Getting school supplies, An Absolutely incredible weapon, And some fellow students...

Jake was in awe of all of the magical things that he would never have thought really existed in front of him.

"So this place is actually a giant magic mall?" "Yep." "That's sick!" Jake was like an excited child. "So were going to have to grab all of the stuff which should be pretty easy." "How much will it cost?" "Anywhere from ten to twenty golds." "Thats it?" "Boy, you listen here. Do you not know how money works?" "One gold is a hundred silvers, and one silver is a hundred coppers." "If you know that, then why are you saying that?" "Well I'm actually pretty rich at the moment." "How much?" Jake looked into his inventory. "I have 1 tungsten, 27 golds, 98 silvers, and 69 copper." Her jaw dropped. "You have a tungsten?! How did you get that?!" "I got it for resurrecting the demon lord."

"That's insane!" "Also, do we need supplies for them?" Jake pointed to Rena and Correlshia. "Them? I'm not sure if they can come with you..." "Do they need to be proficient in magic?" "Yes, that's one of the criteria." "What about their age?" "The school is a high school. There is an elementary school near it." "Really?" "They offer first through twelfth grade. That's where they teach the usual things as well as magic."

"Huh. So how much do you think it will be to buy supplies for all of us?" "Somewhere around 45 golds." "I can afford that." "If you really want. They need spatial containers though." "Rena already has one. I can get one for Correlshia." "Can you show me what they can do?" "I feel like we should go somewhere else for that." "You're right. Let's go to the training studio." "Wheres that?" "Follow me." She started walking forward. Jake and the gang followed. She walked for around ten seconds before taking a right.

"In here." Jake looked at the sign. "The throwdown center". "Yeah, the name checks out." His mom walked in. "Hello. What do you need today ma'am?" Jake walked In with everyone after her. "I would like to get a room for four." "Understood. Would you like a special room?" "No, that's fine." "Alright. That will be fifty silvers." "Got it." The coins appeared in her hand. "Here you go." "Alright, here is the key. Your room is A-6." "Alright. Follow me guys." She walked toward a door in the back of the room. The door had the number A-1 on a brass plate on the door.

There was a lock on the door. "Yo wheres the rooms?" "Watch." She pressed the number. It started glowing. She then swiped left. The number changed to A-2. She then swiped to A-6. She inserted the key and turned it. "Heres the room guys, come in." They all walked in. Inside the door was a workout room. On one side, there were different weights and exercise machines. And on the other, there were targets, dummies, punching bags, and other such objects.

"Hey, this is pretty nice." "I know right? Anyway, show me you guy's magic talent." "I'll go first." Ssid Rena. "Alright, show me your skills." "Okay." She started preforming a chant. "Riptide!" *Shoop* A blade of water shot from her hand. It hit the target only slightly off the bullseye. "That was great! What else can you do?" "I can do mana martial arts pretty well." "Holy crap, really?" "It's not that hard..." She said while blushing.

"Actually, it is. Creating the veins and using them is quite hard, let alone using the arts for combat." "Is it really that hard?" "Yes, it is." "Huh. Well I'm going to show you what I can do with it." "Please do." She started focusing on her hands. Eventually, they became covered in water It was like a plastic coating of sorts, difference being that it was water. She made the water extend a bit from the tips of her fingers. She ran up to one of the dummies and struck it.

The water part connected first, then was followed up by her hand. "Whoo! That was amazing!" "Really?" "Of course, your skill with the water element is incredible!" "Thanks." "Anyway, I'm sure you will get into the school under my recommendation. Next is you dragon girl." "Call me Correlshia." She faced toward the dummy. She took her hoodie off, revealing that she was naked underneath.

"Woah! Could you put some clothes on?" "I don't have any." "I'll make some." Jake turned around. He made a white tee-shirt and handed it to her while not looking at her." She put the shirt on. "Alright then." She stared at the target. Her chest started glowing orange. *Splorch* A large ball of lava shot out of her mouth. *Splat* *Sizzzz*

The lava clung to the dummy and burned it. "Very good. What else can you do?" "Fire magic." She did a quick chant which ended with "Fireball!" *Fwoop* It hit the dummy and blew it away. "That's great! I'm sure you can get into the school." "You're really good with fire magic huh?" "It only makes sense seeing as I'm a lava dragon." "Fair point." "Anyway, you two girls stay here and have fun, me and Jake are gonna go buy stuff." "Okay."

"Wait, what?" "Yeah. We're going to leave them here doing something fun instead of shopping." "I can't argue with that. I would love to have been able to do that as a kid." "Yes, you would. Anyway, let's go look for the required things." "Alright." They walked over to the door. Charlotte inserted the key. She turned it and opened the door. They stepped back out into the room. The man was still standing at the desk.

