face to be visible. She nodded after a few seconds.
"Are you okay? Do you need a moment? Maybe some ice cream?" "No, I'm fine..." She said in a whisper-like voice. "I'm not that gullible y'know, if there's something you need help with, I'm willing to help." "Why?" "Well, to be honest, I probably have a hero complex or something like that, but I still can't just watch someone get bullied and walk away without feeling bad."
"Oh, okay. I'll just do the work." "Sounds like a plan."
Jake took out his paper from his inventory. He set it down and walked back to his desk to grab the cage, seeing as he had forgotten it there. Upon grabbing it and walking back, he saw that Cynthia was looking at his paper and scribbling stuff on it. He walked back swiftly. "Hey, what are you doing?" "... the work." "That's my work though." "... yes." "So why are you doing it?"
"Because you agreed with me doing it." "Nono, I think there was a misunderstanding, I meant that you should do your work and that I'll do mine." "Oh..." She said in a quivering voice. "It's fine. It's just a simple mistake, there's no problem."
He sat down and looked at his paper. The handwriting was much better than his, not that that meant much seeing as his handwriting was atrocious.
"So anyway, what was your animal like?" "Here..." She said while sliding him the paper. "Thanks." He said while scanning the paper. "Mm..."
He could tell that she was in a weak mental state right now, so he decided to not talk to her much for fear of hurting her. He did the work, and then started playing with his little elemental creatures again.
This time, he putted the plant snake against the butterfly. He set them down and made them fight. The snake slithered toward the butterfly, and upon getting close, stood up. The butterfly shot out a small ball if healing towards the snake, which to his surprise, did not kill it instantly like the others. It actually had the exact opposite effect. The snake grew larger and stronger, and then ate the butterfly with just one bite.
Jake was confused as to why the snake hadn't died instantly like the others and had instead been empowered.
He looked over and saw that Cynthia was looking over at him slightly. He caught a glimpse of her cheek. It was pale white, and he wondered if she went outside or not.
"You like my magic?"
She quickly looked away, but nodded.
"Don't worry, I don't bite. Most of the time."
The response he got was another small nod.
"If you want, you can hold one." "Really?" She said in a small voice.
"Yeah, do you have any specific requests?" She shook her head slightly.
He decided to make a water crab. Upon making it, it created little water bubbles from it's mouth. He handed the creature to her. She lifted her hand and accepted the creature. She studied it and prodded it a bit. "Pretty cool huh?" "How did you make this?" "With magic. I'm really good at it." "Oh."
Nothing happened for a few minutes. Jake just sat around while playing with his elementals.
"Alright class, it may have seemed short, but our time is coming to an end. Please gather your papers and bring the cages back to me. After that you are free to go to your next class.
With this announcement, the entire class began leaving the classroom. Jake also got up and began walking to the door.
"Hey, do you want this back?" Asked Cynthia while tugging on his shoulder. "No. You can keep it." "Really?" "Yep. They're easy to make and I don't really have any use for it. So yeah, you can keep it." "Thanks..." "No problem. If those thugs ever come back, feel free to tell me about it. I can probably do something." "You would do that for me?" "Of course. As far as I can see, you're just a normal person who had something bad happen. I won't blame you for doing nothing wrong."
"Thank you..." She said while walking away swiftly.
He smiled at this, then pulled up his phone to look at which class he had next. He saw that it was combat magic, and he pressed the button for directions. He began walking to the class, which was a fair distance away. But it was drastically shortened when he enhanced his speed. He got there in thirty seconds, and he saw people still filtering out of the classroom.
A few seconds later, everybody was out of the classroom and he walked in. He saw a well defined man with a moustache and green eyes. He was sorting some papers on his desk. He squinted and looked up.
"Um, hello. Did you come here by accident?" He said while getting up and walking over to Jake. "What?" Jake said confusedly. "Did you enter the park and accidentally end up here? Because if so, I can help you get out-" "Hey, just a moment, I'm a student here. Why do you think otherwise?" "Wait, really? You have no Magical aura..." "Yeah, It came as a package deal when I suppressed my demonic aura."
