Back to earth, Going home, and a whole new world.

Jake was engulfed in bright light. He could not see anything. This lasted for about two minutes. The light eventually faded. Jake looked around and saw that he was in a dark place. Rena and Correlshia were next to him. "Where are we?" "Not sure, let's look around." Jake felt an odd feeling. "Status."


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 45

Exp: 350/20,500

Health: 45,000/45,000

Mana: 100,000/100,000

Stamina: 1,250/1,250

Strength: 170

Agility: 150

Dexterity: 175

Mind: 90

Intelligence: 70

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies), (Loves to run over small creatures).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Holy fuck my stats are way lower in this world!" "Lemme see." Said Correlshia with serious look. She opened up her status and was incredibly surprised by what she saw. "They're all halved!" "Me too!" They were both incredibly surprised by this news. "Why did this happen?" "Not sure." It was at this moment that Jake realized that Correlshia and Rena were speaking the language of magic.

"Ahh, huh. How am I gonna..." Jake started to panic a bit. "What's wrong Jake?" Asked Correlshia while grabbing his arm. "The problem is, this world doesn't use the language of magic. It's probably not going to be good if you guys can't communicate with people." "Oh, that makes sense."

'Is it possible to give them the ability to speak English?'

[Yes. You can teach someone how to speak a language you know instantly with magic. It is a bit taxing though.]

'Thanks, how do I do that?'

[Just think of some letters, some words, and other things pertaining to the language.]


Jake followed her directions. He decided to use the spell on Correlshia first. He put his hands on her head. He used the spell. A quarter of his mana was used. Jake created a piece of paper, which took around five seconds. He created it with a few words on it. They were in English. "Can you read these?" "Yeah, it says english, and dog, and yellow." "Great! I'm glad it worked." Jake used the spell on Rena.

"Can you read these?" "Yeah." "Good stuff! Let's look around." Jake looked around. There were a few dumpsters around. "I'm going to take a guess and say that were in an alleyway." "How do we get out?" "Maybe use your brain?" "That's mean!" "Whatevs. Anyway, I'm pretty sure we can just walk towards the light." There was a faint light at the end of the alley. Jake walked toward it. His companions followed.

Upon exiting the alley, he was met by an odd sight. There were tall buildings all over and they had bright neon advertisements. They were in a language that Jake didn't know. He looked around and saw a ton of people walking around. The sidewalks were crowded. It was night time, but it was bright enough to see. Rena and Correlshia were both looking around in awe.

"This is crazy! What are all these lights?" "I have to second this! In my seventy years of living, I have never seen something this wonderful!" "Lemme see where we are." Jake walked into the nearest store. It was a clothing store. He walked up to the person working there. "Hey, do you know where I am?" "You are in Tokyo. How do you not know this?" "Oh, uh, I got really drunk yesterday. I guess I bought a plane ticket or something."

"I guess that makes sense. Are you cosplayer?" "Huh?" Jake looked down. He realized that he was wearing his armor. "Oh, uh, yeah." "Are you here to buy something?" "No uh, I was just leaving." "Come again some time sir." "Yeah you too." Jake walked out of the building. He realized what he had said and felt like an idiot.

Jake wished that he had just gotten teleported to america. More specifically, New York. "I guess we gotta fly to New York." "Where's that?" "The other side of the world." "That's far away." "Yeah." Jake tried to open a portal, but it didn't go very well. It seemed like it registered that he hadn't been there before, and he didn't feel like trying some type of teleportation magic that would put him in a rock.

"I need to get a map." Jake had no money or cell phone. He decided to find a phone and call his mom. He was not confident in his ability to create a cell phone with creation magic. He was thinking of how to approach this issue. "How am I gonna get money..." He was failing to think of a way to get money. "I don't wanna be a thief, but it seems like the only way." Jake did not like the idea of becoming a criminal.

He decided to try his hand at making the cell phone. It took him around a minute to make it. He made sure to do it in a place where people couldnt see it. Jake looked at the phone upon finishing it. It seemed like a perfectly normal android phone. He pressed the home button. It turned on. He swiped up.

The phone went to a home screen. It had all the default apps. "Okay seriously, how the fuck does that work?" Jake said is disbelief. "Whatever I guess, don't question a good thing." He clicked on the green call app. He put his mom's number in. Is ring a few times before going to voice mail. He hung up and called again.

