# 8: Merlin Being Merlin.

# 8: Merlin Being Merlin.


It's been a couple of months since I ordered my sword, Felix is a weird guy who takes orders depending on how much it draws his attention.

My blueprint managed to draw his attention and he accepted my order. Now I got a call from him saying he's finishing up the sword.

Getting in his shop I see Felix polishing a sword with a wolf pommel.

"That's the one I presume thanks for the work Felix I needed the sword." Seeing that he put the sword on the counter I go for it only to get hit.

"Don't be impatient art takes time." Felix snorts and takes a scabbard from the shelf.

Pointing at the ridiculous-looking armor next to him I plainly said."I must say some of your art is rather abstract."

"*snort* Just pay up kid I don't have time, your damned sword took enough time already how much I look at it apart from craftmanship by truly yours nothing seems worth a second look."

"Well, that's the point." I put the money on the counter and took my wares.

"Don't talk back cat eyes bastard." Also, he is racist.

"Sure pewdiepie looking ass bitch." Who knew this world has Pewdiepie and Felix looks like him.

"Hey take that back!" And he hates it.

I leave the shop while laughing and thinking about how I need to find another blacksmith next time.

Coming back home, I pull the sword out to have a good look at it.

It has a straight double-edged blade with a black sheen on it, the handguard pointed upwards for better wrist maneuvers, the pommel is simple and has a silver wolf symbol on the end of it.

Since this world is different and silver swords only working on vampires God made a twist to Witcher swords, you need to chant a word to the sword to make it a withcer sword.

Taking it in my hand I speak the chant, this sword isn't the best but it will do for now.

Following the chant runes light upon the blade, afterward, I take the glyphs I made and insert it into the sword they are basic speed glyphs they are easy to make but the materials are expensive.

No matter the price it's worth it. Now I am ready to tackle harder opponents.

First things first let's try to beat Mary.

*One painful beating later*

"You know Jacob that's a pretty good sword. Too bad you can't beat me with it." Mary talks as she swings my sword.

"Medic!" Beth is next to me having her fun.

Thankfully Martha comes out to the garden in a nurse outfit to patch me up.


"Mary, Martha I am going to England for that contract." I informed them before but I am just reminding them.

"You sure? It's not like this place is running out of monsters." Martha says with a worried expression.

"Yeah, small-time things don't cut for me anymore." I mean I rather not try goblin mutagen.

"Well, it's your choice kid." Mary is acting tsundere. I can tell because she normally uses my name.

I hugged them before leaving the house, I already put Beth to sleep after tiring her out with fast-paced games.


Teleporting to the supernatural side of the UK was easy, you are pretty much free to roam around these parts of the world if you're human.

If not, you have to get permission and such, of course, this could be avoided if you join a faction, like devils that have a contract with magicians from any of the magic associations can come to visit here.

First things first I made my way to the currency exchange I changed to the local currency and found the hotel next to the Guild.

My current contract is open to everyone, the Pendragon family found a cave leading to a dungeon.

They say it was built by Merlin to train King Arthur in his youth, which was lost later on after they died and people believe this place is that place.

Not having enough manpower and not wanting to send their people to their death Pendragon family decided it's a better idea to send in cannon fodders with this contract.

This contract is not profitable at all, you need to give back anything valuable you find which is the reason for its unpopularity. But my goal isn't the riches but the monsters.

Merlin wouldn't slack off on the quality of the monsters to train Arthur, so there must be something I can use as mutagens and that's my aim.

Also, they pay your expenses as long as you come back with anything valuable including information about the dungeon since the dungeon changes structure regularly.

Getting a room to myself I prepared my potions and meditated a little, it was good that I figured out hammerspace magic last month. I can put my potions in there.


The Guild set up a booth near the cave leading to the dungeon so I made my way there got my approval and went inside.

Entering the dungeon I realized that this place is similar to a mine shaft. Pulling out the related information in my head I kept moving.

