"Welcome everybody, to Ebbins school for gifted young mages!"
There was a man standing on a raised platform. He looked like he was in his mid forties. He was not holding a microphone, so Jake assumed he was using some type of magic.
'Hey Lexi, how is he using chantless magic?'
[Passive magic is different from combat magic. Combat magic takes your entire concentration during battle, therefore making it an insanely hard skill to master. Passive magic however, is less taxing than combat magic, in most cases that is. The principal is somewhere around one hundred and seventy years old. It makes sense for him to be able to use it.]
'Thanks for the info. I probably wouldn't have gotten this far without you.'
[You're welcome Jake. I am happy that you think that. It makes me happy to know that I'm doing well at my job.]
'Yeah. Anyway I'll probably be asking some questions soon, so be ready.'
"So anyway, I'm sure you all know me. I'm principal Ebbins. I know a lot of you from when you were but young mages. It warms my heart to see that the people I had in my school have grown into such successful adults. I can't wait to see your children being taught the wonders of magic. But moving on, let's announce today's activities."
"As you all know, the first day of school technically starts tomorrow. But, there's an aptitude test going on today as most of you know. They will be taking place all over the school. We will be handing out clipboards to everyone. These clipboards will lead you to the corresponding class. You can take a test there to show off your skills, and possibly even get into gifted classes. Now please remember, there is absolutely no fighting without signing a contract and having a staff member oversee the duel."
"But anyways, it's time for the event to begin! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. All you have to do is go to one of the stands and press the button. I will be there shortly after." And with this being said, the man disappeared.
In front of Jake appeared a clipboard. It had quite a few subjects on it. They had checkboxes with text next to them. At the top of the clipboard, there was a compass. It wasn't moving. He read through some of the classes (The text on the paper next to the boxes).
"Potion making" "Alchemy" "Summoning" "History of magic" "Theory of magic" "Offensive magic" "Utility magic" "Elements of magic" "Types of magic" "Lost types of magic" "History of dungeons" "Dungeon exploration" "Dungeon information" "Technology" "Magical technology" "Enchanting" "History of wizards" "Magical creatures" and many more.
He figured that it was not meant to be completed. After all, who could attend so many classes before the end of the event? He tapped on potion making. It glowed slightly light blue. The compass began to move. It pointed toward the large cluster of buildings. "Ah cool. Hey mom, you coming with me?" "No. I've gotta take the girls where they need to be. Sorry." "Nah it's okay I understand." "Kay. Anyway, I've gotta go. Take care of yourself." "Yep. Stay safe." "You too."
She walked up and hugged him before walking back to the girls. She held each of their hands and walked away. Jake was left in the crowd of people. He was absolutely hyped to be there and had a huge smile on his face. "Alrighty then, let's get going!" He said excitedly. He activated his super speed at less than max power. He didnt want to drain his stamina too quickly like he would if he used it at max.
He was running at a speed that to the untrained eye, seemed like a blurry line. He actually wasn't trying to show off for once, but ended up catching some attention. "Hey! You! Gray hair guy!" Jake looked beside him. There was a man with yellow hair right next to him, only barely keeping up. Jake stopped. "Huh?" He stopped. "Hey, you drink a potion or something?" "No? I was just trying to get somewhere fast."
The man's face lit up in excitement. He had blond hair and brown eyes. "So you're saying you can naturally run that fast!?" "Yeah, uh, can I like, go? I'm trying not to attract a bunch of attention right now." "Oh, uh, yeah. But I was inviting you to the track team." "Oh, uh, huh. I guess I can think about it." "Good. Anyway, I have places to be too. Bye." The man ran off. Jake shrugged and started running again.
He Reached the place where the compass was leading him. There was a door in front of him. He looked up and saw that there was a sign above the door. "Potion lab". He opened the door. "Ah look! Our first student!" Said a female voice. "Hello?" A woman turned the corner. There was a small hallway leading into the room. She had Dark ginger hair that went down to her shoulders. Her eyes were both different colors. Her right eye was red, and her left eye was blue. She was wearing a white lab coat and jeans.
"Welcome Welcome! I'm miss Heelia! Nice to meet you!" "Hi. I'm Jake Graye." "Hmm, that sounds familiar. What's your mother's name?" "Charlotte Graye." "Hey! I remember her! Shes that demon girl with the arms and legs right?" "Yeah, actually. Did you know her?" "Sort of. She was my student." "Wait, student?" "Yep. I'm much older than I look. In fact, I'm even older that the principal."
