Hospitals and Charm Shops (1)

When Li Yang finally woke up, it would be because of the weight that shifted on top of him. The sight of Taiga's head stuck in the crook of his neck and the tigress spirit's soft breathing made him watch and listen for a minute, before he pulled out his arm and checked his watch—

It was beyond ten minutes.

He had slept for more than an hour. The CEO blinked and tried to move, but for a spirit her height, she was a lot heavier than she looked. Li Yang eventually took out his phone from his pocket and would find numerous messages and missed calls. One of them was from Ying Yue He who gave the address of the hotel and the rest were from Luo Ju Di's number, and it was from a child.

Uncle Yang—please visit mama :( we're in a hospital

5 Missed Calls

Where are you, Uncle?