This time, after two rings, she picked up. "Hello." *Yawn* "This is Charlotte Graye. Who is this?" She sounded tired. "Hey uh, this is Jake." "..." "You there?" "This is not funny! My son disappeared a month ago! I will tell the police if you call me again!" "No wait really-" She hung up. "Aw fuck this!" Jake decided it would be easier to just search up which way New York was.

He looked it up, and it gave him a direct line to New York. He didn't expect it do this but decided not to question it. He walked into an alley. He summoned his bubble. It costed a twelfth of his mana. He had a bit more than half mana left at this point. "Rides here guys." "Got it." They both got in. Jake got in and unhid his wings. He took off into the sky at a speed that would not alert people.

He started flying toward New York at max speed. He flew for around two minutes before getting the bright idea to get another pair. He used demon essence to make another pair of wings. His speed was tripled. He flew for quite a while before getting tired. He needed to take a break, so he slowed the bubble to a halt. Upon finishing doing this, he laid down. He retracted his demon essence wings, while stretching his natural ones out.

"Ahhhh. This feels great." Said Jake while stretching his wings. "I know what you mean." "I figured as much." Jale said to Correlshia. "Where are we?" "The ocean." "Isn't this the place with all the fish and salt?" "Yeah, that's pretty accurate." "When are we going to get going?" "A minute or so." "Alright." Jake stayed laying down with his eyes closed.

Eventually, his wings felt good enough to use again. "Guess we're gonna get going again." "I'm gonna take a nap." "Got it." Jake stood up and sprouted his second set of wings again. He took off like a bullet. The water behind them sprayed up because of the speed. "My phone says its going to be somewhere around ten minutes before we get there." "Okay." Correlshia quickly fell asleep.

Jake flew for another three minutes before getting tired again. "Damn, this sucks. I get tired much faster than usual." Jake realized that his demon essence wings didn't get tired. "Lemme try something..." Jake put his demon wings away. He only had the essence wings out at this point. He started flying towards America at a decent speed. He flew for around two minutes before realizing something.

"That's awesome! I don't have to take breaks now!" Jake was happy that he no longer had to stop to take a break. He realized that it would make sense to create another set of wings. He made two more veins on his lower back. He then used demon essence to make another set of wings. He then took off at a speed that was at least thirty percent faster than normal.

His phone said that he would reach New York in around three minutes. A minute later, he started flying over land. He was zooming past the landscape at a breakneck speed until he reached New York. He planned on going to his apartment first, then going to his moms house. Upon reaching his apartment, he hovered outside the window. Inside were a bunch of boxes.

They were labeled, "DVD'S" "ACTION FIGURES" "VIDEO GAMES" And other such names. He decided to grab his stuff. He opened the window and went inside. He emptied all the boxes into his inventory, then put them back. He felt like he was good to go now. He got back into the bubble. "Next stop, mom's house." Jake took off towards the country.

His mom's house was near the city, but was located in a forest. She had moved there a bit after Jake had moved out. He flew for a half a minute before reaching the house. The house had two floors, and was quite nicely sized. It had a basement as well. There was one light on. It was his mother's lamp. He flew over to her window. He had stealth mode on at the moment. She was sitting in a spinning chair reading a book. She had gray hair, but not from aging.

Suddenly, she looked over at the window. "The fuck?" She had a confused look on her face. "What's out there?" She walked over to the window. She looked out of it. Jake was incredibly surprised. After all, his mom had just spotted his stealth bubble. "Who the hell is here at this hour?" Jake looked behind him and realized that there was a car. He breathed a sigh of relief at this realization.

She put the book down and went out of the bedroom. *Knock Knock* Somebody knocked on the door. "Coming!" Jake tried to use his X-ray skill, but it didn't work. He guessed that this was because of the world being more difficult. He looked down and saw a bearded man. He had a bowler hat on. The door opened and his mom peeked out. "Oh hey, are you from the detective agency?"

"Yes ma'am. We have yet to locate your son. We have thoroughly questioned his friend, but he appears to know nothing." "Well keep trying, I'm getting prank calls about it now." "I'm sorry to hear that ma'am. If you need, we can trace the call and report them." "No. It's honestly fine. I'm sure they got some type of sick thrill from it, I'm pretty sure reporting them would do nothing." "Very well. You have a nice night ma'am." "You too."

With this, the man left. He got into his car and drove off. "Damn it! Where could he be!? First Jack and now this?! Ugh!" She shut the door angrily. Jake decided to try to sneak in. He activated his stealth skill and then crept out of the bubble. The skill covered him in a dark layer of something. There were camo patterns all over him. Rena and Correlshia had decided to sleep. He then flew up to his moms room and opened her window. He heard her walking around downstairs. He had activated his Enhance ears spell and was listening carefully.

