Good Things Come In Pairs


Just like his first bloodline awakening, a small holographic screen appeared in front of his vision once more, giving him a few evolution paths to choose from. Though, unlike his first bloodline awakening, which gave him four evolution paths, there was only three now.


Please choose which bloodline you would like to awaken:

[Shadow Blade Mosquito]

[Shadow Devourer Mosquito]

[Shadow Lurker Mosquito]


Noticing how all of the choices he could choose from had the word 'Shadow' at the beginning, he could not help but wonder if the names of his subsequent evolution paths would be related to the previous choices he had made. Since he chose to evolve to Night Walker Mosquito on his first evolution, say if he were to choose Shadow Blade Mosquito this time around, by the time his third evolution came, would the name of his species combine the two evolutions and have the word 'Voidblade' at the beginning?

Nevertheless, he placed this thought at the back of his head as he wasn't someone who prioritized good names. He was someone who prioritized good abilities instead. If the ability came with a good name, then he would just think of the latter as a bonus.

"Identify [Shadow Blade Mosquito]," Bell soon commanded the system. Just like before, he would check the abilities and bonuses given by each evolution path before making his choice.

"The Shadow Blade Mosquito is an evolved variant of the Night Walker Mosquito, having greater offensive abilities than its predecessor. Naturally, such a variant would be rare, but with its rarity comes great power. If the owner chooses this bloodline, their stealth abilities would be boosted by a slight amount while their wings and proboscis would turn into combat weapons. On top of that, the owner would gain access to the ability [Wing Barrage], allowing the owner to inflict multiple lacerations on beings in a second," the system soon explained.

"Pass," Bell soon muttered to himself as he thought that the bloodline did not suit his style. Sure, it was nice for him to have the ability to fight back, but with the fact that it was hard for him to detect to begin with, such a brute offensive ability did not suit the bloodline at all.

"Identify [Shadow Devourer Mosquito]." He then moved on to the next choice he had, to which the system explained, "The Shadow Devourer Mosquito is an evolved variant of the Night Walker Mosquito, having greater siphoning abilities than its predecessor. Naturally, such a variant would be rare, but with its rarity comes great power. If the owner chooses this bloodline, their stealth would be boosted by a slight amount while their proboscis would undergo a giant transformation. On top of that, the owner would gain access to [Mass Siphon], allowing the owner to siphon a large amount of blood in a short amount of time, proportional to the owner's siphoning efficiency."

As he listened to the system's explanation, he could not help but look at the other beast corpses he currently stood on top on. Excluding the one on top that he had already siphoned dry, there were still about 5 beasts for him to deprive of blood. Although he wasn't sure as to how often he could use such a skill, it definitely would increase the speed at which he went about siphoning them dry.

"By the looks of it, this last one would be the direct evolution of my current species," Bell muttered as he commanded the system to identify the last choice. Not long after, the system explained, "The Shadow Lurker Mosquito is the direct evolution of the Shadow Lurker Mosquito. Although it is not as rare as its variants, it is considered a very powerful mosquito due to its great ability in stealth and control. If the owner chooses this bloodline, their stealth would undergo a huge transformation, reducing the chances of being detected even further. On top of that, the owner would gain access to [Shadow Bind], allowing the owner to lock beings into place for a short amount of time with their own shadows."

"Hmm…" Bell pondered over his choices for a bit more, making sure that he wouldn't regret the choice he would make in the long run. Eventually, his mind had decided that the skill the evolution had would be of use to him in the future, especially since it would blend well with his low presence.

"I choose [Shadow Devourer Mosquito]," Bell soon told the system, allowing the system to do its magic not long after as dark energy soon condensed around him not long after. Surprisingly, there was a hint of dark red energy amidst the strands of dark energy as well, making Bell wonder if the colors of the energy were related to the evolution he chose.

As for Sixth Void, after seeing energy condense around Bell, he could not help but wonder as to what they were for. Fortunately, that question was soon answered as those strands were absorbed by Bell as his body soon underwent a massive change, with his transformation visible to the naked eye.

Unlike before, the discomfort that Bell felt from the evolution was more tolerable as only minor adjustments were made to his body. His body became slightly wider, but at the same time more aerodynamic when compared to his previous body. On top of that, his proboscis had become slightly bigger while a few protrusions extended out of its sides. Surprisingly, when Bell looked at it from a certain angle, it would glow a faint dark red.

Eventually, an influx of information entered his mind, just like what happened when he evolved to Night Walker Mosquito. Though, unlike the [Stealth] skill he obtained from the influx of information he got from evolving to Night Walker Mosquito, the influx of information instead taught him the skill [Mass Siphon]. With that, his second evolution was now over.


[You have completed your second bloodline awakening!]

[You have evolved from Night Walker Mosquito (Rank 1) to Shadow Devourer Mosquito (Rank 2)]

[You have obtained the innate skill Mass Siphon'.]

[Your lifespan has extended by 3 times.]

[Constitution +0.1]

[Siphoning Efficiency +15]

As multiple notifications appeared on his notification screen, he could not help but take note of the fact that his lifespan had been extended by 3 times once more. Making a few quick calculations in his head, his lifespan now spanned close to a year, unlike back then at the beginning where he would die in just 5 to 6 weeks.

