Two demon generals, the demon lord, a reward, and the heroes.

"God damn this Is boring."

Jake and crew had been walking through the forest for around ten minutes. He had tried using his bubble, but found that he couldnt move it. He tried flying, but he was rudely stopped. "You got any ideas?" He asked the girls. "Maybe you could make some other form of transport?" "Huh. I guess I could try that." Jake brainstormed for something he could do.

Then it hit him, what If he just made a car? He hadn't tried it yet. He figured it couldnt hurt to give it a try. "Wait up, I'm gonna try something." Jake imagined a car. He wasn't sure if it would work, seeing as he didn't know the anatomy of a car. He put his hands out and imagined a car. He felt his mana being drained slowly. He kept his eyes closed for about a minute before he felt his mana stop being drained.

He opened his eyes and saw that he had a car. It was a normal gray pick-up truck with some seats in the back. "Hey, that's pretty nice." "What's this thing?" "It's a car." "What's that?" Jake got into the car. He realized he couldn't start it without keys. He wondered what it looked like under the hood. He got out and looked. It was the normal engine of a car. "Not sure how that works but okay." Jake said with a shrug.

He got back I to the car. He imagined a key for the car. To his surprise, the key fit. "Hell yeah." He tried to start it, but it didn't work. He went over to the fuel tank. He created a fuel can. He poured the fuel in then got back into the car. Upon trying to start it, it worked. "Fuck yeah!" "What is it?" "Hop in the back, take a seat." "Okay." Rena hopped in. She buckled herself into the seat, surprisingly enough, she didn't need to be told how.

Correlshia copied Rena. Upon both girls being buckled in, he started driving. The anti-flying barrier didn't activate. "Less go!" Jake started speeding towards the castle. Ten seconds later, Jake saw something up ahead. It was what seemed like an ambush. There were a ton of goblins, as well as some larger ones which he assumed to be evolved goblins.

"This is gonna be fucking epic." Jake sped up. *VRRRRRRR* Eventually, he reached the goblins. It was a bloodbath. *CRUNCH* *SQUISH* *POP* *SPLAT* *SQUELCH* *SNAP* The noises were quite satisfying. Eventually, he had plowed through the horde of goblins. The front of his car was obscenely bloody. There were bits and pieces all over the window. "What the hell was that Jake?!" "Carnage."

"That's for sure." "Status."


Name: Jake

Race: Unknown Demon

Level: 45

Exp: 350/20,500

Health: 70,000/70,000

Mana: 250,000/250,000

Stamina: 2,900/2,900

Strength: 210

Agility: 190

Dexterity: 175

Mind: 90

Intelligence: 70

Sanity: 100/100

Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill).

Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies), (Loves to run over small creatures).

Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].


"Hell yeah! I'm level 45!" "That's great!" Rena shouted to him over the engine. "What level are you?" "Twenty!" "Awesome!"

'Is my exp shared with my companions?'

[Only slightly. It is something like seven percent.]

'Ah, okay. Thanks.'

[No problem.]

Jake realized that he should probably clean the windshield. He tried to use the built in window cleaner, but it failed. The blood smeared. "Fuck, how am I gonna clean this?" Jake decided to just get rid of the window. He punched the windshield out. Jake's clothes got covered in little glass shards. "Dammit." Jake decided to just get new clothes.

He looked in his spatial container and saw that he still had his armor that he bought. He realized he had completely forgotten about it. "I'll use this." Jake stopped the car. He got out and changed out of his clothes. He put the armor on. It was pretty comfortable to wear. The armor fit him pretty well. The armors cloth turned gray. The armor turned white. "Pretty sick." Said Jake after it changed colors.

Jake got back into the car and started driving. He realized after starting driving that he could see the castle. "We're nearing the castle people." "Alright." Jake was pretty excited to see the demon lords castle. *BOOOOOOM* The world seemed to slow down.

It seemed like a meteor had struck in front of the car. The shockwave was massive and the car was sent flying. The car flipped over in midair. Jake used super speed to bust out the back window and grab the girls. He saw in the world of stopped time there was a large puff of fire coming from the engine of the car. He used his wings to fly towards the ground, away from the crater.

This all took place in a second. This action took a third of Jake's stamina. He set down the shaken girls and looked towards the crater. Standing there was a large beast. It was clad in armor and golding two huge T-shaped swords. The swords were at least two meters long each. They were made from a dark black metal. The beast had the head of a lion. It had a tail as well. It's eyes were green. The beasts armor was made from dark metal and leather.

Jake was impressed by how big the beasts swords were. "I SENT HERE TO KILL YOU!!" The beast screamed at Jake. *ROOOAAAARR* The beast let out an ear-piercing roar. "I'll kill you you oversized cat!" The beasts eyes went red. It leapt at Jake. Jake met him in the air. He released a mighty punch upon the beasts face. It was sent flying away from Jake.

Its face had a bloody dent after this. It roared once again before throwing one of the swords at Jake. He dodged it. Suddenly, he was cut from behind. It went straight through his side. The beast apparently had a small chain attached to its sword. It had reeled it in after throwing it. "Dammit! That was a dirty trick!" Jake shot him with his water Cutter. It had nearly no effect. "Damn!" Jake summoned his armor in.

He dashed through the air towards the monster. Upon punching the creature, it made a large clanging sound. The creature had used one of its swords to block the mighty punch. The sword shattered into pieces. The creature was panting heavily. Jake decided to use his metal arms. He summoned them in and began rapidly punching the creature. It held out for a while, but eventually couldnt block any longer. It was swallowed in a sea of red punches. Eventually the creatures face was dented in.

Upon finishing his mighty barrage of punches, the creature was dead. "E Z clap boi." Jake said victoriously. He grabbed the sword that was still intact and put it in his inventory. He went back over to the girls who had witnessed this whole ordeal. "That was so cool Jake!" "I agree, that was quite flashy." "Thank you." Jake said while bowing. "You're welcome." "Anyway, I'm pretty sure I see the gate up there."

Jake had seen that the gate was up ahead. He was glad he didn't have to circle around the castle looking for it. He decided to just run to the castle. He wondered why he hadn't seen more monsters and troops around the forest. "Anyway, let's get going." Jake started running towards the castle. Both girls followed him. He made sure to keep at a speed where they could follow him.

