With Great Risks Come Great Rewards

Hearing how he was going to turn into a pet of a human, Bell could not help but feel immense indignance at the thought at first. Though, in just a few moments, this indignance turned into the acceptance of fate as he did not even have enough strength to fight back against the pressure emanated by the human, much less the strength of the human itself if he tried to fight back against it.

With that, Bell could not help but wonder what his life would be like under the control of a human. Would he transform into a slave for his human master that would always fight whenever he was commanded to do so? Or would he transform into a bodyguard of his human master, who would gain feelings of affection for him and confess that his human master loves him for who he is?

'Yeah, that's already the territory of delusion,' Bell instantly thought as he stopped thinking further, worrying that his thoughts might spiral into depravity like how his human master might be interested in the unification of two different species…yikes.

"I'm surprised it's still conscious." Oblivious to the thoughts whirring in Bell's mind, the human condensed a certain type of force in its body that was similar to qi before releasing it through one of its fingers, giving Bell the feeling that the force on the tip of that human's finger was equivalent to the qi of over a billion of the qi the couple from that fenced-off area had. Naturally, Bell knew that this force would be used to tame him and make him submit to the commands of his future human master.

And so, Bell awaited the force to enter his body in a mix of fear and anticipation, wondering if his future life under this new human master would be miserable or exciting. Though, beyond anyone's expectations, what happened next confused not just Bell, but the human trying to tame Bell as well.


Like the sound of a bowstring being released, at the very moment the force conjured by the human collided with Bell's body, it reflected back towards the human, to which it dodged as it pierced through the ceiling. Seeing this, both Bell and the human had the same thought in their minds.

'Eh? It didn't work?'

"Is it because I used too little energy?" the human muttered to itself as it pondered why the move it used to tame pets had failed. As for Bell, he could not help but think of it from another perspective, asking the system, "System, is the reason why that force did not enter my body is because I cannot absorb qi?"

Unexpectedly, Bell's suspicions were correct. The system soon replied in its monotonous voice, "The owner's words are correct. Due to the owner not meeting the requirements needed for the owner to cultivate, the system has blocked all methods of absorbing qi, including the infusion of qi into the owner's body. Any attempts of infusing qi into the owner's body shall be reflected back at the one infusing it."

"Huh…" Bell said, only for his emotions to turn into that of excitement and optimism as he thought that there was still a chance for him to escape his current predicament. Since the force being sent to him by the human was ineffective on him, that meant that he only had to think up of a way to fight against the pressure emanated by the human.

With that, he asked the system once more, "System, is there a way to remove the pressure that's stopping me from moving at the moment?"

Like clockwork, the system soon responded to his question. Though, his response could not help but make him feel like he had eaten the excretion of an animal. "To answer the owner's question, the owner must need a level of cultivation at least one realm below the opposing side's cultivation in order to remove the pressure binding the owner."

"To think that not having access to cultivation is both an advantage and a disadvantage for me," Bell soon muttered to himself, inwardly letting out a long sigh as he knew that he and the human were more or less now at a stalemate. Although the human did not know that all of the energy it sent towards Bell would be reflected back, from the eagerness in its tone to take him as a pet, Bell knew that the human would be here for a while.

Knowing very well that his lifespan was limited, even though it was extended after his first evolution, Bell wondered if there was a way to talk to the human even though he did not have access to qi.

"System, is there a way for me to talk to other beings without the need for qi?" he asked, to which the system quickly responded, "To answer the owner's question, the owner needs to undergo their second bloodline awakening to obtain the skill to talk with other beings without the need for qi."

After hearing that, Bell hastily looked at the remaining Impure Blood Energy he had before looking at the amount of Impure Blood Energy needed for him to upgrade the Constitution skill he had just obtained from the corpse his proboscis was still stuck on to at least Mastery Tier 2. After seeing that he was still about 100 points short of even upgrading it once, he quickly fell into despair, wondering if there was any other way for him to communicate with the human.

By this time, the human fired a wave of energy towards Bell once more, though the amount of energy inside it was more dense this time. Nevertheless, it was still reflected back to the human without any problems, prompting it to dodge as it muttered yet again, "Such sturdy defense…I guess I still need to put in more energy?"

As for Bell, after being hit by the human's energy once more, he instantly thought of an idea that seemed like it would work, but was unsure if it really did. Wanting to make sure that it was possible, he then asked the system, "System…is it possible for me to use the energy being shot by that human to communicate with them?"


The system did not respond to his question for quite some time, causing him to think that the possibility of such thing was next to none. Though, after a bit more time, the system responded, giving him good news as it said, "To answer the owner's question, it is possible to use the other party's qi to send a message back to them, giving how their qi is being reflected back at them. The owner just needs to condense all of their thoughts into the reflected qi, and the other party would hear it."

Happy to hear that his idea would work, Bell then waited for the human to send another wave of energy at him. Eventually, the human did, sending a wave of energy towards him that was more dense than the previous two. At the very instant the energy touched his body, he instantly sent all of his thoughts towards the energy before being automatically reflected back.

