Jake went through the portal. He felt himself flying through space. After a few seconds, the feeling stopped. "That's a cool skill." "Glad Kelsha was oblivious." Suddenly, a few portals opened near him. A few people stepped out. There were four people in total. Three of them were goddesses and one of them was a god. They were confused at how Jake had gotten here this fast.
"Hello, just to confirm, you are Kelsha's champion, right?" "Yep." "So where is Kelsha?" "Oh, I portaled here first." The god was not as surprised as the goddesses. "My my, you are quite impressive aren't you?" Asked the gray haired man. "Yeah, pretty much." At this moment, a portal opened up beside all them. Kelsha walked out. "When did you get portals!?" "Wouldn't you love to know?" "Rrrgghh!" Kelsha was visibly frustrated.
It was at this point that Kelsha realized that there were guests. "Hello guests." Her demeanor changed instantly. "That's a side of you I've never seen Kelsha." Kelsha looked a bit annoyed. "Yes, anyway, let's get started." Kelsha clapped. A bunch of tables appeared along with food. It was a buffet type deal. "Yo, this is awesome." Said Jake excitedly. "Yes yes, I know. My power is quite-"
Jake walked toward the plates. Kelsha's eyes widened. "Hold up! We have other guests!" "Aww , you're no fun!" "That matters not! I am the goddess here. You, being my champion are heavily inclined to listen to me." Said Kelsha in stuck up tone while looking up with her eyes closed. Jake pinched her mouth. "Shut up, it's annoying when you do that."
Kelsha's eyes shot open and her face went red. The god and one of the goddesses burst out laughing. One of the goddesses took out a fan and put it in front of her mouth. "My my, you have your champion quite well trained huh?" It was a goddess with long dark red hair. She was wearing a very suggestive red dress. Kelsha looked extremely embarrassed. "Nonono it's not always like this! This is a one time thing!"
"Don't try to lie to me Kelsha. Some advice, maybe train him like me." "I'm not a god of love like you! I already tried that but I think he's gay!" Jake's eyes went wide at this. "Tha fuck you just say about me bitch?!" Kelsha was bright red at this point. "You've already tried? With a body like yours I would assume he would have salivated over the chance. Maybe he is gay?" "Fuck you! Say it again and I'll slap you!"
The woman giggled at this. "You? A mortal man? Slap me? A goddess of love?" "Don't try me! I'm not gonna be a pushover!" "Oh come on, no mortal man can resist my charms. You can't hit me." "Mortal huh?" Jake plunged his hand into his stomach and took his core out. "How many mortal men can do this?" The goddesses eyes went wide.
"Did you just rip out your core?!" "Yep. I did." The goddesses face contorted in shock. Her mouth was still hidden by her fan. Kelsha stood there dumbfounded. "That's what I thought." Jake looked around and saw that Correlsha was sleeping in Kelsha's throne. "Not even surprised. Hey kelsha, didn't you say something about having my own room?" Jake deactivated his armor after realizing it was still on.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Every god or goddesses top three champions get a room to themself." "So wheres mine?" "You have yet to make it." "Make it?" "We can talk about this later. But for now, you can go do whatever. I have a party to get started." "Whatever." "Oh wait-" Kelsha grabbed his shoulder. "Take these back." She handed him the glass shapes. "Thanks." Jake walked away. He walked over to Correlshia.
"Hey Correlshia." Correlshia kept sleeping. Jake used his stamina refilling spell. *Yawn* Correlshia opened her eyes. "Oh hey Jake. What's up?" "Not much, did you have fun shopping?" "Yes, I bought a cool thing." "What's this cool thing?" "This right here-" Correlshia pulled something out of her pocket. It was a file.
"So it's an um, file?" "Not just any file, it's a file specially made to file swords and knives. As you might know, my horns grow quite quickly. I usually have to break the tips off and then smooth them. With this though, I can just file them down." "Well that's cool, how much did it cost?" "Nine golds. I bought some candy with the rest."
Correlshia pulled out a baseball sized jawbreaker. "You got a jawbreaker?" "Jawbreaker?" "That ball you have, is it sugary and hard?" "Yes actually. I tried to bite it, but I couldn't damage it much." "Yep, that's a jawbreaker." "Okay then." Correlsha put it in her mouth by unhinging her jaw. Jake walked away. He was bored, so he walked over to Kelsha. "Hey Kelsha. I'm super bored. Can I create my room or whatever?" "Yeah, sure. Take this."