He crept over to behind the door to wait. He made sure to hide his features and magic as not to frighten his mom. A few seconds later, he heard her coming up the stairs. "I should probably get to bed soon..." She walked over to her chair. As soon as she was facing directly away from him, he struck. "RAAAAH!" "AAAH!" She screamed and turned toward him instantly. *Shing* A large purple blade was suddenly in his stomach.

"DIE YOU SCUMBA- Wait, Jake!?" Her face went from scared, to angry, to shocked. Her face went to one of panic upon seeing that it was Jake who she had just impaled. "Oh! Oh god! Oh no! Jake!" She started panicking. She threw the blade away, which turned to purple dust. Jake decided to take advantage of this. "AHHHHHH MY STOMACH! BLEHHHH!" "OH GOD!" "THE PAIN! OH, THE PAIN!" "I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!" She said with tears streaming down her face.

Jake felt bad at this point. "I'm just messing with you. I'm fine." "Wh-what?" Jake stood up and dusted himself off. There was some blood on the cloth part of his armor, but other than that, he was fine. "H-how are you okay?" "This cosplaying armor and fake blood packs." He decided not to reveal anything yet. "What was that knife back there?" "Oh, uh, it was just a hologram. I'm trying out some new technology for a company." She said with a nervous smile.

Jake recognized the swords composition. "That was a demonic blow right there." "Ha ha yeah." She said, her nervous smile intensifying. "Anyway, I came here to say hi." "You've been missing for a month!" "Have I?" "Yes! You have!" "I'm sorry, I tried to come back as fast as I could." "Where were you?!" "Tokyo." "Tokyo!? How did you make enough money to go on a vacation?!"

"I'll tell you later. Anyways, you never gave me, "The talk.". Y'know?" "The talk?" She said with a confused expression. "You know, the talk. The one you never gave me?" "Are you talking about the sex talk?" "No no, the other one." She narrowed her eyes. "What other one?" "Well magic of course! What else?" Her eyes widened slightly. "Magic isn't real, you've just been watching too many TV shows." "But I'm a sorcerer."

"Right, show me then." She said with a confident smile. "Okay." Jake used mana martial arts to make two metal arms. Her eyes widened. "Wh-what?! How did you learn those?!" "It was pretty easy actually. All I had to do was make some mana vein things from my mana core to the part I want my magic to go." "But that's extremely complicated magic! How did you even obtain magic?!" "Well wouldn't you love to know! You didn't even say please." He said while looking away with his eyes closed.

"I have no time for your games! Tell me how you obtained magic! Also, how do you have no magic aura?" "Ugh, fine. I got transported to another world, then someone unblocked my mana veins." "Another world..." She looked away thoughtfully. "So that's where you've been?" "Yep. I got a daughter while I was there too." Her eyes widened. "You what!? How long were you there!?" "No no wait! They're adoptive! I was only there for a week."

"Oh. How did you get back?" "I killed the demon lord, Then resurrected him. Apparently the goddess for that world didn't realize that I did that, and she gave me an interplanetary teleporter." His mom just sat there blinking. "Are you bullshitting right now?" "Nope. That actually happened. I became freakishly strong in the other world."

"What level are you?" "Fourty five." "How much mana do you have?" "100,000." "That's bullshit! How would you have gotten 100,000 mana?!" "Some stuff happened, and then I got a ridiculous amount of mana, health, and stamina." "This is crazy, I'm going to bed!" She got up and walked over to her lamp. She shut it off, then walked over to her bed. She got in and turned away.

"I'm just gonna go sleep downstairs." "Bye." Jake decided to go grab Rena and Correlshia. He went downstairs and opened the door. He brought the bubble close to the door, the got in. He picked Rena and Correlshia up and brought them inside. He set them down on a different couch each. He used creation magic to make a blanket for each. He then tucked them in. There were only two couches, so ge decided to sleep on the floor. It was quite comfortable though, seeing as it was carpeted.

Jake wanted to bring his features out. He had found out that keeping his features hidden was fine, but eventually became uncomfortable. He decided not to for the simple fact that he didnt want his mom to have a heart attack. "Not very tired, but I'm gonna sleep anyway." He closed his eyes and focused on the outside noises. There were crickets chirping, an owl hooting, and sticks breaking. Jake fell asleep.