Of course, seeing as how the energy it sent was being reflected back again, the human was about to dodge, only for him to hear the voice of a man. "Hey, could you continuously send me energy?"

"Huh?" In an instant, the human was left in a state of confusion and surprise. As for Bell, he could not help but become happy that his idea actually worked.

'Now, I just have to wait and hope the human sends me a continuous stream of energy,' Bell thought to himself.

Naturally, the human wondered if the mosquito it was trying to tame was the one trying to speak to it, though it could not help but think that it was impossible. Nevertheless, it sent a wave of energy once more, wanting to remove its doubts of the mosquito trying to talk to it.

Unfortunately for the human, a voice accompanied the reflected energy once more, saying, "It would be better for you to send me a continuous wave of energy so we can talk continuously."

If such a thing happened once, it would be considered luck. But if it happened a second time in a row, then it was not luck anymore. With that, the human could not help but look at the mosquito with a hint of confusion and curiosity as he did what he was told, sending the mosquito a constant stream of energy.

At the very instant the stream of energy was being sent to him, Bell could not help but say to the human, "Thank you for listening to me."

Soon, he then asked with a hint of anger, "Anyways, why the hell were you trying to tame me?"

"I can't believe a mosquito is talking," the human muttered in disbelief. Naturally, seeing that the human was in a daze, Bell asked the question once again, snapping the human back to reality as it replied in an innocent tone, "Well, who wouldn't try to catch a rare mosquito like you? If you're sold in the pet market, you'd be worth a ton of money."

"Unfortunately for you, I couldn't be tamed," Bell soon said, to which the human replied, "Yeah. Although it's kind of disappointing, it also makes me curious. Why do all the energy I send towards you get reflected back at me?"

'Oh, you know. I have a system that wouldn't allow me to cultivate unless I reach a certain Constitution stat, so any form of energy being sent towards me would be reflected back at the being sending that. That's why your energy is being reflected back…'

'…or that's what I would like to say,' Bell thought to himself as he came up with an excuse that were along the lines of the limitations brought by the system. While thinking of it, he thought that he could possibly use the human to his advantage to speed up the process of increasing his Constitution.

"Well, I have a special type of constitution that needs my bloodline to be purified to a certain level before I'm able to absorb qi," Bell responded with a slightly sad tone. "If anyone sends me qi before that, it would just be reflected back at them. Don't you think it's kind of pitiful?"


"Definitely pitiful," the human replied as a hint of melancholy could be heard from his response. At this moment, Bell could not help but wonder if the human had some issues in the emotional area. Though, the human's next words could not help but make him inwardly chuckle in glee.

"Is there a way I could help you remove that problem?" the human asked, to which Bell responded with a hint of disbelief, "You…you'd really help me? You'd actually help a puny mosquito like me break free from his curse?"

"Why wouldn't I? A mosquito like you with such a rare species is a waste if you don't have a high cultivation level," the human responded before giving off the feeling that he could be relied upon. "Tell me, what do you need to be able to absorb qi?"

"I need blood, a lot of it," Bell straightforwardly replied. Then again, he wasn't wrong. As long as it was the blood of a new being, he would gain a Constitution skill and increase his Constitution stat. Eventually, he would reach the necessary Constitution to be able to cultivate.

Hearing that Bell needed blood, the human instantly removed the sleeve covering his right arm as he said to Bell, "Would my blood work?"

Just as Bell was about to say yes, the system hastily warned him, "The system would like to tell the owner that if the owner decides to siphon the blood of the being in front of them, they would undoubtedly explode from the sheer density of energy inside it."

"Seriously?" Bell could not believe that. Then again, the fact that the pressure emanated by the human alone was enough to affix him to place. Up till now, he still hadn't retracted his proboscis from the bear he had siphoned to death.

Not taking his chances, Bell said to the human, "Unfortunately, I cannot absorb your blood. I have a feeling that I would explode to death if I even siphon one drop from you."

"Is that so?" the human said in response, slightly dejected. Though, this dejection did not last for long as he heard Bell's next statement.

"Although I cannot siphon your blood, I can siphon the blood of strong species with rare bloodlines," Bell said, to which the human instantly acted upon as the ground slightly trembled as a pile of bodies seemed to appear beside the human. From what he could see with his rough sense of vision, he knew that the human had brought out beasts he could siphon from out of nowhere. Not only that, he felt the same feeling from the bear on all of those beasts. On top of that, that feeling was far more powerful than the feeling the bear emanated.

In an instant, Bell could not help but wonder how he had turned this risky situation into that of pure reward. Of course, he also could not help but wonder as to why the human was easily believing in his words. Was he gullible or something?

"Would these be enough for you to be able to absorb qi?" the human asked, to which Bell hastily responded, "Yes, I think this is more than enough for me to regain that ability."

"Speaking of which, you are my benefactor, so I should know your name," he continued.

Surprisingly, the human scratched his head for a bit as he said, "Well, I don't really have a name, only a codename. In a certain place, I'm known as the Sixth Void."

'Sixth Void? Sounds like he's part of some organization,' Bell thought to himself before responding back, "Well, it's nice to meet you, Sixth Void."

"You can call me Bell."