Forgotten person, cool new things, and finally going to school

"Been wreaking havoc have you? I guess I'm going to have to put you in your place again Jake."

"Hold on, what?" Jake was confused. After, he was displaying his gamertag, not his name. "How do you know my name?" "Maybe if you're lucky, I'll tell you after I'm done wiping the floor with you." "A bit rude don't you think?" "Enough talk. You have killed one of my top teams, as well as a bunch of members. I'm going to kill you and take you're cool armor and sword!"

"What, you want one? I can give you one if you tell me who put the kidnap quest on the lizardman girl out." "I said enough talk!" With this, the man rocketed toward Jake. He had used his wings to propel himself at Jake at an incredible speed.

Unfortunately for him though, Jake was absolutely overpowered. He ducked below the punch and threw a devastating uppercut. It knocked the man into the ceiling. Jake boosted toward him with his wings and punched him. The man could only block. Jake then decided to use his sword. It had retracted for some reason. "Get out here sword!" "..." There was no reaction from it. Jake decided to ignore it.

He took his katana out of his inventory and infused it with electric magic. He started hitting the man over and over. The mans arms began spasming wildly. Jake then stabbed the mans chest as hard as he could. The sword went through the armor, and through the back. Blood sprayed out of the man's chest. Jake grabbed the mans shoulders, and threw him down at the ground.

The man hit the ground at a high speed. He had landed on his chest, which had put the electrified blade all the way through him. Jake sped downward at him and landed on his back. He ripped the blade out, sharp end first. He didn't get shocked because it was his own magic. "Well that was pretty easy..." "You think?" The man then stood up and dusted himself off.

"Hah?" "Anyway, you've had your fun, now it's my turn." The man took out a gun, and started shooting at Jake. He waved the gun around wildly. It was a medium sized submachine gun. Shards of ice about as big as needles came out of the gun. They stopped in midair. "What the hell is that supposed to do?" Just as he finished his sentence, he realized what was happening.

The ice shards began turning toward him. "Ah fu-" All of the needles shot towards him like a reverse explosion of needles. They all shattered harmlessly on his armor. "That was pretty weak." "How the hell? Did you seriously survive that?" "Yeah, anyway, how did you survive my attack?" "I'm not going to tell you." "Fine, I'll just beat it out of you." "As if."

They both just stood there thinking about what to do next. Jake brought his demon essence sword out. "Yaaaah!" He swung the sword at the man. It hit his waist. His legs were separated from his body. "WHAT?!" "The man began trying to crawl around. Eventually, he stopped trying to crawl around. "FUCK! How did you cut me in half?" "With my blade. Also, how are you fucking alive?" "It's a special thing I bought for a price that I would prefer not to admit."

"Heh. So what does it do?" "It keeps me alive within an area that I've set as my home point. I can't die unless I take an insane amount of damage. I'll also regenerate eventually." "Why'd you tell me all that? Aren't you afraid that I'll take advantage of the info and kill you?" "Well it's not like you have anything that can kill me. I'm pretty much a less powerful *eadpool." "Would a bomb do it?" "I mean, if it's strong enough. But where are you going to get a bomb that strong? I mean, you dont even have a pocket dimension bracelet to store it in."

"So you're saying that I need a pocket dimension bracelet to carry a bomb strong enough?" "Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I guess you just have to give up now." "What? Why?" "Because you're trapped. Look at the door." Jake looked back at the entrance he had come from. It now had a shiny gray metal over it. Jake looked all around the room. There were metal walls covering the room. The only things left were the windows.

"Can't I just go through the windows?" "Nope. If you step through them, you'll be vaporized. They connect to pure void. This guild is situated in a black hole in case you didn't know." The man said while getting to his knees. His legs had mostly grown back. The armor had been stripped from the legs that had been cut off. It had been slowly applied to his body as it grew back.

"So does your armor not provide much protection or something?" "Actually, yeah. It keeps me from dying at the cost of most protection from it." "Huh. Anyway, how do you know my name?" "What do you mean? I'm the guy from when we were kids." Jake raised his eyebrows and put his lips in a mocking position. "Oh wow! Very informative! Not! That doesn't explain anything."

"Fair enough. I'm pretty sure it was when you were like, 12. I'm a year older than you. Anyway, your mom was there with you. I'm not really sure where your dad was, but basically, we were hanging out and doing some cool stuff. You're mom told me no magic before sending me off to play with you. We were playing in the woods, and we found a cool lizard. It was a black and yellow salamander I think. You wanted to keep it, but your mom said no. You had to put it back before we left."