He was transported to his mind space once more. He said yes to bringing Rena and Correlshia along. They both appeared next to him. "Hey guys." "Hey. Are we back in the mind space?" "Yeah. Got anything planned?" "I'm going to play with Draken." "I'm going to watch the screen with Lexi." "It's called a TV." "Okay." They were than brought to the room. The first thing Jake saw was Draken watching TV.

"Hey dude." "Oh, hey." Draken had turned around and waved. "I wanna kill stuff." Rena told Draken. "Hmm, alright." "Yay." "I'm going to go over to Lexi's room." "You got it Correlshia." With this, they walked away. Jake felt like watching some anime. "I wonder where Jake two is." He went over to Lexi's room and saw that he was in her room watching anime with Correlshia. "Huh." Jake decided to use his computer.

He grabbed the pair of headphones next to it and started the computer up. He went to a probably not so legal site and clicked on an anime that he had yet to watch.

-An unknown amount of time later.-

"If I had to choose, I would probably say a tall woman with a big ass." *Gasp*

Jake had been watching it for quite a while. He had seen some things, and felt like trying them out. He decided to make a training room. He got up and got ready to try to make it. He imagined a large black room. He imagined it with dummies he could order to attack him, and targets. He imagined it with a remote to change the color of the room.

Eventually, he felt confident that it would work. *Snap* A door appeared in front of him. It had a picture of a weight on it. He opened the door, and in there was exactly what he wanted. He walked in. He decided to try the first thing he saw. He imagined there being an infinite void in between him and anything else. He ordered one of the dummies to attack him. It ran at him and threw a punch. He got knocked the hell down.

"Not sure why that would have worked, it was ridiculously overpowered after all." He then tried his second idea. He imagined his fists being covered in a thick layer of mana. He threw a punch at the dummy. the punch connected, but the mana did nothing. "Hey Lexi, is there a reason why this isnt working?" "Yes, you're power has been reduced drastically in this world. You need to train hard to do new magic now." "Well that sucks!" "You still have your magic from before, you just need to train to use new magic. You do have greatly boosted learning speed though."

"Whatever." Jake was upset that it now took actual effort to be strong now. He felt like it was a bummer. "I guess it's honestly whatever. I'll just train." He tried to use his water bullet and cutter spells, but found that they didn't work well. Only a small bit of water came out. "If I wanted a weak stream like this, I would take a piss!" Jake said frustratedly.

[It may be a good idea to warn you that you currently have two slots left for created spells. You can obtain more by leveling up.]


Jake felt like he was getting beat while he was down. First, he hears that he needs to train, then he learns that he doesn't have many spell slots left? Bullshit! "Can I delete spells?"


"I would like to delete the water spells."


[Successfully deleted.]

"I would also like to delete project thoughts and Scary form."


[Successfully deleted.]

"How many slots do I have now?"


"Okay then."

Jake was happier with this. He had one thing left to try. He imagined a dome spreading out from him. He tried the spell, but nothing happened. He tried it again. "Is anything happening?" Lexi then walked into the gym. "I figured it would be easier if I came in here to help you." (Its also easier for me like this👍)

"Oh, thanks." "Of course." She walked over to him. She snapped, and on her appeared a green shirt, pants, and hat. "Guess I gotta beat you into shape!" "WHAT?!" A blow raced towards his face. He had no time to evade it and was punched in the face brutally. "AAAH!" He was incredibly surprised. Also, his pain numbing had only kicked in a tiny bit. "FUCK THIS HURTS!" His face was covered in blood, but quickly recovered. "Your skills are currently being affected by this world. They are all less effective. It has only recently started kicking in though."

"Good to know. Now can you tell me why you just [SERIOUS PUNCH]ed me?" "Can you dodge it?" "I don't think so." "There's your reason." "I'm pretty sure I can't gain skills or anything in here." "Wrong." Jake's jaw dropped at this realization. "Really?! You're not fucking with me?!" "No. You may not know this, but if you exercise, you can get points corresponding to the exercise. Such as lifting weights to get strength points. Or running to build up agility." "That's really good to know! I'm actually really happy that I can gain points by exercising. Status!"


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 45

Exp: 350/20,500

Health: 45,000/45,000

Mana: 100,000/100,000

Stamina: 1,250/1,250

Strength: 170

Agility: 150

Dexterity: 175

Mind: 90

Intelligence: 70

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies), (Loves to run over small creatures).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"I feel like there should be an endurance stat." "Actually, I think you can apply for that." "What?" "If you click [Ask a question], You can ask the system admin something." "But what do you mean apply for it?" "Some things are locked behind special conditions." "What's the condition for endurance?" "I'm not sure, but I know it's something semi-simple." "Lemme try it..." Jake clicked the option.




