The dungeon, The dreams and other weirdness, and the room.

"Well then, let's get going."

Rex began walking over to the door. He grabbed the handle and began pulling it. It was a bit harder than normal because of the plants attached to it. Eventually though, he got it open. A breeze of cool air hit Jake.

"Follow me." "You got it." The teacher began to walk into the room. Jake followed him closely. Rex closed the door behind them. "Watch out for anything that looks carnivorous." "Like animals?" "Those as well as plants. The plants here will eat you." "Ah, got it." Said Jake while looking around. He saw a large blue flower. He decided not to go too close. "I am going to be watching you fight. This is to get a good estimate of your abilities."

"Ah okay, that's cool. Anyways, where are we going?" "We are going to find some monsters to kill." "Oh, okay." "You will be the one fighting them." "Got it." "Good."

Just then, a green creature jumped out. It was similar to a dog but had some key differences. It was green, spiked, and ridiculously muscular. "Fuckin, skag!" "What?" "Nothing, you wouldn't understand." "Okay. Kill it." "Alright."

The creature however, was seemingly confused. It looked at Jake while sniffing the air. "Hey ding dong! Come at me!" Yelled Jake while waving his arm around. The dog ended up running away. "That was incredibly interesting. It seemed confused by you. Might you happen to know why that happened?" "It's probably my sword." "Show me." "Uh, okay."

Jake turned his hand around. The gem was on the back of his hand. He tapped the gem. "Hey. bud, could you come out please?" The gem stirred a bit, but didn't come out. "No? Please? Just for me?" It stirred a bit more before finally forming.

The teacher's eyes lit up. "Incredible! Is that sword alive?" "Yeah, something like that." "Incredible! Amazing! Positively awesome!" "So uh, you like it or something?" "Of course! It is not everyday that you get to see a living weapon! What else can it do?" "It can turn into a wand." "Amazing! Show me." "Okay." Jake turned it into its staff form.

"That is great! Do you mind letting me hold it?" "See, there a bit of a problem. It doesn't come off." "Pardon?" "There's this wood that covers my hand and keeps it on my arm. I can't get it off." "Ah, that makes sense. How did you obtain this?" "Well uh, I probably can't tell you that." "Mmm... Well that's fine. Let's proceed onward." "Alright."

Rex then lead him further into the dungeon. It was foggy in the room, and was covered in plants. Every so often, a plant would wave about like it was alive, but would stop shortly after. He was surprised by the lack of monsters, as was his teacher.

"Did you do something to scare them away?" "No, I don't think so at least." "Interesting. It has been a while since I last did this dungeon. It may have evolved or something similar." "How long ago was that?" "Around two months ago." "How many dungeons are there in that hallway?" "At least two hundred." "Jeez! That's a ridiculous amount! Do you have someone manufacturing them or something?"

"No, how would someone manufacture a dungeon?" "Like, can't you just create a dungeon then sell the core?" "Uh, no? The art of dungeon creation is incredibly rare and frowned upon. Almost as rare as a person with five affinities." "Oh, okay." "Yes. Anyway, the dungeon ruler is coming up in this room up ahead. Be prepared." "Okay."

There was a large opening in front of them. It was brightened by glowing white flowers that dotted the walls. There were many plants in the room. In the middle was a large mass of leaves. "That's a boss room if I've ever seen one." "Have you ever seen one?" Asked Rex. "Yes. In many video games." "Ah."

They entered the room cautiously. Large masses of vines started moving on the walls. Pink flowers began blooming on them. The vines then shot toward the middle and began gathering. A few seconds later, they started forming into something. They formed into the upper half of a woman. The mass was huge, around the size of a bus.

It had formed to have a bra on, but no other clothing. "Damn, that's a big broccoli." "Actually, it's an ivy golem. It seems to be much too strong for a dungeon that is cleared as recently as this one is..."

"Welcome back, dog. It seems you have come to fight once more?" Said the ivy golem. "What? What do you mean dog? I am no lowly dog." Said Rex.

"Ah, but you are wrong. In my eyes, you are but a mere pet, always following the alpha around."

Rex squinted his eyes at this provocation. "I am going to kill you, you realize this, yes?" "You amuse me. In case you haven't noticed, I'm much stronger than last time." "Last time?" "Of course, you still haven't realized it. I am the very same ivy golem you faced last time." "Lies. I killed that one." "Wrong. I was only feigning weakness. You thought you had beaten me just because I put up a bit of a show." "No matter. I will still kill you." "That's the difficult part, you can't." Said the ivy golem with a grin.

