"Y'know what? Yeah, let's do it."
"Hell yeah. I'll send you an invite..." Jake felt like it was a good idea to join a group with people like him. Jake waited for a few seconds. Suddenly, his eyes lit up with new sights. He hadn't realized this entire time, but his Soulpower system HUD was gone. He only now realized that it had been gone. His minimap was gone as well.
He had realized after a HUD had popped up. It was different from his normal one, but still similar. His health bar was a red rectangle surrounded by a white box. His blue mana bar, and his green stamina bar had the white bar as well. All three of these bars were in the bottom left corner. In the right though, there was something new.
It was the number Twenty five with a line separating it from the number Two hundred. Next to it was a white X. The word, "Standard-issue LaserBlam pistol" Was above these. Jake assumed that this was the info for his pistol that was currently holstered. He wondered what the white X was. There was some text at the top of his screen. "You've been invited to "Anime bois incorporated"." At the bottom of his screen there was some other text. "Press the blue screen on your arm to bring up the player menu. Have fun!"
Jake looked at his arm. He saw a bit of metal poking up from under his sleeve. He rolled it back. Under it was a rectangle of metal. It had some blue glass in the middle. Every now and then, a white line would go across it. Jake tapped it. In front of him, a bit away from his face, was a blue screen with white text. At the top was some text saying, "Welcome Gray demon. What would you like today?" There was a search bar at the bottom.
On the side there were a ton of tabs. He was on the top one. He took a brief count and counted ten of them. The first one had the word "Help" on it. The second one had the word "News" on it. It had a white bubble with a 1 in it. The third one was "Notifications". The fourth one was "profile". The fifth one was "messages". The sixth one was "troop" which also had a white bubble. The seventh one was "Inventory". The eighth one was "Shop" The ninth one was "Friends". And the tenth one was network. At the bottom there were three white dots. He assumed that these were more options or something similar.
But for now he clicked News. On it was a white news feed of events in the ship. At the top though, there was a red bar. "Breaking news! A new virus has been found! Steer clear of Retinal-04 in the Breakneck galaxy! You will die if you come into contact with it! Click for more information."
Jake was a bit confused. After all, what was Retinal-04? Or better yet, what was the breakneck galaxy? He noted it then clicked on the troop icon. There were two options. "Join troop" and "Create troop". He tapped on the join icon. He had realized that the blue pad on his arm was actually a keyboard and mouse of sorts and had been using it.
There was one invite. "Anime bois incorporated". He clicked on it. Two options appeared below. "Accept" "Reject". He clicked accept. It asked him to confirm his acceptance. He clicked confirm. "Congratulations! You've joined a troop! Feel free to do whatever with them." His screen was put into a Menu with some new options. There was troop chat, troop rewards, troop news, troop members, troop activities, troop home, troop shop, and leave troop.
Jake was a bit overwhelmed with all of the new things. "Alright, I joined the troop." Jake looked back at the boys. They now had nametags above them. The one who had invited him was named "Bomber" The black haired boy with green eyes was named "Green-twin" and the other one was named "Brown-twin". The names were quite fitting.
"Great. Welcome to the club. Anyways, do you need any help?" "I can probably figure it out, but if you have any simple things to help, that would be nice." "Alright I have a few. First, the shop is where you buy stuff. Second, you can find shops scattered around the ship that sell things that may not be sold in the shop. Third, you can see how much money you have by going to your profile. Fourth, this isnt related to any things in the game, but time moves at three times the speed in this world."
"Alright, thanks for the info. Anyways, can I get the tour?" "Of course. Follow me." The room that they were currently in was moderately sized. It was probably seven meters across on each side. Bomber pointed to the action figures. "That's where I keep my anime merch and other stuff." "Where do you get them?" "Ah, I forgot to tell you this. Basically, this entire game is realistic. You can make custom items and homes and other cool shit. I got these from a fellow nerd who makes great stuff. Theres no need to worry about copyright either since it's not physical. Also, the manga and stuff is the same that you would find on the internet, so it's not pirated."
"Seems a bit odd but okay." "Yeah. Anyways, that's how super overpowered weapons and stuff are made. Theres two ways to do it. You can either use the easy creation mode which ends up with pretty boring results, and then theres manual creation mode. The manual let's you do whatever. A lot of times though, people screw up and end up messing it up. You can also edit items in the manual crafting mode."