"After that, you were walking back over to the meet up place, when you fell on your face. You had a bad nosebleed. I instinctually used healing magic to heal it. I then realized that I had fucked up, and told you to keep it a secret. You told me no and ran off to tell your mom. You tald her, and then your mom told my mom to punish me. I got grounded for a week for that! I lost my magic privileges!"

Jake had been listening, but had no recollection of this. "I have no memory of this." "How?" "Probably mind magic." "Huh. Anyway, we hung out a few other times." "That's cool and all, but I don't really care to be honest." "Dick!" "Whatever. So what if I throw you into the black hole?" "You can't. I have a special device that prevents me from leaving this building unless I allow it. That means I can be pushed out of the window or anything like that."

"Damn. What if I just nuke the guild?" "Ha. You can't. The guild has special sensors that detect any weapons of mass destruction in pocket dimension bracelets and such. You can't possibly bring one in." "And if I did?" "Well I guess that it would succeed in killing me and destroying the guild." "So tell me, how much would you be willing to give up to keep your guild from being nuked?" The mans face flashed with alarm for a second.

"I mean, I would probably do anything. I've been playing this game for a ridiculously long time. Watching all of my hard work go to waste would devastate me. I guess that a nuke would be the best case scenario in terms of weapons of mass destruction. After all, It is one of the weakest ones." "One sec." Jake then pulled his menu up. He clicked on the network tab. Above the search bar, there was a bit of text. "What would you like to search on the military ships wifi? Most things can be found here."

Jake clicked on the search bar. A keyboard appeared on the blue glass. He typed in "Strongest bomb in Laserblam!" A few links came up. "Strongest mines and grenades" "Strongest explosive launcher" "Strongest rockets for ships" "Strongest weapons of mass Destruction." Jake clicked on this upon seeing it. There was an article on it. "Every mega bomb discovered in Laserblam! so far categorized into a tier list."

He looked below the text. There were links to different letters of the tier list. "E, D, C, B, A, S, X." Below this was another link. "Want to see the strongest bomb? Click here!" Jake clicked here.

It brought him to a page. At the top was the name. "Solar System Eraser". Below it was an image. It was a black bomb that had the classic shape of a nuke. The cone shaped head and body, as well as the circular stand at the bottom. The bomb had the design of a universe. Bright white cloud-like shapes with purple and blue scattered about. From the center of one of the galaxies was a large yellow and orange explosion.

"Shit, this thing looks powerful as fuck. Maybe this can change your mind." Jake scrolled down There was a short description. "There has only ever been one instance of this bomb ever found. It was a reward from a mysterious NPC that has yet to be found again. This NPC is a merchant as well as a quest giver. The things that can be bought are obscenely powerful. They are incredibly expensive though, some going for as much as a Quad-Decahexabazillion coins. The products apparently, are completely worth it."

"From what we heard from the people who own this bomb (The number one guild, "Squid god"), the main part of this is a miniature black hole and sun that are positioned right next to each other. These both explode upon the bomb being detonated. The opposing force from the sun and black hole being blown up multiply the force by twenty, which results in a ridiculously powerful explosion. The only things that remain are small bits of planets. This bomb also has the side effect of creating a tear in reality that will produce interdimensional horrors that will attack upon sight. Said creatures come out quite frequently. These creatures are all as strong as Bregificus the unholy, also known as the fifth hardest raid boss currently known. The only way to close this rift is to detonate a black hole bomb in the rift. If you find one of these, do the game a favor and put it into a black hole trash disposal system. You will have everybody's gratitude."

Jake finished reading the description. He grew a small smile. "I only just realized how much power I currently wield..." He began chuckling, which then escalated into laughter, which escalated into maniacal laughter. "Hey, uh, kinda weirded out here man, what's with the *ight Yagami laugh?" "Tell me, can in game items be traded for real life money?" "Well of course. In fact, I do it quite a lot. Some items have even gone for multiple platinum. Of course, those were mega items."

"I have a deal for you. If you tell me who put out the request to kidnap my daughter, I won't detonate the bomb. If you refuse, I'll detonate the bomb. Killing you, me, and this entire solar system." The man squinted his eyes. "What are you saying?" Jake began to concentrate. He closed his eyes. He imagined the bomb and the destruction that it could create. He then used creation magic to make the bomb.

He opened his eyes and looked at the bomb. It was exactly as he had seen. The man had an odd look. "What... Just happened?" He had a confused and doubtful face on. "This is a Solar System Eraser. I'm going to detonate this if you don't comply." "Hold on, where the fuck did you get this?" His eyes went wide, and his mouth went slightly agape. "Not your business. Now tell me, who put the order out?"

