# 3: Training Montage.

# 3: Training Montage.


The orphanage(I am going to call it orphanage for my convenience) wasn't anything glorious.

I mean even the city is no different than any other I saw before. It's just that the residents are not all human.

The orphanage didn't have many children in it. I mean some babies are being looked after.

There's one girl around two years old with cat features playing with a mouse plushie looking cute.

Two women are looking over this place from what I can see. One of them is feeding a bottle of milk to a baby, I guess supernatural orphanages are rare.

Helga handled all the paperwork, I am not sure how that's going to work. Will they just make another ID for me or mind rape The Italian government for it?

"Here Jacob, this your temporary identification, the Martha will handle your actual one later. I need to go back to Asgard, take care of yourself okay?" Giving me another head pat Helga left, leaving me with the two ladies.

"Mary, look how cute he is, come here give me a hug." So the one hugging me to death is Marhta.

Mary is around 1.70 cm she has short black hair and blue eyes, she seems like a boy if not for her sizeable chest getting in the way overall she's a pretty lady.

Mary just gave me a wry smile her eyes filled with pity before I lost my access to air.

"Martha let him go, I think he stopped breathing." Let's hope this hugging and head pats doesn't become a regular thing...

Martha on the other hand is around 1.60 cm and has long red hair and emerald eyes I must say she's the most beautiful woman I saw ever since coming here also she also has the biggest... Damn, she must have some serious back pain.

They are affectionate towards children I was barely able to ask them about school before they turned me into a burrito in my new bed telling me to rest.

They told me they will homeschool me until I feel better and feel ready to meet new people.

I mean according to them I just saw everyone I love dying, huh now that I think about it...

Huh... What's this strange liquid dripping down my eyes.


I have been here for a month, Mary and Martha are an interesting couple to live with. Yes, they're a couple and I will never forget the day I ran into them.

From the two I learned about the city, it's still in Norway but hidden away from normal humans. This city is under Asgard supervision but it's open to other factions as long as they play by the rules.

I mean you need to have a place to make trades with other factions, so it's natural to find all kinds of people. I saw some devils(my medallion can identify races if I require) fallen angels. Some exorcists were going around (I am not sure if they're with the church).

Looking over to the city this place is looking like a good example of people being able to work together in harmony...

"What are you looking at shitty bat!"

"I was wondering why your crow ass looked familiar, if I remember correctly I slept with your mother."

"You!" *Fighting Starts*

Okay, there's no real harmony here. It's more like everyone minds their own business and Asgard makes sure there are no extra casualties.

*A passing Valkyrie kills them both*

There are some fighting arenas to solve people's problems and some organizations that people can issue contracts for their requirements.

Most of them are various magicians that don't have devil contracts, or the one's that are needing materials but too lazy or weak to get them themselves.

So I found my source of income.


Since I have no reason to hide my training I went ahead and started to train according to the books in my head, but it drew Mary's attention.

"Hey Jacob, whatcha doing?" She crouches down to my height to look into my eyes.

"Training." She doesn't need to ask why since I was rather liberal about my mandatory anime origin story even though in the end Martha suffocated me(with her breasts) until I passed out.

"Need any help?" Thinking about it, I did see some swords hanging on the walls.

"You don't happen to know how to wield a sword would you?" I ask with some hope, I can only improve so much without a sparring partner.

"Sure buddy let me get in proper shape for you." I tilt my head at the wording but it became clear as Mary got smaller until she became a loli.

I never checked her race, I don't know why but it felt wrong but I kinda regret it now.

"Haha look at your face, I am a half mimic, don't ask how if you don't want to have nightmares.

I can't change my looks but I can change my size or some *cough* body parts.*cough* Now let me bring the wooden swords and we'll start." Even her voice became child-like...

I stood there frozen for a while before my mind rebooted and I decided as long as I get my training the other things don't matter.


Mary didn't teach me any sword styles since I have my own to work on and just provided the much needed sparing partner and expert view on my mistakes.

Yes, she turned to be strong compared to the city. I mean you can't run a place like this if you're weak, and Mary is according to her is a grandmaster swordswoman.

While I was training with her Martha took it upon herself to teach me magic.

She turned out to be a magician from Golden Dawn but she left the place after she fell in love with Mary.

She claims that she's not much of a genius compared to Mary but I will take whatever I can. So she started teaching me normal magic

and aid casting my signs without blowing myself.

[AN: Who needs some secretly OP gramps as a master when you can have a yuri couple.]


Parrying a slash coming towards me I use Yrden to slow my opponent, unfortunately, my magic reserves aren't big enough and she just overpowers the sign and breaks it apart.

But that's fine, I got enough time to get close to slashing at her only for my attack to be deflected, finding myself unable to defend I turned around to shoulder the attack.

"It's good that you're using your magic during fights but this is sword training Jacob, now get up." Mary becomes terrifying during spars, but I am not complaining.

Trying to get up my knee gave up causing me to fall again...

"How long have we been sparing?" Mary asks Martha who's trying to heal me so I can at least crawl to my bed.

"Two hours nonstop." Martha's voice is cold. I was trying to end the match quickly but it backfired.

"Has it been that long? Sorry Jacob I didn't notice." She just earned a hollow groan from me.

It's been two years since my training from Hel(pun intended) begin, I can't tell how strong I am now since I only ever fought Mary.

"You're being too hard on him recently, he doesn't even get to play with Beth." Martha mock complained to Mary even jabbing her stomach, revealing that she's more worried about her alone time.

Beth is the catgirl I saw when I first came in, she has orange hair(her cat ears has white stripes) and green eyes, the parents of children have been found or they got adopted but she remained, following that Martha decided to raise her as her own.

Being a mischievous little kitten, Beth is a menace to her new parents, but by being MC she acts like an angel when I play with her.

So due to her being playful, the duo can't "destress" Mary takes it out from our spars(can't complain I asked for it) but Martha can't and that brings us to our current situation.

"Big brother Jacob shall I punish mommies for you?" As if on cue the troublemaker herself comes running with her usual mischievous smile.

"Beth, just cover for me. I will teach you how to make dyes." I tempt her from the ground, I have yet to get up.

Hearing my offer she starts to tremble from excitement but we were cut short by Mary&Martha teaming up to stop us.

"You will do no such thing, young man!" Seeing them menacingly coming towards us Beth starts to get ready to run but seeing me not moving from the ground she tries to pull me with her with no result.

"Big brother we need to go come on!."

"Save yourself my little sister I will hold them back!" I say with a grave voice as I get up and move forward.

"No brother, I won't leave you!" She clings to my arm refusing to let go.

As I was going to make something more dramatic to keep our play going we were cut by both Mary and Martha's laughing.