He decided to try flying. To his surprise, it worked. He decided to summon in the bubble. He lowered down so the girls could get in. They all boarded the bubble and set off. They reached the castle in about a minute.Stationed at the door were two huge suits of armor. They were holding giant spears. He decided to zoom past them. Upon seeing him zoom past them, they were confused.

"Were we supposed to let him in?" "I think it's alright. He did have wings after all." "Yeah, you're right." The left one was relieved upon hearing that it was fine.

The team zoomed into the building. It was massive. "I really don't wanna look through this entire place." Jake tried to use his spell to locate the demon king. Unfortunately, his spell was blocked somehow. "Fuck, guess we gotta find him manually. Upon reaching the end of the entrance hall, he found out that there was another anti-flight field. "Goddamnit! Why can't I catch a break from this annoying bullshit!" Jake was a bit irked by this, but decided to only complain a bit.

Jake walked through the door with Rena and Correlshia. Beyond the door was a large room with lots of doors. There was a large hall directly ahead though. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this is the right way. Jake carried on. The path took a right turn. Upon turning right, he saw that there was another hall up ahead. The room was quite large.

"Is there gonna be a stupid amount of rooms just to annoy me?" Jake walked into the room. Right after thi, a gate closed behind the crew. "Hello there, what might you need with his majesty?" "Why do I hear boss music?"


Somewhere in the dark forest.


"Goddamnit! Why can't we beat a simple army of monsters quickly!" Screamed a red haired woman. She was wielding a flaming sword. "I'm sorry marinie! These monsters are stronger than I expected!" Said a man who had a large stone hammer. He had a beard and brown hair. There was a small streak of white in the front. The man was smashing small monsters left and right.

"Hurry it up." The woman said coldly. "Emilia, how long does it take to summon a few stupid Ents!? I expect you to kill as many monsters as Darius!" "I'm sorry ma'am! The soil here is quite bad, so the Ents are growing slowly." "If I need your life story, I'll ask! Next time, dont talk back!" The woman screamed angrily. "Y-yes ma'am!" The girl said in a scared voice.

"Where are those fucking heroes?!" The woman screamed. "They are almost here. They got caught up in a monster ambush from what I hear." "I don't care! They should be here already! I swear to god, if I die because of some stupid kids being late, I'm going to rip them apart in the afterlife!" The woman seemed to do nothing but rage. She turned back to the tide of monsters. After a few seconds of chanting, a few large balls of fire shot from her hands. They hit the larger monsters and killed them. The larger monsters consisted of Ogres, Cyclops, Drakes, Minotaurs, and giants. Behind these monsters were the powerful demons that were only one rank below the generals. They commanded the bigger monsters.

The big monsters stayed behind and provided covering fire. The drakes shot fireballs, and the other monsters threw objects. There was a large army of holy soldiers fighting the small monsters and demon soldiers. The woman was on a raised platform shooting extremely strong magic at the large monsters, while killing any small monsters or soldiers that got near her with her sword. The very air around the woman was burning from the rage she had. There were a few other light mages shooting Holy attacks at the monsters and demons.

A few seconds after the woman had shot the fireballs, the heroes had arrived. "Let's do this guys!" Yelled Alan. "Roger that!" Yelled Rikanna to Alan. She started conjuring some magic. Upon finishing the symbol, lightning bolts shot out from her staff. The bolts traveled through multiple monsters. It was a very effective attack. Rikana started dicing enemies with her daggers.

Alan jumped in and started mowing enemies down left and right. "YAAAAAHHH!" Alan screamed. "Guess the heroes are pretty strong." Said Marinie to herself. She kept launching magic attacks for a few minutes. "I'm put of mana!" Yelled Marinie. "Roger!" One of the people behind her yelled. They came up to her and put their hands on her shoulders. A blue glow came from the place where their hands were.

"Good job soldier! Now go rest!" "Yes ma'am!" The soldier ran back to the armies side and ran into a tent. The heroes were making mincemeat out of the enemies. "Keep pushing! We will take the castle today!" The battle kept going.


Back to Jake


"Where the fuck even are you?" "My my, wouldn't you love to know?" He was pretty upset that someone was screwing with him. "I'm here to defeat your demon lord. I'm in a bad mood, so if you try to stop me I Will kill you." "My My, you're quite confident aren't you? Maybe you should just join me instead." Jake felt seduction magic trying to worm it's way into his mind. He looked down and saw both girls completely mesmerized. Suddenly, he felt a cool hand on the back of his neck.

He looked up and saw that it came from the ceiling, which was completely dark. In the darkness, there were two orange cat eyes. The arms seemed to belong to the one above him. He grabbed the arms. "What the hell?!" The person was surprised at being grabbed. *Crash* Jake yanked them down from the ceiling. The person who came down was a cat girl. She had a leopard colored tail and ears. Her hair was orange and yellow.

"How the hell are you lucid enough to do that?!" "I've got some protection. Now listen here missy, you try something like that again, and I'm gonna dome you." "Is that a innuendo that I dont know?" "No, it's a term for putting a thumb-sized piece of metal in your brain." "I can't believe you would do that to someone as helpless as me!" "Just because you're a girl doesn't mean I'll have mercy." "Girl?" "Yes, girl." "But I'm not a girl." They said while tilting their head.

"What do you mean you're not a girl?" Said Jake while narrowing his eyes. "I'm not a female." It suddenly hit Jake what this person was. His eyes widened and his mouth opened. "You're a trap!?" "Trap?" "A person who looks like and dresses up like a girl, but is a guy." "I don't take kindly to you insulting my preferences!" Jake took the mystery tool out of his inventory. It was a huge revolver. He put it to the catboys forehead.

"Listen here *elix, I dont give two shits about your feelings, I'm here to kill the demon lord. You have no say in this matter, only an opportunity to live." "Ugh, whatever. Only because you're so cute though." Jake's face went a bit red. "This is just... Way too gay for me." Said Jake with an exhausted expression. "What's wrong with being gay?" "I really dont want to talk about this right now. Lead me to the Demon lord." "Roger that." The girls both snapped out of their trance.