"My boss! It was my boss! She said to do it!" "Wait, you aren't the one in charge?" "No! It's my boss, Wolf Ninja!" "Stupid name in my opinion. Now tell me, why was the order placed?" "All I know is that it was something to do with her being cute or something like that!" "Ah, okay. Can you take me to meet this boss of yours?" "All I can do is give you her profile information."

"That works." The man started tapping at his interface. Jake looked above the man's head head and realized that he couldn't see his gamertag. "What's your name?" "Holy Gladiator." "Okay." Jake made mental note of this. He then went to the network tab and started searching something up. He inputted "Pocket dimension bracelet"

A few links came up. "Buy a pocket dimension bracelet today!" "Sale on pocket dimension bracelets!" "History of pocket dimension bracelets". Jake clicked on the link to buy one. The first thing he saw was a photo of one. "Well that was easy." He then used creation magic to make one. He put it on his wrist. He also had the idea to make something to make it easier to carry things around without getting in trouble.

He imagined a clear sticker that could block all scanning effects. And it appeared after one second like usual. He put the sticker onto the bracelet. The bracelet was made out of green beads. It had a rectangular clear crystal on it. He pointed it to the bomb, and stored it inside of the bracelet. After this, he began to type "Wolf Ninja" into the network tab.

A profile appeared. It was a picture of the guild insignia, only, it had a golden crown. He clicked on their profile. Jake then friended them. After this, he tried to message them. Jake clicked on "Send message". Unfortunately, he was unable to message them. It said "You are not currently in the same guild as, or friends with this person. Please come back when you are." Jake was a bit frustrated by this.

"How do I message your boss?" "I'll just tell them to add you as a friend." "Good." The man then began frantically tapping at his blue interface. "They should be messaging you any second now." Just as the man said this, Jake got a message.

"This is Gray demon, right?" "Yep." "Good. I will only tell you once. Leave my guild. If you don't, you will face-" Jake then muted them for about a minute. Upon unmuting them, he was met by a torrent of angry messages. "DON'T MUTE ME YOU BASTARD! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I CAN DO?!" Jake got ready to message back.

"If I cared, I wouldn't have muted you. Now you're going to tell me why you set the order out to kidnap the lizardman girl, and how you knew she was here." Jake sent the message. It was a few seconds before the person began typing again.

"I have connections everywhere! If I want something, I can get it. And I just so happen to want that NPC." "Hold on, NPC?" "Well of course. It's not like there's many lizardmen walking around in the United states, and there aren't many light blue lizardmen either. I've done my research."

Jake looked over this for a few seconds. "In case you dont realize it by now, she's not an NPC." "That's bull. There are only a few families of light blue lizardmen around the world, the odds of there being a real one playing this game in the United states is minimal." "Is there not a way to check if they're a player?" "Well there is a few, but a lot of them can be evaded. A few of them can be fed false information, and the remaining few are hard to do."

"Can't you just look up her name?" "People can create NPC's with names. Also, most in-game human NPC's have names and profiles. They are sort of aware of themselves and can do things independently. That's why it's difficult to pinpoint if they're NPC's or not." "Alright, well I'm going to tell you this now. Don't mess with me or her again. You'll regret it."

"Ha! You seem to think that you can scare me. I know that that bomb is fake! After all, there's only one currently known of. The vendor hasn't been spotted since they were last seen." "It's not my concern weither you think it's real or not. If you dont leave me and her alone, you're whole guild will go boom." "Y'know what? I'll bite. If you can get an X-ray scanner and show me the inner components and prove that it's real, I'll leave both of you alone."

"Seems like a bit too much work. I want some compensation." Jake finished typing, when an idea popped I to his head. What if he were to try to ask for something outrageous, then reveal that yue bomb was real? He could definitely milk this gold for all it's worth... Delightfully devilish.

"As if! You seem to think you're in a position to make demands. Spoiler alert, you aren't. If you thing you can get something out of me, you're wrong." "I'm going to ask for a few things now." "Did you not hear me? I just said that I wouldnt give you anything!" "I want a million in game dollars, a cool home, and a spaceship." "Are you stupid!?" "Anyway, I'll show you that it's real. From what I read, it has planets or something in it."

Jake then used creation magic to make a small handheld X-ray device. It was shaped like a metal detector, except the rectangle attached to the handle was glass. Jake pressed a button on the handle. The glass lit up slightly green. He then held it over the bomb. He went from the bottom to the top. In the bottom, there were a bunch of wires and metal pieces. In the middle, was the telltale signs that it was real. There were two orbs. Everything was black and white under the X-ray device. The sun was white, and the black hole was black. The sun had a white glow coming from it, whereas the black hole had a black smoke-like aura to it.