"Demonic you say? Are you saying that you are a demon?" "Yeah." "Quite interesting! It's been so long since I had a demon student! Around thirty Years!" "Thirty? How old are you?" "Well that's a bit rude. But if you really have to know, I'm sixty years old." "You look a lot younger than you are." "Well thank you. Anyways, You can go sit down at any seat you want. Once everyone gets to class, I'll start by bring them out to the targets."
Jake acknowledged this and walked inside to sit down. The room layout was the the same as the other classrooms, which entailed Bleacher-like desks around the classroom, and a desk in the middle of the room. He took a seat at one of the seats second to the bottom. He took out his phone and began playing a game.
People quickly flowed into the room. Jake took no note of this and continued playing the game.
After five minutes, the classroom was filled with the excited chattering of people who were eager to cast magic.
"Welcome, welcome. I'm sure most of you are excited to be here, and I can understand that. And for that exact reason, I have decided to start us off by going out to the targets and getting right to it!"
Most of the people in the room cheered at this excitedly.
"Everyone, follow me." Said the teacher while walking toward a door at the back of the room.
The class followed him out the door and into a large field area that had different types of targets. There were the traditional types, the red and white ones, the paper cutouts, and other things you would see at a shooting or archery range. But then there were other targets.
They were grey holograms that had the shapes of humans and various monsters. There were white lines on them that indicated different parts of the body.
"As you can see, we have many different targets here. The traditional ones are prone to destruction, so please replace them if you break them. And the holograms, they will absorb your damage and show you how much damage you would have caused. Feel free to let loose and wear any gear or use any weapons you have. Don't be afraid of breaking the holograms, they are top notch and extremely durable. And lastly, if you would like to, you can use a part of a creature on the hologram, and it will simulate the monster, pretty cool huh? But enough with the explanations, go wild!"
And with this, most of the students rushed over to the targets. Jake decided to use the hologram.
He walked over to one and picked it up. He brought it over to an empty spot and got ready to try it out.
He threw a punch at the hologram. It connected with it's face and created a red spot. It tallied up a score of 234/1000. He was pleased with this, so he decided to try a punch at full power. His fist flew at the dummy's head. which shattered into a hail of black cubes which dissipated about two seconds later. The score was then tallied to ?????/1000.
The hologram's head remained like this and didn't regenerate. This was somewhat concerning, so he decided to pick it up and bring it to the teacher.
"Hey, is this supposed to happen?"
The teacher turned around, and his face donned a shocked look.
"Well christ, what did you hit it with?! A nuke?!" "No, just my fist." "Your fist? Do you mean a piece of extremely strong equipment that you call your fist?" "No, like, my hand." "Are you on some type of steroid?" "No? I'm just strong." "Well color me impressed. I never thought that I would have somebody so strong in my class. How do you train?" "With weights." "What? What's that supposed to mean? You mean actual weights?"
"Well, I'm just really good with magic, and I used body strengthening magic." "Okay, hold on for a moment, you are just this incredibly gifted with magic naturally?" "Yes?" "Do you not understand how ridiculous you're talent truly is?" "Well, I kind of do, but i just take it for granted." "Let me show you something." The teacher turned away.
"You there!" A few people turned. "No, the one with black hair and blue eyes, yes, you. Come here for a moment."
A boy came forward and stood in front of the teacher. "What do you need Mister Biri?" "Can you show me your strongest attack on that hologram over there?" "Well, I guess so?"
The man turned toward the hologram, and began charging an attack. A few seconds, a small lightning bolt shot forth from the man's hand, and tore into the hologram. 99/1000 score.
"Was that good sir?" "Yes, very good. Now go work some more." "Of course." And with this, the student resumed what he was doing.
"Now do you see? Your talent is incredible, no, breathtaking. I would recommend applying for the gifted classes." "Well, thanks. Maybe I will."
"Very good, now off with you. Go train." "Okay, I'll try."
*BWOOOOM* A huge smash reverberated through the field. A giant flaming lion jumped out of the ground, with a flaming armored skeleton riding it.