"But he's 170 years old! How are you older than him?" She squinted her eyes a bit. "Excuse me for asking, but how did you know that he was 170 years old?" She said in a voice that sounded pretty normal, but hid the suspicion she currently had. "Oh, uh, I guessed it was somewhere around there since he had seen the people at the gathering." "Ah okay. But anyway, I drank an immortality potion when I was fourty years old. It was in a dungeon."
"Is that what inspired you to become a potion master?" "Yep. I know most things about potions and their ingredients." "Cool. Anyways, where do I go?" "Ah! I've gotten carried away. Come with me." She lead him into the room. There were a bunch of bleacher-like desks. It looked exactly like what you would see in a fantasy anime classroom. "This looks awesome!" "Aw, thank you. I try to make it look nice as to have the best teaching environment."
"Well it looks kind of like something from an anime." "I know right? I was thinking the same thing." "Do you watch anime?" "Yes, I do. I have been alive for an incredibly long time. I'm always searching for something fun to do. I feel like there isn't much point to life If theres no fun." "That's a bit deep." "You think so? Hmm. Anyways, take a seat. Let's wait for more people to get here." "Mmkay."
Jake walked to the top of the seats. There were four rows. He sat down. He began to think of something to do while he waited. He had an idea. What if he made little statues of things with his creation magic? He liked this idea. He began to try to think of something he could create. He finally settled on something. He began to imagine Miss Heelia wearing a black witches costume. It had an oversized very dark blue hat with a brown belt around the base of the point of the hat. There were little pins on it. These included a kawaii red dragon breathing fire, a stereotypical zombie, and a bubbling green potion in a bottle.
She was leaning over a cauldron with shiny purple potion inside. She had a wooden mixer in her hand. It took him around five minutes to imagine fully. He then began to create it. He had his eyes closed tightly, and was fully concentrated on the magic. It was a state where he wasn't exactly trying to concentrate, but it just sort of happened. He finished it about thirty seconds later.
He opened his eyes and lifted his hands. Sitting there was the figurine. It was on a pedestal with a circle that looked like wood in the middle. There was a black outline around the circle. It had the anime type coloring as opposed to realistic colors. The figurine itself was about 6 inches tall. The pedestal was around an inch tall. He was very proud of himself. "Hell yeah." He picked it up and examined it. The witch costume was dark purple. It hung down over the legs as a skirt of sorts. He looked around and saw that there were people there now. Nobody had seen him make it since they were busy finding a seat or talking to one another.
He got up and walked down to the teacher. "Ah, hello Jake. What's that you have there?" She said with an intrigued voice. "I made this. I was wondering if you wanted it." He presented it to her. Her face lit up and turned excited. "What is this?! This is incredible!" She took it out of his hand and began examining it. "It's so intricate! You got all the details right as well as a costume! The facial expression is amazingly well done! You really made this?" "Yeah."
"And you're saying I can just have this?" "Yeah. It only took like, six minutes." "Thank you. I'm going to put this on my desk." She walked over to the desk that was in the front of the room, In front of the massive chalkboard. She placed it in the desk. At this point, there were quite a few people in the room. Jake went back to his seat. Another person walked up behind him. He sat down at his seat. The person sat next to him.
He ignored it and put his arms on the table before resting his head on them. "Pssst." Jake looked over. "Hm?" "You wanna buy something?" Said a low voice. Jake was a bit suspicious. The man had a large coat on as well as a mask. He had sunglasses too. "Yo, uh, I'm not looking to buy something suspicious if that's what you're saying." "No. I've just got some cool stuff. You want in?" "I mean, I guess I can look." The man opened his coat.
He had a bunch of stuff. There were some daggers, a few elemental wands, jewelry, and some other random stuff. "Why do you have so much stuff?" "I'm a merchant of sorts. I take whatever I find, and put whatever I don't want here. I go dungeon crawling a lot." "Damn man, that's actually pretty cool." "Thanks. Anyway, you see anything you want?" "Hmm..."
He looked at the wares closer. He looked the wands over. There were a few staffs that he wanted. He figured it would be awesome if he added them to his wand. There was a blue one, a light green one, a light gray one, and a purple one. "Hey, what's the purple one?" "Poison, I think anyway." "Hmm."