"Follow me!" The boy said. Jake started following him. "Also, are you a demon general?" "Yep. I'm rated third, just above Smash and Zap. The names Alta. What's yours?" "Jake." "That's a nice name." Said the general. "So are you strong?" "Well of course I am! If I wasn't strong, why would I be a general?" "What can you do?" "Well I specialize in seduction magic, but I'm incredibly skilled with light weapons." "So why didn't you attack me?"

"Well you're too much of a cutie to do that!" Jake's face went red once again. "Moving on. How long until we get there?" "About a minute." "Got it." They kept walking. "Where is everyone?" "They're all out fighting the holy army." "The holy army?" "Yep, they're leading an attack right now." "What are the chances that they attack exactly when I attack?" "Probably pretty low."

"I guess it doesn't matter. After all, I don't need help from them." "Well let's wait and see." "Whatever." A few seconds later, they reached the throne room. Sitting in the throne was a tanned man. He was wearing a suit of dark metal armor. The chest plate had a design of a ribcage. The legs had spikes in the knees. And the helmet had two large horns protruding from it. The throne rooms walls were beige and the carpet was red. The throne was golden with black cushions.

The demon lord was sitting in his throne, staring at a magic spying mirror. He seemed to be completely unaware of Jake. "This is him." "I guessed as much." "Anyway, I'm going to leave now, try not to mess up your pretty face." "Just leave." "You got it." Jake looked towards the menacing person up ahead. "Hey, you, demon moron." The man looked up. "Who cares to call me a moron?!" "Me."

The man seemed enraged at what he had just heard. "I assume you want to die!?" "Nope, I figured I would just stop you and bring peace. I didn't really want to waste my time doing this, but it seems like the thing that everyone wants." The demon lord stood up and grabbed his sword. "You talk like killing me is a simple feat! But you are sadly mistaken! I am the demon lord! The ruler of the-" *Cough Cough* The demon lord started coughing violently.

Jake was a bit caught off guard. "One second!" *Cough Cough* The demon lord had to lean on his huge sword to stay standing. "Are you okay dude?" "I said one second!" *Cough* Jake felt bad for having to kill him now, after all, the demon lord was sick. Sick. It felt wrong to kill someone who was too sick to walk. "I can just wait if you need me to." "I am no cowa-" *Cough Cough Cough* "Coward! I will fight even if I am ill!" "This feels wrong."

Jake felt some pity for the man. After all, he was trying to rule his kingdom, but was constantly being attacked. He was too sick to defend himself properly, and had to rely on minions to defend his kingdom. "If you need to, we can just wait." "No! I will fight to the very last, even if it means that I die!" "That's kind of sad, you should be able to take a day off if you're sick." "A day off!? I am the demon lord! I have no right to take a day off!"

"Well I feel like every ruler has the right to a day or two off." "Why would that be the case?!" "Because If the ruler is overworked and stressed, they wont be able to make decisions efficiently." "I need not hear about this! A ruler needs to be able to do anything they are needed to without a break! If I take a break, that means I care not about this country!"

"I feel like you aren't listening. If you don't take a break, you can't think right. Also, I'll take a wild guess and say that that sickness is from working too much." "What would you know about my sickness?!" "I don't know what it is. I can only guess." "Whatever!" The demon lord had stopped coughing. "Fight me you bastard!" The demon lord jumped at Jake. Jake swatted him away with a single slap.

The demon lord landed on the ground next to Jake. He tried to get up, but failed. "Are you going to attack me or not?!" "I feel like that's morally wrong." "But I'm the demon lord! Are you not a human adventurer sent here to kill me?!" "No, actually. I'm a demon." The demon lords eyes widened. "Then why are you here and not fighting the troops out there?!"

"Well there are some special circumstances, but uh, I'm not a normal demon." "What do you mean you're not a normal demon?" "I wasn't born a demon." "So you were demonized?" "Demonized?" "Yes, it is a process where humans are exposed to demon energy and converted into a demon." "No, I don't think so anyways." "So how did you become a demon?" "Upon getting brought to this world, I became a demon."

The demon lord squinted his eyes. "What do you mean brought to this world? Are you saying that you're a hero?" "No, I just got beamed by a pillar of light, then was suddenly here." "So you're not a hero?" "Nope." "So are you willing to not attack me?" "I guess we can make a deal." "Very well, what are your terms?" The demon lord got into a sitting position.

"Well for one, I want money." "That's simple enough." "Second, I want you to stop terrorizing people." "I have not been terrorizing people. I have been gathering power. What do you mean by this?" "Well your generals Zap and Smash were trying to attack Ercona." "I did not send them to do that! I have explicitly told them not to provoke any kingdoms!" "Why?" "Think of it like this, if you want to create a kingdom, if you have a kingdom attacking you, it makes that goal much harder, do you understand?"

"So what you're saying is that you have not explicitly told anyone to attack?" "Precisely." "What kind of bitch boy demon lord are you?!" The demon lord was angered by this. "How dare you! Just because I am less hot-headed than my father doesn't mean that I am incompetent!" "Whatever. Another thing. I want the demons who killed Correlshia's parents rounded up and given to me." "Correlshia!? As in the legendary dragon?!" "Yeah."

The demon lords eyes went wide. "What do you mean they killed them!? Do you have any idea how much danger that puts us in?! She is a legendary dragon! I would do that even if I wasn't negotiating!" Jake was surprised by this. After all, he expected the demon lord to be a muscle-brained idiot who only thought about fighting. But here he was, completely willing to give up his soldiers for the sake of peace.

"So you're really willing to just give them up?" "Of course! I'm not an idiot!" "Whatever. That's about it though." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, that's all I can think of for now. You guys have any ideas?" "Nope." "You already did my idea." "Well then, its settled. You do the aforementioned things and I wont kill you." "Seems simple-" *Cough Cough* The demon lord started coughing once more.

The coughing stopped after a few seconds. "I will bring the ones who killed Correlshia's parents here at once." The demon lord stood up shakily. He went over to his throne. He spoke Into the mirror after tapping it a few times. After a few seconds, he got back up. "I have called them. I told them they are getting a promotion." "How did you know who did it?" "I don't. I just said to all my troops, "Whoever killed Correlshias parents, come to my throne. I will know who did it and didn't do it."." "Oh."