"That's pretty cool." "Yeah. Anyway-" He pointed to a recliner and a TV. "That's where I watch TV if I'm super bored." "Pretty nifty." "Yeah. Anyway, that's the fridge over there." He pointed to a white fridge." Jake looked around and realized that that was it. Ha also noticed that the walls were painted a light blue "Kind of empty huh?" The man grew a smile. "That's what you're supposed to think." He walked back over to the anime stuff.
He went to the bookshelf and pulled out one of the books. He opened it. Inside it was a hollowed out section. There was a black remote with a red button. He took it out and put the manga back. He pressed the button. The bookshelf slid backwards and to the side. Inside was a white room.
It had the feel of a futuristic lab. It was much larger than the room outside. It was somewhere around 15 meters across. Lining the walls were a bunch of stations. One of them was a white machine with a bunch of robotic arms on the corners. There was one that was a white machine with a glass box on top of it. There were two holes where you could put your hands in and touch things through gloves.
It was definitely a lab of sorts. "This is where we do all of the sciency stuff." "Do you brew potions?" "Well of course." "Can I try?" "I mean, if you want?" "I wanna try it." "What do you mean try it?" "It's a long story. I'll just shorten it. Basically, I was only just introduced to magic when I got isekai'd into another world where I was there for a week before killing the demon lord and then resurrecting him. The goddess of creation didnt realize that I was isekai'd and that I had resurrected the demon lord. She gave a device that can teleport me to a different planet."
The man stood there with a blank face. "Hold on. I need a few seconds to process what you just said... So you got isekai'd and then... What the hell?" He stood there confused. "Anyway, it's a very long story." (Turns toward camera and winks.)
"So you wanna try your hand at potion making?" "Yeah, pretty much." "Okay then. It's that one over there." He pointed to a white machine that had a circular hole in it. There was a lid that could swing down onto the top if needed. He walked over and examined it. Inside of it were what seemed to be mixers of some kind. There was a circular pad beside the hole that had a small screen in front of it. It said "Select ingredients".
Jake moved a bit closer, when suddenly, a chair appeared in front of it. "Anyway, that's pretty much the tour. If you need anything, just message me. I'm going to go do some stuff now." Bomber walked away. The twins followed. Jake sat down in the chair.
'Hey Lexi, you there?'
His ears were filled with static that steadily grew louder. Eventually it got loud enough to bother him. After this, he tried to plug his ears to no avail. A few seconds later, something happened that surprised him greatly. A woman materialized out of mid-air. It was Lexi. Luckily though, she was fully clothed. "Hello? Where am I Jake?" She turned toward him.
"Yo what the hell? Where'd you come from?" "That's what I was going to ask you. Why am I in these place?" "Uh, maybe it's got something to do with this game doing stuff with my brain?" "That seems like the most likely cause. I wonder if I can get back..." She then closed her eyes and concentrated.
A few seconds later, she disappeared from her spot. Jake looked around but didn't see her anywhere.
'Ah, hey. Are you back in the mind space?'
[Not really. I'm in some type of area with a lot of buttons and switches. This place has purple striped walls with a blue carpet. The buttons and things are on a large metal panel. There Is a door behind me. Also, there is a large screen that shows what you are currently seeing in front of me.]
'Very descriptive. Anyway, what do the buttons do?'
[Let me try it out...]
A few seconds passed before suddenly, five knives appeared in his hand. They were small throwing knives. Each of them had a number on them. They were labeled 1-5, each corresponding to a different finger. They seemed to be connected to his fingers via skin. "Yo that's pretty epic!"
[I'm glad you like it. There seems to be a manual here. I'm going to read this. If you need something, I'll be available.]
'Actually, I do need something.'
[Ah, okay. What do you need?]
'I need the instructions on how to make a strong potion.'
[Is there any specific type you want?]
'Nah, anything works really.'
A few seconds passed. Eventually, Lexi spoke to him again.
[Alright, I have one in mind.]
'Ah cool. What is it?'
[It's a surprise.]
'Fair enough.'
[Anyway, heres the ingredients.]
A list was projected to Jake's eyes. He read through it. "Alright, I think I get it."
[Great. Just follow those instructions and you will get an incredible potion.]
'Got it.'
Jake grabbed the nessicary ingredients. He then started mixing, adding, and stirring the potion ingredients. Upon adding two thirds of a zapfruit, it changed drastically. It had been a dark green color, but it became glowing light blue after adding the fruit. Little bolts of electricity skimmed across the top. After this, he added a palm full of salt to the mixture. The mixture sizzled then started glowing brighter.