He looked around more. A second later, he saw something that greatly surprised him. "Yo hold the fuck up, why do you have a gun!?" "SHHH! It's fine. Magical guns are allowed in the school. They're just as dangerous as wands." "Oh, okay. How much is it?" "Five golds." "Seems like a pretty good deal. How much for the poison staff?" "Four. As far as I know, it's pretty useless unless you practice poison magic often. From what I've heard, it's a painful magic to learn."
"Sounds pretty cool." "Yeah. Anyway, I'll give you a deal. Seven golds and fifty silvers for both." "Deal." Jake reached into his inventory and grabbed the money. "Woah. What was that?" "I have a spatial container skill. Don't tell anyone though." "Wait, really? So that must be... Nevermind." The man grabbed both items from his coat. Jake handed him the money, then took the items from his hands.
He examined the wand closer. The wood was purplish and the core was semi-dark purple. It was about a foot long. The core was about three inches across. It was circular. He then looked the gun over. It was a glock-17. He took the clip out. There were no bullets yet. He pumped mana into it. Regular bullets appeared. When he tried to take them out, they dissipated.
He then pumped water mana Into it. Clear bullets filled with water appeared in the gun. He loaded the clip and shot his hand. It created a large splash. It was quite painful. Once the water disappeared, he saw that there was a clean hole in his hand.
"Yo what the hell?! Did you just shoot yourself?!" "It's fine it's fine. It'll heal." "That, doesn't heal-" As soon as he said this, Jake's hand began healing. "The hell?" "I have an extremely powerful healing factor. Kind of like *olverine." "That's awesome." "Yep." "You want to be friends?" Said the man. "Hey I'm up for it."
"Cool. Anyway, you can call me Coin." "Coin?" "It's a nickname." "Huh. You can call me Jake. Or gray demon. Either works." "Gray demon... Where have I heard that name..." "Probably just a coincidence. Anyway, wherever you from?" "Virginia." "Ah, cool. Why are you wearing the glasses and mask?" "Personal reasons." "Ah, I understand. I wont push it." "Thanks." Jake put the items in his inventory for now.
Suddenly, "Alright. Welcome to the first class everyone. Today, we'll be doing something fun. We're going to make our own potions! You can make any potion you want. If you find one you want to make, you can ask for help. Now please take out your potion kits. If you are missing any ingredients, you can ask for them. Now, get to work. Also, whoever makes the best potion gets a prize. Happy brewing!"
With this announcement, the class began. "Hey Coin, do you know how to make any potions?" "Yeah, a few. Only a few above average basic potions though." "Want some help?" "Nope. I am kind of waiting to see what you're gonna make though." "Okay." Jake took out his potion making kit. He had a bunch of ingredients in his ring.
'Hey Lexi, what's a good potion to make that won't attract a bunch of attention?'
[I am unsure of why you would not want to get a better score in this class.]
'Well if I do, it might make me a target.'
[Think about it logically. How would making a strong potion make you a target? It's not like you're showing off your battle prowess.]
'Okay, that actually makes sense. Give me a potion that does something cool.'
[Of course. I have an idea.]
'What is it?'
After this, Lexi began explaining it to him.
He got all the ingredients he needed out of his inventory. He began to mix the ingredients in the pot. He made sure to follow her instructions as closely as possible. Eventually, he had a dark blue potion with blue balls of light floating up from it occasionally. He grabbed two bottles and filled them. "Hey Coin, can you guess what this is?" Coin looked over. "Hm. Nope. Looks pretty expensive though." "You want one?" "I'm not looking to buy anything right now." "No no, I mean for free."
"Really?" "Yeah." "Well in that case, sure." "Here you go." Jake gave him the potion. "Thanks." Said Coin while putting the potion in one of his spatial containers. "No problem. What did you make?" "An above average low tier strength potion." "Ah. So have you ever completed a dungeon?" "Nah. I've gotten halfway through before though." "What's the best thing you ever found?" "These glasses and this mask."
"What do they do?" "It's a secret." "Ah, okay." "Well anyway, what magics do you have an affinity for?" "That's a secret." "Touche." "Alright class! I assume most of you have finished your potions by now. Please come down and place the potion on your corresponding stand. As you might have seen, I have set up a stand for each of you. I will be testing your potions. Now, please come down and do it."
Everyone in the class got up and brought their potions down, including Jake and Coin. He put his on the stand, then walked back to their seats. He put his kit back into his inventory. "Alright, time to start." Miss Heelia began trying the potions.There were strength potions, speed potions, health and mana potions, and other random potions. Eventually, she got to Jake's.