"Anyway, would you like anything? We have food if you're hungry." Jake was extremely surprised by this. After all, the demon lord had just tried to kill him. "You're offering us food?" "You have agreed not to kill me, so I see no reason to not be civil." "Damn. I never expected you to be this civil." "I'm not a savage!" "Fair point. You guys want some food?" "Yeah. I'm pretty hungry." "I want food as well." Both girls agreed. "Alright then, I guess we'll take you up on your offer."

"Follow me." The demon lord walked toward a door in the wall of the throne room. The other side appeared to be a large dining room. The table was meant for fourteen people. "Please, take a seat." He said. He walked over to the table. He pulled out three chairs. "I will be back shortly." He said before entering a door near the table.

All three sat down. The table had a white tablecloth. They sat there for a bit. "What do you think he's doing?" "I'm going to go out on a limb and say that he's cooking." "Yeah right. He's a king, what king can cook for themself, let alone others?" "I'm just going out on a limb." "Either way, I'm hungry." "I know."

They talked for a few minutes. Eventually, they smelled something good. A few seconds later, the demon lord walked through the door, holding a few plates. "I told you!" "How the hell did you guess that right?!" "Just a hunch." The demon lord gave them the food. On Rena's plate, there was a delicious looking mushroom omelet. On Correlshia's plate, there were a few large pieces of meat. On Jake's plate, there was a steak. On the side, there was a dipping sauce of some type.

The demon lord had a plate as well. On his plate was a large burger. It had quite a few different ingredients, including tomatoes and lettuce. "Damn this is nice, where did you learn to cook like this?" "That Is a long story." "We've got time." "Very well. I will recite my tale to you." "Sounds good."

"To start off, as you may know, my father was the previous demon lord, Vraxus. He was quite hot-headed, but was still able to make rational decisions. In case you didn't know, the demon lords get boosted growth. My father knew that if he handed me everything on a silver platter, I would become a spoiled brat. He instead sent me out into the world with nothing but a survival book and a knife. He told me to go train myself before I come back."

"I hated my father for doing this. I was forced to go out in the world with just what I had and train myself. I first started by killing slimes. They were quite easy to kill. I wasn't leveling up fast enough to kill strong monsters so that I could make enough money to live on my own, so I started a job. My first job was was a cleaner in an inn. Eventually, I was promoted to a receptionist. I stayed there for a bit before finding a better job."

"In case you were wondering, I always wore a hood to conceal my horns. I always broke them off as to be sure they didn't poke out. The better job was as a receptionist in a guild. I had experience in the profession, so I was hired pretty quickly. I worked there for two and a half years before getting into a college. I had saved up a lot of money for it. I went to the college and got a great education. I did a few magic classes before I realized that there was a class I was very good at."

"I took a cooking class one day, and realized I liked it and was talented at it. The teacher was quite nice, and taught me well. It is a wonder to me how no-one found out I was a demon. The classes went on, and I eventually got talented enough to become an experienced chef. I became proficient in fire magic as well as darkness magic. I used fire magic to cook food with great precision."

"Upon graduating from college, I applied for a job at a popular restaurant. It was called "The wild fish". It was quite high-end and paid very well. I worked there for a few years before deciding to go back to adventuring. With the money I had earned from working, I bought myself a set of magic steel armor. It had an enchantment to repair itself after a while. It was an amazing set of armor."

"I also bought myself a steel sword. After hearing up, I set off to kill creatures. I did afew dungeons, cleared out a few monster nests, you know, the classic adventurer things. Eventually, I had become an SSS tier adventurer. Somehow, I kept it a secret. It is a mystery to me how no one realized that I was so strong. After I became this strong, I returned to my father."

"He was overjoyed that I had become such a successful young man. He congratulated me and threw me a party. He told me that it was time for me to step up as demon lord. I told him that I would be honored. He crowned me as the new demon lord. I stopped hating him after this. I had realized that I was this successful because of what he had done. I was about to become demon lord, when I started feeling sick. My chest started hurting and it was hard to breathe."

"The ceremony had to be delayed because of my illness. My father actually cried upon hearing the diagnosis. I had some type of magic sickness that effected my lungs. The sickness was no ones fault, It was just a stroke of bad luck. My father tried everything to cure me, but everything failed. I was destroyed by this and wondered if I should have just stayed as a chef. Eventually, my father was killed in battle. I was left alone."

"I fell into a deep depression at the realization that I was alone. The generals had also died. I held a competition to see who the strongest fighters were. The strongest ones were chosen. I chose Garreth, the massive lion beastman for his strength. Unfortunately, he is easily bought. I chose Zap and Smash for their teamwork and power. They are incredibly skilled. I chose Aisheika because of her unique weapons and her efficiency with them. They are metal contraptions that fit in your hand and blast mana out with incredible force. I chose Alta because of his incredible skill with swords and his affinity for seduction magic. It was also for the fact that he comforted when I was in a slump."

"I have tried everything to cure this Illness, but nothing works. It seems that I will perish from this ailment before I die in battle." The demon lord had recited his life story to them. Jake and the others had finished their food. "Damn. That seriously sucks." "Yes."

'Is there any way for me to cure this guy?'

[Yes. You can transfer his soul into a different body. You could also resurrect him. Please note that the methods are taxing on the mind and body.]

'How do I resurrect him?'

[You will need to make a spell for it. You need to imagine plucking the soul from his corpse, and then creating his body around it.]

'That seems complicated, but I can try it. Also, what sickness does he have?'

[It is called a death growth. It is extremely similar to cancer from your world. There Is no way to cure as far is I know.]

'Oh, alright.'

"I think I have a way to cure your sickness." "You do?!" "I'm not saying that it's guaranteed to work, but it may be worth a try." "If it even has a chance to work I'm willing to try it." "Alright, but just to warn you, It may hurt a lot." "I will endure any amount of pain if it means I can stay alive for my kingdom!" "Speaking of, where is your kingdom?" "Underground." "Really?" "Yes. There is a huge series of tunnels and caverns under this castle that make up our city."

