Between Land and Sea (2)

It wasn't often that the sea fought against those who sought to travel her waters, safe passage was given to them that only desired to move from one port to another—but this time, those who died were the ones who reached out and reacted to the scent filling their surroundings.

An ambiance of those who knew death but did not cower from it.

They sought to find the source and found it in a living man. 

Li Yang eyed what appeared to be a corpse of a Mermaid, her wrists were bent unnaturally as she hovered in the air. The strong majestic tail of such a creature seemed to have been stripped off—the scales skinned off. Only a faint glimmer of what might have been shone despite the fog blocking out the moon and stars.

He might have attempted to talk to it… her, but only the sound of rumbling and low groans filled the air. There was no siren using her vocals to lure him into the deep, she was a shadow of her former self.