Kelsha handed him a white doorknob. "In order to use this, you pump mana into it. You need to imagine a room while doing this. You can alter the room after its created, so don't feel panicked. Anyway, that's about it. Now leave me to talk." Kelsha turned back to the people she was talking to before.
Jake walked over to the throne. He pumped his mana into the doorknob. The doorknob lit up. He already had something in mind when he started pumping the mana in. Eventually, he finished the process. A door with a painting of Jake with his demonic features out appeared around the knob. The knobs design now resembled Jake's head if it was a *unko pop action figure. "Cool." Jake opened the door to unveil his majestic creation.
It was an exact replica of his apartment from earth. It had his amazingly comfortable couch, his TV, his fridge, his two bookshelves, his computer in the corner, his bathroom, his treadmill, his dresser, and the books and such scattered around the floor. "Hell yeah!" Jake walked over to his couch and sat down in the middle. "Just as good as I remember." Rena walked in and sat down on his right. "This is a nice couch." "Thanks. "This room looks like your mind space thing." "The mind space is based on this." "Oh."
Correlshia got up and walked over to the door. "What is this Jake?" "My room." "Oh." Correlshia came over and sat on the couch. "Comfy." She had her hood on. She sank into the corner of the couch. Jake got up and went to his dresser. He grabbed a blue blanket with red lines out. He went and put it on top of the girls. Jake looked behind him and saw that there were two doors now.
He went and opened the other one. It was a door that lead to Kelshas room. It was at the bottom of the stairs. "Strange." Jake went back into his room.
'I guess I could go for a nap'
'Yo, usually you only talk to me if I ask a question, why'd you talk to me now?'
[I have become self-aware and realize that there is nothing stopping me from doing so.]
'That seems pretty alarming.'
Jake went over to the couch and sat down. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Eventually, he fell asleep. He felt himself get transported to the mind space. He got the message asking him if he wanted to bring Rena and Correlshia in. He declined this time. He was transported to the room. He saw that there was no-one there. "Where is everyone?" He saw that there was a new door.
"Must be in here." Jake walked over to the door. Upon opening it, he was surprised by what he saw. It was a very nice bathroom. There was no-one in there either. He closed the door. He went to Lexi's room. There, he saw her and the demon sleeping. He looked around some more. He couldnt find Draken anywhere. He kept looking around before he found him.
He realized that there was a pitch black door on the wall. He looked through the door and saw Draken, who was currently sleeping. "I guess everyone's asleep." Jake went to the couch and sat down. He turned the TV on and started playing *ead island.
He used his old save. Upon loading up, he realized he was in the second area, the city. "Goddamnit, I hate this place. The amount of infected is fucking obscene. It's so terrifying when you're just walking through the streets and you hear a million goddamn screams." He said to himself. He had a habit of talking to himself when he played games.
"That's right bitch! Eat it! *am b is the best!" Jake had been playing as *am b, his favorite character. He always preferred to blunt force his way through everything with the blunt force specialist. It had been about an hour since he had started. He had nearly cleared the police station.
He started feeling a bit off. It started with his vision getting slightly blurry every now and again. The effects got worse over another hour. Eventually, he got a small headache. "What the hell Is going on?" Jake's headache got worse over half an hour. "Alright, I'm going stop playing now." Jake quit the game and laid down. The headache eventually got to the point where he could do nothing but lay down and not move.
Eventually, he fell asleep. He dreamed of the woman from earlier, the god of love. He kept hearing the phrases, "Come to me." "Join me." "Become my champion." over and over again. The headache disappeared and was replaced by a happy feeling. Eventually, the dream ended Jake was left in the dark. He could not hear or see anything, only think.
'What the hell is going on?! Where am I?! Is anyone there?!'
There was no response. Suddenly, he felt himself moving. He could feel himself being lowered onto something soft.
'I swear to god, I need to make something to ward against mind magic, because this fucking sucks!'
Jake was pissed that he got nabbed once again. He imagined his mind being protected from all mind magic. But unfortunately, upon trying to cast the spell, it failed. He felt like he could explode from anger. Suddenly, he felt something warm in his mouth. It was sweet. He knew exactly what he had just ingested.
Jake was seething with rage upon being fed this liquid. He could not believe that this god had the gall to not only call him gay to his face, but also kidnap him and rape him? Unacceptable. His vision returned. He was on a bed with pink sheets. The room had pink lighting. Sitting on top of him was the goddess from earlier. The one with red hair. She had her lips on his. He assumed that this was how she had fed him the liquid.