"That's pretty epic." "Yes. Anyway, can you tell me how to cure this illness?" "Yeah, basically-" "Boss! Hello?!" They suddenly heard people in the throne room. "I assume these are the demons I called. I will go retrieve them." The demon lord walked out. They heard the sounds of talking. A few seconds after this, they heard the sound of metal moving. "Please come out here."

The demon lord called to Jake. "Hey Correlshia, it's your time to shine." Her eyes went wide. "Wait, you're saying that I can go get revenge right now?" "Yep. Go get em." "Alright!" She said giddily. She walked out. He heard some talking before the demon lord walked back in. "So you're going to let your friend do it?" "That's Correlshia." The demon lords eyes went as wide as possible.

"No way! You're saying that you're traveling with a legendary dragon?!" "Yep." "This is insane!" "I know. Anyway, do you want to talk about the treatment?" "Yes. I would be quite grateful to hear about it." "Alright. So basically, I kill you, then resurrect you." The demon lords eyes bulged at this. "YOU WHAT?!" "I know it sounds crazy, but I can do it." "You can resurrect people?" "Only a few seconds after they've died." The demon lord had a skeptical look.

"How do I know this will work?" "Well we've already made a deal, so I don't think I can kill you." "You make a fair point. I am willing to try this." "Really? You're actually willing to try this aut of nowhere?" "I would like you to see something." The demon lord took off his armor. He was wearing a black shirt under his chestplate. His hair was black with hints of dark purple. His horns were a blood red.

He listed up his shirt to reveal a horrific sight. The right of his stomach was black and rotting. You could see the ribs clearly. Is had some black liquid running down it. Surprisingly, it didnt smell bad. "The sickness has gotten much worse. I have at most a month and a half to live. I'm willing to take the risk even if it means I'm going to die." "I guess that makes sense." "So how do you plan to do this?" "Well I could probably preform it wherever."

"Excellent. Would you mind doing it right now?" "I guess I could do it now." "Great. Let's se the table." "You really wanna use the table?" "No reason not to." "Okay then." The demon lord got up on the table. He laid down with his arms crossed. Jake prepared himself mentally. "You ready to die?" "Yes." Jake equipped his gauntlets. He brought them above his head. *Whoosh* *Splat* The demon lords head popped like a balloon. Rena had watched all this transpire.

Jake used the spell. He sensed the soul above the mans corpse. He grabbed it and used magic to create a body around it. A body started forming. It started with bones, then went to muscles, then organs, then veins, and at the end, skin. The procedure had been a complete success. The black spot was completely gone.

Jake was completely exhausted. His mana was at five percent. He fell to the ground. "It... It w... IT WORKED!" The demon lord was basically glowing. He started crying with joy. "The pain is gone! I can breathe normally! This is incredible!" The demon lord looked over at Jake. His eyes went wide. "Are you alright?" He bent down and touched his shoulder. "Ugghhh, mana drained." "Oh."

*Slam* The door opened. "I killed them Jake!" She said with a happy voice. She then saw Jake laying on the floor and the demon standing over him. "YOU BASTARD!" "Wait Wait!" Correlshia lunged at him. The demon retaliated by putting her head In the ground. The demon was not weak now that his sickness was gone. He had instantly reacted to her attack with a counter. First, he grabbed her arms and threw them downwards. Second, he used his fist to propel her Into the ground. It was an incredible attack.

"Oh man, uh, sorry about that." Correlshia was dazed by this. "How was that an accident?!" "Well I have trained myself for a very long time. It's just how I react." "Whatever. Do you have anything for mana regeneration?" "Let me go get something." The man walked away. He came back to the room a minute later. He was carrying a light blue potion. "Drink this." "Kay." Jake took the potion and drank it.

It was a bit difficult to do while he was laying down. Eventually, he had downed the whole potion. He saw that his mana was regenerating at a fast pace. "Thanks, that helps." "No problem. You are my new best friend after all." "Wait, best friend?!" "Yes, of course. You saved my life, and listened to my life story. I think that's grounds for friendship." "I guess you're right."

"Anyway, I gotta heal Correlshia." Jake walked over to Correlshia. He healed her with his spell pretty quickly. "Wait, Jake? Didn't he just kill you?" "Nope. I had mana exhaustion." "Oh." She looked embarrassed. "Anyway, I was thinking I could go fi-" *ZWING* A large golden ray beamed Jake.

Everyone was left watching the spot where Jake was standing previously. He had completely disappeared. "Did he just disappear?" "Yeah, I'm not even surprised at this point." "Is this normal?" "Pretty much." "What's your name child?" "Rena." "Would you like to play a game?" "What's the game?" "Do you have any ideas?" "Chess?" "Sure."


Over to Jake.


Jake saw a flash of yellow light before his vision went white. He tried to look around but couldn't. He looked down and realized that he could see, it's just that the space was completely white. "Hello mortal! Welcome to my domain!" A booming female voice called out. "I am the goddess of creation, Val! Bow to your goddess!" From the air descended a white haired young girl. Jake put his hand to his face.

"I have heard of your many exploits. And now, you have defeated the mighty demon lord. And for this, I will grant you one wish! Choose wisely! The wish does have limits though." The girl had white wings and a white dress. She was holding a golden wand with a ball with four different colored jewels on the end. She also had an angel halo. "One wish huh?" "Yes. Also, I can't help but notice that you are not bowing. Is there a particular reason for this?" "Oh, uh, I was caught up in your supreme beauty." Jake bowed.

He had decided to go along with the situation. "I see! I can understand this, you are excused!" "Thank you your majesty." Jake thought about what he wanted. 'I kind of want to ask for money, but that seems like a waste... Maybe a cool weapon? Nah, I'm an unarmed fighter... Oh! I've got an idea!'

"Can I ask for a interplanetary teleporter for multiple people with a built in map, my goddess?" "Hmmm, let me think." Val put her hand up to her face. "I will give it some debuffs, does that sound alright still?" "Can you tell me what debuffs, your highness?" "Very well, I will give it a two-day cooldown period, a limit of five people including yourself, And will take ten seconds to teleport you upon selecting the planet."