Jake had finished the potion according to the recipe. Suddenly, Lexi appeared on his shoulder as a small person. "Good job." "WOAH!" Jake was quite surprised by this. "I found out that I can do this." "Apparently so. Anyways, what is this?" "What you have right here is an incredible valuable potion that only true potion masters know how to make normally, let alone perfectly." "So what's it do?"
"It's called potion of a Rogue Thunder God. It coats you in a veil of electricity while also giving you the ability to control electricity. It has limited time though." "That's awesome!" "Indeed. Also, you have an incredibly large amount. This much in one place is downright crazy." "Epic!" "Yes. Anyway, just get a bottle and bottle it up before putting it in your inventory." "Got it."
Jake looked at the ingredients station and then ordered a few bottles. They were around as big as a fist. Unfortunately though, there ended up not being enough. He was a bit irked by this. "Oh c'mon! Can we not just have enough bottles?" "You can make some with creation magic." "Good idea." Jake began to focus.
Eventually, he opened his eyes to see the result. Something odd happened though. The bottle was spawned like normal, only, it took no mana. "Huh? Why'd that happen?" "Good question. I am unsure of why it took no mana." "Lemme try it again..." Jake then created five more bottles. They were created in five seconds, one second each. No mana was consumed. "Wait a second, is this an exploitable glitch?" "It would appear so."
Jake grew a huge grin. He knew that he could crash the economy with this quite easily. He then decided to create the most expensive object he could think of. Adamantite. He held his hands out and began to create the precious metal. It took one second. A large ball of adamantite dropped to the ground. He opened his eyes. He looked down at the basketball sized piece of adamantite.
He put his hands on his head, realizing exactly what he was able to do. He then put the metal in his inventory. He looked at it in his inventory. It said "Ball of pure adamantite". He was very happy with his result. He then turned toward the potion. He grabbed the bottles and started bottling the potion. Eventually, he had five medium sized bottles of thunder god potion.
He was eager to show his results to his Troop. He went to the troop tab on his menu and clicked on members. He scrolled through. He saw that it was only the three from earlier and him. He clicked on Bomber. There were a few options. "Message" "Call" "Photos" "Achievements" "Playlist" "Add friend" "View profile". At the top of the screen there was a circle with the mans face on it. Under it it said, "Currently battling vampires in the medieval dungeon in the town of grengis on Tesseract-01."
Jake clicked the call button. It rang for a few seconds. Bomber eventually picked up. "Hello? Is that you Gray?" "Yeah. I finished up the potion I was working on. I figured you might want to try it out. Also, I made a big ball of metal that you're gonna want." "Oh, uh, cool. I'll send you an invite to our raid." "Ah, okay." Jake got a notification a second later. He clicked on it. "Bomber wants you to join their raid! Would you like to join?"
Jake clicked confirm. His vision went black. His HUD faded. Eventually, large white text appeared. "LOADING...". There was some text below it as well. "Did you know? Laserblam! supports over one hundred types of magic! That means you can use any element you fancy on your favorite gun! Isnt that great?"
A few seconds after he read it, it changed. "Laserblam! is completely free to play. There is no item locked behind a paywall. We at Laserblam! understand how frustrating it is to see someone else pay five dollars for what took you ten hours to get, and we don't like it either. We sincerely hope that you like this system. Sont forget though, if you do need money or other currency, you can always buy some In the shop for cheap prices!"
A few seconds after this, it changed. Only this time, before he could read it, the screen turned to green ones and zeroes. He was thrust into a dark dungeon area. "Oh hey Gray. We were waiting for you at this safe area." Jake looked beyond him and saw his troop sitting around a fireplace. There was another seat. He walked over and sat down. "Hey guys. I made some potions and a huge ball of metal."
"How'd you make the ball of metal?" "That's a secret. Anyway, I'll show you the potion first." Jake took one of the potions out of his inventory. He handed it to bomber. "Yo what's this?" "It's insanely powerful and valuable from what I hear." Bomber gave him a skeptical look. "Let's test that." He took the potions cork out. He then poured some of it down his throat. His eyes went white-blue. Electricity started twisting around his hands. His armor started to crackle with electricity as well.