"Well hello there, did you sleep well?" She asked in a sweet voice. His eyes went wide. He tried to get up, but found that he wasn't strong enough. He also realized that he couldn't use spells. "What the fuck did you put me in?!" "Why are you so upset? Did you not have a good dream?" "You may think that I'm like any other guy, but just because some dumb bitch tells me to join her doesnt mean I will."
The goddess narrowed her eyes. She was wearing nothing but dark red underwear. "I'm sure you'll change your mind after this." The woman took her bra off to reveal some very nice boobs. "Okay listen, I'm not a simp. I will NOT submit just because you fuck me." The goddess narrowed her eyes more. "We will see." She turned around to face his legs. She took off his gray underwear.
Jake was extremely uncomfortable. He was trying to think of a way to escape.
Name: Jake
Race: Unknown Demon
Level: 37
Exp: 687/17,500
Health: 62,000/62,000
Mana: 225,000/225,000
Stamina: 2,650/2,650
Strength: 190
Agility: 125
Dexterity: 140
Mind: 70
Intelligence: 62
Sanity: 100/100
Skills: (Gluttonous Copycat), (Stomach of Domination), (Touch of Piracy), (Warm body), (Water control), (Plant control), (Authoritive), (Demon lords Authority), (Demon summon),(Demon eyes), (Blood magic), (Telepathy), (Shadow magic), (Stealth), (X-ray vision), (Night vision), (Mind corruption), (Lesser enchanting proficiency), (Spatial container), (Overpowering screech), (Blade generation), (Poison generation), (Rock eating), (Alpha mentality), (Armor generation), (Limb regeneration), (Lesser martial arts), (Gauntlet generation), (Horde mentality), (Zombie bite), (Pain numbing), (Braindead rage), (Boost speed), (Blood regeneration), (Vampiric form), (Suck blood), (Numbing venom), (Command low-tier undead), (Flame magic), (Fire immunity), (Synthesis), (Bladed armor generation), (Bladed suit of armor generation), (Portal creation), (Enhance gravity), (Lighten gravity), (Remove gravity), (Give skill).
Titles: (User of the Soulpower system), (Kind hearted), (Dragon Tamer), (Otherworldly adventurer), (Scale lover), (Demi-human lover),(Otaku), (Antihero), (Devourer of all), (Sadistic bastard), (Champion of Kelsha), (Blessed by Kelsha), (Freakishly strong), (Nerd), (Eater of souls), (Blessed by [Unavailable]), (Blessed by Slenkis), (Has met multiple gods in person), (Beat a god of Destruction in a fistfight), (Beat multiple gods with only fists), (Unbiased), (Has eaten an undead without puking), (Wing fetishist), (Moron who eats everything without thinking), (Has eaten adamantite), (Beats up dragons), (Cocky punk), (Slayer of zombies).
Help: [Ask a question], [Report an issue], [Companions], [Settings].
'Blade generation could work. He used the skill and generated some blades where the goddess was sitting. *Shlk* "Ow!" She was surprised by this. "How did you do this?" She broke the spikes off and examined them. "Huh. Here, you hold these." She said before stabbing them into Jake. "Fuck you!" "That is what I intend to happen." "Fuck!" The woman grabbed Jake's dick firmly and started beating him off.
"Can you not!?" The woman ignored him. Jake was running out of options. He divided to use Demon summon. Upon activating the skill, a window appeared.
How much health are you going to sacrifice to summon a demon?
"Twenty thousand!" Suddenly, large, painful cuts appeared on his body. The blood was sucked into a pentagram shape above the two people. The pentagram started glowing. Suddenly, a demon came crashing out of the circle. "Hello sir. I am the demon you have summoned. What do you need me to do?" "Get these restraints off me! Also, beat this bitch up!" "Very well sir." The demon was red and had a black tail. It was a large minotaur-like demon.
The goddess was shocked that Jake had the ability to summon demons. *YAH* The demon broke the post holding the left arms restraint with a mighty kick. "STOP! YOU'RE RUINING MY PLAN!" Jake grew a smile hearing this. "Eat it you fucking bitch!" "Shut it!" The demon broke the left legs restraint. Jake got up and broke the other two restraints. "Now it's time for the torture." The woman had a scared look on her face.
