# 11: Incubus Mutgen and It's Worth.

# 11: Incubus Mutgen and It's Worth.


Getting back home I lazed around for a month, by lazing around I mean Mary grounded me again after learning I took another mutagen, this time away from the safety of home.

I used this time to get back to my previous speed and start studying for college. I was a math teacher in my previous life, getting the same degree shouldn't be too hard.

Especially considering it was 2018 back when I graduated and it's not even 2010 here currently.

While all of that is happening Azazel contacted me saying he, Ajuka, and Michael are down with the idea.

I didn't ask how they pulled their "mortal enemy" to their side. I am just going to assume heaven is short on money.

Factions are taking %30 while I am taking %10 of the profits since I am not paying anything other than my ideas. I was fine with it and they started production of the Three Factions Card Set.


"So this mutagen is from an Incubus?" Mary asks with a teasing smile.

"Yes..." I answer weakly. We both know why I have this.

"May I ask why are you using it on yourself?" And she has to have her fun making me squirm.

"They seemed to have a good amount of magic resistance since it took time to burn them with magic." I mean they took longer than succubus on the burning time.

"Of course dear." Arghh she didn't buy it.

Suppressing my embarrassment I injected the mutagen, for a while I didn't feel anything changing until I felt like someone is playing with my body like it's made of dough.

Following that, I heard Mary and Martha's gasps.

"Our boy has become so handsome!" Martha rushes in to hug me.

"Yeah, he was already good looking but this is extreme." Mary comments, her face doesn't hold a single expression.

"Mary you have a nosebleed." I point out.

Now looking at myself I look around 18 years old, I am 183 cm tall.

My build is not bulky for my height, there are no extra weird-looking muscles but you can't call me skinny, the minimum amount of fat and every muscle is well defined.

My hair is long enough to tie I should get a hair cut later, for now, I tied it to a ponytail like Geralt.

My eye color has become more saturated now that I look at it I look like Noctis from Final Fantasy XV but my eyes are amber colored. I have complicated feelings about this but it's not like I hate it.


"Martha I kinda need my arm."

"My boy is going away I need to charge up on son energy." Martha has been clinging to me for the past hour.

"Let the boy go Martha he is going to miss the class."

"Also I am going to use teleportation to come back every day, stop being a drama queen."

"Fine, but you're not allowed to leave the house and move to dormitories." What happened to the part where you are supposed to ask me to make friends?

"Also don't fall for pretty girls. They just want you for your looks and..." I exchanged a look with Mary and she subdued Martha before she could stop me again giving me enough time to teleport to college.


The first year was hell I took extra classes to finish the whole thing early, some mental manipulation did the work allowed me to get all the classes I wanted and I still had to keep up my training with Mary.

I cranked up my seals to the max and used them whenever I'm not doing side jobs like stray extermination.

I can barely move like an average human with these seals on but It's still better than the time I took the minotaur mutagen that was especially uncomfortable.

The second-year was better since the GWENT was released to Three Factions granting me a stable source of income and it spread like fire also there's a special card made for me, there's only four of them made.

It's for me, Azazel, Ajuka, and Michael. It's a Joker card if you want to put it that way also it's a free advertisement for me since those three always use my card when they play with others.

The third-year was the same, my college life was easy going at this point, my head jump-started during the second year making me remember most of the stuff I learned.

Although the same can't be said about my social life, the Incubus mutagen took me to Kiba levels of handsomeness thus fangirls can't be avoided.

I even got a license for teaching again since the protagonist is a student it's a good cover for me to be a teacher, and at last, I graduated a year early. Still not fast enough for my tastes but whatever.

After all of this, I am finally ready for my Asgard adventure to let's hope Loki won't get interested in me.


"Mary, why are you two avoiding Asgard while staying in their city?" I ask one of the questions that have been bugging me for a while.

I am pretty sure Odin knows them by proxy of knowing me. It would be troublesome if they're criminals in Asgard's eye.

"I punched one of their Einherjars after he tried to take Martha by force." That is not bad as I imagined, I can maybe talk with Odin about it but I need more info.

"Were you guys banished or something?"

"No we just ran away from there, it's not like they would have trusted us." Mary says with a sigh, well she's not wrong.

"I see, look I need to go to Asgard for something related to my signs is that okay?"

"Can you ask them if it's okay if we come back? That place was the best discount Loki."

"Sure." Patting her on the head I went to check on Beth. I recently discovered that she's a rare Nekoshou, not a normal Nekomata like I thought.

The fact that her race was hunted to near extinction is sad but it also puts her in danger so it would be great if I can put this trio under someone's umbrella.

Shaking my head I take out the ticket Hilda gave me, I just need to power it up. Following the rainbow colors, I find myself in front of Idris Elba the guy who played Heimdall in MCU...

[AN: I am too lazy to use something else.]