This particular iteration starts with goblin type monsters and changes every 5 floors and it goes until you reach golems on the 50th floor.

The previous people going in said there's a surprise boss at the end of every dungeon.

The 50th-floor monster was made by Merlin himself and according to other people, there's no one yet to reach there. I don't know what that means for me but I want to see it for myself.

Killing my way to the 5th floor I saw kobolds god they are ugly, kill it with Igni. We didn't have kobolds back in Norway.

I found some chests full of loot but I opened them after checking for traps.

I'm on the 10th floor and the whole place became damp I can feel the moisture in the air.

Igni will be useless here maybe Quen would be extra effective? It's similar to lightning although it's not lightning.

Moving a bit ahead I see creatures that look like drowners from the Witcher game well they were based on mythology.

I guess it's normal to find them here, killing them is easy but the problem is their great number better to round them up and use AOE attacks.

It's not that I can't kill them it's just that it's annoying to kill them individually.

15th floor, damn that 5 previous floors not that I got injured but I got soaked from the moisture in the fucking air.

My beautiful hair is wet dammit! My hair my only selling point and now it's ruined!

On this floor, I saw centaurs? and they all have bows and all of them are aiming for me right now. Sigh Quen, after getting out of the firing range they started fighting by kicking but that wasn't very effective and they passed away rather easy on the next floor they all had halberds.

Great 10 Centaurs with halberds, I run up to them, using reverse Aard I pulled one of them from its leg and it gave me enough time to jump and behead it.

There's not much area I only have to fight 3 of them at the same time putting a quick Yrden and Quen I backed away so they would get in the trap and slow down and that was the last mistake they did.

20th floor and it's supercharged direwolves I know these guys like the back of my hand by now they pose no treat maybe I should get a pure black direwolf as a pet... Nah I don't have time for it.

30th floor opened with a pink cloud rolling off it, if I have to guess they are succubus and if I am guessing right 35th would be an incubus.

Why didn't the guide didn't say anything about these?

It's kind of messed up since I remember that Merlin is half incubus, although I don't know if that is similar here as well.

This scent won't affect me much but the view will give me the biggest blue balls in history even with emotional suppression. I don't want to fuck a succubus, at least not right now.

[AN: I mean he is old enough to be going through puberty even though I don't remember MC's age. Even if he is not, just assume it's the withcer genes.]

40th floor I don't even wanna talk about the incubus fuck that place.

*Burning Incubus noises*

Yeah, that's what you get for flashing me shit stains.

I will lock that memory forever, but I did get some genetic materials from them for later *cough* experiments.

Now, what do we have here, minotaurs, nice they even have battle axes.

Trying to cut them with my spare sword with a semi speed, I find that it barely cuts their skin.

Satisfied with it I behead the poor bastards I nod to myself. I am getting a mutagen from this, I already have magic resistance, I need that physical resistance as well.

Moving down I have come to the floor with golems well they seem more humanoid than I expected, they also have weaponry but nothing my sword can't cut through.

Finishing off the last golem I meditated for a while to recover. I want to be in top shape to see what's up with this surprise boss.

Pushing open the boss door and getting in, I saw it. What's in front of me looks like a human, it's modeled after a redhead girl in her 20s and she has a whip in her hands and the most sadistic grin I ever saw.

[The sadistic golem from Konosuba.]

I mean this bitch would leave Mary clapping and asking for advice to further her art.

"Ara~Ara it seems another toy has come to play, come on onee-sama shall give you a reward fufufu~" Why in God's name this thing is speaking Japanese.

*Whipping Noise*

"NIGERUNDAYO!" This isn't about power but honor! I will lock this memory in deep corners of my mind never to be unearthed.

"ara~ara you shouldn't run from onee-sama ~fufufu" With that the door of the dungeon locks itself.

Also, there is an image of an old man grinning on this side of the door.