He looked at his hands for a brief moment. He then stuck one out towards a wall. A massive bolt of electricity shot from his hand at the wall. He then used both hands and shot an even larger bolt of electricity. The lightning then faded from his body and his eyes went back to normal. His face lit up. "That was fucking EPIC! How did you make that?!" "That's a secret. Now listen, what I have to show you next must be kept a secret. I would probably get banned or something if it gets out that I can do this."
He then took out the ball of metal. He dropped it into the fireplace by accident. "Crap." "Nice one." "Shut it." Jake reached into the fire to grab the metal. He then wondered if he could use his demon energy in this game. He tried to coat his arm in it, and it worked. He was pleasantly surprised by this. He picked the metal up and showed it to everyone. "What is it?" "Ridiculously valuable."
"What metal is it specifically?" "Instead of telling you, I want you to try to scratch it." "Sounds easy enough." Bomber then stood up and took a large gun out of his inventory. It was at least a meter and a half long. It had a large glowing strip on the barrel. It changed to orange. "I'm gonna wreck yo ball!" He then took aim, and shot. The bullet was extremely loud. The sound it made upon hitting the ball was deafening.
After the bullet hit, it dissipated. The ball was left without so much as a scratch. "What the hell!? This is an anti-material rifle! I just used fire magic as well! How the genuine fuck is it intact, let alone without a scratch?!" Jake tossed the ball to him. "Examine it." Bomber crouched down and put his hand on it. His eyes then went wide. "Hold on. Theres no way that this is what I think it is..." His face slowly turned to one of extreme excitement. "NO FUCKING WAY! YOU! HOW DID YOU DO THIS!?" "I'm just the best I guess." "Apparently!"
Jake was quite satisfied with this outcome. "Anyways, what are you guys doing?" "Well we were doing a raid on this dungeon. It's a medieval type dungeon. It's mainly vampires." "I can turn into a vampire. I kinda wanna see if it works here." "How can you do that? Also, why is your arm purple?" Jake looked down at his arm and realized that he had forgotten to get rid of his demonic energy armor.
He retracted it. "That's my demonic energy. I'm a demon by the way." "Oh, okay. Wait, how can you turn into a vampire if you're a demon?!" "Special circumstances. Anyways, lemme try it." Jake activated the skill. He felt the process of becoming a vampire start. He felt the odd feeling of his teeth being pushed out by new ones. Eventually, he felt that the process had completed itself.
He felt the need for blood overwhelm his mind. His eyes were now white. His new teeth protruded from his mouth. He looked around, and decided on green-twin to be his blood bag. He got up and walked over to him. "Hey, uh, Gray, what are you doing?" "One second." He said in a relaxed voice. He grabbed green twins shoulder and neck. "B-bomber! What's he doing?!" "I-I don't know! Stop him!" Green-twin attempted to punch Jake.
Jake caught his arm and forced it downward. He then plunged his fangs into his neck. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Yelled the man before relaxing. "Hey, stop it..." He said with a relaxed face. "Hey, uh, dude? Are you okay? You're looking suuuuuper gay right now." "Jake took his fangs off of his neck before wiping his mouth. His eyes regained their color. They became white with red irises. He looked down at what he had just done.
"Oh goddammit! Not again!" He put his hands over his eyes. "Has this happened before?" "Yeah, uh, I did it to my daughter by accident. I kind of lose control whenever I use the skill. It kind of sucks to be honest." "Oh, okay. What benefits do you get from using it?" "I'm not sure. So far I've only sucked blood." "Huh. Can you use the vampire blood magic?" "Blood magic huh? I could do that before I got the ability to become a vampire."
"No way! That's awesome!" "Yeah, anyway, lets what I can do." Jake Started trying things. He walked over to the wall. He punched it and saw that it was a bit stronger than usual. He was pleasantly surprised by this. He then tried blood magic. It worked as well as usual. He found that he could use it a bit better than before. He decided to try to take his demonic features out.
They worked. This surprised Jake. He looked at his wings and saw that they had changed to bat wings. They had the colorful hexagons on them still. His tail was still the same. His horns were the same as well. He swished his tail around. It moved fluidly. He hit the wall with it and saw that it left a small dent. His tail was a meter long. His wings were two meters long. His horns were six inches each. They were quite smooth.
He was basically a chimera at this point. He walked back over to the group. They were all looking at him in awe. Green twin had sobered up. Jake waved at them. He realized that he had large nails.They were quite sharp. He felt like he needed something that fit his Intimidating appearance. He decided to create himself something that looked nice.