"Do you still need me to beat her up sir?" "No, it's fine." "Is there anything you do need me to do?" "Lemme think..." Jake thought of something the demon could do. While he was thinking, the goddess got up and tried to run for the door. Jake used super speed to reach her before she could escape. "You didn't seriously think it would be that easy, did you?" Jake pulled his pants up.
"You fiend! I command you to let me go!" "Shut it!" Jake was seething. He picked the goddess. Using the fire mana veins he had gotten, he created a fire arm. "Wait! Don't do this-" *Sizzle* "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Jake stuck his hand into her stomach. He slowly pushed it further in. Upon having his entire hand in, he pushed upwards into her ribs. "STOP..." The woman passed out.
"Damn, you're pathetic." Jake dropped the goddess. He retracted his fire arm. "Do you require any services sir?" "No, I dont need anything." "Would it be acceptable for me to leave now then?" "Yes, that is acceptable." "Very well. Have a good day, and please consider calling a demon again." With this, the demon sank into a fiery pentagram on the ground.
It was at this point that the liquid he had been fed kicked in. He felt a rage like no other consume him. The potion was not specifically an aphrodisiac like Jake had thought, but it was instead a potion that was supposed to multiply his current emotions which she intended to be lust. So in short, the potion made him mad.
Upon becoming unbelievably angry, his body underwent some changes. His horns grew black and purple veins as well as got longer. Hes wings went from white to red and black. His tail became black with a purple flame at the tip. His body grew a black and dark red armor that completely covered his body, similar to the demon who knocked him out when he was getting kidnapped by Kelsha.
Hes eyes wend blood red and the black veins appeared once again. He let out a scream of rage. He took to the air with his new red wings at an incredible speed. He saw that he was on a different ring. He looked below him, at the goddesses house. He lifted his hand up. A ball of black energy started forming and getting larger. Upon finishing his ball, he threw it down with an angry scream at an incredible speed.
The ball expanded upon hitting the house. It created a large sphere of black energy which completely vaporized anything it touched. Jake let out another angry screech while clutching his head. He clawed at his head, creating bloody scratches. The scratches healed right up, along with his hair. "KILL! KILL EM ALL!!" Somehow, Jake was lucid enough to form words, albeit elementary words. He started tossing black orbs all around.
After about ten seconds of this, something hit him in the back of his head hard enough to send him rocketing to the ground. *RRRRAAUUUGHH* Jake let out a howl of rage at being hit. He could only see a bit, since it was early morning light. But he could make out the shape of a floating armored person. Behind the person were a few other armored people. "Stop right there fiend! We will destroy you if you don't comply!"
Jake used his overpowering screech skill. The figure clutched their ears. "DIEEEE! I MAKE YOU DIEEEE!" Jake screeched. "Very well fiend, you have chosen your fate." The figure disappeared from his spot. He appeared behind Jake. 'Stupid demon, he didnt think he could beat the god of sword fighting did he?' The god thought. Before he could relieve Jake of his head, he was decapitated.
"What the hell?!" One of the three other figures yelled. The body dropped their greatsword and grasped at their neck. Jake had lashed out behind him instantly, separating the man from his head with his incredibly sharp gauntlets. The gauntlets resembled the adamantite gauntlets, with a few differences. Instead of the normal design on the back, there was a design of a skull with glowing purple eyes. The gauntlet fingers were spiked at the tips, as well as barbs on the arms.
The goddess who screamed took out bow. She released two shots in the blink of an eye. The arrows were glowing yellow. Both hit him straight in the eyes and went far it. "I think that it's dead." The woman said in a relieved voice. Jake fell to the ground. The three figures flew down to the god of swords who had fallen after being decapitated. "Looks like he's going to heal fine." "Good."
The archer who had shot him walked over to retrieve her arrows. She pulled them out and put them in her quiver. "I guess he just surprised him?" "That's a safe guess." The archer turned to face her allies. "I'm not sure why he was so weak, after all, he completely vaporized this God's house." "Yeah good-" *Splorch* "Iweh hurst stan." The archer kept talking as two black metal claws burst through her face. They were pressed together in a clapping motion.
"Arkita!" The archer tried to talk more before her eyes went different directions and she made a wet gurgling noise. "KILL KILL KILL!!" The archer fell face-first to the ground, not that there was much face left. Standing there was a seething Jake. His eyes had changed and were now white with red energy around them. The black veins had grown farther. Somehow, Jake had gotten angrier. He let out a cry that sounded as pained as it did angry. A large black and purple beam emitted from Jake's mouth upon screaming.