He gave them a nod of acknowledgement then looked down. The man was reading a book. Jake and Charlotte walked out of the store. "Alright, we're going to Potion works first to get the potion kits." "Okay." She started walking back towards the entrance. She then walked down a set of stairs that was right next to the entrance. Jake followed suit. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a huge open space. There were stores as far as you could see.

"Is there some type of spatial magic here?" "Yep. Anyways, let's go get the kits." "Alright." She started walking forward. There were weapon shops, item shops, skill shops, dojos, and most other things you can think of. She walked towards a store with a large statue of a potion out front. "This is it." She said upon reaching the store.

"So what do the potion kits look like?" "Come and see." They walked in. The store had tons of shelves filled with different colored potions. It was a fairly big shop. On one of the shelves there were boxes full of things. The shelf had a sign above it saying "Potion kits" "Those are what we need." "How do you know what we need?" "I was in magic school for a long time. I can remember what you need."

"If you say so." "Just wait here, I'll go grab the things." "So do you not need my help?" "Do you know what we need?" "No." "There ya go." She walked over to the shelf. Jake decided to look around while his mom grabbed the required items. He went over to the first shelf he saw. There were five shelves. Each one had a few different colored potions on it. Jake decided to look at the third one.

There were three different colors of potion. There were pink, lime green, and yellow. He read the labels. The pink was called a "Mana regeneration potion". The lime green one was a "Endurance potion". The yellow one was a "Swiftness potion". Jake looked around some more. He saw a sign. It said "Please note that potion colors are not always the same color, a strength potion may be green or red, it may not be the same every time."

Jake noted this in his mind. He didn't feel like he needed any potions, so he looked around some more. He saw some red potions labeled "Regeneration potion". "Pretty boring on here."

'Hey Lexi, do you know potion recipes?'

[Of course. Given the right ingredients, I can instruct you on how to make god-tier potions.]

'Holy shit, really?'

[I exist solely to help my host succeed. Potions are quite important. It makes sense that I know a lot of potion recipes, seeing as I was made by an incredibly powerful being.]

'Fair point.'

Charlotte finished what she was doing at this point. She walked over. "I got the stuff." "Good." "We're going to split the cost." "Sounds good to me." She walked toward the counter. There was a man who was wearing a hat there. His hat said "Brew alchohol? Nah. Potions are better.". "Hello, we would like to buy these things." "Alright, please put them on the counter." "Okay." She put the stuff on the counter.

There was quite a sizable amount of things. "That will be thirty golds." "Yep." She took out fifteen golds, and so did Jake. They both handed over the money. "Thank you for shopping at Potion works. Would you like a bag for these?" "No, its it's fine." Jake put the items in his inventory. "That is quite impressive sir. Do you have any talent In making potions?" "Why do you want to know?"

"We are currently hiring. If you have any experience, we are willing to hire you." "Nah, I'm not looking for a job right now. Thanks for the offer though." "Very well." With this, both people walked out of the store. "Next up is Wand connoisseur." "Wheres that?" "Over here." She started walking to the right. She then crossed to the other side and walked one store over. "This is it."

"Ah, okay." She led him into the store. *Ring* "Ah, hello customer. What brings you here today?" "We need some wands." "Oh but of course. Is there. anything in particular?" The man had brown hair.

'What element do I have the strongest affinity for?'

[I am completely unsure of this.]

'How do you not know?'

[You have an affinity for most if not all magic. Trying to pinpoint one would be nigh impossible.]

'Ah okay.'

[I would recommend getting a staff that you think will help you the most.]


"We need a fire staff, a water staff, and a multi element staff." "A multi element staff? Are there any specific elements?" "Nope." "So anything works?" "Yep." "Very well." He led them over to a shelf. In the shelf there were a bunch of orange and red staffs. They all looked similar, but had differences. Jake grabbed one at random. The man then lead them over to a shelf with blue staffs. Jake did the same thing he did before.

He then lead them over to a box. It had a lot if staffs sticking out of the top. "Not many people buy these ones, I'm willing to give you a discount. Most of these are rejects, so you may find normal staffs." "Cool." Jake looked at the staffs. He saw why nobody bought them. They had odd combinations like air and healing, or water and light. There was one that caught his eye though.

It was a damaged light blue staff. It was darker than ice, but lighter than water. The core had a crack in it. "If manga and anime are anything to go off of, this is probably something of great value." Jake knew that he had just found something worth a lot. He picked it up. He felt the magic weakly running in it. The magic felt very familiar. "Hmm, I know this magic from somewhere..."