"Hey bomber, do you know any super items in this game? Preferably armor?" "Uh, yeah, actually. It's called custom-built lightweight titanium-adamantite Body-adapting armor. It's kind of hard to say." "How the hell do you know that?" "I play this game like, a lot. Also, its widely known as the God-tier armor that everyone wants but can't get. There are a few God-tier items, but that one is the most widely known."
"Ah, okay. Can you show me a picture?" "Yeah, gimme a sec..." Bomber then tapped on the blue glass on his arm. He tapped and scrolled for a bit before finishing. He then swiped at the air with his finger. A large photo became visible to Jake. It was a large suit of metal armor. It had spikes and blades all over it. It had green paint on it. Bomber walked over to the picture and swiped left. The photo changed to a different one.
It was white and had lots of padding on it. There was a helmet with a singular eye. He swiped again. There was a black and dark gray suit with green lines on it. It was tight fitting and went up to the neck. "Theres a bunch of variations. It will automatically adapt to what you want it to look like when you put it on." "Ah, that's pretty cool. I'm gonna make one." "Bullshit. Only the metalworker faction can produce them." "Can you show me a picture of one without any modification?" "Yeah, I guess so."
Bomber then scrolled on the device a bit more. Eventually, they got to a suit of armor. It was a metal suit of armor. It was more of the framework of some armor. "That's it?" "Yeah." "Okay then. I'm gonna try to make one." "Yeah, good luck." Jake then began to concentrate. It took one second. After the second passed, he opened his eyes.
Standing in front of him was the armor he had seen. "Hell yeah." "WHAT!?" Bomber was flabbergasted by this. Jake walked over to the armor. He got into it through the front. It had a large opening. After he got into it, it began to turn to liquid and form around him. Eventually, it had formed. He was left in a skintight suit, similar to the black and green one from earlier. It was white and gray. It had spread over his wings and tail. It also spread up his neck up to his horns.
His back had a gray spine-like protrusion coming out of it. Gloves spread over his hands. Both of them had buttons on the palms that could be used for different functions of the suit. His feet had smooth white metal over them. Eventually, everything on his body was covered by the suit, excluding his head though. "Damn I look snazzy!" "Hot damn! Did you really just make one of the most sought after items in the game instantly?" Said bomber in a hysterical voice.
"Yep. You want one?" "No fucking way! I'd get banned for cheating!" "Ah fair point. You want anything though?" "I guess I could take the adamantite and the potions." "Kay." Jake pressed the red button on his wrist. A compartment opened in his chest. "Yo what is this?" "That's your inventory. The suit makes that your inventory." "Hold up, how do I take this off?" "You can't. It bonds to your body. The only thing you can do is hide it. After you do that, it'll only be the spine left."
"That seems like a bad feature to me." "Not my problem." "Fair enough. Anyway, how do I use this?" "You gotta reach in while thinking of what you want. It's actually super convenient." "Oh, okay." Jake tried this. To his surprise, it worked. he pulled out the potions. He then handed them to the bois. "Thanks." "Yeah. Do whatever. I'm gonna go back to the ship. How do I do that by the way?"
"Oh, you just have to get to a safe area then press go to ship on the menu. It appears on the ship tab." "Wheres that?" "Click the three dots at the bottom." "Oh, okay." Jake brought up his menu. He clicked the three dots. There were a few options. There were three boxes with 1, 2, and 3 on them as well as a box that said "Choose page". Jake clicked page 2.
The first thing that came up was ship. He clicked on it. There were a ton of settings that included but were limited to: "Teleport to ship" "View ship" "Teleport to specific place" "Teleport to friend" "Teleport to home" "Teleport to store" "View apartments" and other such things. He pressed the "Teleport to ship" button. His screen went black, and the "Loading..." text popped up.
He got ready to wait once more. He looked at the text that was at the bottom. "Did you know? Laserblam! was founded by Oswald Yawpes in 2013 using only a dream and a billion dollars." Jake liked reading these facts. "Did you know? Most Laserblam! guns are modeled after real life guns." Jake had just finished reading the fact when he finished teleporting.
His vision went from black and green ones and zeroes to a view of metal doors. He looked around and saw that he was in a small room with metal doors. He walked over to the doors and tried to push them open. But before could even get close enough, they slid open. Jake was fine with this. He looked out and saw a ton of people. He seemed to be in a hub of sorts. He looked around and saw that he was back in the place that he had been when he had jumped over the railing.