"We'll see."

Suddenly, a large brown root shot from the ground and pierced Rex's arm. It went all the way through it. "What is this?! You must be using illusion magic! There's no way you could have done this!" Said Rex in a panicked voice.

Jake had been observing this entire situation. He felt that he should intervene. "Hey! Green giant! Could you not kill my teacher!" Yelled Jake while cupping his hands over his mouth. "Mm?"

The ivy golem turned to Jake. "Who might you be? I hadn't even noticed you, where is your aura?" "That's for me to know and you to find out." "Very well, I will pry the information from you." "Hey, could you not do that? I can just leave." "No. I don't think I'll let you. You seem to have an interesting plant in tour hand. I'm going to take it." "Yeah, no. I refuse." "Very well, I will take it from your corpse."

After this, a large vine shot out at Jake. He dodged and brought a large blade made from demon essence out. He swung it down at the vine, severing it.

"AAHHHHH! YOU SCUM! I WILL OBLITERATE YOU!" The golem screamed. "Not today!" Yelled Jake.

He turned his blade into a bow and shot the golem with a large demon energy arrow. It penetrated deep into the golem and exploded. "AAAHHHGGGGG! WHAT IS THAT?! HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY HARM ME?!" "Not sure, don't care! You're gonna die today!" "NO!"

The ivy golem swung a large arm at Jake, barely missing him. He jumped up and sliced it while it was under him. The arm went flying away. It turned into a bunch of writhing, Snakelike vines. The snakes crawled into the walls. Jake began to channel some fire magic. He put it into his mana veins. Two fiery arms sprouted from under his arms.

He then made a motion like he was throwing a baseball. A fireball came out of his hand and exploded on the ivy golems face. "RAAAGHHH! I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOUR ENTIRE RACE!" "Shut up!" Jake then threw two more fire balls. One of them missed, but the other one hit. It hit her. Her face was engulfed in flames.

A large flower appeared on her arm which she used as a shield. He threw another two fire balls at her, which were blocked. "YOU WORM! I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE A WAY TO HATM SOMEBODY AS POWERFUL AS ME! HOW?! HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO HURT ME?!" "That's for me to know and you yo find out." "THIS IS RIDICULOUS! DIE!"

Two massive arms appeared on the wall. They both shot at Jake. He only barely had time to dodge them with his super speed. He slashed one of them with a demon essence blade and made a cut that went through half of it. The other one however, flew back at him and grabbed him. "FUCK!" "HAHAHA YES!" The ivy golem said with a mad grin.

"LEMME GO!" "DIE!" She began squeezing him. He felt his skin being compacted, his bones being grinded together. If he was a normal person, he would have popped like a grape by now. Fortunately, he was much stronger than a normal person. He tried to wiggle out of the ivy golems grasp, but to no avail. His vision was beginning to get a bit blurry around the edges.

"SUFFER AND DIE!" Yelled the golem in an angry voice.

He was beginning to panic, thinking of how it may be inescapable. He looked over at the teacher, who was watching this scene with concern all over his face. Two legs and one of his arms were wounded too badly to use. Jake was searching desperately for any way to get out. He still found nothing.

He had an idea. "I SUMMON YOU-" *CRAK*

The arm began to squeeze harder. His ribs had begun to break. He could no longer breathe due to the two ribs firmly lodged in his lungs. He cast as much body strengthening magic as he could at the moment and tried to break free. It was to no avail. He could feel his face getting hot with exhaustion and asphyxiation. He was running out of options.

"Not so tough now are you? How's your breathing?" Mocked the ivy golem.

He had another idea. He activated his demon energy armor. It covered him in the layer of energy, putting a small barrier between him and the golem.

"How annoying. Just die already!" She made another hand while saying this and began to crush him with this one as well. The sound of glass crunching could be heard clearly.

His vision began to blur. The edge of his vision was getting dark, with small white lights dotting the darkness. He was unable to get even the slightest of breaths out or in, and was feeling the effects of it heavily. His body began to feel sluggish.

'How do I... Escape this one?'


'Heh, how can... I get out of this... Lexi...'

His vision was swallowed up by black. His body began to feel burning hot, this lasted for a few seconds before all was cold.

His time had seemingly stopped. He could only think a little bit. He felt himself moving, yet staying in place. Like a car.