Jake's hands became coated in the black energy. He swung his fist at the woman with the staff. She blocked the attack with her staff which, somehow, didn't get vaporized. A light blue symbol appeared at the end of the girl's staff. A second after this, a few balls of ice shot out from it. Jake tried swatting them, only to find that the ice balls clung to Jake's hands and spread ice from the spots they attached to.
"GET OFF!!" He screamed in rage. Eventually he decided to just break them off. He smashed both arms on the ground, which shattered the frozen parts. "DIE!!!" Jake's as grew back nearly instantly. The armor had retracted upon Jake deciding to break his arms. The armor came back upon growing his arms. "How the hell is it so strong?!" Asked the mage.
"Not sure Magi, but this seems like a difficult battle. My appraisal skill only shows question marks." The woman who used the appraisal skill was wearing some type of green robes. She had a small staff with a white gem on it.
Inside Jake's mind, it was pretty bad. All he could think about was bringing pain and death to all he can see. His mind hurt from how angry he was. He was doing things he didn't even know he could do. The only thing that seemed to ease the pain even a bit was killing and destroying. Even then, he couldn't think clearly.
'Please just make it stop!' He was screaming on the inside and the outside. He just wanted to sleep and make the anger go away. The woman in green robes used some type of magic on the magic girl. He couldn't make out details very well with how his vision was.
"Thanks, anyway, I've gotta kill this fiend." Upon saying this, Magi's staff glowed red and blue. A second later fire and water spikes shot out from her staff. They hit Jake's armor, but did nothing. Jake roared again. "I'LL DESTROY YOU!" Jake screamed. "Come and try it numbskull!" The mage girl swung her staff at Jake and hit him on the side of his face. "YOU! I'LL RIP YOU APART!" Jake was beyond angry at this point.
He pointed his hands at Magi. From his palms erupted a gigantic black laser. It was around two meters wide. The only thing left was the girls hands and her staff. She had stuck her arms out right before the beam went off. The green robed girl realized that she was the only one left able to fight. "Don't underestimate me! I'm still fluent in hand to hand combat!"
Jake advanced on her. "I'm warning you!" Jake swung at her, but missed. The force from the strike pushed her back. Jake started advancing on her again. "You've got an ugly face! Maybe you should vaporize that instead?!" The girl antagonized him. "I'LL OBLITERATE YOU BEYOND RECOGNITION!" Jake raised his arm which became covered in black energy with black tentacles sticking off it.
He wound up the life-ending punch. "SAY HI TO THE DEVIL FOR ME!" Jake's hand glowed purple at the fist right before swinging. The woman closed her eyes and put her arms up waiting for the punch to mutilate her. *Thump.* The fist hit her, although it was not quite as flashy as she expected. She still had her eyes closed. "Is this just a preview of what's to come or...?"
She opened her eyes. The demon had swung its fist, but lost all power while swinging. She looked at his face. It was still contorted in rage. "Are you playing around or something?" Suddenly, the figure fell down on top of her. "Ah!" She was startled by this. "What are you doing!?"
Jake went limp. "W-what the hell is going on?!" She pushed him off her. The armor retracted and the only thing left was Jake in his gray underwear with his features out. The features had gone back to normal. The woman was confused. After all, wasn't this man about to wipe her off the map like a bug? "Are you awake." "..." There was no response. The woman was beyond confused now. *Splorch*
The god of sword fighting got up. "WHERE'S THE DEMON!?" He yelled. He looked down and saw Jake. "YOU BASTARD! I'LL DESTROY YOU!" Jake gave no response. The man jumped up and stabbed Jake in the chest. He started bleeding. "Why are you not fighting back!?" "Wait Cutrouse! I think he's unconscious!" "That just makes it easier." Cutrouse kept stabbing Jake. Jake coughed up blood from this.
"Why won't you just die?!" "He's obviously a strong demon." "Well yeah, obviously! He wiped us out!" "Listen, let's just bring him to the prison and wait for him to come to." "Why would I do that?! He's a powerful demon!" "Yes, but I have a feeling it's a good idea." "Uggghhh!" The man was frustrated. He had the opportunity to kill this demon here and now, but Shelda said not to.