"..." "You there? I'm gonna send a picture." "No need." "What do you mean?" "I have camera's in the guild obviously. Now tell me, HOW DID YOU GET THAT?!" "That's none of you're business. Now send me the things I want, or I'm going to reduce your guild to a small smoking pile of dust." "Fine!" Jake then recieved one million dollars like discussed, and a few other things. "How do you want me to give you a spaceship?" "What do you mean?"

"Well it's not like I can just put it in you're inventory right now. You only have small storage. You're going to need to upgrade it, or get a hangar." "Ah, can you send it to a garage or something under my name?" "Yeah, sure, whatever." "Great. Wait, can't you just give me a house with a garage?" "UGH! Fine." "Quit complaining."

Jake then recieved a notification. He opened his menu. The first thing he saw, was breaking news on the news tab. He clicked it. "BREAKING NEWS! The number eight guild, Beast mode, has been attacked! From reports we have received, there is only one person involved! They have been reported to have been killing random people within the guild as well as anyone who opposes him. Click here to read more."

Jake thought to himself that he would do that later. He then clicked on the notification tab. There were three notifications.

"You have received: 1,000,000$."

"You have received: Luxury home."

"You have received: Hype train."

Jake was excited for this. He had only started playing a little while ago and he already had mega gear. "Fuck yeah!" Jake then used the bracelet to pick up his bomb. "Hey, where's my new house?" "Look on the map. It'll appear as a house icon." "Ah okay." Jake pulled up the ship menu. He saw the green house icon as well as his troop base. He tapped on the icon. "Teleport to home?" Jake clicked yes. A thirty second countdown started.

"Anyways don't come after her again. She's my daughter, and it would make me pretty upset if you went directly against me after I was so kind to pay you a personal visit. Anyway, I'll keep in contact. If you value your guild, the best thing you can do is leave me alone. Anyways, I'm gonna-" Before he could finish, he teleported. He was once again put on the loading screen. A hint appeared at the bottom.

"Did you know that it's not illegal to stage an attack on an opposing guild? If you want to start a war with an opposing guild, all you have to do is attack them. Be warned though, if you attack a guild that is stronger than you, you might regret it..." A few seconds after he read it, another one appeared.

"Did you know? There is no limit to the Laserblam! universe. The game is stored in extremely powerful magical servers that are resistant to most types of wear and tear, thus meaning that you rarely have to worry about not being able to play due to server maintenance." Another one replaced the text.

"Did you know that there is a Laserblam! app? You can get it on the magical play store. It allows you to manage your inventory, Check the news and your notifications, and many other things. You automatically are registered upon starting the game, and will be automatically logged in as yourself. The device can do this by scanning your magic wavelength and determining who you are. You can make a new account in the game by deleting your old one. Your items and property are automatically put up for auction upon doing this so that no important items are lost forever." Yet another appeared some time after.

"Did you know? Nothing in Laserblam! is technically against the rules. These things may be heinous or evil, but there is a mechanic in place for this. As you most likely know, Laserblam! is an AO rated game due to it's realism. These include sexual acts, drugs, violence, and other less than legal things. The way that these rules are enforced is by the intergalactic police. They will arrest any and all criminals found to be guilty of a severe crime. The mechanic that happens is the ability to not engage in the interaction. You will feel almost everything that happens in Laserblam, although dulled to a certain extent. Some experiences will activate the 100% feeling mode of the game automatically, thus requiring you to consent to this. You can enable the setting of full feeling in the physical settings."

Jake was a bit interested by this. It reminded him of an anime he had watched a while ago. After this tooltip, the area loaded. He was put into what seemed to be a bedroom. He was laying on a large bed. It was incredibly soft and comfy. He got up and looked around. The room had walls that were painted white. He had a wardrobe, a chest, two nightstands, and a bunch of other furniture.

There was a desk with a LED computer and keyboard. He walked over to this first. There was a chair in front of the desk. He clicked on the mouse that was next to the computer. The screen lit up. It said "Sign in by putting your hand on the screen.". Jake obliged. "Scanning... Done. Welcome user, Gray Demon." A menu popped up. It was the network from the network tab. He decided to check this out more thoroughly later.

He got up and looked around. There was a closet as well as a door leading out. He decided to check out the closet. Jake made his way over to the closet and opened the doors. Inside was a metal bracelet. It went over the top of your hand. "What's this?" He said while walking over to the bracelet. Upon picking it up and putting it on, a translucent blue screen appeared over his hand. "Hello user. This is the device you use to shape your house to your liking. You can also see an overview of thile home. Tap the text to get started."