He looked around, and saw that there were a ton of floors with shops and other places that you could go into. He was tempted to look for Rena. He gave in to this temptation. He began walking around. He eventually gave up and took into the sky with his wings earning him quite a few gasps of surprise. He looked around searching for Rena. He then got the genius idea to create something to use.
He imagined a device that could search for the person that you were thinking of while using it. He then created the item in a single second. He was incredibly happy that his magic was so overpowered. The item resembled an eyepatch. It went around your head and extended from your eye slightly. He scanned through the crowd. She was nowhere in sight. Jake sighed a bit.
He had gotten caught up in personal things and forgotten about her. He hoped that she was doing fine. He then flew to a different area. It was very similar to the other one, but had a few differences. One of them was the people there. He scanned through the crowd and saw something that alarmed him greatly. Four men were holding her above their heads. She was struggling to get loose but was failing.
Jake was enraged by this. The people in question had red robes with hoods. A golden rope was tied around their waists. Their hoods were completely black inside aside from the glowing yellow eyes. He took his katana out of his inventory. He realized that his gun had been put into his inventory upon donning the suit.
The name "Amazing quality conductive Katana" appeared in the bottom right corner where his gun had been previously. It now said 0 instead of 25 where the gun ammo had been. The white X was still there though. A white figure of a katana was next to the ammo count. He decided to try something. He started pumping blood magic into the blade. The blade turned blood red. Down in the corner, where the white X had been, there was now an icon of a drop of blood.
Jake dashes toward them, creating a small shockwave in the air. He then smashed into one of the people carrying Rena. He picked them up with one hand and threw them at another. He then grabbed Rena and flew backwards. He plopped her down in the floor where there were no people standing. He had chosen this place specifically so that he could see her at all times. He then flew back to the hooded figures. He was tempted to take their hoods off, but decided not to.
"Who are you!?" He said in a distorted voice. He had decided to do this so that they would be more afraid of him. A helmet had spread over his head and solidified into a badass helmet. It had covered his entire head in the white colored armor. His horns stood out from the rounded helmet. The helmet itself had a gray skull design on it that was meant to look roughly made.
"Oh fuck! Is this the guy that the girl was talkin about?!" Said one of the hooded figures. Jake could see through the helmet. It was a camera-like screen that could identify people. He wished that he had known about this earlier before he had made the device. The device had been put into his inventory when the mask had spread over his face. The device couldnt read them through the hoods. All four of the people were seemingly terrified of him.
He looked at one of the hooded peoples arms. They had an insignia. It was a blue hood with red eyes glowing from inside. It had a yellow halo over its head. The inside of the hood was completely black other that the eyes. Jake thought to himself that the insignia looked quite nice. "Uh, Uh, Uh, Were just uh, normal people!" "Bullshit! Tell me what you were doing right now!"
All of the figures crawled over to each other and began conversing. Jake couldn't hear them, even with his enhanced hearing. He then flew down to them. "What are you talking about!?" "N-nothing!" Jake had had it with their bullshit. He picked one up by the throat. "You! You look like the most important one here! What are you doing here?" Jake said in a cold voice. "URGH! CRRLGH! BRGHTH!" "What's that? I cant hear you over the sound of you choking like a little bitch." The mans eyes began to dart around desperately. "Stop! Please!" Said a female hooded figure. "You gonna tell me what you're doing?" "Yes! Just let him go!" "Very well. But do not try to fight me you puny mortal. I have powers that can completely break you, and this game."
"I-I understand! Please just let him go!" "Very well." Jake released the man. He fell to the ground, clutching his throat while gasping for air. "Are you okay Sten?" "I think so." Said the man after finishing gasping for air and calming down. "Now tell me, what are you doing here?" "We were ordered to capture the girl! We don't know why or who sent us! We were just given an assignment by the mission center at our troop!" Explained the woman quickly.
"Your troop huh? What troop is that?" "It's one of the top ten. Beast mode." Jake was a bit surprised by this name. "That's actually a pretty nice name. Also, what is it's ranking in the top ten troops?" "It's number eight." "Ah, okay." Jake noticed that a small crowd had formed. They were chattering about what was happening.
"Did he just attack them?" "What just happened?" "Does he have one of the Bio-Suits?!" "Is he some type of pro in disguise?" "What's he gonna do to them?"