Jake decided to buy this. He looked among the other staffs. There was a staff with darkness, air, fire, and healing. The gem was cracked and part if the handle on the bottom was missing and splintered. "I've got an amazing idea!" Jake decided to buy both the staffs. "I've got the stuff mom." "Alright, let's go check out." Both the people walked to the counter.

"We've got what we were looking for." The man looked at the things they had brought. His eyes widened when he saw the two broken staffs. "You do realize that these staffs are broken, right?" "Yep." "And you're sure you want to buy them?" The man raised an eyebrow.

"All of these staffs together come out to twelve golds." "Alright." They both took out six golds. They handed him the golds. "Thank you for your business. We hope to see you again." Jake nodded and put the staffs in his inventory. They then walked out. "Why did you buy those two staffs?" "I'm gonna try something." Jake saw a bench and started walking over to it. He sat down upon getting there and took out his two staffs.

"I'm gonna try this, and if it works, this staff is gonna be insane." "Alright then." Jake held the staffs in different hands. He closed his eyes and selected the Synthesis skill. He brought them together. Both items became engulfed in white light. They slowly turned to white liquid and floated on a white ball. Slowly, the ball formed into a staff. Jake opened his eyes. The experiment had worked flawlessly.

In his hand was a beautiful staff. There were five pieces of wood curling up towards the gem. They were each a different color. There was black, yellow, white, red, and light blue. The gem had these colors as well. The handle was made from these different colored woods coiling around to make a comfortable grip. The staff was about three feet long. All of the woods came together in a wonderful collage of colors.

"Fucking hell yeah! This is amazing!" He looked at his mom. She was standing there slack-jawed. "Did you just... Did you just use Synthesis?" "Yeah. I got it a while back." "That's an incredibly rare and expensive skill! Do you have any idea what you can do with that skill?!" "That's exactly why I got it." "You are full of surprises." "I know." "Next is the books." His mom lead him to a store.


Somewhere else.


"I guess I was pretty dumb for blindly believing that you were evil." "Yes, that was quite stupid of you." "Anyway, what's for breakfast?" "Do you have any requests?" "Waffles." "I can do that." "Sounds good." "I want waffles too." "I could go for some." "I'll eat whatever really."

The four heroes had been dropped off by Jake. Delt respected Jake's decision and decided to give them each a room. He gave all of them a luxury bedroom to themselves. He had let them sleep until exactly 10AM. After this, he woke them up and brought them to the throne room. He had started a conversation with them and it had lead to breakfast.

"Please follow me." He lead them to the dining room. "Take a seat anywhere. Your food will be out shortly." The demon lord walked over to the kitchen door. The heroes were a bit unnerved. There were guards around the room. One of the guards noticed Alan staring at him and waved. Alan gave a little wave back. A few minutes later, Delt emerged with the food. He had two large plates of waffles in one hand, as well as plates and sauces in the other.

The Heroes were extremely surprised that he was able to do this so easily. "Here you are." He put the waffles down and gave each person a plate. He then got cutlery out of what they thought was no-where, but was actually a spatial ring. "Here you go, please enjoy." "How did you carry those so well?" "Well that, my friend, is a very long story. Would you like to hear?" "Yeah, sure."

The demon lord then delved into his long life story.


Back on earth


"Wow, that was a lot of stuff." "Yep, but that's it." "Should I put Correlshia's stuff in her ring?" "Good idea." Jake got to work on doing that.

The rest of the things costed thirty golds. This included potion ingredients, required books, weaponry, and other such things.

Jake had decided to buy a sword for him just in case. It was a sleek, shiny sword. It was reinforced steel, and it had costed him five golds. He liked the way the sword was light, and could be swung fast. He had put it in his inventory. They were walking back to the training store. Jake suddenly had an idea. What If he combined his sword with his wand?

He was excited to try this. He took his staff and sword out. "What are you doing this time?" "Watch this." Jake held both items in different hands. "You're not gonna..." Jake activated Synthesis. Both items became a liquid made from light and formed into a ball. A few seconds later, they formed into a weapon. The weapon was a multicolored sword. The hilt was made out of the multicolored wood. The core was in the hilt of the blade. The blade was massive, at least three times as large as Jake's arm. The blade, not including the hilt, was at least three and a half feet long. The hilt protected your hand with a smooth dome of wood. It also covered your hand in a covering of wood so that you couldn't drop it.

"Hoooooly shiiiit! This is so fucking cool!" Jake was like a child on Christmas morning. Jake pumped his mana into the weapon. He felt like there was a hole to fill.