There were stars dotting the edges of his vision, but even if he moved his head, he couldn't see them. He got the impression that he had something over his eyes. His chest and neck felt cramped and hot. He moved his hands to his eyes there were some type of coverings over them.

He pulled them off. He looked around. He was in a bed. There was a fireplace across the room. There were photos of a man and a woman with some type of dog. He sat up and looked around. The dog in question was sitting on a piece of carpet near the fireplace. It's back rose and fell to it's breathing. It had brown, straight, soft fur, with a white stripe along its head and back that ran across it's spine. He looked down at his slightly longer fingernails and smooth hands.

He looked to his right side where there was a lamp plugged Into the wall. He inhaled and realised he smelled quite nice, a sort of floral scent mixed with fruit. This got the dogs attention. It lifted its head to reveal a labrador-like face. It was very cute.

It ran over to the bed and jumped up. It began panting happily while licking his face. The tongue was warm and moist. He looked to the left side, the side closest to him. There was a book. "Modern day dragons."

The dog had calmed down and was now laying in his lap. Suddenly, a door opened to his left. *Gasp* "Finally! Thank the gods that you've woken up!" A man ran over to him and began to hug him tightly. There was a sharp pain in his head from this. He put his hand to his head and felt it. There was a bandage on it. His hair was long and smooth, but still whitish-gray.

"After you hit your head, there was just so much blood and I thought you weren't going to make it and that I was too late-" Jake brought his hand up to the man's mouth. "Where am I, what planet is this, and who are you?"

The man's face turned to one of concern and sadness. "The doctor said this may happen. I really hope this is only temporary. He said you may forget things." "Last thing I remember..." Suddenly, he realized something. His voice was high pitched and feminine. His eyes grew wide. "Hold up! Am I a fucking girl!?" He said in fear and confusion.

The man cocked his head. "Yes? Did you not know that?" "Hold up, what planet is this?" "That's an odd question. It's Stesia." His eyes went wide and his eyes went wide. "Oh no! Not again!" "What?! What is it!? Is something wrong?!" "No, uh, you're good." "Oh, good."

His eyes went wide. If he was a girl, that would mean he had tits, right?! He looked down eagerly. He was nearly flat. "Fuck! I had bigger tits when I was a guy!" "What?" Said the man with a confused and amused smile. "Uh, so, theres no good way to explain this, but I'm not your uh, person? I'm not sure who I am to you but uh, I'm not them." "Damnit. I was hoping this wouldnt happen. But let's put that aside for now, come eat something. After all, it's been three days since you've eaten." "Uh, okay."

The man took Jake(Jakette?)'s hand and helped him to get his feet over the edge of the bed. Suddenly, another man came through the door. He ran over to the two with a happy smile. "Thank the gods! I was overthinking it and thinking you might not get up and I would never see you again and that wouldn't very good I mean you're my best friend and-" Jake put his hand on the man's mouth.

"Listen, I'll explain it all later, but let's just go eat something. I'm hungry." "Oh, okay then." With this, they got up, and left the room. He was lead through a hallway into a dining room. "I already ordered something hoping you would be up." "That's pretty thoughtful." "Thanks. I did this the past few days and ate the leftovers." "Ah." "Yeah."

The box said "Dyke palace". The smell of bacon was in the air. "Smells nice." "Tastes nice too." "Sounds good." "Definitely." The second man had remained silent through the idle chatter.

"Hey, what's your name?" "Renmo." "And you?" He said to the second man. "Constrif. Did you forget?" "Yeah. I lost my memory." "That sucks." "I guess so."

They sat at the table, using three of the four seats. Renmo reached into the bag and took out some boxes. They were black with clear lids. There were pancakes inside of them, as well as eggs and bacon. "Ooh, looks delicious." "Tastes delicious too." "Great." There were four containers in total.

"Ah crap, we don't have any clean silverware. I'm gonna have to clean some forks-" "Nah it's fine one sec." Jake used creation magic to make three forks. He handed them out. Their faces went blank. "Uh, wh, hey, did, what did you just do?" "I made some with... Wait, is there no magic in this world?" "Th-There is, but creation magic is a lost magic, only available to the gods. How did you just do that?" "I uh, I'm not the person you know like I said." "I'm just going to forget this and eat." Said Constrif.

He opened the container and began eating. Jake followed suit. Renmo shrugged and began eating. He took a bite of the food.