Shelda always had a sixth sense about these types of situation. "I know you have a sense about these things, but are you really sure this is a good idea? He just completely wiped us off the map. If he wakes up before we get him to the prison, we're in for a bad time." "I know how you fell, but I just have a feeling." "Well fine then, dont say I didn't warn you If something happens." "Fair enough."
Suddenly, Jake's eyes started moving under his eyelids. "Fuck!" The man leapt to action, putting his sword over Jake's neck. "Urgghh, my head. What the hell did I just do?" Jake brought his hand up to his face. He felt exhausted. His stamina bar was at twenty five percent. His mana was at half. "Stay down fiend!" "Fiend?" Jake sat up. "I warned you!" The man swung his sword down.
Jake caught it and ripped it out of his hands. "What the hell are you doing?! Don't just swing your sword at people you mug!" "Mug?!" The man was confused and angry. After all, this man had just beaten them all to a pulp. "You just beat all of us into paste! How could I not try to kill you!?" "What?!" He retracted his demonic features. Jake tried to remember. First, he was kidnapped, second, he escaped, third, he remembers being unimaginably angry. What did he do while he was mad? Oh yeah, he beat some people up.
He assumed that these were the people he had beaten up. "I assume you're the people I beat up while I was raging?" "How do you not know the answer?! And yes, we are the ones you beat up!" Jake rubbed the back of his head. "Hey, uh, sorry about that. I was drugged and it made me super angry, so u, if you could forgive me, that would be pretty nice." "FORGIVE YOU!? YOU DECAPITATED ME!!!"
"I can forgive you." "Shelda, listen, you have NO say in this! You didn't get decapitated!" The man shouted. "Here, this will probably make it even." Jake said while raising his arm. "What the hell are you planning!?" Jake plunged his fist into his chest and emerged with one of his hearts. It was still beating. This action pained Jake quite a bit. "Here, take this." Jake handed it to the man.
The man had squinted eyes and his mouth was open. "Did you just rip your heart out and give it to me?" "Yeah." "WHY WOULD I WANT THIS?!" Shelda laughed at this. "It's a show of good faith." The man was flabbergasted that this demon would go this far. "So you're willing to do this, just to say sorry?" "Yeah, I got drugged and probably beat the crap out of you. I don't want to be known as a bad guy." The mans expression deepened. "Why would you care about being known as a bad guy?! You're a demon!" "That's a bit rude don't you think?" Shelda started laughing hysterically.
Cutrouse put his hands on his head. "This makes no sense!" "I'm Kelsha's champion by the way, nice to meet you." Jake stuck out his hand. "You're Kelsha's champion!? What the hell is going on?!" The man was ridiculously confused. "Yeah, anyway, I have some kids to get back to, I'll talk later." "Wai-" Jake had already opened a portal and walked through it. Cutrouse was left standing there in complete confusion.
Jake transported himself to his room. He saw that Rena and Correlshia were still sleeping. He felt tired, so he decided to sleep. He went to sleep, but didn't go to the mind space. Instead, he had a nice dream about a giant school and small mannequin students.
He woke up a few hours later to shouting outside his room. He was still sleepy, so he chose to ignore it. After a few minutes, someone opened his door. He feigned being asleep. He looked at his Minimap and saw that there were two red dots. Right as they were behind him, he jumped up and grabbed both by their necks. "Identify yourself mothafucka!" "Rrgh! How the fuck did he know we were here?!"
In his hands were two nearly identical people. They both had purple hair and a black costume. The only difference was their eyes. One of them had pink, and the other had purple. "Tell me, do you value your lives?" "Oh come on, you wouldn't hurt pretty girls like us would you?" Said the purple eyed one with a cocky voice. Jake set them down. "That's what I tho-" Suddenly, everything above her lower jaw was missing. Blood sprayed all over Jake and the other girl. The girls young moved a bit before her body collapsed.
"Now, if you dont wanna end up like your bitchy sister, tell me, who are you?" The girls eyes went open wide. "NOOOOOOO! LIN!" Jake used heal wounds. Her body grew back in ten seconds. This used ten percent of Jake's mana though. "That was a warning, now tell me, who sent you?" The girl replied quickly. "ALTA!" "Who's that?" "Th-th-the demon general! We were trying to kidnap you!"
"How did you get in?" Jake asked seriously. "I'm not sure! The demon lord must have some way. because he put us here as spies." "So why did Alta send you after me?" "We don't ask questions, only follow orders!" The girls were clinging to each other at this point. "Very well. Take me to the castle." The girls were confused. After all, he had just nearly killed Lin. So why was he coming with them?