She took it in her hand, and drank half of it. Her body began to glow light blue. Her hair grew out and became dark. lue. Her eyes glowed light blue. A stream of water started spinning around her. She stuck out her hand. "Water slash!" A massive blade of water shot from her hand. It cut a dummy directly in half. "My my! This is amazing! I have no affinity for water magic, and yet, this potion has managed to grant me extremely powerful water magic? Incredible! Jake, please come down here."
Jake got up. He walked down to the teacher. "Do you have anything to say?" "Uh, not really no. I just made the potion." "Just made the potion? This potion is incredible. You get an A+! In fact, would you like to join my gifted classes?" "Uh, I'm not sure yet. I'll think it over though." "Very well. Anyways, you get first place. Take this."
The teacher took something out of her spatial container. It was another spatial container. It was a silver ring with a purple crystal.He looked inside of it. It was filled with bottles and potion ingredients. "Thank you miss Heelia." 'You're very welcome. Now please return to your seat. I am now going to explain a few things before we change classes." Jake then walked back to his seat.
"As all of you know, this is the potion brewing class. Although our main focus is creating potions, we will be doing other things. These include, going over the history of potions and potion brewing, as well as the ingredients, where they come from, and what effects they have. Anyway, please begin packing your potion kit up. It is time for the next class. I hope to see you all when school starts."
With this, everyone began picking their stuff up and going. "Where you headed next Coin?" "Enchanting." "That sounds pretty fun." "It seems like it will be. Also, enchanting items can probably help me make my wares worth more." "Seems like a pretty good plan. Mind if I come with?" "Sure. It'll be nice to have a familiar face around." "Yeah."
After this, both people got up and walked out of the room. Jake tapped on the enchanting class. His compass began to point toward the enchanting class. "If you want I can run you there." "Can you?" "Yep." "Well go ahead I guess."
Jake picked Coin up and activated Boost speed. He then began running to the other class. "Holy crap you're ridiculously fast!" "I know." They arrived at the building ten seconds later. "That was crazy! How are you so fast?" "I have a skill." "Ah. That makes sense." "Mmhm. Anyways, let's get headed inside." "Good idea." They both started walking towards the doors of the building.
"So anyways, who are you here with?" Asked Coin.
"I'm here with my mom, daughter, and friend." "What?! You have a daughter?" "Yep. She's adopted though." "Ah, that makes sense. How old are you?" "Twenty four." "Really? How did you come about adopting her?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Is it a long story?" "Long, confusing, and something straight out of a web novel." "Wanna tell me?" "I guess I can try to explain it when we sit down inside." "Alright."
They both walked in. The room was quite similar to the other one, although was a bit different. There were a bunch of tables along the walls. There were also weapons hanging from the walls. In between the tables, there were bookshelves. Jake walked to the top of the seats. Coin followed suit.
"So anyway, you want to hear my story right?" "Yeah." "Well okay. But don't say I didn't warn you." "Okay." "So basically, I was hanging out with my friend..." Jake began to tell his story in a shortened way. It took around four minutes. His story was quickly told and was missing a few things, but overall, he got it across.
"Dude, what the hell?! Are you screwing with me right now?" "Nope." "That's batshit insane!" "I know right? Weirdest thing ever." "So what do you have from there?" "I have some dragon scales." "Oh really? Can I see them?" "Sure." Jake pulled one of the dragon of lights scales out. It was around half a foot long and across. "Holy shit! Do you have any idea how valuable these are?" "Uh, pretty valuable?"
"That's an understatement! Only mega rich people can buy these whole. Most potion brewers can only buy them ground up or in small pieces." "Oh, that's pretty cool. So you want this? I've got like, thirty." "THIRTY?!" "Yeah." "You're incredible." "Thanks." "But yes, I would like one." "Alright. Take this." Jake handed him the scale.
"Thanks man." "No problem. It's nice having friends Y'know?" "I guess yeah. Most of the time, I don't have many friends. Usually they only use me as a dungeon crawling guide or an ATM." "Damn bro, that sounds like an anime backstory. Not to be insensitive." "Heh. Yeah." "But anyway, I won't do that. I'm not a douchebag." "That's reassuring. Anyways, what did you do before you got isekai'd?" "I worked in an office for a company."
"Was it fun?" "No. But it could have been worse." "Fair enough. Anyways, I'm planning to go to dungeon exploration after this. You want to come with?" "Sure." "Cool."