"That sounds just fine milady." "Very well, it shall be done." The goddess put out her hands and they started glowing. Right in front of them appeared a watch-like item. "This is the item. Put it on your wrist." "Oh okay." Jake was trying to keep his excitement under hold. "Now I must go." The goddess started ascending. Jake put his new item in his inventory.

"Wait a second." "No I must go." "Then I'll make you stay." Jake grabbed her legs and pulled her down. "WHAT THE FUC-" The flight stopped altogether and she fell down and hit her face. "Oh no, I'm sorry child, are you alright?" She lifted her face up. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT YOU DUMB FUCKING MORTAL?! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" "A child throwing a tantrum?" Said Jake while tilting his head to the side. This infuriated her.

"I'LL STRANGLE YOU!" She got up and tried to grab Jake. Jake activated body strengthening and put his hand on her head. She tried pushing forward, but she couldn't. "BWAHAHAHA!" Jae started laughing hysterically at this. The goddess looked like a child. You know how when you have younger cousins or siblings, when they are young, you can hold them back by putting your hand on their head and pushing them? It was exactly like that.

"HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG!?" "I can't believe you're actually a child like Pretanos said! This is the funniest shit I've ever seen!" "Shut up!" Suddenly, Jake sidestepped her. She went flying forward and hit a wall. Jake fell to the ground while clutching his stomach from laughing so much. "You bastard! I'm a goddess! You're not allowed to do that! Now die!" She ran at him and started hitting him with her staff.

"This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen!" Jake was crying from laughing at this point. "Die! Die! Die!" She yelled while hitting Jake. Jake stopped laughing eventually. He stood up. "Did you even do any research on me?" "Yes! Of course!" "What's my name?" "Jake!" "What is my magic affinity?" "Uh, spatial!" "Nope. it's all of them." Her eyes widened. "What do you mean all of them?!" "Watch." Jake used elemental arena. The animals walked around a bit.

"I-Impossible! No one can have all the elements! Not even an otherworldly hero!" "But I do. I'm also a demon." Her eyes widened further. "lies! I would be able to detect your demonic presence!" "Everyone says that. Is it not safe to just assume that I'm hiding it?" "H-how would you do that?" "With a spell. Tell me, do you know what happened in the castle?"

"No." "Let me tell you. So, you may or may bot know that the demon lord was dying from a sickness, did you know this?" "No." "It was an incurable disease that was going to kill him in about a month." "So you killed him out of pity?" "Not quite." Jake grew grew a huge smile. "I killed him so that I could resurrect him. And can you guess what I did?"

"N-no... It's incredibly hard to resurrect someone with an entire cult's worth of people! There's no way you could do that!" "I did. And I want you to guess who's alive and kicking right now." "NO! He cannot be alive! You're lying!" "I'm a demon Ysee, so I have no reason to lie to you, seeing as I'm stronger." "Prove it!" Jake released his demonic features. "Do you believe me now?" "But how?! I should have been able to Detect this!" The girl started crying.

Jake began to feel bad. After all, the girl was practically a child. She had not done anything explicitly wrong to him. "Hey, uh, sorry if I scared you too much. I was just trying to scare you a little. You okay?" Jake retracted his features. "Why are you trying to make me feel better? Aren't you a demon?" "Well yes, but I'm actually from a different world." "But you're not one of the four heroes!" "Well yes, I was summoned here a little while ago, before the heroes. I guess there were special circumstances."

"So that's why you wanted the interplanetary teleporter?" "Yep. I want to take my daughter to my planet, as well as my close friend." "Why?" "Because I miss my planet a bit. Also, I would like to show Rena a world without so much racism." "Is your daughter a demi-human?" "Yes." "But demi-humans are-" Jake turned around real quick. "You better watch what you say." "EEP!"

Jake was sick of people thinking Rena was lesser based on how she looked. "Anyway, I'm going to go now." "How do you plan to do that? I'm the one who brought you here after all." She said with a shit-eating grin. "With portals of course." "How do you intend-" Jake opened a portal. "How can you do that?!" "A skill. Anyways, I'm gonna get going." "You can't just leave!" "Why?" "Because I said so!" "Whatever." Jake walked through the portal.

Upon reaching the other side, he saw the now clothed demon lord and Rena playing chess. "Hey guys, I'm back." Rena looked over. "Oh hey Jake." "Welcome back. Where were you?" "I got beamed up by the goddess of creation. It was because I killed you. I got a cool reward though." "But didn't you resurrect me?" "Yeah, I did. The goddess apparently didn't check that though." "That is quite funny." "What did you get?"

"This." Jake took out the watch. "What's that?" "An interplanetary teleporter with a built in map." "Whats it do?" "It can teleport you to other worlds." "That's super cool!" "I know right? Iw as planning on taking you and Correlshia to my world. Speaking of, where is Correlshia?" "She decided to take a nap over there." Said the demon lord while pointing to the other side of the table.

"That makes sense." "When were you planning to take us to your world?" "Today." "Jake, I have a question." Said the demon lord. "What is it?" "Will you be able to come back?" "Yeah. It has a two-day cooldown." "That's good." "Also, will you be able to fight the holy army yourself?" "Of course. My troops are doing a great job by themselves. With me back in the fight it will be a simple fight. The heroes stand no chance for the fact that they are quite new to this world."

"Can I ask two things of you?" "Of course." "One, please don't go on a rampage through a bunch of kingdoms and stuff. Two, don't kill the heroes. Please just capture them." "I will agree to number one. After all, I only want my kingdom to prosper. It is my dream to have a city where my people dont need to worry about being hunted and killed. As for number two, I can not promise not to kill them. I will try not though."

"I'll just do something myself then." "Alright." Jake took out the shape he used to communicate with the heroes. He circulated his mana through the shape. It began ringing. Eventually, Alan picked up. "Is that you Jake?" "Yep." The shape was floating in front of him. "What's up? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now." "You mean fighting the demon lords army?" "Yes, actually. How did you know that?" "I'm chilling with the demon lord right now."