"You're really going to come with us?" "Yep. I'm going to kill this Alta bitch." "But aren't you a demon?" "Is there a rule against me retaliating at someone for trying to kidnap me?" "F-fair point." Jake walked past them. He was going to look for Rena and Correlshia, when they walked in. "Oh hey guys." "Oh hey, you're finally awake." "Sorry, I had some stuff come up last night."
"Oh, okay. Anyway, who're these two?" "They were sent by a demon general to kidnap me." "So are you gonna kill them?" "One sec." Jake turned around. "I want you to listen very carefully. I need you to make me a map to where the demon lords castle is. If you fail to comply, I will turn your brains into a double sugar brain crappuccino with my mind corruption skill, do you comprehend?" "Y-yes!" The girls said with tears in their eyes.
Jake created a piece of paper and a pencil. "Get writing, it better be done when I get back." They nodded fearfully. Jake left. He headed off to try to find Kelsha. For some reason, in certain places, his map went wonky. He looked around before seeing a door near the throne. He went over to it and opened it. Inside was a white room. The bed was circular with blue pillows. Kelsha was laying on the bed, sleeping soundly. Naked.
"Hey Kelsha, I was wondering If I could get something to eat." Kelsha stirred a bit before sitting up and facing Jake. "Huh? Oh yeah-" She realized she was naked. "You brute! You're asking to eat me!?" Jake gave her a bored look before closing the door. Jake waited far a bit before Kelsha came out fully clothed. "Anyway, can I get some food." "Yes, here." Jelsha snapped and a table appeared with some chicken.
"Ooh tasty." Jake sat down in a chair. He eagerly dug in to the chicken Kelsha had made. It tasted like pepper chicken. "This is pretty good." "That's great. I didn't know how it would turn out, so I used you as a test subject." Jake was a bit irked by this. "That's a bit rude don't you think." "No, I think it's perfectly fine." Jake didn't care to argue further.
"Whatever. I've got something to do now." "Do you?" "Yeah." "Does it have to do with why it smells like demons in here?" "Yes." "Got it." With this, Kelsha walked over to her throne. She tapped on her Magic spying mirror. Jake went back to the room. The girls were frantically drawing at the piece of paper. He came over and grabbed both their heads from behind. "You guys done?" "Uh, uh, uh- l" The girls kept drawing at the paper.
"You have ten seconds." They started working harder. Upon reaching six, they were finished. "W-we're done!" They handed him the paper. It was a map from Ercona to the castle. "My my, this is great. But I'm not sure, maybe I should fry you guys anyway?" Their eyes widened and they hugged onto each other.
"Heh, just kidding." Jake opened a portal. "You can go now. This leads to the gates of Ercona. You're on your own from there." "But we need to stay-" "Oh, I get it. You want your brains to resemble mashed potatoes. Well all you had to do was ask." The girls both ran through the portal. "Morons." Jake was happy that he knew where the castle was.
It was at this point that he remembered that he needed to make a mind shielding spell. He imagined a static cloud around his mind that no curse or mind magic could get through. Excluding telepathy of course. He casted the spell, and felt something lift off his mind. He realized what he had done to those girls was way too brutal. He felt sick thinking about it.
He realized that something had made him less hesitant to kill. His first thought was Kelsha, but he dismissed it. He thought that it might be because of what happened last night. That was his best guess. He thought about what his mom would say if she saw this. "Whatever, time to get going." Jake went over to Rena and Correlshia whi had witnessed this entire ordeal. "I'm going to get headed over to the demon lords castle."
"Alright, I'll come." "Yeah, me too." Both agreed to come with him. "Great." Jake made a portal to the gate of Ercona. "Follow me." Jake walked through the portal. Rena and Correlshia followed him. Upon reaching the other side, he was greeted by a startled guard. He had seen the portal appear. "Stop right there!" "Or what? You'll stab me with your toothpick?" "I will not hesitate to skewer you!" "I'm not afraid of you. So you can back off."
The guard was irked by this. "Just a word of advice, dont try to fight me. I beat Slenkis, the god of Destruction in a fistfight." The man was quite scared. "Anyway, I'm going to go now." Jake summoned his bubble and made it invisible. The guard was shocked by this. Jake unhid his wings. He took off at an incredible speed. His minimap had recorded the map and provided him with a vague path to follow. His wings had gotten stronger.
