When All Of Their Eyes Are On You (Luo Ju Di + CEO POV)

"I had to."

There was a serious look on his face as he said it, and it was as if he truly felt compelled to do so. Luo Ju Di didn't know what to say any longer and simply inclined her head, "Thank you. You truly went out of your way for me and my child, I truly believe that you're the father."

"Huh?" Chunhua raised a head.

Luo Ju Di blinked and rubbed her child's head, wishing she hadn't said it aloud in Chunhua's presence. "I said that your Uncle Yang is like a perfect father, carrying you all the way here when you're so heavy, Chunhua."

"Did you just call me fat, mama?"

"There's nothing wrong with it—except you're getting too heavy for me to carry." Luo Ju Di teased and then looked back at the man who she was with. He was staring off into thin air?

Did he not know how to act in this moment? Was he uncomfortable?