# 18: Gathering Materials.

# 18: Gathering Materials.


Cold, it's frickin cold, if not for the Quen circle protecting me I would have become a popsicle long ago.

Where are you currently, you ask?

Well, let me tell you I am in the depths of Cocytus, even deeper than the realm of Hades. I had to pass from his domain to get a permit to go in further.

Who would have thought that the god of death could be so jovial? It would almost make you think that he was a good god.

Unfortunately for him, my senjutsu mastery let me pick up on his bad intent. Damn skeleton hates anything that's not Olympian or human.

Anyway, I am here looking for a certain flower Ajuka Beelzebub asked for me. This one is hazardous kind due to it being inside Cocytus.

Ice Lily that only grows in the cold air of Cocytus I took the job because Ice Lilies also grow on top of a special ore.

Metal made from this ore has mana super-conductivity, and I need that ore for my new gear. So both sides get something out of this.

Since the plot is coming I want to have a good damn gear that won't break even with full-powered Excalibur (DxD Version)

After looking around a little bit more I found the damned flower, and the ore.

Carefully extracting the flower I put it in a special case Ajuka gave me and I put the ore in my hammerspace.

Once finished I directly teleported back to the devil side of the underworld. I rather avoid seeing Hades again.


Coming out of my teleportation circle I made my way to the delivery zone where Ajuka awaits me.

"Hello Jacob, I assume you got the flower." Ajuka greets me with a smile and goes back to business mode right away.

I like this guy because he is as anti-social as I am. I gave him the flower, Ice Lilies are used like supercharged magic Adderall due to the fact they grew on this superconductive ore.

Even a devil would go without sleep for a month with this stuff. If you combine it with that drug made from the previous flower you might just shock someone in a coma to waking up.

[AN: This is just me bullshitting.]

"You're not wondering why I required this flower?"

"Well it's not my job to ask but if I were to guess you're trying to make a medicine for the sleeping disease." He just smiled this means I was right.

Normally being the anti-social person I am, I don't run my mouth like this but Ajuka likes to get me talking so I play along.

"Here is your payment, also here the newest deck is ready. This one is Youkai Faction. It seems your display of the game took their interest." Yeah GWENT is popular and it's spreading like a disease at this point.

Beth loves playing it so, it spread out quite easily amongst Youkai, except Nurarihyon Faction like I said they are too traditional.

"Well with this, our deal is done. Always a pleasure to make a deal with the devil." I joke drawing a groan from Ajuka.

"You're not going to stop making that joke will you." After saying goodbyes I teleported back to Kyoto.


Coming back to Kyoto I made my way to Yasaka's shrine. Mary and Martha kinda moved in permanently since Beth is enjoying it here.

They are not worried about the orphanage since its official at this point and Martha can run it even from here.

This deck I have belongs to Yasaka and I have to give it to Yasaka.

Going into the inner part of the building and catching two fluffy bullets and seating them to my shoulders I kept moving.

Kunou became like a second sister to me due to her mostly hanging out with Beth. I mean Beth is the only one she can play together.

"What do you have in your hand onii-san?" Too bad I wasn't able to make her call me onii-chan.

"Remember the card game you play with Beth..." Seeing cutely nod I continued explaining.

"...This is your mother's deck." Seeing that we arrived I put Kunou and Beth to the ground causing them to pout.

Getting inside I see that Yasaka is fighting paperwork with Martha helping while Mary is providing emotional support.

"Jacob, welcome what brought you here? I thought you were searching for materials." Yasaka gets up to give me a hug this is followed by two other ladies as well.

"Well, I came to give the Youkai Faction Gwent deck to you. After this, I am going back to Asgard to see if I can find the other materials I need there."Yasaka has stars in her eyes she was waiting for this, she's especially looking forward to her card.

Unfortunately making the cards is not easy. We had to use public knowledge and world rankings for the power system and the special abilities because not everyone likes spreading their trump cards.

"Thanks for delivery are you staying for dinner or are you going to leave right away?"

"Well I can stay for dinner I need to see Azazel tomorrow anyway."

"What businesses do you have with that pervert?" Mary comments from the side.

"He has one of the metals I need." I swear to God if this armor and weapon break I will rage quit.

There are so many things I need to gather and most of them are rare stuff. I can't even buy them from auctions.


The next day I left Kyoto after giving head pats to Kunou and Beth. Ladies are drowning in paperwork thus can't see me out.

I made my way to Kuoh. Azazel lives here. In the same town with two sisters of the Satans.

It's ingenious if you want to lay low, although devils do not know it and I have no reason to rat him out. As far as I am concerned Azazel is yet to screw me over, unlike devils.

Coming to the mansion I see the man himself making BBQ on the lawn.

I have no idea how this counts as hiding and he's still not gotten found but it's not my problem.

"Hey, kid you came right on time grab a plate." Shrugging I took a plate and started filling it

"So what's the occasion?"

"I sent my underlings on a wild goose chase again. I am celebrating." God this guy loves slacking.

"So where's 'Mr. I will have my revenge' I don't sense him around."I have yet to confirm his revenge plot but I am positive he has one.

"Don't worry he's not around but he's still sore about that loss, and started training. He was saying he will surely beat you." I mean I wasn't the one challenged him yet sigh...

"Damn battle maniacs." Azazel and I say at the same time.

After a nice BBQ, we got to business

"Here's the ore it's been sitting in the storage for centuries. I got it from my father's vault before I fell. I have yet to find a use for it."

"Then why is it so expensive?"

"Because you seemed to have a use for it." Remember when I said Azazel didn't screw me over before? Yeah...

Even if it's expensive, it's worth the price according to my library this ore can merge with the previous one I found and make a special alloy.

This alloy can be used to make an armor that will work like the bleeding edge armor of Iron Man, minus the thrusters and the other cool stuff but this is the best I can get my hands on at the moment.

"Well, I can only hope it will be worth the price." I gave him the money and left the mansion, now I just need one more ore, then I am finished with the materials.