His head erupted in pain, so bad that the bandages on his head began bleeding. He began to remember the life the girl had had. He remembered spending time with Constrif in school, and meeting Renmo in the second orphanage she had been in. She had been kicked out of the other one because she had been framed for stealing things. She wasn't upset though, after all, she had been ostracized and bullied the entire time she had been there.

She had high hopes, but was relentlessly bullied by the other kids. She had never studied magic and had no interest in it. The doctors had told her that she had a high aptitude for it, but she rejected it. The use of healing magic in her torturous everyday life had cemented it into her that magic was bad. The only escape was books and electronics.

Eventually, a new kid came along, Renmo. He was incredibly handsome and very strong with magic. Every girl in the orphanage wanted him, but was completely rejected. She was the only one who didn't slobber over him like candy. He noticed this, and was upset that he didn't have her as well. He had made moves on her, but they went unnoticed. He was frustrated by this and kept trying.

Eventually, he caught a bunch of girls torturing her like usual, and blasted them with water magic. She was grateful for this. This sprouted into a wonderful relationship. It helped the boy become less egotistical and spoiled, and helped her become less antisocial and afraid. It had turned into a wonderful relationship. They were very intimate.

She had met Constrif in school and become great friends. The way she had hurt her head was by falling while they were mountain climbing. She had fallen and hit her head. Her name was Jamie. He blacked out after remembering all of this.

He began drifting through space once more. There were now many stars. His mind had to stop recounting the memories to cope with all of the new information. He was suddenly plopped ina dark room. Filled with red lit candles. There was a dark red light coming from behind him. "Get up." Said a male voice. He obeyed. He looked down.

His body was covered in a red skin. He had no clothes on. He was about the same size as he was before. He could see from four different glowing yellow eyes that had orange circles that were presumably the pupils. He had red horns. There was no hair or genitalia in his body. There was a square shaped hole that went through his chest. It had a floating gray ball of light floating in the middle of the hole.

"You're dying in your world." "Yes." "You can't do that." "No." "You've gained so much power from all of the others. You, are the one of the last. You, are the favorite." "Yes." "So use the power. You have only used a cupful of your planet sized power. Use it to survive. If you feel the need, you can always reach into the void for something."

"Of course." "And one last thing, have fun." "Thank you, father." "Go kill the ones who dare to oppose you." "Of course." With this, he felt himself going through space once more.

This time, he came to a halt in a comfy place. He felt a warm energy on his body. He felt comfortable and sleepy. He opened his eyes. His vision was hazy. He could faintly see that he was walking through the hall with the doors that lead to the dungeons. The open door was at the end of the hallway. He was not in control of his body, but was fine with it. He was dragging something with him in his right hand.

He reached the doorway a few seconds later. He dropped the thing he was carrying. It seemed to be Rex, but incredibly damaged. He looked like he was covered in fur. Jake was a bit confused but realized he was probably a werewolf of some sort. He looked around and saw a class full of terrified people. He crouched down and healed Rex. He was completely healed in a few seconds.

The man at Rex's chair was looking at Jake with a concerned and fearful expression. Jake realized he still looked like he had in the candle room. He was tired though, so very tired. He felt like he could sleep for a week, without waking up. He felt the coolness of sleep take his mind, and swiftly fell asleep.

-In the class-

Ben Richards was filling in for Rex. He had been asked to fill in, and obliged after hearing about the bonus he would get.

He had been explaining the basics to the class, which bad taken him around half an hour. He was getting ready to go on a dungeon crawl with the class when something crazy had happened. A demon that looked like it had regurgitated from the depths of hell itself came out of the door leading to the dungeons. It was carrying Rex like a ragdoll. Rex had had to take his Lycan form for what he had assumed was an intense battle.

The man knew that Rex was incredibly strong, probably one of the strongest in the school, and if he was defeated? God have mercy on their souls.

The demon was massive, around eight feet tall, and had four yellow eyes. The tips of the horns on his head seemed to burn with black squares that seemed like death itself. He seemed to be investigating the class. Ben said a prayer to any god that could hear him. The monster then dropped Rex and healed him. Ben was puzzled by this.

The monster then walked forward a few steps before falling face first onto the ground. The black fire-like squares on the tips of his horns went out.

"What the hell is that thing!?" Yelled a girl from one of the front seats.

"I have no idea!" Exclaimed Ben. "Kill it!" Yelled a boy next to the girl.

