# 2: My First Kill.

# 2: My First Kill.


Revising the situation in my head I came up with a plan, I have to use the signs to get out of here and hopefully somehow kill the vampire, for this I bit my finger until it started bleeding.

Using my bleeding finger I started drawing Yrden around my cage while ignoring the screams that reaching my ears, I don't have to make hand movements to activate it if I do it like this, there's no risk of explosions neither.

I had to injure my finger again and again since it kept healing but I was satisfied with my work.

Nodding to myself I started drawing Igni on the edge of the roof and bottom of my cage and let the magical energy in me surge into the symbols I drew.

Usage of magic will attract the vampire without a doubt but that's what Yrden is for...

Seeing the cage melt under Igni brought some hope to me, seeing that one of the bars coming loose I took it and pressed the molten end to the ground flattening it.

Once it was flat but still soft enough to draw on it I drew Aard on it without caring for my burning finger.

By the time I was done a skinny male with pale white skin entered the basement his mouth still had blood on it, and his gaze locked on to me.

Seeing the now half molten cage brought some surprise to him but not seeing anything else other than the metal bar in my hand he just smirked and slowly walked towards me.

"I see you know some magic..." He muttered to himself not knowing I can hear.

I didn't let him finish and started aiming with the bar in my hand, once he entered the Yrden zone he naturally slowed down allowing me to headshot with the metal bar.

It wasn't a good sight but he was dead. I carefully left the half molten cage and searched his corpse for a wallet if he has one.

"Dr. James Acula... I am too traumatized to laugh at this right now, at least he had some money on him." I mutter to myself before leaving the basement while trying to ignore the several dead children around me...

I can only shed some tears for them before my emotional suppression handled the worst of it.

From the identification of Dr.Acula, I learned that he lives in Norway... Fuck teleportation.


Getting out of the basement I found myself in a well-decorated house if one ignores the smell of blood.

Unfortunately, my body didn't believe in nausea even if I didn't feel like eating.

So I made my way to the kitchen hoping this guy at least had some human food to fool others.

Can DxD Vampires eat regular food?

I found some pasta in the kitchen, some parmesan cheese, some cereal, milk, and standard kitchen supply.

Setting a pot of water to boil I left the kitchen and found the shower of this house and took a quick shower to feel better.

Thankfully my pajama is not too dirty and still wearable by my standards if you ignore the dirt on it and the burned right sleeve.

On my search for the shower, I also found a study room. Here I found Dr.Acula's diary.

I learned that he was a bastard child of some low level noble in Carmilla Faction who is ruled by females and got banished from the house for being an "arrogant male" and the "weakest of the family" on top of it.

He especially marked those words...

He made contact with Tepes Faction who is ruled by males but they just laughed at him and chased him out of the country for fun.

The last part of the diary made me realize that I didn't survive that encounter because I was strong but the dude was trash.

It seems my play/training deal didn't work out as I hoped.

I made my way back to the kitchen and made myself pasta while thinking about how should I proceed from here.

It's not like I can stay here this dude was a doctor, his absence is easy to notice and I doubt any authority supernatural or otherwise would listen to a kid who's supposed to be in Italy... Maybe they would how am I supposed to know?

How would that even go, like what would they do to a kid who just killed a vampire with magic he shouldn't know? Not having an answer I decided to have some rest to clear my head and found the bedroom.

This guy has two bedrooms for different activities, thankfully he doesn't sleep in the same room he killed those women.

Yeah, I am ignoring the corpses of my friends and the staff for now. I am not in a state to deal with that stuff right now.

I am fed and clean and this dude's bed is so soft. Damn sheets are made of silk how come he's banished? Right he was a doctor...

In the morning I was noticeably calmer, calm enough to take a look at myself since I didn't have much time back in the orphanage since most of my days spent with children.

Pale skin, black hair but not like a normal black it's an unnatural matte black. I have amber eyes that turn into cat-like slits after I toggle it.

I can't say anything about my face since most kids look cute then grow up into average types with my hair and eyes I don't think my face will matter too much as long as I am not ugly.


The door of the house was blasted open while I was having some cereal.

The anime-style dust cloud was blown away revealing one woman in some seriously inappropriate cosplay she even has wings attached to armor around her boots and helmet...

Well, she looks like a sexy Valkyrie considering the world I am in she might just be the real deal.

She looked confused for a second before she smelled the dried blood and went to the basement while ignoring me, trusting my guess I went back to my cereal.

She came back holding the bar I used to off Dr.Acula yesterday.

"Hello kid my name is Helga, did you do this?" She asks pointing to the Aard sign. Seeing me nod she continues.

"I see, look I am a Valkyrie working for Asgard, I was sent here to take care of the vampire but it seems I was late. Can you tell me what happened?" Wow, that's some cliché right there.

Next what I am invited to Odin's birthday party?

Sighing to myself I explained what I know, in the end, I was being hugged to her bosom, unfortunately, her armor is hard, cold, and uncomfortable to hug.

"All right wait here a little, I need to call someone to handle this place." She says while making a magic circle, I guess that's for communication.

"Will they get proper burials?" Seeing her nod I checked another box in my mind. I was rather reluctant to leave them like that and it's not like I can burry them myself.

Ten minutes later three other Valkyries came to the house they just pat my head and moved to their business I watched them bag up the corpses of women and children I started to care for in my time here.

I am honestly feeling like shit but my emotional suppression makes sure I am giving %100 all the time. I can cry later.

Once the bodies were handled Helga came back and sat me at a table.

"You sure you wanted to watch it?"


"Well, you never told me your name so let's start there." Helga mentions as she sits on one of the chairs.

"Jacob Asao." I reply.

"Nice to meet you Jacob are you from a supernatural race? You feel human but it's hard to believe you being a magician." Am I? witcher does count as a race I guess then again I don't have to tell the truth. Thinking about this I toggled my eyes on.

[AN: There are race-specific spells like foxfire of fox yokai. Thus Helga just assumed the spell was related to MC's race.]

"I see, well that's enough for now. I know you were staying at an orphanage but do you have anyone that can take care of you?" She says while filling some papers.

"No I was left at the door of the orphanage, there's no one I know."

"Sigh, alright I can transfer you to another orphanage. Well, it's not really an orphanage but this one is for children like you I mean non-human.

Maybe there you can even learn which race are you from and find their community since I can't identify it just from your eyes."

"Thank you."


We left that house with a teleportation circle after Helga brought me something other than pajama to wear and I found myself in a town filled with many different races, not all of them good looking mind you.

Although I saw some people with tiger ears and tail, females of the group naturally being beautiful and males looking outright ugly... That's a harem novel for you right there.

Seeing everyone has some type of inhuman feature I toggled my eyes and let Helga guide me to the orphanage for supernatural.

I guess I can say I finished the tutorial...