"I was hoping to get the endurance stat on my system."




There was silence for a moment.



With this, the voice disappeared. Jake decided to check the status. "Status!"


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 45

Exp: 350/20,500

Health: 45,000/45,000

Mana: 100,000/100,000+^÷(";=<'b

Stamina: 1,250/1,250

Strength: 170

Agility: 150

Dexterity: 175

Mind: 90

Intelligence: 70

Endurance: 100

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies), (Loves to run over small creatures).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings], [Rewards tab].


"Nice! But what's this?" "What is it?" "There'ssome type of error next to mana." "Report it." "Okay." Jake pressed report.




"There's an error next to mana on my status."



"You too."

Jake looked at his status once more. "Status!"


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 45

Exp: 350/20,500

Health: 45,000/45,000

Mana: 100,000/100,000

Demon power: 1,000/1,000

Stamina: 1,250/1,250

Strength: 170

Agility: 150

Dexterity: 175

Mind: 90

Intelligence: 70

Endurance: 100

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies), (Loves to run over small creatures).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings], [Rewards tab].


"I have demon energy now I guess." "Can you demonstrate?" "I think." Jake looked down at his bars and realized there was a new one. It was a black bar under the stamina bar. It had small purple lines flowing through it. It was at xill at the moment. Jake realized that he had yet to try the demon energy on something other than wings. He decided to try it out. He used it on his hand.

His hand became covered in a black gooey substance. It seemed to be dripping. He willed it to move, and realized that it was actually his hand. It had turned into the black goo. "That is quite impressive. You didn't even need to practice." "Hell yeah!" Jake willed his hand to become a blade. It became a large blade with purple veins running along it. "Mothafuckin Alex Mercer over here!" "Who's that?"

"You wouldn't understand." "Now you need to try your demon energy." "Okay." Jaje focused on using the purple energy part of the demon side of his core. His other hand suddenly became covered In a purple energy. It was almost identical to his moms sword. "I wonder if my mom's a demon." "That seems plausible. Anyway, heads up." "Huh-" He said right before being sent right into a target.

"FUCK!" Jake was angry that he just got bitch slapped. "I'll beat your ass!" Jake ran at her with body strengthening on. He struck at her, with no effect. She had easily dodged the blow. Jake activated super speed and threw a punch at her gut. She dodged this by jumping to the right. She retaliated with a fierce strike to his stomach. *BU-HEH* The air was knocked out of him. "Keep trying." Jake activated his armor skill. The armor came out fine surprisingly enough. He threw a punch at her with his adamantite gauntlet. She caught the fist and crushed it.

He was in disbelief at this. After all, she had just broken adamantite with her bare hand? Scary. "How did you do that?!" "Your armor skill has scaled to you. The armor is not as high quality as it used to be." "That makes sense." He grunted. He decided to use his demonic energy armor. He activated it like last time. The way he did this was by focusing harder on the purple energy.

His adamantite armor disappeared and was replaced by the purple energy. He felt stronger with this on. He took his spiked chain out. He swung it at her. She caught it and yanked it toward her. Jake flew towards her. She met his helmet with a fist. He was sent flying. He caught his footing and stood. "Damn, this is difficult!" "Good. That means you're going to learn something." "Got it."

Jake sprang forward. He used the chain again, but this time he kept it close to his hand. He punched out at her. He willed the chain to go around her and strik from behind. It did this. Unfortunately, she jumped into the air and completely dodged this. "Fuck!" *SMASH* Jake's head was propelled into the ground. Lexi had axe-kicked his head into the ground.

Jake's entire world went white. His eyes rolled back into his head. The ground cracked, and black shards came upwards. His world went black shortly after. "Oh fuck, I didn't mean to knock him out..." Suddenly, Jake rise from the ground like a puppet. The entirety of his eyes were black. "Jake?" "..." "Hey, you ther-" Jake disappeared from the spot. *Clink* *Rip* The chains had wrapped around her neck and decapitated her.

"Holy shit! How the fuck did you just get strong like that!?" "..." Jake disappeared from his spot once more. He appeared above the head and sent it flying toward the ground. After this, Jake fell to the ground. His eyes closed. Lexi walked over and picked up her head. She put it back on and it started healing. "What the hell was that?" She said to herself.