"..." "You there?" "YOU'RE WHAT?!" "I'm hanging out with this demon lord right now." "You do realize that we're here to kill the demon lord, right?! Why would you be hanging out with him?!" "Because one, he's a pretty cool dude. Two, you don't scare me in the slightest." "I will not hesitate to cut you down if you get in my way!" "Whatevs. Also, do you know why you're fighting him?" "Because he's evil." "Do you have any examples?"

"Well no, but he's the demon lord. They're always evil!" "Have you ever watched *ise of the *hield hero?" "Yeah, why?" "If you forget, the geroes were manipulated by the church, I'm pretty sure." "Yeah, so?" "What has the church told you about the demon king?" "That he has killed hundreds of innocent people." "That's wrong. He's just a guy who wants a safe place for his people. He was willing to try to fight someone while deathly I'll just for a chance to protect them."

"That doesn't sound particularly evil... But regardless, I follow orders. I can't just go against the church. As you remember the church tried to kill them. I'm not looking to die!" "Here, I'll be there in a second." "What?" Jake hung up. He created a portal to the place where the glass shape was. He walked through it. Upon entering, he was met with a gruesome scene. There were corpses of monsters everywhere.

Jake decided to just end this now. He grew his demonic features out and uncanned his aura. He used his demon lord authority skill on everyone in the battlefield. He magnified his voice. "CEASE THIS FIGHTING PEASANTS! I AM THE SUPREME BEING KNOWN AS JAKE! IF ANYONE DARES TO SPEAK UP, THEY WILL BE KILLED!"

The entire battlefield went silent. Almost everyone fell to the ground, dropping their weapons. The drakes however, did not. They walked over to him and bowed. They let out high pitched screeches with their heads down. "RETURN TO THE CASTLE DRAKES, I HAVE NO NEED FOR YOU HERE." They nodded in understanding. They flew towards the castle.

"DOES ANYONE HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY?" "You're a fake!" "Yeah!" "I agree!" Three people spoke up. "HO? SOMEONE DARES TO OPPOSE ME?" Jake looked towards the noise and saw three people standing on a raised platform. The one in the middle had long red hair and shining armor. The one on the left had brown hair with a white streak, and a beard. The one on the right had green hair and was wearing only vines. The girl had some flowers growing from the vines.

"We are the heroes of the church! We will slay you!" Suddenly, a vine reached up and grabbed Jake's leg. It stabbed into his leg. Vines started growing through his leg. "Ha! I guess he was all talk! Nobody can survive the deathgrowth root!" The green haired girl said with a confident smile. "WHAT IS THIS MEANT TO DO? IT IS QUITE EASY TO BEAT." Jake ripped off his leg. The leg became overcome with vines.

"Wh-what?! Why would you-" Jake's leg grew back. "Jake disappeared from his spot. He appeared in front of her. Her face went completely white at the realization that she was beyond fucked. "You're much weaker than Draken. Tell me, do you know him?" She started shaking. "Y-y-you don't mean the hero of shade, do you?" "That's the one." Jake pulled the core out of his inventory. "This is his core."

She slowly shook her head. "N-n-no! NO!" Suddenly, her head was no longer attached to her body. She was still alive, though not for long if he did nothing. "Think of this as an indicator of my power." Jake used healing magic. Her body regrew from the top down. She fainted from fear at this point. The bearded man was terrified.

"Y-you monster! How can you do that?!" "With magic." "But how?!" "That is something you need do not need to know. For now though, I will tell you what you can do. You need to go back to Ercona and report that you will not attack this kingdom anymore. If you fail to comply, you will not be alive long enough to regret it." "I-I understand!" The man bowed and ran away. He picked the green haired girl up while running.

Jake could tell that each hero had their own battalion of troops. The way he knew this was by the insignia they had on the arm of their armor. The man had a rock hammer, the green haired girl had a flower, and the red haired woman had a flame. He released his authority on the troops belonging to the two heroes who had run. They all fled immediately. The only ones left there were the red haired lady and her troops.

"You must be Marinie." "How do you know me you filth?!" Jake slapped her. "Watch yourself. Now tell me, do you know who I am?" "Of course. You're the man with the demi-human daughter." "Very good very good. Now tell me, do you know where I come from?" She squinted. "What do you mean where you came from?" "In case you didn't know, I'm from a different world. The very same one as the heroes." Her eyes widened but her face stayed serious. "Impossible! No one from another world has ever been a demon!"

"Good question. The only thing left now is the question, what are you willing to do to live?" Said Jake with a slight smile. "You bastard! I would rather be ripped apart slowly than suck up to some demon!" "Very well. That is what I will do." Her face went slightly white. "You can't do that! I am the daughter of the great Flarin! The head of the flamer family! No lowly demon would dare to incur his wrath!"

Jake chuckled a bit. "Riddle me this, why would I know about the great families if I'm from another world?" Her face went white. "Y-you wouldnt dare!" "I'm feeling merciful. If you get down on one knee and tell me that you are sincerely sorry for what you have done, I will let you go." "Hell no-* *Shlk* Her hand was chopped off. "I will heal you if you comply." Jake said with a smile. "AAAAUGHH!!" She clutched her stump.

"You sadist!" "I do have a title for that believe it or not." She took a sharp breath. She shakily got down on one knee. "I sincerely apologize for this monumental mistake I have made and promise not to make the same one in the future." She said with a clenched mouth and a strained voice. "Thare you go! Good job." Jake said while rubbing her head. Her face bore the rage of a billion stars.

"Anyway, I'm going to be taking my leave now. Have a good day." Jake healed her than walked over to the heroes who were staring at him with mixed expressions. Two of them were fear, one of them was awe, and the last one was admiration. He summoned a portal and pushed all them through. Jake walked through after them.

They arrived back in the kitchen. Jake walked through only to see all of the heroes piled on each other. "What the hell did you just do?!" Yelled Rikana. "I sent you through a portal." "How?" "I got a cheat skill." "No fair!" "Lifes not fair." "Whatever. Where are we?" "Take a guess." They all got up and looked around.

The demon lord was completely confused. "Are these the heroes?" "Yep." "And you brought them here?" "Mmhmm." "Are they going to be civil?" "I think so." "Is this the demon lord?!" Alan said with a hint of fear. "Yeah. He's a pretty cool dude." Alan looked at him like he was an idiot. "We're supposed to be killing him!" "Well yes, but I was thinking tou could get to know him first." Alan facepalmed at this. "Are you slow Jake?" "No."