A brief explanation on magic weapons and tools:

Magic weapons and tools are objects that you can pump your mana through. This allows you to use them. An example is spatial rings, you pump a tiny bit of mana into the ring to use it. It is usually an action that you dont even realize you're doing. When you pump some mana through a weapon or tool, you can feel the circulation of it. Certain weapons have special features that you can use by activating them via the mana circuit.

End of explanation.


Jake filled the hole. His excitement grew even further. The weapon changed forms. It turned into a staff. The staff was four feet long. There was a cone at the top. A small cylinder extended from the bottom of this cone. In the top of this cone was the core. Extending from the bottom of the cylinder was a large coil of smooth, multicolored wood. The wood was where one hand would go. Below this wood was a metal cylinder. This extended for half a foot until another wood grip appeared. Below this was the same pattern. After one more grip, there was another metal cylinder that extended to the bottom of the staff. In all, there were three places you could put your hands. It was a breathtakingly elegant staff. It had nature, and modern, all in one. This weapon would no doubt go for an insane price if it were to be put up for sale. A very rough estimate would be five tungstens.

"My god Jake! That's beautiful!" "It's enough to make a grown man cry... But not me!" He put it back in the sword form. He swung it a few times to check its power. It created a gust of wind and made a swishing noise. The core only had a dull glow. He pumped mana into it. The core lit up. He focused on the red part of the core to see if his hunch was right. The blade went ablaze.

Jake realized just how awesome this weapon was. He tried to take it off his hand, but it wouldn't come off. He tried to push it off, but the wood grew further onto his hand. "Bitch fuck you! Geddoff me!" He put his hand down and put his leg onto it. He started pushing as hard as possible. The wood shot up his arm. "Yo what the fuck!" He said with a half worried half amused smile. The harder he pulled, the more it grew, and it also started hurting.

After a few seconds, he stopped pulling. He set his hand on the ground. He put his foot on it. He then activated body strengthening and yanked as hard as he could. *Crack* *Pop* His shoulder came out of place. "MMMMMMMM! Ohkay that hurts a bit more than a lot." He took a knee. He lifted his foot off the sword. He grabbed his shoulder. He felt the wood under the shirt. He moved the collar of his shirt aside to see his shoulder. He realized that the wood had spread over his shoulder and a halfway up his neck.

"Fuhuhuk this hurts!" Jake had a tendency to smile when he was nervous or in pain. Suddenly- *Pop* His shoulder was popped back into place. The wood extended in the shape of hand. It extended to his head and pet his twice. The hand then receded along with the wood that had extended. Jake was completely taken aback. "Did my sword just...?"

"How the hell did you make a sentient sword?!" "Sentient?" "That hand was it showing you that it cared about you and that it was okay! Do you have any idea how rare those are?" "Incredibly rare?" "Exactly." "Lemme try something." Jake reached over to the sword. He put his hand on it and began rubbing it. He felt something in his hand. It was a tingling feeling. "Hey, can you go down or something? Having a huge weapon on me at all times is a bit awkward."

He felt his hand get squeezed. The weapon began to shrink down. Eventually, it became gem about the size of a quarter on the back of Jake's hand. "That was an odd experience to say the least." "You don't say." Jake got up and moved his arm around It felt pretty much fine now. "Anyway, let's go to the room now." "Agreed." They both continued toward the store. They reached the staircase after about a minute.

They walked up the staircase. They turned toward the direction of the store and began walking. Upon reaching the store, they saw that the man from earlier was there still. He looked up and nodded at them once to acknowledge them before looking back down. They went back to the door. It was on A-3 now. They switched it to A-6 and inserted the key. They opened the door and walked in.

Correlshia was laying on the ground sleeping, while Rena was laying on the ground panting from exhaustion. "Hey guys, we're back." "Oh, hey." She laid there with her eyes closed. "Heya. Why are you laying down?" "Mana exhaustion." "That makes sense. Come here, I'll help." "Okay. She crawled over to him dramatically. "Drama queen." "Whatever." Jake placed his hands on her shoulders and pumped mana into her.

"Thanks, I feel much better." "Great. Take this stuff." Jake took the stuff out of his ring and put the stuff on the ground. "Alright, these are school supplies..." He trailed off as he noticed something. There was a small piece of wood connected to Rena's shoulder from the top of his hand. "Hey, uh, what's this?" "It's a weapon." "A weapon?" "Watch."

Jake pumped his mana into the gem on his hand. The wood receded. The weapon grew from his hand like a tree. The metal part grew upwards like molten metal being poured in reverse. "Holy hell! What is that?!" "I think it's a sentient-ish weapon." "That's incredible!" "I know right. I'm gonna try some stuff with it, put this stuff in your spatial necklace." Jake handed her the school supplies.