Jake was completely unconscious. Lexi felt a bit bad for knocking him out. She decided to leave him be. He, meanwhile, was off in dreamland.


About two hours later.


Jake was woken up by some movement in the kitchen. It sounded like a bunch of sniffing. Jake instantly activated body strengthening. He ran out into the kitchen and looked for the intruders. And then, he laid eyes on them. There were two humanoid dogs. They were not exactly wolves. "WHO THIS?!" "KILL MAN, THEN KILL WOMAN!" They both nodded and leapt at Jake. He used his demon energy to create a giant blade once again. He cut the first one down the middle fron head to toe. He sliced the legs off the second one and kept him alive for questioning.

"Hey, you. Who are you?" "I KILL YOU!" Jake figured it was a werewolf of some type. "Who sent you?" "I NEVER TELL YOU!" Jake decided that it wasn't going to accomplish anything if he tried to get answers out of him. *Shing* The werewolf fell in two pieces. Jake felt less bad about killing them because they didnt have human faces.

"That's that." Jake solid while retracting his blade." "What's going on down here?" Said his mom with a yawn. "I think some werewolves were trying to kill you." "What?!" She walked over. She looked at the body before nodding. "Yeah, these are weredogs." "Weredogs?" "They're basically lesser werewolves." "Oh." "How did you dispose of them so quickly?" "With a huge blade."

"Where?" "My arm." Jake made the blade once more. "Wait a minute, is that demon essence?!" "Yeah, why?" "Are you a demon?!" "Yeah." "Damn it! I was trying to keep you away from this stuff for a reason." "Why?" "Well look, these things tried to kill you." "Are they people?" "No. They are created via magic. They usually originate from dungeons, but can be tamed. Usually buy werewolves."

"How do you know all this?" "How long do you think I've been a magic caster for?" "Since I was a kid at the very least." "Quite a while before that." "Speaking of, who's that guy who cast mind magic on me when I was a kid after dad died?" "How do you remember that?" "I was telling my daughter about it. I realized that I remember two versions of what happened." "He was part of our group. He died a few years ago."

"Another question, why were these guys here?" "There's been some long-running beef between us and the werewolves. Your dad got killed by them." "So why dont you lead an attack on them?" "No reason to. It would result in me dying. They would have quite a few losses too though. Theres no benefit to attacking at the moment." "Oh." "Now show me my new granddaughter." "Oh, uh, sure."

Jake led her out to the living room. He pointed to Rena. "The other ones Correlshia." She gasped. "They're so cute!" She walked over. She sat down next to the couch. She started stroking Renas hair. "She's so precious. It feels nice to have a granddaughter..." She trailed off as she noticed something. she brushed her hair aside. Her eyes went wide as she saw the scales.

"Hold on, you have a demi-human daughter!?" "Hmm?" Rena's eyes opened slowly. "Aw crap, did I just wake her up?" "Huh, I wonder." "What's going on Jake?" "My mom was talking about how cute you are." "What?!" "Shut it Jake!" "What's going on here?" Rena started rubbing her eyes and sat up. "Hey sweety, has Jake been treating you well?" "Of course. He bought me at an auction, but treated me like an equal."

Her eyes narrowed. "Jake, what does she mean bought at an auction?" "I bought her so that nobody else could. They obviously had ill intentions." She stared at him for a few seconds. "Okay, thats plausible. But anyway, time to examine the second girl." She scooted over to Correlshia who was snoring lightly. She examined her hood and realized that she actually had horns.

"She has tattoos? And horns? What race is she?" "Lava dragon." Charlotte's eyes widened and her mouth opened. "Wait, you're saying that you're traveling with a dragon?" "Legendary dragon actually." "How the fuck did you accomplish this?!" "I beat her in a fight." "What level is she?" "230-ish I think." "230?!! YOU'RE KIDDING!" "Hey mom, maybe focus on your volume?" "Huh?"

She suddenly felt an extremely deadly presence behind her. It felt as if the shadow of a reaper was behind her. "Who the hell is this!?" Said Correlshia. "That's my mom." "Oh." The presence disappeared. "Hey mom, what level are you?" "124." "Holy shit!" "Language!" "Oh come on! I'm an adult!" "And this is my house!" "Ughhh. Hey mom, are you a demon?"

She narrowed her eyes. "What makes you say that?" "Well you hit me with a sword made of demonic energy earlier, so I figured that you were a demon of some type." "How the fuck did you know that was demon energy?!" "Take a guess." "Did you fight a demon who used it?" "Nope." "Did you meet a demon who used it?" "No." "Did you read a book on it?" "Errrtt, wrong. The answer is, I'm a demon." "No way!"