Jake tapped the text like he was told. A large circular structure appeared. It was bumpy and rough. He clicked it, and then realized what it was. It was a large rock. He assumed that it was in space. "Bruh! This is just like Ready player one! The book I mean." He said to nobody in particular. He used two fingers to zoom in on where he was currently. It showed his room. It had an orange outline around him as well as an orange box which said Gray Demon.

He tapped on the room. A box came up with a few options. "Edit room" "Move room" "Remove room". He tapped edit room. It turned to color. He could see every detail of the room from an overhead view. He tapped on his bed. "Remove furniture" "Move furniture". He decided to leave it for now. He looked down in the corner and saw some buttons. "Add furniture" "Buy furniture". He decided to leave it for now. He was a bit overwhelmed by all of the things he could do.

He zoomed out. He scrolled around, getting a feel for what it was like. He saw that there was an armory and a garage near each other. He decided that he would check them out. He clicked on it. The options came up once more, only this time, there was an option to teleport. He pressed this. His screen went black for a second before he was suddenly plopped in the armory.

It was pretty big. Around the size of a gym. There were large weapon racks on the walls. They had large tables under them that could be used while tinkering with weapons. There was a special machine in between two of the desks He walked over to it to investigate. It was a white machine with a glass top over it. Inside of it were lots of claws, mechanical extensions, and tools. There was a screen on the front of it.

It said "Weapon maker V3.2". He tapped the screen. "Please insert parts and instructions to begin creating a weapon." Jake thought that thos machine was awesome. He walked over to a different machine. It was a black machine with metal plates in the middle. They seemed to be able to move up and down. There was a screen on the left side of it. He read it. "Weapon selection rack." There was a start button at the bottom of the screen.

He pressed the button. The metal plates flipped over and revealed a few weapons. There were five plates currently out. There were only three guns there. A revolver, an M16, and a sniper rifle. He noted this and walked away. There was another thing that piqued his interest. It was a bin of sorts. It had a place where you put things in the top. On the front was a screen. "Storage container." Jake noticed that most things had a screen where he could do things.

He pressed start. "Please insert anything that you would like to put into base storage. This includes items, weapons, resources, and other things. You can access these through any storage container throughout the base. The items are stored in the storage room. If you would like to take something out of storage, you can do it by selecting it on the screen and then grabbing it out of the bin." Jake acknowledged this. He took out his katana and put it into the bin.

When he looked inside of the bin, there was nothing but swirling darkness. "Cool." Jake then walked over to the door. It lead to the hallway. He walked out of the room and two doors over. This was where the garage was. He walked in, and was surprised by how big it was. He was a bit less surprised when he thought of how it was a garage.

Jake was taken aback by the thing that was in the garage. He ran over to it. It was toward the back of the garage. It was a large ship. It had purple, blue, and yellow all over it. It seemed to be built for speed and defence. There was a large window in the front of the ship. It was a square and seemed to be where you would look from while piloting the ship. The ship was long and had enough room for around ten people.

It had tons of guns and turrets on it. He assumed that this was the hype train that he had received. Jake had had enough of this game for now, and decided to log off. Ha tapped his neck like he was told. His screen went black, and large white text appeared. It said "Logging out..." Eventually, he was brought back to the normal world. He was standing in the treadmill.

He looked over at the door. He took out his wings and took off into the air. He flew over to the door. Upon opening it, something crashed into him. It was the girl that had hooked him up. "Wait, what?" The girl had backed away and was looking at him with confusion. "How did you get off of the... Oh never mind, I see." She had looked at his wings. "How long was I in there?" "Around an hour and a half." "Isn't time supposed to be three times faster in there?" "I'm pretty sure it's more like 2.40 times faster. But anyway, you were in there for quite a while."

"I guess that makes sense with the time moves faster when you're having fun thing." "Yeah. Anyway, you want to refund the hour you had left?" "Yeah, sure." "Alright." "Just give it to my mom. I'm gonna go drink some water." "Alright."

Jake walked back into the room and over to the fridge. He opened it and grabbed a water. He chugged the water. After this, he threw the bottle into his inventory. He would throw it away later. He then walked out of the room and out to the lobby. The woman from earlier was sitting at the desk in her phone. He peeked at it. "BREAKING NEWS! The number eight guild, Beast mode, has been attacked! From reports we have received, there is only one person involved! They have been reported to have been killing random people within the guild as well as anyone who opposes him. Click here to read more."

