# 14: Got Kidnapped.

# 14: Got Kidnapped.


4 months in I'm only with Rossweisse and Hilda since Göndul is missing, she was last seen with Odin but he went missing as well...

Anyway, neither of us are enjoying this portion, so things have been stagnant it's just more calculations, and guess what they have magic calculators for runes and stuff.

In the end, Hilda quit from boredom and took another job outside of Asgard betraying us in the process. Seeing her mother's betrayal Rossweisse was depressed so I took her to a cafe.

She talked about her life while we were having some tea. It's pretty similar to what Hilda told me but with Rossweisse's point of view, it became sadder.

Her version was similar but turns out she feels insecure about her skills and with her situation about not being able to find souls for Asgard she seems pretty stressed about her performance especially with everyone telling her to not work hard.

"These 4 months have been like a dream to me no Valkyrie work, mom's mostly in the house. A hot Witcher is living with... FORGET ABOUT THE LAST PART!" Incubus mutagen for the win.

"Too late witchers never forget." I decided to tease her, seeing her blush is satisfying.

"I can make sure you will forget." Rossweisse summons about a hundred magic circles all aimed at me.

"Forget what?" I rather not test my durability right now.


5 months in and my magic circle is alive! I want to laugh like a mad man and get myself an evil lair.

Jokes aside we made the formula that's going to fit me and won't explode on my face we're just doing the final checks, two weeks later, and behold my circle.

It's amber-colored normally but it changes colors depending on signs used, and it has a wolf symbol on it for decoration.

This circle replaced the signs in my meditative state now there's just my magic circle rotating around the fireplace that represents my soul.

"It looks beautiful."Rossweisse says while looking at it.

"Yeah, it's too bad I have to leave, my job here is done."

"Can't you stay a bit more?"

"I still need to find a senjutsu teacher." Rossweisse pouted at my answer but she can't complain.

"Well, at least now we can finally have a proper rest." Rossweisse says trying to be positive.

"Yeah, goodnight Rossweisse."

"Goodnight Jacob."

Just when we thought we could get some sleep and rest, the door of the house was blown away revealing haggard-looking Göndul and a crazed-looking Odin who had a grin and a mad gleam in his eye.

Following that entry, we got kidnapped by the Chief God of Asgard.


When I woke up alongside Rossweisse we were in a pure white room, well it would have been pure white but the walls are completely covered in rune calculations that hurt my head just by looking.

On the corner, I saw Göndul and Odin working on a circular rune that's similar to a symbol I saw in Doctor Who(Time Lord Language).

"Can someone explain what the fuck happened here?" I can't help but swear, I was about to sleep!

"Oh! You two finally woke up, just start from the left wall and make your way to here you will understand." Odin even gave us the 'don't mess with me and do as I say' look.

You specifically don't mess with Odin if he's this crazed, walking up to the wall I see my equation at the beginning of it. I have a bad feeling about this.


After 20 hours of big brain time and 3 cups of Supernatural version of coffee+Redbull, I conclude that this is just messed up.

I just wanted my own method of stealth teleportation and right now I am looking at a perfectly working time travel formula but not like Agares clan time manipulation trait no this is Doctor Who levels of time travel.

Screw time travel if I were to make a space formula complements this and merge it, there won't be anything that can stop me in this world since I would be able to extract myself out of the boundaries of space.

This is just broken and I can mix the current version here with Yrden to freeze my enemies in time.

"There is so much potential in this formula but it can't be used by anyone scratch that, no being can withstand storing the supposed time energy in this equation at these quantities in themselves.

Great Red and Ophis can use this for it's intended purpose but they embody different concepts, maybe that Sacred gear could assist what was it, Forbidden Balor View.

No, it's too weak to resist the energies to time travel at its current state it's not even a Longinus, but fear not kid.

I have modified the formula to reverse and absorb tiny amounts of that time energy, no one would survive it no one but you."

"I know witchers are adaptable but aren't this a bit of a stretch, and why would I even want to absorb time energy?"

"No, no you will survive but this energy won't do anything major. It will extend your lifespan and you can survive without food or water.

There's a set amount you can absorb before you'll die eventually due to old age but with this, you'll at least live long as a Devil and I finished your teleportation formula as well, take that with you before going but be warned it won't let you in well-protected places like dimensions of other factions.

*whispers*Also since I finished it, I will of course have a copy of it hehe. Now I can teleport into open baths for Valkyries without triggering the alarms." I decided to ignore the last part.

With my blank essence and my improving witcher constitution should be enough to handle more of that time energy, enough to cause a mutation. I wonder what would happen if I absorbed enough?

"What if he had enough time to absorb enough to adapt to the time energy," Rossweisse asked the question I was about to.

Odin has a flash in his monocle. Now, normally he would barely have the dignity of a god but now he has a more solemn atmosphere around him that doesn't give any questions to his identity.

"Birth of a new species at the very least, such pity it's impossible. Here kid, take this and let's burn this place, this kind of knowledge would drive lesser men to insanity."

Next what I'll become a time lord? now that I think about it, I could just build a TARDIS with this equation and call myself just The Witcher... Nah not seeing it happen not catchy enough.

Maybe I would just use a Time Lord name generator and select from there.

After adding the equation to my magic circle I got a clock image on the back of my magic circle. It even shows me the local time wherever I am because that is an important feature.

I can feel the power saturating my body, at least I got some lifespan out of this and no longer have to eat and drink hahaha I can finally save money.