# 13: Brain Melting Runes.

# 13: Brain Melting Runes.


On the way, Hilda filled me in on her family background, they are a well-respected family of magicians in Asgard.

Her daughter, Rossweisse couldn't inherit the family crest because her talent being in other forms of magic, even though she was told she shouldn't work herself out she did it anyway.

Now she has no social life and she's one of the worst Valkyrie out there due to the fact she couldn't find any brave souls to take to Asgard ever since she graduated Valkyrie program, well looking at her mother I can see where that part is coming.

Mother is weak to ambushes and daughter can't find brave souls for Asgard.

"By the way what are you going to do about the payment? I ran into my daughter first by the way." Called it.

"She's good with Norse magic right as long as she teaches me, consider it paid." Having someone given to me like that would leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Let's not forget, I was a wizard in my previous life thus I have no idea how relationships work.

"Thank Allfather."


"You heard that!? Sorry."


Getting to the house we were greeted by an angry looking old lady I assume she's Göndul.

"Mother, have Allfather informed you?" Now confirmed Göndul didn't answer but kept looking at me for a while.


"I have always been good at reading people, I wouldn't have agreed to teach you if I didn't like you."

"Thanks?" Is this the famed women's intuition?

"No worries come on in, let me introduce you to my granddaughter *whispers* she is single by the way." Are they this desperate?

"Well, now that I escorted you. I need to go back to my work see you later Jacob." Hilda leaves with a smile.

I guess her mood improved since I said I don't want her daughter. Women are incomprehensible to me...


I followed Göndul into the house and I must say the house looks beautiful.

Göndul talked more about the house and its history as we moved to the living room where I saw her.

She has beautiful milky silver hair, aquamarine eyes, pale white skin. Her body is perfect if not for the red gym clothes she's wearing.

I would say she's 10/10 how did she manage to stay single.

"Hello my name's Jacob Asao, I have been told you can help me with my signs" There's no need to be awkward, handshakes are okay, right? Then why is she blushing a storm?

"Ye..yes please let's see what do you know about runes but first let me go grab my books. Grandma, can you help me find them?" Rossweisse asks Göndul with a 'smile'

"Sure, wait a bit kid." And they left the room.

"*Muffled Screaming* At least tell me we have a visitor I didn't even get to change my clothes!" Geeze that's what she's been blushing about.

I am living with two ladies, I am quite used to seeing them in comfortable clothes so it didn't bother me seeing her with gym clothes.

Anyway, they came back 30 minutes later with Rossweisse wearing a grey suit that looks uncomfortable... I am already missing the gym clothes.

Seeing that everyone is ready for this job I sat down and started telling what I know about runes from the library in my head and started explaining the problem with signs and why they don't integrate with magic circles.

Basically explaining Norse magic, it's math/programming with runes. You mix runes while minding the stability and get different results, then you put them in your magic circle so you don't have to remake the runes again every time you want to cast a spell.

The signs are just special runes modified for witchers that's all I know about them but putting the sign into the circle is the hard part.

I mean it's like trying to run PSP games on pc they work on different foundations even though both are programs and I need the emulator for it to work.

Here's the kicker though circles aren't constant things, they change every time you add another spell in them and you can't make a standard emulator for it from my understanding, so I got stuck in that part

After doing my explanation I had to explain the concept because they kinda got lost on the PSP part and finally I got the final verdict not from Rossweisse but Göndul but I was unnerved by her grin.

"Looks like you're a genius like little Rose here, you have identified the problem and came close to your solution but you didn't have enough knowledge on Norse magic, stay here as long as you can I will drill it into you"

"Rossweisse your grandmother is scaring me."She dared to laugh at my suffering.


1 month in and I can feel the burn I wish I wasn't feeling it since it's my fucking brain that's on fire, so many damned runes!

I had some chats with Rossweisse during our free time, she is an interesting character to be chat with. She's absolutely heroine material.

She was excited when I said I got a teaching diploma and plan on becoming a teacher on the side of my witcher business. She happens to like teaching as well.

Although she said she can't become a normal teacher since she's a Valkyrie...

I can already see her becoming a teacher and falling in love with the protagonist.

Also, I got visited by Mary during this month Odin was pleased with their efforts in looking after homeless kids and gave his support.


2 months in I got stiff from sitting down and reading about runes.

I wanted to stretch my legs this ended up with me learning that there's a fighting pit for Einherjars.

So I started going there in my free time. Beating people calms my nerves. But most of my free time spent conversing with Rossweisse.

It seems she found a friend in me and that caused her dams to crumble, last time she took me to discount sales and she even taught me how to buy something with minimal cost.

I also went back to that bar, the one some poor dude lost a hand. In there I met this blue-haired dude, he even has a jewel on his forehead. I have been talking about Ragnarok with him for a while.

He seems nice but my medallion goes haywire near him wonder why?

[Analysis: God, according to description, Loki.]

Well, that explains it.


Runes Mason, what do they mean? Wait that's the wrong franchise, 3 months in and I finally decided to rework my teleportation spell for a change.

There's nothing wrong with my current one but with my current knowledge, I think I can make it more efficient.

So while I was working on it Rossweisse asked me what I am doing, later she called Göndul and both of them started inspecting my work like they're looking at a treasure.

"So he made a spell for teleportation but he somehow managed to make an entirely new system for teleportation itself." Rossweisse asks Göndul while I am feeling lost here. It's just teleportation.

"Yes, normally you would tap into already existing lines between worlds and point to the place you want to teleport in on the other side. But this creates a new line as long as you know the place by opening a gateway"

I am going to assume those "lines" are wormholes and yes I was trying to make wormholes. So progress?

"Can you guys make it simpler?" Hilda who was on rest day asks from the side.

"It was supposed to let me teleport anywhere I have been before but with stealth.

I mean all the existing public paths are mostly being monitored by some faction and I want some damn privacy when I teleport."I mean teleportation here is works like magic fiber cable between dimensions and I want some magic VPN for safety.

Normally, one wouldn't care who's using the paths since every faction has their own and teaches their people to use them, those are mainly not monitored but the paths that are open to the public are highly monitored by all the factions.

People mostly try to disguise their signature for stealth purposes but I wanted to take it a step further.

And we lost Göndul, she just took my spell formula and started running outside while yelling she's going to show it to Odin...

Maybe he can complete it?