"So tell me this, why would I make friends with someone I need to kill?" "Do or don't. I'm going to warn you now, he is way stronger than you." "So you're saying that we stand no chance?" "Yep." "You prick! Did you bring us here to die?!" "Talk to him, not me." Alan looked at the demon lord. "Hey." "Hello hero. I am Delt, the demon lord." "I'm Alan, Alan Chanley. I'm the leader of this party."

Alan stuck out his hand. Delt took his hand and shook it. "Pleased to meet you Alan." "Hello, I'm Alisha." "Pleased to meet you." He shook her hand too. Everyone Introduced themselves. "Aren't you supposed to be mega evil?" "No. I only want to create a kingdom where my people are not hunted for being alive. It is not fair that we have to hide." "I guess that makes sense." "Alright you guys, I'm going to explain some things."

"So basically, this world is pretty easy, right?" "Okay?" "Theres this thing called a difficulty rating, Or something like that. This world is somewhere around one. Earth is a 7.8." "That makes sense. What is this supposed to mean to us though?" "I wanted you guys to know that this world is easy mode so that you don't panic too much if you're in a bad situation." "Oh, okay." "But anyway, the demon lord is much stronger than all of you put together. So I don't recommend fighting him."

"Okay then." Suddenly, Rikana went pale. She fell to one knee. "Hey you okay?" "Can you please hide your aura..." She said in a strained voice. "Huh? Why?" Suddenly, the demon lord looked startled. "What's going on?" "Let me put it in simple terms, your magical aura is like the equivalent of thirty thousand pounds on your mind. It's quite terrifying to people weaker than you. I assume she just activated her mana sight skill."

"Oh, okay then." Jake canned his aura. "Th-thanks..." She started rubbing her eyes. "Say, do you have demon essence Jake?" "Is it that black and purple goo?" "Yes, that's exactly it. Do you have any?" "Yes actually. Watch this." Jake sprouted the two black wings. "Oh my! This is extraordinary! You can completely control the essence! Have you tried controlling the energy?" "Energy?" "I assume not. The essence is the black part. The purple part is the energy." "Oh. I'll try that."

Jake looked into his core. The black side was still swirling. Jake focused on the purple part. After a few seconds, the entire side became the purple energy. Jake tried to put it through his veins but it exploded outward. His body was suddenly covered in a light purple glass-like substance. It was too opaque to be seen through. The armor was comprised of tons of pieces. The helmet was l looking. It had lots of spikes that resembled a crown. The chest plate had a circle with a white gem inside it.

The armor itself looked like light armor. "That's amazing! I myself have yet to completely develop my demonic armor." "Demonic armor?" "All high-tier demons have it. It is a manifestation of their soul as well as their demonic energy." "How do I control this?" "Practice." "Oh okay." "What the fuck am I doing here?!" A familiar voice cried out.

"Yo what the fuck?!" "Is that you Jake?" Suddenly, a face appeared on the back of his hand. It was a face similar to Jake's, but had some differences. It was his soul. "Is that you soul?" "Just call me Jake two. Also, am I in the real world?" "I guess so?" "Yooo! I've got a ton of cool things! I'm like a mothafuckin *ower ranger!" "Yo for real?" "Watch this."

Suddenly, a chain sprung out from Jake's arm. It had a blade at the end. Jake was surprised by this and moved his arm away. The chain went flying and cut the demon lord. His arm started bleeding. "Hey! Watch it!" "Sorry!" Jake wanted the chain to stop flailing around. As soon as he thought this, the chain came back and wrapped around his lower arm.

"Damn that's cool!" "I have to agree with you Jake, it is quite impressive that you have already mastered use of a weapon." "Yeah, it was thanks to Jake two." "Jake two?" "Yeah, the guy who was talking earlier." "I did not hear any voices." "Me neither." "Really? Whatever." Jake dismissed it. "Anyway, I was thinking I would head over to Earth now." "Very well." "Wait, Earth?!" "Yeah, I got a teleporter."

"And you can just go back now?" "Yeah. You want to come?" Alan looked down for a few seconds. "Not really to be honest. I like this world and the people I'm here with." "You've only been here for like, a day though." "Well yes, but I'm having a ton of fun." "Okay. If you wanna stay it's cool with me." "Glad you understand." "Yep, anyway, you ready to go Rena?" "Yeah." She got down from the chair. Jake walked over to Correlshia.

He woke her up. "What do you need?" She said while yawning. "We're gonna go to a different world." "Oh, okay." She took it pretty well. She stood up while rubbing her eyes. "Before you go Jake, take this." The demon lord took out a coin. He gave it to Jake. It was a tungsten coin. "Oh hell yeah." "Please come back again sometime. It is quite nice to have someone to talk to as an equal." "I'll come back sometime." Jake put the coin in his inventory.

"Anyways, let's see how this works." Jake looked at the watch. He pressed the screen. It came up with a screen. There was a title and three options below it. The background was blue and pink. It was called "Teleporter watch V3.2". The options were, register user, map, and teleport. Jake tapped register user. A screen saying, "Place your finger on the screen!" came up. There were hearts around the text. Jake put his finger on the screen.

He felt something prick him. A needle had protruded from the screen and taken his blood. The screen said Processing for a few seconds before changing. "New user registered! Welcome to the teleporter watch! I'll let you find out how I work yourself." The text disappeared a few seconds later. Now there were only two options. Jake clicked teleport. A keyboard hologram appeared in front of him. "Please input planet name!" And below this, there was more text. "Current planet, Reffim. Difficulty, 1."

Jake typed Earth into the keyboard. "Planet found! Earth. Difficulty, 7.8. Would you like to go here?" A two boxes appeared. One was confirm, and the other was decline. Below these was text saying "You can have a max of four people with you when you teleport. Please hold hands with the people, or have the people hold anyone you're holding hands with's hands."

"Hold my hands guys." "Okay." They both grabbed a hand. Jake pressed confirm. "Understood. Commencing countdown." A robotic voice started counting down.













Jake and crew disappeared in a flash of white light.