# 9: This Isn't Nerfing Right? No It Is Not.

# 9: This Isn't Nerfing Right? No It Is Not.


The last boss itself wasn't that hard but the atmosphere and that whip are dangerous.

My shoulders agree with me on this one, I got hit while trying to punch Merlin's image.

This dungeon reminded me that this world is based on an ecchi harem novel.

Since I finished the dungeon for this iteration I went back and deposited the loot and told them I didn't enter the last boss room.

The receptionist just gave me a knowing smile and didn't push further.

Getting back to my room I set up the distillery for both Incubus and Minotaur mutagens.

I did some reruns on the dungeon while waiting on them and ran into different types of monsters but nothing caught my interest.

From the information gathered, there used to be dragons in the dungeon as well but Tannin a former Dragon King took them away after Merlin passed away.

Now it's time for my second mutagen starting with Minotaur, here goes nothing.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

AH! I can hear my bones breaking apart. Why does it have to be painful!

My hands, my legs, my ribs, spine even my skull. It feels like someone put them into a meat grinder and hammered them back to their place.

The pain was so unbearable that I passed out after 3 hours of screaming. Gamers Mind like emotional suppression my ass.

Waking up I see that I am covered in black soot-filled with pieces of bones and I feel heavy like I have a metal skeleton.

Thankfully I am still strong enough to move but my speed is affected. A little usage of touki would bring me back to my base speed but I need to match my muscles to my new bone density.

Sighing to myself I did some reruns in the dungeon to get used to my current situation, thankfully I didn't grow horns or something nor am I heavy enough to break something yet.

I wanted physical damage resistance but got denser bones, do I need more calcium now?


Deciding I can handle this situation back at home I decided to go back. I already got what I wanted.

When I was about to leave this place and go back to Norway I got a letter. It seems someone specifically asked for me in their contract.

I have been taking those for a while back in Norway since most people know me there but this is unexpected.

Entering the room I see a middle-aged man in a maroon long coat not wearing a shirt. He has black hair with blonde bangs and a goatee.

Next to him is a teen that looks around my age if I had been a normal kid he has grey hair he looks like one of those always brooding types like Uchiha's...

I bet he has some revenge deal going on revolving around his family.

"Hello kid, I heard you never failed a contract, my name's Azazel by the way you must have heard of me before."

"Since you asked for me you must know me and me knowing you depend on why are you asking?"

I heard about this guy from Mary and Martha he seemed like the character type that would mentor the protagonist or something, also he is an inventor I might just sell him the idea I ripped off from the withcer game.

Apart from him being lazy and perverted, there is nothing bad going on about him, well I don't count him being manipulative, that comes with being old and inhuman. I mean even Michael is tricking humans.

"Well, since you have a good mission completion rating I figured you're the right person to ask."

I toggled my eyes "You have my attention."

"Ah, it has been a while since I saw eyes like this. Sorry old man's ramblings.

The job is that some stray birds flew off to Romania and I can't send people in, otherwise, Vampires would get agitated they are dealing with the church already but you're a neutral mercenary so it's ok for you to go."

"How many strays, their strength, and how much money are you willing to pay?"

"There's about four of them three of them has three pairs of wings and their leader has four pairs. Nothing you can't manage and here is your payment." He is indeed right it's easy for me I guess he wants to build a good relationship.

I don't believe that the three factions aren't aware of me, and if I am not guessing wrong Odin has been looking after me.

Otherwise, some arrogant devil would have already tried to add me to their collection.

Azazel passed me a check amount is alright. I guess I could take a little detour while going home, I never did a job like this but I am strong enough to handle it.

"I'll know when you killed them so don't worry about it"

"Alright now that your business is has been handled. I have a proposal." I say while taking some notes out of my hammerspace.

He just raised an eyebrow indicating he's listening, and for the next hour, I explained my idea of GWENT adapted to this world.

We could sell the decks like collection cards and earn money from the cards themselves while people gamble with them, I don't mean to brag but I kicked asses and took names in GWENT.

"Oh, this idea is brilliant, I could even get Ajuka to make special boards to make it fancy. Alright give me some time to contact some people and I will contact you after that." Ajuka? One of the Satans working with Azazel I guess it shows how close they're to peace.

I also made Azazel sign a paper to make sure he won't steal the idea. Can't be too trusting with people like him.


(After Jacob Left The Room)

"Is he strong?" Vali asks while eyeing the door.

"It's always hard to pinpoint a witchers strength but his body is heavier than it looks, I guess he took some Minotaur genes from that dungeon. Witchers always had adaptable bodies Vali and they get strong easily if given the right conditions. If you want to fight him at his best I suggest you should wait for it."

*Magic Circle Appears*

"Have you sent the kid there Aza boy?" Odin's image reveals the caller.

"Yes and you owe me one for letting him go to your faction, I could have used a kid like him. But geezer why did you gone out of your way to send him there?"

"Heh his potential mother in law is in danger, I swear that girl keeps running into ambushes like there's no tomorrow." Odin sighs while listening to his Raven.

"How did that happen?"

"She agreed on the law of surprise *Chuckle*."


"What is the law of surprise." Seeing both faction leaders laughing Vali couldn't help but ask causing them to stop laughing and explain it.