Jake walked a few steps away from her. He focused on the black parts of the core The blade became covered in a swirling black substance. Jake swung the sword at the dummy. It had the Jake's desired effect. It sent a sharp-looking line of darkness toward the dummy. It cut the dummies head right off. "Holy crap! Did you just break one of the reinforced dummies?!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did." "That's pretty impressive." "Thank you." Jake focused on the white element. The blade was bathed in a golden light. Jake swung the blade, and a wave over golden light shot forward. It did nothing to the dummy. Jake turned towards Rena. He blasted her with the attack. She flinched at this, but was not hurt. Instead, she felt a cool, refreshing sensation on her skin.

"What was that?" "Healing magic." "Oh." Rena finished putting the objects into her necklace. Jake decided to try the light blue one. He focused on it, and his sword became covered in a light blue glow. He swung the sword and sent a line of blue light out that hit the dummy. Nothing happened. "What's it do?" "Good question, let me examine it."

Charlotte walked over to him. She grabbed the sword. Jake got a bad feeling from this. "Hey, I think something's wrong." "Like what?" "I don't think the sword likes you touching it." "Why?" "Do I look like some kind of sword whisperer?" She stayed silent and put her hand on her chin while looking him over. "Oh fuck off!" She smiled then started feeling the sword.

The sword shuddered under her touch. "This is a magic that I'm unfamiliar with... Do you know it?" "Maybe? It feels familiar..." Suddenly, the dummy shuddered a bit. "Yo hold up, you see that?" "See what?" "The dummy just moved." "Did it?" She was a bit intrigued at this point.

She walked over to the dummy. It shuddered again. "Hey, what the hell?" She pushed the dummy over. It fell over. It shuddered a bit upon hitting the ground. "So what does it do?" "I dunno. Its something like telekinesis or puppeteer magic I think." "Try it again." "Okay." Jake decided to make something different to use.

He created a small wooden mannequin that you would find in an art kit or something similar. He set it down. It laid there completely limp. He used the magic on it. It rose to the ground like a possessed person in a horror movie. Upon standing up, it looked around. It saw Jake and walked over to him. Jake didn't know what to do. "Hey little guy, can you do a little dance for me?"

The wooden mannequin started doing a small dance. "Great job! Now you can stop existing." It dropped to the ground lifelessly. "That was weird." "Agreed." "So what type of magic is it?" "I assume it's something like puppeteer magic."

"That weapon is pretty damn unique." "Thank you." The staff gave a tingling feeling to Jake's hand. "I'm pretty sure its happy that you say that." "Makes sense." "Anyway, I'm going to give Correlshia her stuff." Jake put the stuff in Correlshia's spatial ring. He walked over and woke her up. "Oh Hey Jake, what's up?" She said after sitting up and yawning.

"Take this ring. It has your school stuff." Jake kneeled down and offered it to her in the palm of his hand. "School stuff?" "Stuff you're going to need at school." "Oh. Okay." She took the ring. "Thanks." "Your welcome." Jake stood up and walked over to his mom. "So what's the plan now?" "We can go back to the house, do something here, or go somewhere else. I've gotta call some people while you do whatever." "That's a lot more options than I thought there would be. Let's stay here and find something cool to do."

"Alright. Sounds like a plan. Let's get going." Correlshia stood up and joined Rena behind Jake after putting her hoodie on. They all walked out of the room. Jake had picked his wooden mannequin up and put it in his inventory. "I know a cool laser tag stuff place." "Yo really? That sounds epic." "You want to go there?" "Hell yes I do!"

"What's laser tag?" "I wanna know too." "It's where you use a cool gun to shoot colorful beams toward people." "Sounds strange." "You'll see." Charlotte walked toward the door. Everyone followed suit. They walked out into the waiting room. "Alright, follow me guys." She walked toward the stairs that they went down to get the school supplies. They went down the stairs and turned left.

They walked for about a minute. Eventually, they reached a storefront with a neon sign that gave it away. It was a sign on the shape of a laser gun that had text saying "LaserBlam!" on it. "This is it." "You don't say?" "Shut it." She walked in. *Ring Ring* There was a bell above the door that rung upon them entering. "Hello. What do you need today valued customer?" Said a slightly enthusiastic voice. There was a woman wearing a red shirt with the words "LaserBlam!" On it. She had ginger hair.

"Hey, I would like to sign these three in." "Understood ma'am. That will be one gold." "Okay." She handed the money over. "Alright, please follow me." She lead them over to a door. Inside the door was a large black hallway. There were doors all along it. She walked for a few seconds before stopping at a certain point in the hall.