"I am." "How?" "I became a demon upon entering the other world." "But you weren't a demon before!" "Hey, I don't make the rules." "What type of demon are you?" "Unknown." "Unknown?" "As in I don't know." "Do you have any features?" "Yeah, I have horns, a tail, and wings." "Really? Already?" "Yep." Jake unhid his features. "My god! Those are beautiful! If I had to guess, I would say that you're going to become a high tier demon." "Any specific guesses?" "I know a lot, but I only know a few types of high demon. there's the higher Necromancy demon, The Creation demon, The Greater rage demon, And The Ruler demon."

"Why is there so many?" "This may be a bad analogy, but think of it like dogs. Demons can breed and create hybrids, or completely new demon types." "It's a good analogy." "That's good. Anyway, I'm honestly not sure what you'll become." "What type of demon are you?" "I'm a limb demon." "Limb demon?" "Look." Her arms suddenly started transforming. They eventually became gray and armored. The fingers became more pointed. There were spikes on her knuckles.

"I knew someone who could do that." "There's more." "Huh?" Her feet suddenly started becoming gray as well. "Woah! Your feet do that as well?" "Actually, my entire leg." "That's hella cool!" "Aw, thanks. You're just like your father." "What's the similarity?" "He was just as enamored by my ability to transform as you are. His horns and tail were very similar to yours as well."

"How well can you control your energy?" "Pretty well. I have been practicing for the last few years." "Can I see?" "I guess." She stood up. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate. A few seconds later, armor appeared on her. It covered her arms and legs. The armor was spiked at the knees and elbows. It had claws protruding from the fingers. The chestplate was smooth. Her helmet didn't cover her face. It had spikes very similar to Jake's on the top.

"Damn that's awesome! Look at mine." Jake focused on his core. His armor came out a few seconds later. It had the chain wrapped around his arm. The armor wrapped around his demonic features this time. Energy appeared over his horns. Rings appeared around the horns. His wings became covered in the energy as well. His tail became much longer. The point hardened and became sharp. It was now long enough to be used as a weapon. "Oh my god! How can you control it so well already?" "I'm not sure, I keep trying stuff and it keeps working." "Huh. How durable is it?" "Wanna punch me?" "Sure." Rena had been watching this entire ordeal, while Correlshia had decided to go back to sleep.

Charlotte threw a punch at Jake. The punch connected with his chest. He was sent back a bit. There were large crack marks on the chest. "Guess it's not as strong as mine." "Makes sense." "Is your mom stronger than you?" "Unfortunately, yes." "That's incredible." "Oh come on, I'm not that strong." She said while rubbing the back of her head.

"What affinities do you have mom?" "Fire, water, and darkness." "Oh, well thats great. I have significantly more than that." "Listen here punk, don't talk like you're so much better." "I have all the affinities." "Uh huh, right." "I can even do creation magic." "Show me. Make a model of me with my armor on." "Alright." Jake complied. He imagined his mom with her purple armor. Unfortunately, his mind began to wander...

Upon opening his eyes, he saw that he had created something slightly different. It was his mom, but she had a large claymore sword made from demon energy. She was also standing on a huge monster skull. "Ah crap, my mind wandered when I thought of your sword..." Meanwhile, his mom was looking at him with awe. "This is amazing! You made something that you didn't even have a clear idea of! Do you have any idea how much money you could make with this?"

"A lot?" "Yeah!" "I'm not looking to do that. I already have quite a bit of money." "Let me guess, magic money?" "I guess, yeah." She retracted her armor. "I was actually going to talk to you about that. I'm planning on enrolling you into a magic school." "Hah?" Jake wasn't sure if he had heard her right. "Did you say school?" "Yes." "You do realize that I'm a twenty four year old man, right?" "Of course. The first year you can go is when you're twenty. They offer up to thirty." Jake was taken aback by this news.

"Wait, so you're saying that I can enroll into a school right now? Like, me?" "Yeah. It's the thirtieth of August. School starts in two days." "Hold up! How would I even get in?" "I used to be quite a bigshot back in school. They called me Charlotte the acrobat. I can definitely enroll you into school in time. In fact, I personally know the dean." "So is this a *ogwarts kinda thing? Am I gonna go out to the country in some castle?" "No no of course not! It's right in New York. It's a building with tons of magic casted on it to keep normal people from perceiving it."