"Hey Jake, look at this!" Rena said urgently. "Huh?" Jake looked at her. She had a small ball of water floating above her hand. "That's incredible Rena!" "You really think?" "Of course! Think about how much you've learned in such a short time. How many other people could do that?" "Your right!" She said with a victorious smile. Jake got an idea. He used creation magic to make a mystery tool for later.
He put the mystery tool into his inventory. He kept flying at top speed. "Hey Correlshia, what magic you rockin?" "I wonder." "Was that sarcasm?" "Yes, quite obviously. I'm a lava dragon, it only makes sense for me to use fire magic." "Yeah, that makes sense. Also, can I see your wings?" Correlshia's face went red.
"You lecherous bastard! I can't believe you would ask so openly!" "What?! I just wanted to see your beautiful wings." Her face went even redder. "I can't believe you could say that!" She looked away. "Didn't you say that wings were equivalent to faces?" "Well uh, uh..." Jake was enjoying getting revenge for the wing incident.
"I guess if you insist I have no choice but to show you." Jake's smile disappeared. "Wait what I didn't actually-" Correlshia sprouted some wings. They were marvelous wings. "I didn't actually expect you to take them out!" Said Jake with a red face. It was still hard for hil to take his eyes off the beautiful red scales that made up the skin part of the wing, as well as the pinkish-tan membrane.
"Ha! You didn't want me to, and yet you still can't take your eyes off them! I knew you that you loved them!" "Well yes, they are exquisite." Her face went red again. "S-stop saying that! You're supposed to be embarrassed and stuff!" Jake started laughing "I was only messing with you." "Whatever!" She put her wings back. "Didn't you say that you liked having them out?" "Not with a lecher like you here." "Aw, well that's a bit rude don't you think?"
"Whatever." She turned around. Jake decided to be nice. He created a plate of fried chicken. "Here, take this." He held out the chicken. She turned around. She looked like she wanted it. "You gonna take it?" "Yes." She took the chicken. *Chomp* *Crunch* She ate the chickens whole. The bones seemed like no problem to her. Jake estimated that it would take around twenty minutes to reach the castle.
He decided to do some stuff with mana martial arts. He went into his core and made two new veins. He made them right under his wings. He decided to use air mana. Upon requesting air mana, his core changed to white mana. But before he sent the mana in, he had an idea. What if he used mana from the other half of his core? He decided to use the black mana like substance. The liquid was quite viscous.
It crept through the vein, slowly speeding up. Upon reaching his back, there was a black puff of smoke. On his back appeared two black wings. They had glowing purple veins on them. Correlshia was amazed like Jake expected, and Rena was impressed. "Those are really cool!" "Thanks. How about you Correlshia? What do you think?" She was beyond amazed. "Two pairs of wings?! That's awesome!" "Aw, thanks."
Jake was happy that they liked them. "Let's see what these can do." Jake began flapping his new wings. He started going at three times the speed. "Damn these are good! I'm absolutely speeding right now!" "Those are so awesome! I wish I had two pairs of wings." "I'm not sure that I can help with that." Jake suddenly realized that there was no air being pushed around in the bubble. It didn't make any sense seeing as he was flapping his wings inside the bubble, which would create aut disturbance inside.
Jake decided to think about that later. The earth around him was becoming barren and dark. After a minute of bare dirt, A large forest of dark trees appeared. He suddenly saw the faint outline if the demon lords castle in the distance. This was great. There was one problem though, he had hit an invisible wall.
A white grid pattern had appeared upon hitting the wall. None of them were hurt too bad because of the padding Jake had created in the bubble after the crashing incident. "What the hell was that?!" Jake left the bubble. He looked at the place where he had just crashed into. It was completely clear. He went and tried to touch it, but his hand was stopped. "So theres a flight inhibiting spell? Great, guess we'll have to go by ground."
Jake was a bit upset that he had to be on the ground, but ultimately accepted it as what needed to happen. "Guess we gotta go by ground guys." Jake said while getting into the bubble. He flew it to the ground. But upon trying to go into the forest with it, he was denied access. "What the fuck dude?! You've gotta be kidding me!" Jake deactivated the bubble, and everyone was put out.
"Unfortunately, we've got to walk." "Oh, okay." Rena was fine with this. Correlshia just shrugged. "Glad you guys are okay with this." Jake started walking into the forest.
"This is gonna be a long walk."