The demonic monster was laying on the floor, breathing steadily. Ben stood up and went over to the thing. He took a sword out of his spatial necklace. The necklace was shaped like a cross, and had a purple gem in the middle of where the two lines met. He poked the monster's shoulder and got no reaction.

"Is it dead?" Asked a student towards the back.

"I don't think so. Let's call this class of for now. There's a bunch of books if you want to read them. I'm going to take this thing to Miss Aneal. Please don't cause any mayhem while I'm gone."

"Okay." Was the general answer from the classroom.

"Great, have fun." Said Ben before leaving with the monster and Rex.

Everyone just stood there dumbfounded by the events that had just taken place.

-A while later in an unknown location-

Only darkness was visible. No stars this time though.

'Hey, anyone there?' He called out in his head.


Nobody responded.

He could only feel himself breathing. He could not open his eyes, nor could he see any light. He could feel something off about his body. He looked at the bottom left corner of his vision. His bars were still there. His map however, was gone.

There was a purple square next to his health bar, which surprised him. It said SP. He had no idea what this meant. He tried wiggling his arms, but failed. He had an idea. He began to peer into his core. He was surprised by what he saw. There were small roots on his mana core that had attached themselves to his core.

There was also a purple gas around his core. It was coiled around it, like a snake on a fruit. He began to try to think of ways to ward it off. He thought of a few. Jake decided to put the first idea into action.

He began to concentrate mana near it. It appeared as a blue blob of goo. He wrapped it around the gas-like substance and tried to pull it away. The purple gas retaliated by swiping at the blob of mana. The blob was turned into a bunch of blue dust that scattered in every direction. He was frustrated by this. He then formed the goo again, except this time, he hardened it.

It turned into a sword shape. He launched it at the gas. It worked quite well, chopping it in half. The gas disappeared.

[Skill gained: Mana solidification]

'Nice. Status.'


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Void Demon

Level: 50

Class: Void user

Exp: 466/27,400

Health: 53,000/53,000

Mana: 120,000/120,000

Demon power: 1,100/1,100

Stamina: 1,450/1,450

Strength: 180

Agility: 190

Dexterity: 200

Mind: 140

Intelligence: 85

Endurance: 135

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill), (Summon Bloodkiff), (Gaseous), (Summon plant), (Nature form),(Mana solidification),

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies), (Loves to run over small creatures), (Horrifying demon), (Body is partly plant), (Tortured a plant), (Cool plant companion).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings], [Rewards tab].


He was surprised by all of the new information. After all, he had gained five levels and didn't remember it. The most interesting thing though was the class and race. He had gained a class and a new race. There was also the new titles. He could guess what they meant, but was still confused by what (Cool plant companion) was.

He could feel the energy returning to his body and felt like he could finally open his eyes. The light flooded in as he opened his eyes slowly. His eyes hurt when he opened them too quickly so he would have to squint them. It took him around ten seconds to get them open and another five to get them focused.

He was incredibly confused and surprised by what he was seeing though. He could see from four different eyes and it threw him all off.

His mouth was dry and his body was sore. He couldn't make anything out very well because of how he could see from four different eyes. He could see the vague outline of the room. The walls were white and there was a wall that was a window. It was pretty blurry though so he couldn't see anything in much detail.

He blinked a few times before focusing all of his eyes on one thing. It was his body. His body was completely red. His waist was covered by a white cloth that was tied around it. There were also restraints on his body that held him in place. He looked at the window to his right. There was a woman in a white lab coat with an excited look on her face. She was chatting with a man who looked vaguely familiar.

His memory was hazy. All he remembered was getting crushed, some dreams, and walking down a hallway...

He began to move his tongue around in his mouth and over his lips in an effort to moisten them. It worked quite well, and caught the attention of the woman who became even more excited.

"HELLO! CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" Blared a voice from an unseen location.

"Yo! Quiet down! I just fuckin woke up!" Yelled Jake frustratedly.

The woman became even further excited as well as filed with wonder. "You can understand me and speak fluently?! Awesome!" "Yeah, I'm a person you dingus. The fuck am I strapped down?"

The woman cocked her head at this. "A person?" "Yes? I'm Jake Graye, I was in Dungeon exploration class." "Huh!?" The woman looked at the man confusedly. "Is this a student?" She whispered to the man. She had turned the mic or whatever she was using off and was talking to the man. Jake could still hear her somehow.