"Yo." "Hey. How was you're time there?" "Pretty good. It was my first time playing." "I remember my first time playing. I got ripped apart by the Alpha Teal Mantidae." "Is that the blue mantis thing you have to kill?" "Yeah." The girl tapped in the breaking news. "Oh hey, I saw that." "Oh really? I only just got on because I have free time." "Yeah. I was actually there." "Really? Did you join the troop or something?" "Nope."

"Ah, okay. I'm not trying to brag, but I'm in the fifth ranked guild." "Ah pretty nice." "Yep. Anyways, did you see the guy who did it?" "Yeah, of course." "What'd he look like?" "Hmm. He had gray hair, wings, horns, a tail, and white armor." She gave him a weird look. "Sounds an awful lot like you." "Well of course he does. He's me." She tilted her head. "What do you mean?" "Well basically, the girl in charge put an order out to kidnap my daughter, the blue lizardman girl from earlier, and it made me pretty upset."

"That's a bit hard to believe. Can you prove it?" "I don't have the Laserblam! app on my phone."

"You could use mine." "Nah, I dont want people using my profile without my permission." "It automatically logs you out upon leaving the app. You need to use your finger to log in." "Huh. Okay then." The woman pushed the home button on her phone. She then opened the app up again. "Put your finger on here." "Mkay."

He put his finger on the screen. A few seconds passed before he was logged in. "Welcome, Gray demon." It said. There were a few tabs on the side. He tapped kn inventory. There was one slot that had his money. He had 1,005,288$ dollars currently. Next to this was his gun. He looked up ag the top and saw that there was an equipment part.

He tapped this. It showed a black silhouette. There were different boxes on each limb. There were additional boxes on the outside He tapped on the arm part. His bracelet was here. "Epic Bracelet of Major storage". The text was purple. Below it was some text that said "Tap to view stored things." He tapped it. "Solar system Eraser".

The girl's eyes widened drastically. "W-what?! That's insane! How did you get that?" "That's me business. I also got a ball of adamantite. But anyway, where's my mom?" "She went outside of the store after I gave her the money." "Ah okay thanks." Jake walked out of the store. His mom was sitting at a bench a few meters away. He walked over to her and sat down.

"Heya mom." "Hello. You have fun?" "Yep." His mom looked up from her phone. "We're going to get going in a few minutes." "Okay." "Yep. Anyway, there's going to be a test when you get there. Do good, but don't show too much. They might do something if they find that you're ridiculously strong. Also, don't show off too much. The people there will be dying to fight you and show how cool they are. If you show off a bunch, you'll probably regret it." "Ah, thanks for the warning."

"No problem. Anyway, let's go get the girls." "Yeah." His mom put her phone in her pocket and walked over to the store. She walked in and over to the counter. "Hi. I would like to go get my daughters out of the VR room now." "Alright." The woman walked into the hallway. She emerged about a minute later with both girls. "Heya girls." "Hey Jake." Rena said before walking over and hugging him.

"Woah, uh, you okay?" "Yeah. The game was a bit odd." "I know what you mean. What was the worst thing?" "It was the big creature. The one at the start." "Oh yeah. What happened?" "I was put in with one of those gun things. The blue monster was eating someone. I didn't know how to use the gun thing so I dropped it and ran. I tried to use water magic on it, but it ended up not doing anything because it wasn't strong enough. It ripped my limbs off slowly..."

Her eyes were wide and alarmed. Jake crouched down to hug her. "Aw, I'm sorry." "After that, I got kidnapped by some people in robes who I couldn't escape. Then a winged person in white armor saved me and took the hooded people somewhere. After that, I walked over to a bench and sat there. Some people came over and asked if I was okay. Then I think I fell asleep. After that, thus lady came and got me."

"That was me in the white armor. I saw those hooded people and got pretty mad. I'm glad you didn't get kidnapped again." "Thank you for saving me..." "No problem." She stopped hugging him and stepped away. Jake then walked over to Correlshia. "Heya. How was your time?" "Pretty good. I ate the big blue bug. It tasted okay. After that, some voice told me that I was horrifying and that I shouldn't eat things like that. After that I got engulfed in some light, then was put in some room. After that, I went to sleep."

"Not surprised that you went to sleep." "That's a bit mean!" "How?!" "Well I think you're-" "Alright, shut it. It's time to get going. Save this argument for later." Said Charlotte. After this, she began walking out of the store. Everyone followed suit. She lead them back to the entrance of the mall.

