# 15: Welcome To Japan.

# 15: Welcome To Japan.


A week later we stand before Odin in his throne room, my job here is finished and I need to find myself a teacher to learn senjutsu.

I was going to leave earlier but Odin insisted that I should stay to make sure there are no adverse effects from the time enery pooling in me.

This is more like a formal goodbye for me from Asgard, and Odin also declared that he has a new position for Rossweisse after evaluating her talents.

"Jacob, it's time for you to search for someone to learn senjutsu. Go to Japan or China, but Japan would be easier for you to find someone willing.

Rossweisse, you shall start working as my bodyguard/assistant after going through secretary training.

Because the last Valkyrie quit her job and got married to an einherjar."Odin declared causing poor Rossweisse to collapse to her knees and start wheezing.

I had to comfort her with head patting until she felt better. I can imagine how bad it would be to wait for your boss in front of an Oppai Club.

Before I left this place I went back to the bar I used to visit. This is the place where I would find a drunk Loki and talk about life or Ragnarok until he loses consciousness.

I have been attempting to reason with him that Ragnarok is not needed in our current society and I think I am having progress.

"Ahh, Jac *hic* ob my friend come join me." I sit next to the blue-haired god. The only reason I am helping him is that he looks pitiful.

I mean I can't stop comparing him with MCU Loki and it hurts. "Odin refused your proposal again?"

"Yeah, we musht be peachsful he shaid. Ragnarok ish not neeshed he shaid." [Yeah, we must be peaceful he said. Ragnarok is not needed he said.]

Inwardly sighing to myself I decided to talk about the other implications of Ragnarok and how it would leave Asgard weak and open to enemy attacks.

They can't have an internal war without worldwide peace... And damn he seemed convinced.

So I bid him goodbye and left Asgard.


Seeing that I am going to learn senjutsu I decided to talk with Mary and Martha to see if they'll let me bring little Beth with me.

She's a Nekoshou, sure we can hide her but she needs to learn senjutsu otherwise it will be problematic for her growth, that's something my little brother told me once I accused him of being lolicon due to him loving Koneko.

I don't remember the exact details of it but it did have something to do about Koneko not using her senjutsu. I can only assume Beth needs to learn and master it for her to grow healthy.

"Jacob welcome back!" I ducked under the flying Martha letting her fly out of the house... She's an M she'll be fine.

"Welcome Jacob how was Asgard?" Mary asks while we move to the living room to take a seat.

"I had an engaging conversation with Loki, I kinda talked him out of Ragnarok."


"Jokes aside I finished my work there and even learned Norse Magic. How's the place going, I didn't see the children on my way?"

"Since we're with Asgard now, Odin made an official orphanage in the city with extra staff. We are not needed as much as before. Now, what are you going to do?"

"According to Odin. I need to learn senjutsu, so I was planning on going to Japan..."

"And you want to bring Beth with you."

"Yes." There is a minute of tension-filled silence before Martha got back into the house yelling. "FAMILY TRIP!"

How did she hear us if she was outside?


We arrived in Tokyo after taking the human way of traveling, Mary said it'll be fun but it wasn't fun since Beth got bored after the first hour and made sure we knew about it.

I had to sacrifice the hand-held console I looted from that one stray years ago. It served me well over the years but this is where we part ways.

Our destination is, Kyoto it seems the more friendly bunch of Youkai live there and I am kinda hoping they'll teach me alongside Beth, after all, she's rather valuable to Youkai Faction.

I felt like garbage by using her to my advantage but a slap from Mary stopped me from self-loathing.

Hopefully, I can find someone willing to teach me without much trouble.

As we were walking I felt my communication circle notify me of a call, I got inside an alley and answer it.

It's a man with green hair, one of the smartest people in this world and I happened to know this person.

"Good day Jacob, I heard you're in Japan so I was wondering if you could take a contract." And ladies and gentlemen, this is why I wanted stealth teleportation. I mean sure they knew my arrival since we took a plane here but whatever.

"Sure Ajuka but I need to stop somewhere before that so, what's the job?"

"There's a spiritual land near Kuoh that's used for farming magical herbs, unfortunately, we lost our access to it due to trouble caused by the previous supervisor of the land.

Now it's under Shinto Faction, devils aren't allowed as you might have guessed, I need a type of flower growing there, I'll send you the description of it."

"Does it happen to be a hazardous and prohibited flower?" I mean I am not about to hunt a world-ending flower.

"No it's used to make drugs, I am researching it because someone started selling in the underworld but I need the raw flower first."

"Where am I delivering the goods?" I didn't ask about the payment since I got to know Ajuka good enough during the development of Gwent.

He won't screw me with payment, so he must have another angle in this.

"Right, Grayfia is visiting her sister-in-law in Kuoh, you can give it to her." Ah I see, this is where he screws me over.

"You're evil you know that right?"

"Comes with the title. So are you interested?"

"Fine, I'll humor you but don't expect me to be kind to that Sirzechs's sister just because of him." I would at least have some early meetings with the heroine.

"Well, Sirzechs just asked me to present the opportunity for her sister, so my job is finished." He ends the call with a dramatic bow, huh I didn't think he is capable of joking.

"You didn't have to take it you know." Mary comments seeing the call ended.

"That siscon might try something more ridiculous, they're devils for crying out loud. This can be considered an amicable approach." I comment with a dry tone.

"Whatever let's handle our job in Kyoto first." Martha comments on the side while carrying sleeping Beth.

"Sure let's go." And with that, we made it in Kyoto only to get surrounded by a bunch of Youkai barking us to release the girl we are 'kidnapping'.

I don't want to sound racist or anything but they really have animal brains, don't they?