"Yeah, I am a student. Now could you let me up? I would prefer not to break your stuff." She stopped talking and looked at Jake with a look of confusion. "Can he hear me?" she asked the man next to her.

"Yes, I can hear you. Now let me out." "Not a chance. You are quite obviously too dangerous and need to be experimented on by me." "UH, NO?" Said Jake with a perplexed look. He looked at himself. "I should probably go back to normal." He muttered to himself. He activated hide demon features which began to work.

His skin began to go back to normal color, he began to shrink back to normal size, His horns began to shrink down, and his eyes went back to normal. Oddly though, the hole in his chest remained there along with the floating light. The womans face turned completely surprised and afraid.

"What was that?!" "Lemme out of these restraints!" "No! You're gonna stay there while I do tests!" She said like an arrogant child. "I'll just break out of these then!" "You can't you ding dong!" "Shut it bitch!" He had had enough of this. He began to push on the restraints. They snapped almost immediately after this, surprising Jake and the woman. He looked at his stomach and saw that he had a well defined six-pack. "Yo shit, I look good as hell." He said approvingly.

"How did you break those?!" "By pushing them." "No, really! Those were incredibly expensive and strong! Not even my strongest pet could do that!" "Whatever! I'm done with this shit! I'm leaving!" He then made himself some shorts and a white tee-shirt with creation magic and put them on.

"Where did you even get those from?!" "Nada." He said before walking up to the window. There was a door with a metal outline which he stood in front of menacingly. "You're trapped like a bug! No way for you to get out of the glass!" He decided not to put up with this and created a portal out. It lead to the other side of the glass.

He came out in front of the woman. He was about seven inches taller than her. "You need to tell me what's going on here, now." "Okay! Fine!" Yelled the woman.

Jake looked over at where the man was a second ago. He was gone. "Where did that guy go?"

Suddenly, the world around him began to smoke and steam until it was all smoke.

"What the-" His world faded into light blue.

His mouth was filled with a bitter liquid. He could only see light blue all around him. He began trying to move but could not. He tried to yell but was unable to because of the liquid in his mouth. He created a portal in front of him that lead to no where in particular. The liquid began draining very quickly. Eventually, It was drained down to his feet.

The air was humid and warm. He activated body strengthening magic and yanked his arms and head from whatever was holding them. It worked very well and ended up freeing him from the metal restraints that were holding him. The place he was in was completely dark.

He felt extremely wet from the liquid he had just been in. He activated night vision and tried to look around for a way out. He saw nothing but smooth metal. He decided to break out. With one punch, he dented the metal badly. With one more, he busted it open. He looked down and saw that he was in his normal form now, although there was the hole in his chest and the six pack.

He stepped out of the chamber, completely naked. He looked around and saw a bunch of people in lab coats attending to pods like his. They all looked either terrified or confused.

He stopd there awkwardly, looking between the people.

"Hey." "UHHHH, WHAT?" A woman with black hair said loudly while looking around confusedly.

Jake felt a bit exposed so he put his hands over his privates.

"Hey, uh, can I have some clothes?" He only got awkward stares In return. "Okay, I'll just go then." He began to walk away. "Wait! How did you get out?!" Asked a balding, brown haired man that was wearing glasses.

"Uh, I'm not really willing to talk until I get some clothes or something." "Of course of course follow me." Said the man while walking away. Jake followed.

He lead him through a few hallways to a room with a bed, a dresser, and other things you would see in a bedroom. He grabbed some clothes and handed them to Jake. "I hope these fit, I'm not a large man so I don't have very big clothes-" "It's fine. Thanks man."

"Your welcome. After Ben brought you here, Aneal was basically frothing at the mouth at the chance to examine you. Fortunately though, protocol said that you need to put any intelligent humanoids through a simulation before you experiment on them." "So that's what that was?" "Yes. That blue liquid put you into a simulation which was controlled by miss Aneal. I hope nothing unpleasant happened."

"Well it was pretty unpleasant, but I've had worse happen to me." "Well that's good. Anyway, what happened to your red skinned body?" "Before I answer that, am I on school grounds?" "You mean Ebbins? Yes, you are actually. Why?" "I'm a student here. Is Rex okay?" "A student?! You mean you actually attend school here?" "Yeah, I was in a dungeon with Rex when we got attacked by an ivy golem who beat him, I got crushed by some giant vine arms, and then I lost consciousness." Jake didn't want to talk about the last part so he lied.