"Well that was pretty fun huh mom?" "It was pretty nice spending time with you." "Aw, thanks." "Anyways, the trip will take a little while. I hope you guys are ready for school. You wont be able to come back home until its over." "You don't have to worry about that. I can just portal back." "You can what now?"

They were now at the car. "Yeah, I can portal back here." "How would you do that? Do you gave teleportation magic or something? Because if you di, it won't work. Teleportation magic is blocked unless it's inside." "Huh. I have a skill." "A what?" Charlotte said while opening the door and getting in.

"I have a skill that allows me to make a portal to wherever I've been before." "How the hell did you even get that?!" "I copied it from a goddess." "You're so overpowered, you know that?" "Yeah. I get that a lot." "Can you portal back?" "Maybe. Not sure, I haven't tried that yet." "If you can, that'd be pretty incredible." "I'll try it later."

"Anyway, let's get going." "Yep." Everyone had buckled up. (Safety first readers!). "So where Is it?" "If I told you I'd have to kill you." "Really?" "No you doofus. I don't care to explain it." "Fair enough." With this being said, they began driving.

Jake had a thought a few minutes after they began.

'Hey Lexi, is it possible to use my portals to get to the other world?'

[Yes, actually. You just need to eat the device that was given to you. It will grant you advanced teleportation.]

'How do you even know that?'

[The information was granted to me by the one overseeing tour progress.]

'Sounds a bit creepy but alright.'

Jake took the device out of his inventory. He brought it up to his mouth, and began eating it. His mom looked over. "What the holy hell are you doing?" "Eating this. Don't ask questions." "Whatever." Jake finished eating it a few seconds later.

[Skill upgraded: (Portal Creation) --> (Advanced portal creation).]



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 45

Exp: 350/20,500

Health: 45,000/45,000

Mana: 100,000/100,000

Demon power: 1,000/1,000

Stamina: 1,250/1,250

Strength: 170

Agility: 150

Dexterity: 175

Mind: 90

Intelligence: 70

Endurance: 100

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Advanced Portal Creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies), (Loves to run over small creatures).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings], [Rewards tab].


'Not much has changed.'

[Yes. But you can now create portals to different worlds. You can bring up a map by going to your minimap. There is a menu with different planets. You can only go to new planets every two days.]

'Seems pretty simple.'

[It is.]

Jake rested his head on the back of the seat. He was feeling a bit sluggish for some reason. Not quite tired though.

'Do you have any ideas on what I can do to alleviate my boredom?'

[No. You could peer into the other world using your portals. Maybe talk to Kelsha.]

'Good idea. I kind of just up and left. Also, wasn't there a contest or something?'

[Yes, it is in 5 days. Give or take.]

'Ah, thanks.'

Jake noted this. "Hey mom, how do I get the magical play store?" "You have to put mana into your phone. After that, it will appear on your phone." "That's it?" "Yup." "Huh. Okay." Jake took his phone out of his inventory. He looked at it. There was no magical play store. He figured it would have it seeing as it was made with magic. He brushed it off. After this, he pumped his mana into it. The app just, appeared on the screen. He tapped on it.

"Hello, and welcome to the Magical play store. If you have an existing *oogle account, use it by clicking here. If you do not, create one here." Jake clicked on sign in. He was brought to a sign in page. He put his info in. "Welcome back Fernbio."

Below this text was the normal play store. It had a few differences though. There was some text under some of the apps. It said "Better with magic."

Jake searched "LaserBlam" on the app store. The first one to appear was "Laserblam! Official". He tapped on it and pressed download. He put his phone in his pocket while he waited for it to be done downloading. He suddenly began feeling tired. *Yawn*

"What the hell? Why am I so tired..." He mumbled while rubbing his eyes. Jake was asleep a few seconds later.

"Welcome, mortal." He opened his eyes. There was a colossal suit of armor sitting in front of him. It was around as big as *odzilla. There was a massive sword next to it. It was sitting on a gray throne. The armor was deep red. It had glowing red eyes on the helmet. "Shit that actually looks pretty cool." Jake mumbled to himself.

"You like my armor?" Said the voice. It was a male voice. It sounded like it belonged to a fourty year old man. It was the kind of voice your uncle would probably have. "How'd you hear me?" "I am incredibly powerful. I doubt that you could even begin to understand what I am." "I'm going to guess that you're a god who's seen how strong I am and want to recruit me?"

"Quite curious..." Said the man in an amused voice. "You are close, but not quite right." "Huh. Also, I'm already someone's champion." "Even more curious!" Said the voice in an even more amused voice. "Dude, it's the twenty second century. You're talking like someone from the dark ages." "Oh, but of course. I forget how speech changes so often. Please ignore it. I will attempt to talk in your speech patterns."