"These are your rooms." She pointed to three doors along the halls. "I will help you get set up. I will do this young man first. Please follow me." She opened the door and led Jake in. Jake followed behind her. He was put in a room with a large treadmill on the floor as well as a small fridge. "Please stand on the treadmill." Jake obliged. He stood on the middle of the treadmill.

She walked up to him and slapped something on the back of his neck. It was cool and felt similar to hand sanitizer. "What's that?" "It's the stuff that'll put you in the game." "Hold the fuck up, am I about to get SAO'd?" "No you moron, do you have any idea how many lawsuits we would face?" "Fair point." "Anyway, I'll let you figure it out yourself. If you want to leave the simulation, tap the back of your neck twice." "Alright, thanks." "No problem. It nice to not have to deal with a self-important dilwad for once."

"Who's being a dilwad?" "Some schoolkids who think they're so cool just cause they got into a good school because of their parents connections." "That seems pretty straining." "It is. Anyway, you're good to go." "What are the rules on magic and stuff?" "You can do whatever. The technology does something to you that makes your magic only appear in the game, cool stuff."

"That seems pretty epic." "It is. Anyway, gotta go." And with this, she let Jake be. She walked out the door and presumably started talking to Rena and Correlshia. Jake stood there for a second before his vision started turning into green ones and zeroes. He was left in a black void. He looked down and only saw green see-through bones. Some text appeared in front of him. "WELCOME NEW RECRUIT! GOOD JOB MAKING IT HERE! MOST OF YOU QUIT BEFORE MAKING IT THIS FAR INTO THE BATTLEFIELD! NOW WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, LETS GO KILL SOME ALIEN BASTARDS!"

With this, the text disappeared. Jake was then thrust into a world if color. Mainly white and red. Jake looked around and saw that it was a bloody, snowy battlefield. There were oddly shaped creatures lying about the corpses of what he assumed to be his comrades. He saw someone getting ripped in two from the middle of their head down to the bottom of their torso by an alien. The alien looked like a blue Six foot praying mantis with a scorpion tail.

It was a gruesome scene. Jake realized that he had a pistol in his hand. It had a white strip across the top. Jake tried shooting it, but it did nothing. "How the fuck do I work this thing?!" His shouting had alerted the monster who was previously making a luncheon of the mans face.

*SHHHRRREEEAAAA* It released a deafening cry. "Fuck fuck FUCK!" He kept trying to shoot, but the gun did nothing. He then got the genius idea to put mana into it. He put metal magic into it. The strip on the top turned metallic. He began unloading the bullets into the monster. The bullets ripped it apart, chunks flying everywhere. It splattered the snow with lime green blood.

Jake was relieved that it had worked. He looked around, but did not see any more aliens. He decided to look around a bit. But before he could do anything, some text appeared. "GREAT JOB ROOKIE! MOST PEOPLE PANIC AND DIE IN THE FACE OF SUCH A TERRIFYING CREATURE! BUT YOU, YOU ARE INCREDIBLY TALENTED! TAKE THIS AS A REWARD FOR BEING SO IMPRESSIVE!"

A katana appeared in front of Jake. It floated around while spinning slowly. Jake grabbed it. A small burst of golden sparkles erupted once he grabbed it. More text appeared. "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO CARRY SOMETHING, JUST PUT IT IN YOUR INVENTORY. ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS PUT THE ITEM OVER YOUR BACK AND LET GO. TRY IT." Jake complied and did the action. The sword disappeared.

"GREAT! NOW PRESS THE BUTTON ON YOUR ARM TO GET YOUR BACKPACK." Jake looked and saw that there was a small red button on his wrist. He pressed it. A backpack appeared in his hand. It had a few white circles over the front. In the first one, there was his katana.

"YOU'RE AMAZING AT LISTENING TO ORDERS SOLDIER! TAKE THIS AS A PRIZE!" A floating piece of pink candy appeared In front of him. He reached out and grabbed it. He popped it into his mouth and was pleasantly surprised by the fact that it was bubblegum flavored hard candy. Jake preferred grape, but was content with this.

"GREAT JOB SOLDIER, WE ARE TRULY BLESSED TO HAVE SOLDIERS AS GOOD AS YOU! I'M BEAMING YOU UP TO THE SHIP NOW!" "Huh?" A large beam of blue light shot down which enveloped Jake. The next second, his screen went black and some text saying "Loading hub..." appeared along with a progress bar.