"So you're telling me that you can legit get me into a magic school?" "Not just any school, the magic school. The school is one of the most well known in america." "Hold the fucking phone! Are you saying that, not only can you get me into a school, but you can get me into one of the best schools around?" "Yeah, that's about right." "This is batshit insane. I had no idea that you were this well known." Jake's mind was blown.

"If we're going to get you into that school, you're gonna need some school supplies." "Hold it! One, I haven't even agreed to this, two, what do you mean supplies?" "Well Yknow, a staff, books, a potion making kit, and other such things. We'll also need a storage ring for them." "I actually already have a storage device." "Where?" Jake opened his inventory and put the statue in. Her eyes widened once more.

"You just keep surprising me! How did you even do that?" "I have a skill that allows me to gain the skills of whatever I eat." "WH- H- THATS JUST... WHAT!?" His mother was flabbergasted. "I get that a lot. Anyway, how am I gonna get those supplies?" "Remember *arry potter? Remember how there was a special place where they got supplies?" "No way that's a thing!" She grew a smile. "Wanna go see?" "Yes!" Correlshia got up at this point.

"I would like to see this human shopping area as well." "I wanna come too." "Guess that's settled. We're going shopping." "Ugh fine." "Let's get going." "Like, now?" "Do you get tired?" "Not really no..." "Great, I'm glad you inherited our demon stamina." "That's a thing?" "Yep. Now let's get going." "Okay." His mom walked toward the door. Rena and Correlshia followed her. Jake followed suit.

They all went outside. She led them to a classic soccer mom van. It was white. "Hop in kids." "Hop in?" "Do you not-" "They're from a fantasy style world." "So no technology?" "Nope." "Ah. get into the door girls. Then use the metal piece to connect that part down there." She said while pointing to the seats. "Okay." They got in and did it perfectly. Jake got into the front seat. "That's great! They're fast learners huh?" "Correlshia is seventy." "Oh." She stared at her for a second. She then turned around and started the car. "Next stop, Wizards underground." "Yeah."

They then pulled out and began the drive. The house was a bit far into the forest, so it took a little while to drive out. Upon reaching the road, Charlotte turned the radio on. "Some music would be nice dontcha think?" "Sounds fine to me." "How does this music work? There are no instruments." Said Rena In awe. "Its It's a special device that picks up on special airwaves." "That sounds odd." "It is odd."

"Anyways, what happened in the other world?" "Well there were a lot of things." "Have any specifics?" "Well I hugged a necromancer girl who was also a lich, and I beat two dragons in a fistfight, I also got blessed by two gods, and became the champion of one, I also beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight." "Holy shit!" "Yeah." "Seems like you had fun." "It was pretty fun."

Jake closed his eyes and leaned against the seat. It felt nice to rest his mind. Even when he was sleeping, it still felt a bit exhausted. He was unsure of the last time he had relaxed like this. His eyes soon felt heavy. It was still dark out. Eventually, he fell asleep. Only, this time, he did not go to the mind space.

He had been dreaming of a black and white wasteland with zombies and aliens all over it. He had been dreaming that he kept having to run away from them. Suddenly, he woke up. He opened his eyes and looked around. It was very early in the morning, and the sky was dark blue. He was in the city. *Yawn* "Where are we?" "A few minutes away from the place." "Ah, okay." Jake started rubbing his eyes. About a minute passed.

"We're pulling up to it now." "Oh, alright." She pulled into the parking lot of a mall. It was called "Enchanting wares mall". "So is this it?" "Yep." "How is it that normal people don't go in here?" "There's a special enchantment that makes it completely undetectable, it's like when you see a shady shop on sone plaza, you usually don't give a second thought." "I guess that actually makes sense."

"Anyway, rules are, stay with me, don't walk off somewhere, and don't do business with shady people." "I'm not stupid." "You say that, but the entire time you lived with me, you were a mischievous little weasel." "I guess I can't deny that." "Hop out Everyone." Everyone unbuckled and got out of the car. She took both girls hands. Rena looked happy to have Charlotte leading her.

Jake walked next to them. He had his armor on still. "So this is truly a magic store?" "Come and see." She kept walking. Eventually, they reached the door. She pushed it open and stepped inside. Jake walked in after them. He was taken by surprise at what he saw. There were demi-humans, vampires, slime people, and other such things. There were also tons of shops with magical items. It was like every nerds greatest fantasy.

"Heya! Welcome to the enchanting wares! I hope you find what you're looking for!"