After this, a voice rang out in the now filled classroom. "Welcome students. I'm mister Baxter. Welcome to my classroom."
Jake looked toward the middle of the room. There was a man with a brown beard. It was a large beard, but was well groomed as to not get in the way. He was well muscled and around 5'5. "As you all most likely know, this is enchanting class. We are going to be doing a simple enchantment today. This will affect if you will get into the gifted classes. So, please, try your best. But moving on-"
The teacher got up from his seat. He walked over to one of the tables. It had a bunch of tools on it. There was a magical inscription tool, magical ink and paint, magical drawing and writing tools, and other such things. "Now here, we have tools used for enchanting. As I'm sure many of you knew. Today, we will be creating a flame protection enchantment. I will demonstrate how to make it, and what tools to use."
Mister Baxter then grabbed a square of metal. "We will be using these. Please know that it is not a big deal if your mess up. We have more than enough plates for people to make mistakes. Also, if you make a mistake, you can come to me to ask me to scrub the enchantment off of it. Now, I will demonstrate the symbol."
The teacher grabbed a few tools as well as some ink. The ink looked just like the mana Jake had used to create the enchantments from before. Jake decided to ask about it later. He didn't feel like making a fool out of himself in front of the class. "First, you dip your pen in the ink. Make sure to suck it up so that you don't have to dip it again. After this, you want to spread the ink in the pattern. Be sure not to do the ink too heavily in one area, it can ruin it-"
Suddenly, Jake felt something. It felt like mana floating around near him. He closed his eyes and began to feel the mana around him. It felt like it was moving around right next to him. He started to focus on it. It felt very similar to the staff he had gotten from the store, the blue one. He could feel a faint presence of something next to him.
He snapped his head to the side to look at what it was. There was nothing there. "What the...?" "Huh?" Jake realized that Coin was right where he had looked. "Is there something wrong? Is my- Nevermind." "Do you feel that?" "Feel what?" "There's some type of like, mana in front of you." Coin reached his hand out and moved it around. "Nope. Don't feel anything. You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. There's something there though." Coin waved his hand in front of him. "I don't see or feel anything."
"Huh. That's pretty weird. Maybe it's just me?" "Probably." "Huh." Jake stuck his hand out and waved it around the area where he had felt the mana. The mana was still there. He was confused. But a second later, it sped away. "What? What just happened?" "What do you mean?" "The mana disappeared." "Huh. Okay." Coin turned back to the presentation. Jake was left wondering what that was.
"So anyway, did everyone understand?" Said the teacher after finishing his presentation. Everyone stayed silent. "Great. Get started."
Everyone got up and walked over to the metal plates. Jake got up and went down to the table. The metal plates were 3x3 inches. He grabbed one and returned to his seat. Coin had also grabbed one. "You know how to do this Coin?" "A bit. I'm going to use this book on enchanting I found." "Ah okay. Also, what do you need the tools for?" "What do you mean?"
"Like, can't you just use your finger?" "Huh? What do you mean?" "I mean can't you just use your finger to draw the symbol? Also, why do you need the ink? Can't you just make it?" "Uh, no? I'm really not sure what you're talking about dude." "Huh..."
Suddenly, a voice called out. "You there, gray hair boy, can you come here for a moment?" "Hmm?" Jake got up. "What is it sir?" "Please come to my office. I have something to discuss with you." "Uh, okay." Jake walked down the stairs and over to the teacher. He began to wonder if it involved what he was just talking about. The man put his hand on Jake's shoulder. "Please come with me." "Alright." The man lead Jake to a door that was next to the large chalkboard.
He let Jake in and closed the door. "Please, take a seat." He said pointing to his desk. There was a chair in front of it. Jake walked to the chair and sat down. The man walked to his desk and sat down. "Tell me, how do you know the art of toolless enchanting?" "Uh, I'd prefer not to say." "Hmm." The man squinted his eyes. "I am willing to pay a large sum of money if you can teach me."
Jake was dumbfounded. "Me?" "Yes, you. I assume you know how?" "Well yes, but shouldn't you know how to do it?" "It is incredibly hard to find someone who knows how to do it, and even then, they might not be willing to teach you." "Huh. I mean, I guess I could teach you. How much are you willing to pay?" "Two tungsten." "Holy shit that's a ton!" "Well if course. I am a teacher at this school. We make good money." "Okay. I'll show you." "Great."
