Between Friends and Enemies (Mixed POV)

Li Yang was gone. 

Not everyone noticed it as he expected… as he wanted it to be. The Mermaid Narissa and the Tigress Taiga were no longer at the bar and had immediately left once he himself parted ways with them to be with Bo Lifen—but the Mermaid did not expect that the Tigress would tag along with her.

It was like a stray cat on the street following you until you arrived home and demanded your hospitality. 

"Can Taiga stay with you tonight?"

"Don't you have some other place to stay?" Narissa stopped outside of the door of her hotel room to give the tigress spirit an unamused look. 

"... Taiga was staying at the Shou Temple Sect in Chongming Island, but it's too tiring to try to get back there. Taiga would have to get past all of the ghosts and evil spirits that lurk around there."

"I don't care. Aren't you supposed to be some fiery feline?"