All around them, people chatted about the situation. Jake sheathed his katana in a premade sheath that appeared on his waist upon equipping it. "Take me to your headquarters." "W-why?" "Because I want to talk to the the guy who ordered you to kidnap my daughter." "You're daughter? But she's a demi-human. Aren't you a demon?"
"You could tell? Yes. I am a demon. But currently, I'm a vampire." "Huh? What do you mean currently?" "I mean that I can toggle it on and off." "What the hell?!" "Moving on, take me to your headquarters. Now." "O-okay!" The hooded figures stood up. They all walked over to a teleporter. Jake followed them. They went over to the control pad, and began tapping at it. Jake made sure to look at Rena's name before going.
"Water Lizard" He felt like the name suited her. He was then teleported to the place instantly. He figured that it was a fancier teleporter of some type. he looked around, and liked what he saw. The place was mainly modern, with a touch of fantasy. The walls were white and smooth, and the floor had black carpet. There were suits of armor, and a few different races of people walking around. A lot of them had robes similar to the people who had tried to kidnap Rena. He saw that on their insignia, some of them had lines. They differed from one to four. He saw none with more than four. There were considerably less fours though.
The people led him over to the reception desk. The woman there had fangs and purple-red eyes. She was sitting at the desk with her hands tightly clasped together. "Hello. I'm guessing you four got stomped?" She said while tilting her head. "And who's this? Some new recruit?" "No, he's here to see the one who put the order out to kidnap the lizardman girl." Her face flashed with alarm ever so slightly. It was almost completely unnoticeable, but Jake had spotted it.
He had retracted his suit and was now wearing his normal army fatigues. They weren'tbloody anymore. He had used blood magic to clean them. "Unfortunately, you four do not have the level to know who put the request out. This man can apply to the guild though. If he puts in sufficient effort he can definitely-" "I might consider that if I didn't already have a troop. Also, did you just address it as a guild?"
"Yes, i did. There are a few different names for guilds. You have troop, guild, clan, club, and other such ways of addressing it. Anyway, you do know that you can be in three guilds at once, right?" "Actually, no. I did not know that. Anyways, if you don't let me talk to the one in charge, I'm going to start killing everyone I see." Her face changed to a mocking one. "Oh no! Not another bigshot who thinks they can threaten the number eight guild! Whatever shall I do?" She said in a mocking voice.
Jake used creation magic to create a handheld music device. He went to his favorite playlist on *potify. He then created some earbuds. He connected them to the device. "You have three seconds to tell me who did it, or else I'm going to start slaughtering everyone while jamming out to through the fire and the flames. Be careful of your next words." She popped a large mocking smile. "Choose my words wisely? How do you expect me to take you-" Suddenly, blood started spraying from all around her neck. "Sershly..." Her head fell to the ground. "Well I guess that settles it." Said Jake while moving the sword hilt slightly down as if he had just finished sheathing it.
Jake unbottled his demonic aura. Everyone around him felt a massive chill while their skin went white. "You guys might wanna run." He said with a grin. "Y-YEAH!" All four of the figures sprinted to the teleporter and began frantically pressing it. They teleported a few seconds later. The two guards positioned next to the teleporter were completely shocked at what had just happened.
They recovered from this quickly. They charged at him. The world was moving in slow motion for Jake as he put the earbuds in. He pressed play. "On a cold winter of morning,In the time before the light..." Jake was hyped. He then unsheathed his katana and pumped blood into it. But before he could do any damage, his right hand became covered in the wood. A blade began forming as well.
Jake was pleasantly surprised. He dropped the katana and held it in the other hand. He then threw the katana at one guard. It went through his head entirely. Jake then ran at him and ripped the katana upward, up out of the mans skull. He then sliced the other mans head off with it. He decided to put it back in his inventory for the fact that he had better weapons currently.
He then grew a huge blade out of demon essence. It was spiky and misshapen. He then used the blunt side of his elemental sword to hit the second mans head at an approaching person. It was a robed person who had nothing to do with this. The mans head snapped back and he grabbed his head in pain. Jake paused for a second to reactivate his suit. He became covered in the armor. His head was covered by the helmet once more.
He then saw that there were some coins below the men he had killed. They had the letters LB on them. Two of them were brown while the third one was gold. He reached out to pick them up, but they got sucked into his hand. Three zeroes appeared above the back of his hand. The text was yellow. It had a dollar sign at the end. The number started going up. It stopped at 120$.