A few seconds after this, it filled up, and the black screen faded into color. "WELCOME BACK SOLDIER!" He saw more text. "I AM THE CAPTAIN OF THIS HERE SHIP, AND I'M THE ONE WHO'S GONNA BE WATCHING OVER YOU, AND EVERY OTHER PERSON HERE! SO KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN YOU'RE PLANNING TO DO SOMETHING ILLEGAL." The text disappeared and Jake was given a moment to examine his surroundings.


Jake nodded. "GOOD, GOOD. NOW PLEASE FORGIVE ME, BUT I FORGOT YOUR NAME. CAN YOU REMIND ME?" Jake smiled at this. It was the classic, cannon friendly way of getting your name. "Jake. Jake Graye." "ALRIGHT, LEMME SEE HERE..." The text disappeared for a few moments. "OKAY, I'VE REGISTERED YOU. NOW TELL ME, WHAT DO YOU WANT YOUR CODE NAME TO BE?"



And with this, the text disappeared. Jake was still sucking on his candy. He walked out of the room through the door that was in front of him. It was made of metal just like everything else. He walked out into a dark hallway. He walked down to the end of the hallway, and opened the door that was there. Upon seeing what was out there, he was pretty taken aback. Outside was a whole new world.

There was a giant open space in front of him, filled with technology. He was at least three stories up. The air in front of him was filled with drones. There were a ton of green lights. Down on the ground there were a bunch of people. Sone were running, some were talking, there were a few other things they were doing. Jake decided to jump down. He got a running start before running and jumping over the railing. As soon as he did this and began falling, some text appeared.


Jake laughed at this. He assumed that there was fall damage. He realized that he was about to end up as a red puddle if he did nothing. He looked around for his panic button. He felt as if he had plenty of time before he hit the ground. He started looking more frantically He realized that he was about to hit the ground. "FUCK!" *Splat* *Snap* *Crack* "Woah holy fuck!" A person moved out of the way.

Jake was reduced to a state similar to the victims of the alien from before. "Yo fucking hell! Is this guy still alive?!" The man who was talking was a brown haired man who wearing some black combat armor. He had a helmet with a green square that went over his eye. Jake's whole world was bathed in pain. "BLEEHG." He could only manage to get this noise out.

The pain was not as bad as it would normally be if he had done this. It was equal to the peak of the pain when you bite your tongue really hard. Eventually, his body began reshaping. After a few seconds he was back to normal. "Did... Did you just..." The man who had seen this looked ready to get sick. Jake stood up and brushed himself off. "Damn, that really sucked." There were three people around Jake. "Hey, are you a veteran player or sum'?"

"Huh? Nah. I actually just started this game." "Then how the fuck did you just survive that!?" "Well I have an insane healing factor in real life, so I assume that Carrie's over." The guys face went from questioning to Insanely surprised. "YOU FUCKING WHAT!?" "Yeah, one time, I got smashed into the ground at like, 150 MPH. My brain was squished and my eye was hanging out. The world was alternating colors while spinning."

The mans face went slightly green at this. "What the fuck are you?" "Really strong." "You don't say!" The man put his hand to his face. "So you only just joined this game?" "Yep." Jake looked down at himself. He was dressed in incredibly bloody green camouflage military clothes. His pistol was on a holster on his waist.

"So what magic can you do?" "The real question is what can't I do really." "Can you do water magic?" "Yeah." "Show me." "Okay." Jake created water mana and began pumping it out. A stream of water sprayed from his hand like a hose. It wasn't strong enough to cut someone though. "Alrigh, do three other types of magic." Jake used elemental arena for the first time in a while. It was a lot different though. The animals appeared, but were life sized. They all stood (Or slithered) next to Jake. The mans mouth opened as wide as it could, and his rose above his head, facing downwards, while shaking.

"QUICK GET RID OF THOSE!" "Huh? Okay." Jake retracted them. "Come with us come with us." He took Jake's hand. He began running towards a yellow square on the ground. Jake assumed it was a teleporter. The other two that were there followed quickly. The man tapped something on a screen that was floating next to the teleporter. The floor of the teleporter began glowing yellow. The man pushed Jake in while the other two jumped in after him. The man jumped in as well.

Jake's world went yellow. He saw that he was flying through a yellow tunnel that bended and curved. A few seconds of this later, Jake was thrust through a tunnel. He went flying out of the teleporter and into a room. The room was filled with nerd things. Anime character figures, Video games and their consoles, a few TV'S, tons of books and manga, if it relates to nerds, it was probably there.

"Hoooly shit this place is epic!" Jake got up and began examining all the figurines. "Ayyo, they got *irito? That totally fits this world. Let's see..." Jake looked around more. The man eventually came through the door. "Hey, what the fuck! Those are, one, extremely expensive, two, mine! You probably dont even know what they are!" "Bro, I am a mega nerd! I know all of these!" "Yo for real?" The mans angry expression changed to intrigued.