"Interesting!" Said the man excitedly. "So uh, how long have I been out?" "Eight hours." "Eight?! Damn it! I missed the other classes I wanted to go to..." "Aw, well that's unfortunate. Anyway, miss Aneal will be here soon. I'm sure she will be most excited to see you. After that, I'm sure you'll be free to go." "Okay."

A few seconds later, a woman crashed through the door. "You bastard! You crashed my simulation!" "WHAT?!" Exclaimed Jake upon seeing that it was the woman from the simulation.

She stood up and dusted herself off. "I bet you think that you're sooo cool huh?! Well you're not! I know you were just cheating and messing with the system to get those cool powers!" "What?" Jake was extremely confused. "Uh, okay." "Whatever. Who even are you anyway!?" She asked. The man from before explained what had happened and who Jake was.

She nodded at this. "Huh. Okay..." She said while continuously nodding and squinting. "Very well. I will take you to the principal. Follow me." "Yeah, okay." The woman lead him out. Jake had put the clothes on by then. He was lead through a series of confusing corridors until he reached an entrance. At this point, Aneal took out a ring. She took Jake's hand before they were suddenly teleported.

Jake was mildly surprised by this but quickly got over it. They were suddenly standing in a lobby of sorts. "Hello." Said a voice behind Jake.

"JESUS F- Why are you-" "Behind you? Because I knew you were coming. I also know why you're here and have cleared it up with the principal. Your room is number 204 on the left side of the building good day." "UH-" He was teleported a second after this.

He was put in front of a large building with lots of windows. It was dark out and the stars were quite clearly visible. He was completely confused and left wondering what had just happened. Two people were standing in front of the buildings entrance. They were presumably security of some sort. One of them saw him and pointed while talking to the other.

They did rock paper scissors. One of them raised their hands victoriously while the other began to run over to Jake. Jake saw this and ran to meet the guard. "Hey, what are you doing out here man?" Asked the burly guard who had come over to Jake. "I've had an odd day. I almost died again and now I've been told to go to room 204 on the left side of this building by some person that was behind me when I got teleported to the principal's."

"Damn, sounds like quite a day." "When you're me, you learn not to question it. The things that have happened to me in the last two weeks would make me sound absolutely insane if I talked to a normal person about it." "I feel you. Anyway, you go ahead inside. Get some rest or something." "You too man. Have a nice night." Said Jake while walking toward the building.

He reached the door and walked inside. There was a well lit hallway inside. He walked to the left like he was told. There was a large hallway as well as an elevator next to him. He looked at the first room he saw. "102" He decided to go to the second floor. He Stood in the elevator for a few seconds before he reached his stop.

He stepped out of the elevator and looked around. "201, 202, 203, ah, 204." He said to himself before walking to his room. He was at the door when suddenly- "Yo! What's up man? You want to come to my party?" Jake spun around to the noise.

There was a guy who had some earrings behind him. Jake had no idea how he had snuck up on him and was extremely surprised. "How'd you sneak up on me like that?!" "Woah, chill! I've got a bit of the juice in my system if you feel me. Don't tell anyone though, I'd have to kill you." "Damn, that's a bit harsh don't you think?" "Yeah, I guess. Anyway, there's a party at 254. Come over if you want."

"Uh, I dunno. I've had a long day and would rather just watch anime." "Whatever nerd. Come over if you want." With this, he left. Jake kind of wanted to come over,but decided against it. He figured he was better off just sleeping with how his day had gone.

He turned back to the door. There was lock of some type above the handle. He put his finger on the lock, and to his surprise, it worked. The door clicked. He walked in and looked around for a light switch. There was one in the wall next to the door. He flipped it and looked around. He was in the entrance of the apartment, where shoes are put.

He just now realized he had no shoes on. He chuckled at this and decided to get some later. He walked into the next room over. It was a living room. There was a large TV on the wall as well as a couch to sit on while watching the TV. He looked around. There were more doors. One of them however, had his name on it. He walked over to it and opened it.

It was a medium sized room. The bed was more than large enough for one person. He was happy about this and walked over to it and laid down. He felt sort of lonely. He could hear some music now that he was in the quiet and not focusing on anyone. He missed Correlshia and Rena. He looked on his minimap and tried to find them. He found them eventually and zoomed in on them.

They had filled out the map a bit and this helped him see where they were. There was another person there. "Guess they're making friends. Pretty neat." He looked at his map for a bit more before looking at the planets he could go to. There were a ridiculous amount of them to choose from. He wasn't in the mood for interplanetary travel at the moment though.