"Alright, this may take a while..." "Can you not just put it into a book?" "Huh?" "Do you not know? You can just copy it onto a book. It requires a good bit of mana though." "Huh. Okay then. How do I do that?" "You use a magic book, then inject your mana while thinking of what you want to copy onto it. It's a one time use though." "Okay, do you have one?" "Of course."
The man reached into his desk and pulled out a book. It was red with yellow patterns over the cover and spine. "Just put it onto here and I'll pay you." "Okay then."
Jake then put his hand onto the book and injected the knowledge. A few seconds later, a title appeared. "How to use tooless enchanting." "My God! This is incredible!" "Yeah. Anyway, money please." "Of course. Here you go." The man pulled two tungsten coins out. He handed them to Jake. "Wow, thanks man." "No problem young man. You come to me if you need something. I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends. "Okay then."
"Anyways, let's go back out into the classroom." "Yep." Jake and Mr Baxter walked out of the room. There were a few people who were standing near the door. "Oh, hi Mister Baxter. I need you to scrub this enchantment." Said a brown haired girl. "Of course of course." He began to scrub the enchantment. Jake turned away and walked over to his seat. "What was that?" Asked Coin when he got back.
"Just some business. I walked out two tungsten richer." "Shit dude! What'd you do?" "Taught him something." "You taught the teacher?" "Yep." "Man, you are full of surprises." "Yep. Anyway, how are you doing with that?" "Pretty well." "Nice. Anyway, I'm bored. I'm gonna sleep it something." "Oh, okay." Jake then created a pillow with his magic in a way that nobody could see what he had done. He then put the pillow down and laid on it.
It was a very comfortable pillow. He fell asleep quickly. He began to have a dream about running in a field with some girl. Her head was blurred, and she was completely gray. He had a serious but confident expression on. He could feel that she did as well. He was wearing a brown cloth shirt. He heard a huge, beastly roar. There was a huge hole in the ground. A large black clawed hand rose from it. Another one rose shortly after. He felt like he was about to face a powerful creature.
Suddenly, his vision changed to a completely different scene. He was in a house laying in a bed. There was a child clinging to his side. They seemed to be around two years old. He had his arm over them. He felt extreme sadness in his chest. There were tears running down his face.
His vision changed once more. He was sitting in a room with a fireplace. There was a woman there who was blanked out like the one before. He could feel himself talking to her, but couldnt hear it. He was in a trippy sort of third person and first person view. He felt happiness. His vision changed again.
He was in a huge battlefield, full of odd humanoid characters. They were green and had yellow eyes. There were black spikes protruding from their arms, legs, and faces. He had a large spear with a glowing green blade. He was wearing a combat suit. The spear kept chopping people down left and right and he swung it. Visions of his wife and children flashed through his mind. They were not blanked like every other girl.
His vision changed once more. He looked down at his hands. They were normal human hands. They were covered in blood. He looked up and saw the man who had tried to kill him lying in front of him, choking on his own blood. He was clad in shiny armor. His neck had been slit by the knife that Jake(or was it Jake?) had used to kill him. He was trying to open a bottle filled with red liquid, but was failing. Memories of how he had been used by the man as a slave flashed through his mind. He felt Incredible joy and disbelief while watching the man writhe. His face twisted into a perverse grin. He began to stomp on the mans face while taunting him. He looked down at his tattered gray clothing and decided that he would take what the world owed him now. This being the lives of all who set their eyes upon him.
His vision changed for the fifth time. He was in a battlefield. His face was covered in blood and guts. He was wearing black and red armor that was covered in spikes. He was the same person from the last vision, but grown up. He had a golden sword in each hand, both of which he had looted from the corpse of the hero he had killed. There was only one hero left in the five hero party. He felt great emptiness looking upon the hero. She was a healer, clad in beautiful white and gold robes as well as a chestplate. Her golden hair waved in the wind.
She was sitting on her knees, tears silently running down her face. He had long since demonized himself and taken the title of demon lord, thus uniting most of demon kind in his name. They brutally slaughtered anyone they found. The last remaining kingdom, "Elsiv" was on its last legs. They had summoned the heroes as a dying effort to no avail. He had killed the tank, the mage, the rogue, and the swordsman. The only one left was the healer. She had given herself up, knowing that he could kill her in a second with the snap of a finger.
