Blended A New Tea Recipe!

Bo Lifen bit on her lip and looked down into the cup. The woman was aware that these ingredients came from another world and at a place where the energy was a lot more refined than on earth.

She thought that Li Yang only wanted to test her skills and then benefit from them but now the woman wasn't so sure. Was Li Yang expecting her to drink the tea herself and enjoy it while actually experiencing the tangible benefits and not him? 

Bo Lifen gulped for a moment and she felt her throat actually parched as she stared at the liquid and wondered about its taste.

The Tea Sommelier was aware of how her skills were indeed topnotch and she wasn't even trying to brag, so it meant that once she drank from the cup and took advantage of its properties… 

Even though she did not have the body of a gourmet who could actually boost its effects, the efficacy was high.

High-grade tea.