Jake was a bit surprised by this statement. Most gods were too stuck up to even consider changing themselves. "Oh, okay. that's pretty different from how it normally goes." "Well you see, I'm no normal god. I do reside In the godly realm, but do not have a normal following like say, god, buddha, or other large gods. I'm what one may call an evil god." "That sounds pretty ominous." "Indeed."

"So anyway, what do you want from me?" "You see, the people who worship me are a cult. I am known for needing sacrifices and other such practices. These are generally frowned upon by the modern society. I would like your assistance in becoming a semi-prominent god. I do not care what is needed to do this. I will provide compensation for your efforts, even if they are not very successful."

"Bro, listen. I'm not looking to sacrifice people. Go ask some other weirdo." "I figured this may be a problem. I am willing to change my ways. I do not wish to fade into the abyss of nonexistence like other gods. I am not going to be stubborn. I will do whatever it takes to become a prominent god, even if that is something like becoming completely good."

"Huh. That's some dedication." "Indeed. Please, I can sense your power, and know that you can help. You have a giving heart, and can be merciful, so I beg of you, help me."

The large chair began shringing, until it was only a bit taller than Jake. The man stepped out of the chair and walked over to Jake. The man took a knee and bowed to Jake. "I will do anything as payment. It does not matter how-" "I'll do it." "Huh?" The god lifted their head. "What do you mean?" "I mean I'll do it. I have no reason not to. After all, you're not going to do anything evil, and you've devoted yourself to me, so I'll help."

"Thank you! I truly appreciate this beyond what words can Express!" "It's no problem. I would feel bad if I left someone who was so willing to be a good person to die slowly. It wouldn't be right." "I understand. Do you have any requests?" Jake thought about the question for a moment. "Yeah, take off your helmet. I want to see what it looks like underneath it." "Very well."

The god stood up. They were around 8 feet tall. They took off the helmet. Jake was a bit surprised by what was underneath. It was black smoke with two red lights in place of the eyes. "That's actually pretty cool." "Thank you. Ah yes, I forgot. Come here and stick your arm out. I have perks of joining me to give you." "Oh, okay." Jake walked over to the god and put his arm out.

The god put their hand on his arm. The area around it began emanating red light.

[Skills gained: (Summon Bloodkiff), (Gaseous).]

There was now a black mark on his arm. It was a picture of the gods head with it's eyes glowing.



Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 45

Exp: 350/20,500

Health: 45,000/45,000

Mana: 100,000/100,000

Demon power: 1,000/1,000

Stamina: 1,250/1,250

Strength: 170

Agility: 170

Dexterity: 190

Mind: 90

Intelligence: 70

Endurance: 100

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill), (Summon Bloodkiff), (Gaseous).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies), (Loves to run over small creatures).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings], [Rewards tab].


"Nice. What does (Gaseous) do?" "It allows you to turn some of your body into black smoke like me. You can do your entire body if you train enough. Also, your eyes will glow your color." "My color?" "Yes, your color. The color that is most associated with you. It may be red for someone who is associated with blood or red magic, green for someone who is associated with plants, and so on."

"Huh. Seems pretty straightforward." "It is." "Also, is your name Bloodkiff?" "Yes, it is." "Cool. Anyway, do you have a human form?" "Yes." "What gender are you?" "Neither really. I can make my body either of them, but this is my true form. I can create either genitalia if I feel inclined to do so." "Huh. That's pretty neat. Anyway, can I go now?" "Ah yes, of course. I will send you back to your last place."

"Alright. I'll see you later." "I hope so." "Yep." Jake was then sent back to the car. *Yawn* "Wakey wakey, we're here." "Oh, nice timing I guess." "Yep. Anyway, I'm parking right now. get ready to get out." "Okay." Jake began unbuckling his seatbelt. His mom parked the car. Jake then opened the door and got out. He stretched before looking around.

There was a stone wall with black fencing on top. They were in the parking lot near the entrance gate. The entrance gate was a large black fence gate. There were quite a few people flooding in the gate. The parking lot was packed as well. Both the girls got out of the car. "Alright, follow me guys." Everyone began following Charlotte.

She lead them over to the gate where they walked in through the gate. There was a large parking lot inside of the gate as well. in front of them though, a little ways off, was the school. There was another road leading to another school off to the side. The school in front of them was only one of the many buildings. The ground around everything was grass. It was a massive field. Jake assumed it was due to high level spatial magic.

His mom lead everyone to the school. They suddenly heard a booming voice.

"Welcome everybody, to Ebbins school for gifted young mages!"