She had watched the rogue die. He had been decapitated. The demon lord had used the head, which was still attached to the spine to kill the tank. He had wrapped it around her head and broken their heck with it. He had then thrown the head at the mage, which interrupted her spell. After this, he hopped off of the tank. Before going, he had crushed her head to make sure she couldnt be saved by the healer. The swordsman had become enraged and charged at the demon lord.
The demon lord easily disarmed him and stabbed him in the eye with his own sword. He ripped it out and threw the other one at the mage, which had hit her in the stomach. He then plunged his arm into the swordsmans chest and ripped his heart out. He had not died from the tip of the sword piercing his eye due to the healer keeping him safe. However, his heart was not easily replaceable, and this attack had spelled death for the hero.
The mage has puked her lunch, as well as a lot of blood up. The demon lord drank the blood from the still beating heart, strengthening himself, not that he had needed it. He hadn't even needed to use body strengthening spells to beat the heroes. He had killed so many people that his level was far beyond anything of this planet. He had felt empty the entire time he had been killing the army of people who had tried to stop him.
He then appeared in front of the mage instantly. He twisted the knife in her stomach. Copious amounts of blood spurted from the wound and her mouth. Her red robes became even redder with blood. He then ripped the sword downwards. It cleaved from her stomach to her waist. She did a sort of splits, spilling her guts in the process. He had then decapitated her with one clean slash of the sword. He was now holding both swords. His black Cape was waving in the wind. The battlefield was a sea of corpses and blood. There was no grass or plants, they had died from how much blood had been spilled into the ground.
There were spears, and swords, and horses, and war beasts, and anything else you can think of. He had only brought his generals with him. All four of them had died in the war. He and the healer were the only ones remaining. This was the only vision Jake could hear voices in.
"So come on then. Fight me healer." "Why? I'll just die... All of my friends are dead... The entire kingdom is dead... The whole world is dead! You killed them..." She said in a hopeless voice. "So what!? Just fight me! Try to kill me!" "No. I'm just going to lie down and die. There's no point..." "RRRRGGHH! Just fight me! Even if you die, would it not be worth it to die trying!? After ho badly I've wronged you, why won't you just fight! Just kill me!"
The woman laid down, getting mud and blood over her pure white robes. "FIGHT!" "No." He fell to his knees. "Please! Just fight me! It's all I have left. My life has become death. I have become death. Just fight me." "No. Even if you ask a million times, I won't fight. At the very least, it's the one thing I can do to spit in your face before dying." "You vile woman!" "So be it." The demon lord clutched his head in frustration.
"What's the point anymore!? I just wanted revenge for the things people did to me! Why can't someone just kill me for my sins!? Life is terrible!" "Have you ever thought of taking your own life?" The demon lord heard this and realized something. He had been on a quest for death this whole time, but hadn't even realized that there was a way this whole time. "You're right..." He dropped one of the swords. He raised one of them to his throat. He chuckled to himself.
"Why didn't I think of this?" He then plunged the sword into his throat and began to inject as much magic as he could. The entire area around him began to glow red and black. A few seconds later, he felt himself fly away. There was so much light. He was finally able to reach what he had been looking for. He felt the universe flying by him. He looked at himself. He was a featureless gray blob. He felt something grab him.
"Fear not, little one. Although you have committed such a grave sin, this is not the end. You may forget everything, but you will still exist. Now rest, forget your troubled times, and embrace the next life." Said the woman who had grabbed him. He felt a warm light envelop his consciousness. He began to fall asleep. "I hope I never make... The same mistake..." He said before forgetting everything. "I'm sure I will see you again in a few hundred years little one." The woman said before the blob was cast away from her, through the universe itself.
Jake woke up. "What the fuck!?" He said in a sad and afraid voice. "Hey, sorry for waking you up, but it's time to go." "Oh, okay." "You have a bad dream or something? You were moving around a lot and you were saying something about fighting- Hey, you're crying." "Huh?"
Jake checked his face. There were tears streaming down his face. "Yeah bro, I had the most fucked up dream." "Damn. I'm sorry for that. Anyway, let's get going." "Yeah." Jake put the pillow In his inventory. "Anyway, I'm going to dungeon exploration. You coming with?" "Yeah. Lemme get my clipboard real quick." He took the clipboard out of his inventory. He tapped on dungeon exploration. The compass began to point to the class.
Jake grabbed Coin. He activated boost speed and began to run to the class. It took him around twenty seconds to reach the class. It was a staircase leading down. There was a sign near the staircase that said "Dungeon exploration" There was a roof above the staircase as to keep it from becoming wet when it rained. He put Coin down and began walking down the stairs.
