Hospitals and Charm Shops (2)

There were things that he failed to consider, or had hoped that in spite of the idea of the 'System' being meant for him and possibly his Harem Members to use, there would be something for him to use in order to help a person he cared about—but there was none.

Attraction Charm (Consumable) 150 CP

Divine Energizer Drink (Consumable) 300 CP

Dao of Attraction 750 CP

Harem Member Gift Set 5000 CP

Harem Cultivation Qi Condensation - VIII 15000 CP

Mystery Box 500 CP

Roots Unlockment 5000 CP

Bloodline Awakening 10000 CP

Constitution Refinement 500 CP

Cultivation Method Upgrade 200 CP

Spiritual Cultivation Method 2500 CP

Martial Arts/Body Cultivation Method 3000 CP

[ Current Charm Points: 70463 ]

If anything, some of the items even increased in charm points cost now that the Charm Shop increased in level. The CEO narrowed his eyes at the screen, before making a decision—

[ Deducting 5000 CP… ]