Shanghai after the Rain (CEO + Luo Ju Di POV)

There was supposed to be rain, but similar to how it came out of nowhere and erupted in a flash—now it almost gone, there were only light drizzles remaining. Regardless of the case, the CEO's suit jacket had been taken off, it now covered the head of the kid in his arms. Li Yang followed after the man running in front of him through the crowd.



His footsteps pounded through the pavement, the wet puddles splashed across his wool suit and leather shoes. But his eyes were on his brother alone, focused on not losing him through the crowd, until something appeared from the right and barrelled in front of him, "You found the kid."

"Panda!" Chunhua shouted and pointed at the creature floating above them. There was a look of joy that spread across her face.

"Not now," Li Yang watched the timer in front of him and pushed himself forward.

The girl in his arms raised a brow. "Huh?"