# 16: Finding A Chess Piece.

# 16: Finding A Chess Piece.


Seeing that the youkai are not listening to reason, I beat them out cold... They woke my little sister up from her sleep, they have to pay.

It was't the brightest idea I had in life but it did pull Yasaka out of her shrine and, Beth has stars in her eyes now. I guess I leveled up as a brother, success?

"What's the meaning of this? Someone explain it to me." Yasaka's gazes over to the pile of unconscious youkai, I can see some tick marks on her forehead.

"These three are kidnapping a youkai Lady Yasaka we tried stopping them but they just beat everyone we sent." One of the spineless ones that just watched from the side tries to explain.

Hearing this I called bullshit.

"She's my little sister and you idiots attacked us when we came in unarmed." I don't hide my expression, too bad Beth is here otherwise my language would be more colorful.

Hearing me the other youkai started to get angry. Then I felt a breeze on my back, blinking I saw Mary next to Yasaka with a sword on her neck.

Huh, I was betting on the senjutsu lie detector thing but Mary escalated things a bit further...

Also, I didn't even see her moving! How strong is she!?


"Here's your tea Asao-sama." A dog youkai places a cup of tea on the table, before bowing and leaving.

She was cute too, sadly I am not in the mood to properly appreciate such cuteness.

"Thanks..." Taking the cup I drink it in one gulp before looking over to my family.

Martha is playing with Beth and Kunou whom I learned is Yasaka's daughter.

On the side, Mary is teasing the fox out of a blushing Yasaka...

How did this happen? She was just holding a sword to her neck half an hour ago!

Here's what happened, Yasaka ordered her people to back down after Mary whispered something to her ear, after that Mary sheathed her sword.

This was followed by a slap to Yasaka's rear in front of her people making the poor faction leader blush.

Then we were escorted to the main shrine. I asked Martha what happened but she just said they both have a thing for Fox girls.

"So I am going for that contact, you guys want anything?" I ask before heading out.

"Onii-chan buy me, sweets." Aww, Beth is already speaking Japanese. So cute.

It must be a race related thingy...

"Fine I'll buy you lots, Martha anything needed?" She comes near me kisses my cheek before telling me no.

Mary was "indisposed" at the moment due to her having lovely dovely moments with Yasaka, so I didn't ask them.

Seeing things are going relatively fine I left for Kuoh, although I did ask the location of the spiritual land to youkai just to confirm Ajuka's information.

He already sent me the description of the flower, to think a satan would go through all this trouble to have me meet his sister.


Spiritual land is located on a mountain, it's still in Kuoh Town borders but it's pretty far away from the population.

Getting here I noticed an invisible barrier, it is made by divinity and filters beings allowed inside. I saw a similar one in Asgard before.

This one specifically filters out devils and normal humans, it kinda makes me wonder what happened to the previous supervisor of this land.

Getting in I found myself in a jungle, I can hear some animals roaming around.

From the information, I got from Yasaka's people. The strongest being in here is equal to High-Class Devil, meaning I am unimpeded in this place.

Releasing the aura I tightly kept within my body, I scared off the beasts near me and started searching.

30 minutes later I was already holding a bag full of flowers I was asked to collect.

Putting them in my hammerspace I moved for the exit only for something to catch my interest.

Going over to the point where I sensed something different, I dug some dirt and pulled what's buried under.

It's a chess piece, a crimson red King. I can feel the demonic energy rolling off it.

I don't remember there being a King piece... Maybe this caused the doom of the previous supervisor.

I put it in my hammerspace as well, I am aware I can't ask around about this but I kinda want to look into how it works.

[AN: MC is not going to become a devil. This is for something else.]


Since I got the flowers, I left the spiritual land and made my way to Kuoh Academy.

Sister of Lucifer, Rias Gremory should be a first-year student there if my information is correct.

There is also Sona Sitri, sister of Leviathan and friend of Sona but I didn't look into her information.

Here, I also learned that I am older than them by a couple of years. There goes my math... Funny how I became a math teacher.

Then again, I was going by the date I was brought to the first orphanage.

It's not like my birthday is certain, it's really hard to determine things with my older than normal looks too.

[AN: Author attempts to fix the plot hole by making more...]

This also means Issei is going to start in Kuoh academy next year.

'Note to self, make sure the other two perverts choose another school with Axii.'

Rias stays in the student dormitories with her queen, I expected her to own a mansion or something but whatever.

I am just here to shut down her offer and see her character for myself.

Coming to the school grounds I was greeted by a grey-haired maid that I recognized as Grayfia. We never met before this but I know who she is.

She of course didn't let me just hand over the flowers and leave. She invited me to The ORC building for some tea while she prepared my payment.

Going up the stairs I met the sisters of two satans they almost seem innocent for devils, point almost.

Hunger in Rias's eyes and an appreciative glint in Sona's eyes gave them away.

Their respective queens standing beside them. Akeno has a smile that reminds me of onee-san types and Sona's queen is stoic.

This atmosphere would be enough to make any normal person nervous but not me.

It is the opposite actually, they seem more nervous than I am.

Sitting down, I accepted a cup of tea from Akeno while muttering a thank you.

Huh, this tea is actually pretty good.

I can see Rias squirming in her seat trying to think something to start a conversation, while Sona just observed me from her seat. I just sat and enjoyed Rias's plight.

I heard that she never invited anyone to her Peerage and they just landed in her hands. So she probably doesn't even know where to start.

"Sorry for the wait, Asao-sama here's your payment." 20 minutes later Grayfia comes back with a check signed under Lucifer.

Her expression is a bit awkward, I guess she didn't expect her sister in law to be tongue-tied.

Finally, I can leave, I was expecting a bit more from the main heroine but she couldn't even speak with me.

"Thank you Grayfia. So I should be leaving since this cut into my family vacation."

"Wait!" Rias jumps like a fish out of water.

"Not interested in joining peerages, the whole system rubs me the wrong way and I hate politics." Saying my piece I left the school with teleportation.

I still need to buy sweets for my adorable sister.


(Back In the school)

"He didn't even listen to my offer." Rias depressingly slumps down on her table.

"His body language already showed he wasn't interested, also you must have sensed his power, he is much stronger than us, enough that you couldn't even speak." Sona takes a sip from her as she comments

"I need strong servants Sona, you know why... I have faith I can make him agree if he had listened." Rias pouts.

Sona gives a look of pity to Akeno who is patting her king's back and she leaves the building with her own Queen.

If only this encounter pushed them to training, they would have avoided more pain in the future.