Nevertheless, he had only spent two days in this world so far, so he did not really feel the difference of having 5 to 6 weeks to live compared to having a year to live. He had only experienced just a small part of what this new world had to offer. Then again, with more time to stay alive, he did find it reassuring that he would be able to see more and achieve more.

'At this rate, I'll be able to start cultivating by the time the sun rises,' Bell thought to himself as he looked at the sky. At the moment, the sun had turned the sky a faint orange, signaling to both Bell and Sixth Void that night time was about to befall them. Even though it told them that, to Bell, he instead thought something else.

'On second thought, I'll be able to start cultivating before the moon reaches its peak.'

"System, show me my current Constitution," Bell soon commanded the system as he moved onto the next beast on the pile. This time, the beast looked like a tiger, though it gave off the feeling that it was a calculative and a scheming beast from its body structure. Although he had a feeling that the tiger might probably have human-like intelligence before it died, he wasn't sure.


As he started to siphon blood from the tiger's corpse, the system showed him his current Constitution through a small screen, leaving him at a slight loss for words, which soon turned into a light chuckle as he said to Sixth Void without using qi, "Sixth Void, it seems I'll be able to break through my curse pretty soon."


Constitution: 0.72676


"Eh?" Sixth Void, who was maintaining a constant flow of qi towards Bell all this time, heard that voice come from Bell all of a sudden. Though, unlike before, he felt that Bell did not use the qi he was sending him, instead he was using the molecules of air in the surroundings to converse with him. With that, Sixth Void decided to take a closer look at Bell, wondering what kind of change had occurred to him thanks to that black and dark red energy surrounding him some time ago.

Soon after, he muttered, "Just like what Bell said to me some time ago, he needs to purify his bloodline in order to break through the curse. To think that one corpse would be enough for his bloodline to be purified, and to transform into a rare variant bloodline at that. I wonder what kind of species Bell would turn into once he breaks free from his curse?"

If Bell were to hear what Sixth Void was muttering to himself, he would be left speechless as he would not expect his deductions to be that accurate. If Sixth Void knew he was a Night Walker Mosquito, then that was fine. But since the system told him that the Shadow Devourer Mosquito was a rare variant bloodline, it meant that Sixth Void's knowledge of bloodlines and species wasn't superficial at all.

In any case, Bell continued to siphon blood out of the tiger's corpse, which he soon came to know was the Sage-minded Tiger thanks to the Constitution skill he obtained from it. Just like the Silver Lupus King he siphoned before, the Sage-minded Tiger gave him a lot of Impure Blood Energy to play around with. In fact, it was even slightly higher than the Silver Lupus King's, giving him 1,500 points of Impure Blood Energy.

With his goal being to unlock cultivation as quickly as possible, he was going to make use of this large supply of Impure Blood Energy to hasten the process, upgrading [Silver Lupus King's Wisdom] to Mastery Tier 1 as it gave him a substantial boost to his Constitution.


[The being is now deprived of all blood.]

[You have learned the Constitution skill 'Sage-minded Tiger's Intelligence']

[Sage-minded Tiger's Intelligence (9/10) -> (MAX)]

[Constitution +0.012]

Taking a quick peek at his current Constitution stat as he moved onto the next beast on the pile, he could not help but mutter to himself in excitement, "I just need to siphon one more beast, and I'll be able to cultivate."

With that in mind, he allocated all of the remaining Impure Blood Energy he obtained from siphoning the Sage-minded Tiger towards [Blood Amaranth Proboscis], upgrading it to Level 8, giving him a significant boost to his already powerful siphoning efficiency.

Soon after, Bell poked his proboscis onto the third beast on the pile, which took on the form of a fox. Unlike normal foxes, its fur was silver in color while it had three tails, giving one the feeling that the fox could possibly take on a royal status from its aura alone. With the Constitution skill he obtained from this fox, Bell would soon come to know of its name, which was the Three-tailed Silver Fox.

Surprisingly, as if there was a pattern, the Three-tailed Silver Fox gave even more Impure Blood Energy than the Silver Lupus King and the Sage-minded Tiger combined.

A whopping 1,300 points of Impure Blood Energy.

No, wait. That's not right.

In any case, that amount was more than enough to fill up Bell's storage, prompting him to allocate those points towards upgrading [Lesser Blood Dimension — First Expansion]. With it at Level 5, he had gained an additional 800 points of storage to work with. Then again, he couldn't care less as to how much more Impure Blood Energy he could store in his blood storage at this moment.


[The being is now deprived of all blood.]

[You have learned the Constitution skill 'Three-tailed Silver Fox's Majesty']

[Three-tailed Silver Fox's Majesty (9/10) -> (MAX)]

[Constitution +0.009]

Retracting his proboscis from the Three-tailed Silver Fox's corpse, Bell commanded the system to show him his current Constitution. While doing so, he looked at the sky, noticing that the moon had already come out of the horizon. If the Constitution stat he obtained was enough for him to undergo a third evolution, he would do so in an instant. If not, then he would just move onto the fourth beast on the pile.

Fortunately, luck seemed to be in his favor.



Constitution: 1.01176


"You have met the necessary requirements to undergo a third bloodline awakening. Would you like to undergo through the process?" the system asked with its usual monotonous voice.

Though, for Bell, only excitement filled his voice as he responded, "Yes, I would!"

"Finally! I can fucking cultivate!"