"So bored." He said to himself while closing his eyes.

He took out his phone and opened his favorite anime viewing app. He created some earbuds so that he could listen to it comfortably, and began watching anime. He reflected on what had happened in such a short time. If you had told him that this was going to happen to him, he would have laughed and said, "I wish.".

He wondered why this was happening to him and not some other lucky guy. He was still happy about it though, he had met Rena and Correlshia after all. After about half an hour, he got up. He felt like training his skills. He got up and walked into the main room. He looked at the other rooms. "Allison Wight" "Wulther Bidriht" "Sennis Leonard" "Vamie Lenif"

He was a bit surprised that there were girls as well in the room. This seemed like it was breaking some type of rule, but he decided to ignore it. He sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote. He switched the TV on at a low volume as to not disturb his roommates. His hearing had improved drastically out of nowhere after the odd transformation he had gone through. It was a bit odd though, as it worked on and off.

He realized he was still wearing the scientists clothes and decided to change. He figured it would be fine if he changed in the living room since he couldn't hear anyone up. The clothes were a but tight but came off pretty well and with minimal yanking. He created some new ones and threw the other ones in his inventory. He began to get dressed. It was amazing how many pieces of clothing he had used and created lately.

It was a very comfortable outfit, composed of a white tee-shirt and some green shorts with some boxers. He sat down on the couch. He switched it to a random channel. He just stared at it absentmindedly. He suddenly had an idea. He could just summon a god to talk to. He activated (Summon Bloodkiff) and waited.

Suddenly, a large red symbol appeared on the floor, and from it rose Bloodkiff. There were chains holding him down that broke upon him rising. This made a lot of noise. Jake casted privacy space on the room so that he wouldn't wake everyone up. "Yo! What's with the dramatic entrance!?" "I-I thought it would be cool..." Said Bloodkiff embarassedly.

Jake was a bit surprised by Bloodkiff's behavior. I mean, you don't usually think of a god as shy or timid.

"It's fine, just try to keep it quieter." "Alright, sorry." "It's fine." "So why have you summoned me?" "I was kind of bored. I was thinking you could watch something with me. Get a grasp of human entertainment, y'know?" "Ah, I understand. I will partake in the activity." "Great. First though, you need to get smaller. You look pretty uncomfortable."

The god was towering over Jake at the moment at around 9 feet tall. He was hunched over to avoid hitting the ceiling. His body began to shrink as he became as big Jake. He made his armor disappear. "Great. Now come sit down."

Bloodkiff cane and sat next to him. Jake put on some anime to watch. "What Is this?" "It's anime, a type of TV show." "What is a TV show?" "Uh, that's hard to explain, basically, they display fictional events on this thing called a television. Usually there are many parts to the show. Most shows are made for entertainment purposes." "Hmm, this seems complicated. I think I understand though." "Great. This show is for entertainment. It's called *verlord. It's aabot a world where the main character is incredibly powerful with magic."

"Like you?" "Yeah, like me." "What magic can he do?" "Too many to list." "How about time magic?" "Yep. Wait, that exists?" "Of course. Although it is a completely extinct magic. I remember stories of it being used being told in the god's realm." "Wonder if I could use it." "Doubtful." "I'll try it later. For now, watch the show. If you have questions ask away." "Very well."

And after this, they began watching the show. The god had a lot if questions, most of which Jake was able to answer. This lasted for around an hour. "This is quite entertaining." "Yeah." "Is this what all people watch for entertainment?" "No, not all of them. A lot of people prefer to watch other things." "Hmm. Humans have become incredibly complicated." "Yep."

"I remember it clearly, only a few thousand years ago I could do some simple magic and be hailed as the god himself. A few hundred years later, I could do the same thing, but be called a blasphemer and a fake. I don't understand how they advance so fast." "Fair enough. People like to either doubt everything or believe everything." "That's quite true. A lot of gods became huge because of how early they showed up. I was left out because I made an appearance too late and I only gained a small following."

"That really sucks man." "Yes, it does. I wish I had gotten there sooner." "That's the case with a lot of things." "Indeed." *Click* He heard a sound behind him. he looked and saw that it was Allison's door opening. An extremely disheveled looking girl walked out. Her hair was black and her eyes were blue. Her hair was messy and she was wearing only underwear. "UH-" The girl's face went red and she donned an embarrassed face.