There were a few people who were also walking down the stairs. The stairs were quite deep, but not exhaustingly so. Eventually, he hit the bottom. It was quite dry, and only smelled a bit musty. It had a different layout than the other classrooms. There were lockers along the walls, and desks instead of the normal bleachers. The teacher was sitting at their desk. He was a very hairy man.
He had large sideburns, a beard, and lots of arm hair. "Ah, welcome people. We will be doing the class soon. Please feel free to do whatever you want for now. Do not destroy my classroom though. He turned his head back down to the papers on his desk. Jake shrugged and walked forward. He didn't know what to do, so he decided to explore the room. Coin took off in a different direction, seeming to have somewhere to be.
Jake walked over to the wall. There was a bookshelf full of books on dungeons. He grabbed a random one. "Types of dungeons"
He flipped it open. "Dungeons. What are these mystical places full of great things? Well the answer can be found in our book on it, "Dungeons explained". But, moving on, what is the difference between dungeons? How are different types made? What are the different types? All great questions. We will he going over all of these." He flipped the page.
He felt something behind him about to hit him. *Fwip* He ducked out of the way. "Huh-" Jake uppercutted the person who had thrown the punch. Only problem was, his hand was completely stopped. It was similar to punching a steel wall. "OW! fuck!" He said while clutching his hand. He wove it around a bit before the pain went away. Suddenly, he was pulled up to eye level.
"Why do you smell like evil boy?" "What?" Jake looked and saw that it was the teacher. "Evil?" "Yes, evil. You smell like something you would find in a high level dungeon. Why is that?" "Uh, I'm not sure." The teacher began to sniff him. "Yo uh, this is a bit odd, could you not?" "You smell of deep loss and sadness... Just what has happened to you?" "Dide, I don't know what you're talking about, but it's kind of odd. Maybe you're just confused?" The teacher began sniffing once more.
"You smell like a demon as well as a vampire... A demi-human friend or sibling? And... Dominance? How did you achieve that... But the most odd thing, is that you do not smell of magic or demon energy, in fact, the air around you is very thin with mana, are you absorbing it?" "Hey, this is kind of an invasion of privacy, and I am a demon as well as a vampire, and yes, I am absorbing the mana." "Very interesting. I'm going to take you on a private trip. I'll assign one of my assistants to the class."
Jake was bewildered. The teacher was going to ditch the class for him? This was way weird.
"Wait what? Are you even allowed to do that?" "Yes. I am in fact, able to do that. One moment, I'm going to get one of my assistants." The man then took out his phone. "Hello. I need you to do this class for me. No, it is not optional. Thank you. Yes, you will be compensated. Yes. Thank you. Come down now." The man hung up and put his phone back into his spatial ring.
"Come with me. We will go to a dungeon." "Uh, just me and you?" "Yes. Follow me." "Uh, okay." The man lead him to a large door behind his desk. "Follow me. You can call me Rex. My full name is Rexus Sukiriki. But please call me Rex." "Okay."
There were a ton of doors in the hallway behind the mans desk. "What do these doors lead to?" "Dungeons." "How are there so many?" "These doors lead to large spatial areas. The dungeon hearts were gathered and placed in the rooms to create large dungeons." "Couldn't you just make a dungeon?" "Now how would I do that? Do you even know how dungeons are created?" "Powerful creatures leak enough mana to create dungeons, right?" "Well done. Extra credit to you. Yes, that is how they are created. How did you know that anyway?"
"My daughter told me." "Pardon? Your daughter?" "Yeah, it's a complicated situation." "Very well. Anyway, which would you prefer, Plants, rocks, or heat?" "That's an odd question. Probably plants?" "Very well. Follow me." The man lead him to a door. It said "Ivy Cave".
"This is the dungeon we will be clearing." "Oh, okay." "A few tips. One, if the dungeon boss dies, it is not the end of the dungeon. Most times, another monster will step up and claim the title of dungeon lord. Also, if you destroy the dungeon heart, the dungeon will die. Do not destroy the heart." "Got it." "Good. Now let's go." "Yep." Rex opened the door and lead them in. Inside was a stone room with a door across from them.
The door had some green roots protruding from around the edges. The stone room had a light on the roof that kept the room dimly lit. "That door leads to the dungeon. Are you ready?" "Yep."
"Well then, let's get going."