The number disappeared. He realized that he was picking up money from the people he had just killed. He realized how bad that sounded and chuckled to himself. "So far away! We wait for the day!..." The music was still going. He then ran over to the person who he had hit with the head. They were presumably clutching their head through the hood. He then used darkness magic on his sword.
He released a devastating slash at the man. It cut him in half on from the stomach. "AUGGHH!" He clutched the bottom of his stomach where his waist used to be attached. He died immediately after. Jake grabbed the coins that appeared. He was brought up to 200$. He ran towards the staircase that presumably brought him to the main area. He ran up the stairs, using his wings to boost him.
At the top of the stairs, there was a massive room. There were doors all along the walls and people were walking around completely carefree. Little did they know that a demon was about to massacre them
He started off by shooting a shadow blade at a random person which sliced them in half from the head down. He then leapt into a crowd of people and killed them by slicing their heads off all at once. He was sure to grab the money. He started running around at an incredible speed killing everyone he could see. There were a few guards who attempted to stop him, but ended up failing.
He had killed a ton of people at this point. There were anywhere front fourty to fifty corpses. He had some notifications at the top of his screen. "You have unclaimed leveling up rewards. Collect them when you are ready."
He was too busy murdering everyone to check them at the moment. He continued to kill people, until an obstacle appeared. There were four people in large black suits of armor. He saw that they weren't the same type of armor that he had. "Stop right there you bastard! Do you know who we are?" Jake removed his music player and put it into his inventory. "Nope. And I honestly don't care either."
"YOU PRICK! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY HOURS I'VE PUT INTO THIS GAME?!" "How would I know that? Also, I have no reason to care. I've played this game for like, an hour, and I already have this insane suit of armor. If you can't tell me who put the order out to kidnap the lizardman girl, then you're useless."
"Wait, what?" The one who had been talking's helmet slid up. "What do you mean? Can't you just trace it back or something?" The woman who had been talking was actually quite the looker. She had ginger hair and deep blue eyes." "Listen, I'm going to keep killing people until I find out who did it. If you can find who did it, I wont kill people anymore." "Ha! You have no room to negotiate with us! You're going to die no-" Suddenly, she had a huge purple arrow sticking out of her helmet.
The arrow then exploded in a cloud of purple energy. "Cool, glad that worked." Jake'sdemon essence sword had transformed into a huge bow which he had used to launch and explosive arrow made out of demonic energy. He had hit her straight in the nose with the help from his suits targeting system. He was still finding awesome things about the suit.
The armor, that was now laying on the ground headless, separated from the body and was now a box with a picture of the black chestplate on it. A bunch of gold coins appeared below where she had died. The headless corpse fell to the ground. It was wearing a black skintight suit. All four other armored people turned toward their fallen comrade and then turned back to Jake. "YOU BASTARD!" "I'LL KILL YOU!" Jake took out two of them with arrows, but before he could kill the third one, they got too close.
They threw an incredibly powerful punch into Jake's face. He went flying into the wall behind him. He came rocketing out of it, his wings becoming covered in jets from the armor. He grabbed the person by the head with both hands and began squeezing "AAH AH AAAAAHHHHHHH!!" They screamed In terror. Jake was getting addicted to this game.
A crackling sound started coming from the helmet as Jake squeezed harder. The man was desperately trying to pry Jake's hands off. It had no effect. In fact, in had the opposite effect The wood from the handle of the sword pierced their hand. It sucked the blood up. The handle had retracted so that it was only a glove. He had retracted the demon essence blade as well.
There was a loud squelching noise before suddenly, the helmet popped like a balloon. Blood and bits flew everywhere. The armor was taken off of the person and transformed into a box. Jake picked it up and realized that he could take it. He put it into his inventory. He then went to all of the bodies and grabbed all of the armor boxes and coins. He put them into his inventory and started walking once more.
He looked around and couldnt see anyone. The lights had been cut, and there was only lights coming from the windows. He was standing in a large marble hallway. It was absolutely huge. He It was quiet. Too quiet...
*BLAM!* Jake was sent sliding backwards on his knee. "Why do I hear boss music?" Jake joked to himself. He looked at the place where the impact had come from. There was a cloud of smoke emanating from the area. It cleared, and Jake was awestruck by what he saw. It was a person in white and gold armor. They had two huge white wings extending from it's back and over it's face and chest. The wings moved and revealed a golden helmet. The person pointed at Jake.
"Been wreaking havoc have you? I guess I'm going to have to put you in your place again Jake."