"Name all of those ones." "*irito, *suna, *inon, and *lein." "Holy shit you actually do?" At this point, the two men from earlier arrived. Both of them had black hair. There were a few differences. One of them had green eyes, while the other one had brown. The one with green eyes had glasses. "Hold on Bomber! This guy might be a spy for out opposing guild!" "Nah, I don't think so." "Ugh, if you say so." "Anyway, whats your name?" "Me? I'm Gray Demon." The man walked over to Jake and looked at his back.

"Yep, that checks out." "How so?" "Your name is on your back." "Seems like a dumb feature." "It will change in a few minutes. The game stops you from seeing or having a gamertag, or Code name as the game calls it. You can see them about an hour later." "Nice to know." "Anyway, what the hell was that earlier!?" "It was a spell I call Elemental arena." "Why did it summon those things?" "Maybe the game changed its effect?"

"What does it do normally?" "It usually makes those, but tiny. They fight for me in the palm of my hand." "That's incredible! Were you chanting previously or something?" "Nah. I have chantless casting." "No fuckin way! That's insanely hard to do!" "I was able to do it first try." "You're a prodigy among prodigies! What school are you going to?" "Not sure. It's one thats in New York. I hear its some type of high class one."

"No way. You're saying that you got into the Ebbins school for gifted young mages too?" "Yeah. Wait, you're in the same school?" "Yeah. It makes sense that you would spawn near us. After all, spawnpoints are localized to an area. Such as the Laserblam! store in the enchanting wares mall." "Yo hold up, are you there?" "Yeah, why?" "That's where I am." "Really?" "Yeah, I'm here with my daughters and my mom. My mom is doing stuff though."

"You have daughters?!" "Well it's more like a friend and a daughter. The friend is a seventy year old dragon. She looks like a kid." The mans eyes widened. "A FUCKING DRAGON?!" "Yeah. She's level 230." "That's batshit insane!" "I know right? My daughter is a demi-human." "You lucky bastard! I love demi-humans!" "Me too! What's your favorite type?" "I can't settle on just one. They're all so awesome." "Fair enough." Jake got an odd feeling.

"Yo, did you feel that?" "Feel what?" "I got a bad feeling across the back of my neck..." Suddenly, the door burst open. "Heya fuckholes! What's mothafuckin poppin?!" A tall man with a red mohawk walked in. He had two shorter lackeys behind him. He had metal armor on and had some metal pistons around the arms of his armor. He had a glowing red eye as well. "How the fuck did you get in here?!" Bomber cried in alarm.

"Hello bitch boy! You having fun with your little fap-buddies in your weeb-cave?" He looked around before spotting Jake. "Well who's this now boy?! You a little nerd like these two?" "Hell yeah I am!" The mans cheery expression faded and his eyes narrowed. "The fuck you mean hell yes? Are you admitting to being a little fap-nerd?" "Damn straight son." "You want to get beat up?" "Don't try it." The man grew a smile.

"You trying to threaten me?" "Hell yeah. You think you're such a big man huh? News flash, you look like an elementary school bully. Your mohawk makes you look like one of those low level trash enemies from some sci-fi game. Your eye makes you look like an off-brand terminator, and your armor makes you look like you should be in a raider encampment inhaling some jet." The mans face changed to one of confusion.

"I can't understand nerd-talk. What the fuck did you just say to me?!" One of bombers friends started laughing. Both other boys started laughing as well. "Hey! What the fuck did you just say?!" Jake started giggling. The man suddenly lashed out and grabbed Jake's neck. He lifted him into the air. Jake could feel his airway being squeezed. "How do you like that you little fucknerd? Do you realize your mistake now?"

Suddenly, Jake was dropped to the ground. The mans uand was still attached to his neck. "AHHHH! WHAT THE HELL!?" He clutched his bloody stump. Protruding from Jake's hand was a huge black blade that had purple veins on it. Jake had swung the blade at an incredible speed and had cut the mans hand off. The mans face turned into a terrified one. "What are you?!" "A demon." "AHHHH!" The man turned backwards and ran out the door. His lackeys followed suit.

"Holy shit! You fucked holden up!" "Is holden his name?" "Holden this cock!" All three boys burst out laughing. Jake gave a small chuckle. "Anyway, let's get down to business. I want you to join our troop." "What's it called?" "Anime bois incorporated." "What are the benefits?" "Well you get to hang out in this house since it's our troop base, as well as get an insignia on your arm. You can also participate in troop events." "That sounds like a pretty good deal..." "So, you in?"

"Y'know what? Yeah, let's do it."