# 17: Is This Naruto?

# 17: Is This Naruto?

[AN: Sadly I have bad news, I am unable to continue writing due to some family matter. I am going to mass release the chapters I have stocked.

DxD part is already finished but it does make me sad. I re-wrote this because the first one didn't get a proper ending. Now this one doesn't get one because family problems 😢]


By the time I came back to Kyoto, it appears that I came back too late and everyone went to sleep. So I asked the servant about my own room.

The morning was a bit more awkward than yesterday.

Considering that yesterday, we were at each other's throats. I wouldn't think things couldn't be weirder.

Yasaka isn't the only one that's living in the main shirine, and the others are naturally afraid of us due to yesterday's events.

Also now that the heat of the events died off, my adoptive parents got all weird as well.

The only ones that were not affected by the atmosphere was Kunou and Beth and then there's me...

*Soba slurping noises*

Ahh, I can understand why Todoroki loves this stuff. It's really tasty. Although it's not really something eaten during breakfast, but who cares.

Deciding to help my adoptive parents I put down my bowl and started to speak.


"Just Yasaka is fine." She waved her hands, she's still blushing.

"Yasaka, as you might have noticed little Beth here is a Nekoshou and she needs senjutsu training."

"Yes, I will contact Nekomata elder, she will personally teach her. Is that all?" Yasaka asks with a curious expression.

"Well, yeah I was wondering if I could learn as well."

"Why, I can sense you have unlocked your touki and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong."

"Unfortunately, Jacob's situation is a bit special he needs a real master." Then she goes to whisper something again but this time Yasaka's face is serious.

I guess she's telling her that I am a withcer. It's not really a secret but it's not something that I am advertising.

I mean even my GWENT card doesn't say I am a withcer just a good mercenary.

But Youkai would be really sensetive about this, I mean Yasaka's bloodline can tap into the ley lines and it's one of a kind with just her and Kunou being the same bloodline.

It would be a real shame if someone made a mutagen from them...

Okay I am joking.

"I see, that indeed requires a real master, I shall contact someone to see if I can invite him here." Him? I was kinda expecting her to teach me.

"Thank you Yasaka."

"Don't worry about it Jacob, now let's have our breakfast."


After breakfast Yasaka went to call people, first she contacted Nekomata elder Magari from Nurarihyon Faction of Youkai.

Nurarihyon Faction is a bit more traditional compared to Yasaka's but they still have a good relationship at the moment.

Magari came around an hour later, she has the appearance of a young cat with seven tails and her fur is white with black spots on it.

"Hey kid, I heard you take care of that little kitten." She jumped on my shoulder and sat down before speaking to me.

"Yeah, she's my little sister. I kinda lost some loved ones and those three helped immensely." Hearing me she just gave me some cat version of head pats and left to meet with Beth.

Let's hope Beth won't complain about training since I heard Magari is really strict during training. At least she is kind outside of training.

Yasaka also informed me that her contract agreed to teach me but she doesn't know when he will arrive.

Hearing this I sat near a tree and started meditation. Whoever is coming doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon.


Sensing danger I quickly woke myself up and dodged the staff aimed at my head.

The said staff buried itself into the ground while cracking the earth showing how heavy it was.

"Ohh good, nice instincts. This is going to be worth my time." Following the voice, I see that there's a monkey youkai standing on the other end of the staff.

I can only assume this old monkey is Sun Wukong, he is covered in golden fur wearing a monk's cassock, has a pipe in his hand, wearing shades with a cyber design, and also donning prayer beads on his forehead.

"Hi..." I am quite taken back by his outfit.

"You must have heard me, kid, the journey to the west, and all that good stuff. Come on let's go. I don't have all day." Saying this he pulled his staff out while making sure dirt goes towards me.

I cast a small quen to keep myself clean and started following him. He made a teleportation circle and we found ourselves at a mountain top.

There are some giant spikes to the side, it can't be natural. It almost reminds me of that episode where Naruto was learning senjutsu.

"It's been years since I trained one of your kind but I think I still remember the drill. Lose the clothes except for your pants.

You see kid witchers having all those mutagens also affects their life force. So for them to safely use Senjutsu they need absolute control that normally comes with experience but witchers don't have that kind of time before it becomes a problem.

Here you're going to meditate on top of those spikes while sitting cross-legged on these flat rocks while balancing yourself." He points out the flat rocks at the bottom of the spikes, I can also see some skeletons there.

"Don't tell me those are people who tried to learn this?" I point out the skeletons, some of them even have tails and such indicating they were youkai.

"No, those are props I use to scare people. You should see those young monkey's faces when they see this place Hahahaha!" Sun Wukong kept laughing as I gave him a deadpanned stare.

This is my life now... Let's hope I can pick up on this easily.


My training with Sun Wukong wasn't nearly as brutal as Mary's training.

In the mornings we wake up before sunrise. Then he would talk about philosophy while we watch the sunrise.

I have yet to make sense of what he is saying but I am pretty sure it's some pretty deep stuff.

During noon I attempt to meditate on top of the spikes, unfortunately, there's lots of wind here. Normally I would gradually fall into a meditative state but here I can't do that.

It's been grating my nerves, Sun Wukong recording my falls with a video camera doesn't help either.

During evenings Sun Wukong either teaches me fundamentals of Senjutsu or he initiates a 'sparring' session where he beats me unconscious.

Then I wake up before sunrise, rinse, and repeat...

It took me some time to learn everything he threw at me, if we don't consider the fact that I can't still beat him I'd say I did pretty good.

"Don't be discouraged. You're better of beating Mary in her base form first before beating me." Base form? What is she the end game boss?

"Huh? You know her?"

"Well, she did cause quite the havoc back in her youth. She's at least strong as Serafall in her base form." Satan Serafall? Fuck Mary is strong!

"What made her calm down? And how powerful is she really?"

"Hehehe I can't answer your last question but you already know the answer to the first one, she fell in love." Okay, I should have guessed that.

"So you're going back?"

"Yes, I left Yu-Long alone, I should go back before he causes a mess, last time it took me ten years to clean it up. Goodbye kid." He twirled his staff to generate a cloud and left by flying on it.

Looking over the mountain top I took a breath to calm myself before thinking to myself.

'I don't even know where am I...:

[AN: MC is not aware that Ultimate rank and Satan rank are going to be cannon fodder in the future. Also I am aware that he is growing slowly compared to a regular main character but, it just turned out like this...]