# 10: Getting A Ticket To Asgard.

# 10: Getting A Ticket To Asgard.


Looking for fallens in Romania is going to be easy, This is due to the fact there's only one place in this country where everyone is welcomed.

This city is similar to one I live in Norway, meaning it was built for trading. Well, vampires mostly stay away from this place since they think they're better than everyone.

No, you're prejudiced.

So naturally, this city is away from Vampire territory. Their territory is surrounded by a magic fog that blocks out the sun.

Well, it's not like there's any sunshine anyway, they get their blood from human farms in their territory. It's barbaric but it's not like I can fight the whole faction myself.

Coming out of the city I set my medallion to find fallen angels, it's a new thing I discovered about my medallion.

Every race emits a different wavelength of magic including humans(Normal humans don't emit magic so that identifies them) I can change the sensitivity of the medallion to focus on a specific race.

It's been extremely helpful during my contracts and I can boost its range with magical energy. It seems the area around the city is clear, with no fallen angels.

I'm going to assume the popular places here would be clear too, so I made my way to the border town to look around.

I found some stray devils but some blonde church girl was taking care of it by raining swords on them so I left her to it and gone to another town.

After going around checking the town for tracks I found their trail by the end of the day but they're going through the forest and the other side is the vampire territory.

I was about to move but I sensed that church girl coming from behind, dodging her attack I pulled my sword and aimed at her neck.

"What's wrong with you crazy lady, don't they teach to how to properly greet people at church."

"Shut up and tell me what you are? I shall bring salvation to your soul!" I knew I should have toggled my eyes off. Is she even aware of the sword on her neck?

"Well, why don't we start with names. Names are cool right everyone has one after all. My name is Jacob what's yours?" Seeing that I am not playing by her tune she drops her sword and answers.

"Its Jeanne, I am an exorcist for the church I was tasked to find and kill some fallen angles here but got distracted by stray devils." She must be one of those spirit inheritors.

"See, was it that hard? Well, I already told my name, I got paid by Azazel to take care of said fallens as well."

"Then what are you those eyes are not human?" Geeze talk about racism.

"Witcher, one would think it my people would be in your textbooks since your God used to be our best customer." Yeah, I read it in one of the books in my head.

"Wait, we were taught they were exterminated to extinction?" She says with a confused expression.

"My father had a cockroach mutagen." Jokes aside I wonder... no not even worth trying.

"Pfft! Sorry for my outburst it's just that I had a lot in my mind. So you are working for Grigori to take out their trash?"

"I'm working for money and you're welcome to hire me as well, come on I found their trail going to the forest it shouldn't be far."


Moving through the forest we found a cabin, focusing my ears I can hear children crying. Why does it always have to be children?

Focusing on the heartbeats I am guessing there are about 30 people if you don't count the fallen angels.

I quickly relayed this info with my temporary partner and we decided to assault from two sides.

Surrounding the house and taking my position I used Yrden on the house's perimeter and rushed in from the back door covered in touki.

Fighting inside will be to my advantage otherwise I will have to pull them down with Reverse Aard(Aard pushes things but this one pulls them) this is why I hate flying enemies. I have yet to learn flight magic.

Right after going in, I beheaded the poor guy who didn't even realize what's is going on and rolled over to dodge a light spear.

Getting up while ignoring the sound of the explosion from the other side of the house. I used Aard on my boots for the dash boost and killed the second fallen angel.

Two down two to go, after going through the house I found the other one dead with a sword in his chest and the side of the house blown apart.

Looking outside I saw Jeanne riding a dragon made of swords trying to hit the flying fallen angel they didn't seem to notice me so I cast a quick Reverse Aard to his leg pulling him to the mouth of the dragon.

Jeanne seemed surprised until she turned to me I just gave her a wink and gone back in there are people to save.


Going to the basement we realized that this place is a blood bank but this one isn't a regular one.

The regular blood banks don't drain and kill the humans(blood cows?) so vampires don't end up slaughtering cities.

This place is similar to the one I was in but I have no idea why stray fallen angels are running the place.

I freed the children while Jeanne called the church to relocate them. It has nothing to do with me and the church can handle them.

Going further along, I found a familiar face it looks like she's been kept here for a while but she seems mostly unharmed.

"We need to stop meeting like this Hilda. It's not a good tradition."

"Stop joking and free me."I freed her and avoided the punch coming my way.

"Huh, you seem to got stronger."

"And you decided on that with a weak punch a child can dodge." She averted her eyes. We both know she just wants to hit me for that joke.

"Sigh, anyway thanks for saving me again, now let's go out of this place."

Getting outside we found some church people carry the children Jeanne saw us and approached.

"Witcher, who's the Valkyrie?"

"Hilda the Valkyrie in distress." I dodged another punch.

"Good evening I was sent to retrieve an artifact of Asgard, it was last seen around here but I got ambushed by fallens and got thrown here." The fact that she was able to say she got ambushed without getting embarrassed is praiseworthy, I wonder if it's a skill.

"Well as long as it doesn't clash with our mission, well Witcher are you coming."

"No, my magic is Norse based I have some questions I want to ask so I'll stay with her. Goodbye Jeanne and here, this is my card give me a call if you have jobs for me." She just waved her hand while walking away, she at least took the card.

"Why is it that when I do that move it comes off weird but when others do it it seems cool." Hilda didn't answer my question and we made our way back to the city and got a room.


"Well, what's this about having questions about your signs you think I will give you knowledge from Asgard."

"I saved your life like twice so you might as well help out a little." I point out, seeing her clenching her fist I smartly avoided the law of surprise thing.

"Fine, here this will get you to Bifrost, if you can convince Heimdall then we'll see about it." Saying her piece she left.

Huh ticket to Asgard, maybe I should finish my other work before going there because something tells me I will stay there for a while.

"Time to go home I guess."

[AN: I mentioned losing track of MC's age at this point but he will be the same age as Rossweisse (She skipped grades as well she is the same age as Rias and Sona)]