# 19: I Got A Fez!

# 19: I Got A Fez!


Teleporting to Asgard first thing I did was glare at Heimdall, reminding him I know what he did last summer.

Yes, he has killed Idris Elba I mean he died in a mugging gone wrong but I know it was him that arranged it and he knows that I know, but he can't kill me thus I make sure to remind him.

I visited Loki first and talked a bit while I waited for my appointment with Odin, Loki bought that bar we used to drink and he plays the bartender sometimes to mess with people.

I learned that he can disguise himself like MCU Loki as well but it got boring to him after some time and he stopped doing it after a tragic disaster he is refusing to tell.

I left him to his job once the time of my appointment has come and went to Odin's throne room. Getting in I see Rossweisse taking notes while Odin is reading a report.

"Ah, Jacob welcome how can I help?" Odin looks up from his report and greets me while I was waving to Rossweisse.

"Hey old man, I need some help to find an ore." After that, I explained the ore. Turns out it's found in Hel.

"So what will it cost me?" I ask, although Asgard never demanded anything from me I can't be shameless.

"Nothing, you managed to talk sense into Loki, I am quite pleased with it. Rossweisse I send you alongside Jacob to Hel and search for that ore.

I am sure Hela would help since Loki started spending more time with her after he stopped his obsession with Ragnarok she would help." Odin declares, he has a kind smile on his face, it's not every day one of your Evil Gods stops being obsessed with the literal apocalypse.

"Yes, *sniff* Allfather." Rossweisse is crying tears of joy. What kind of jobs she was given before this?

Sure Rossweisse was kinda awkward before she got this job but she wasn't a mess like this before.

She is delighted to go to the Asgardian afterlife instead of doing her regular job!

After bidding farewell to Odin, I left the throne room with a cheerful Rossweisse in tow.

We went to Bifrost, since using Heimdall as a proxy is a better idea than barging into Niflheim on my own.

[AN: In the DxD wiki Loki's daughter named Hel but it's also the same name as her domain in Niflheim, So I changed her name to Hela for my convenience.]


Heimdall teleported us to Hela's castle in Niflheim. Hela is a loli, she would have been cute but one side of her body is ghastly due to her divinity.

But I would choose her instead of Hades on any day of the week.

"Welcome to my modest residence. May I ask for your reason for coming?" Hela asks, her tone is soft but demanding.

I really want to retort that she is living in a giant ass castle but, I am better of staying quiet.

"Lady Hela, Allfather asked me to give you this." Rossweisse moves forward giving Hela a letter.

"I see, well first of all thanks for talking with father. Odin knows he needed a friend. Secondly, this map is marked with caves where you can find the ore you're looking for.

It forms naturally after enough souls pass on and reincarnate, I have uses for it so don't take too much." Saying her part Hela went back into her castle ghostly servants closing the gate after her.

"Sorry, she's not good with people." Roseweisse says looking embarrassed.

"No it's fine I get her."


Finding the ores was ridiculously easy once we started moving, I am starting to realize that ores aren't rare because they're hard to find.

They're rare because you need to be in a good relationship with multiple factions...

So far I got the materials from three different(I am considering Three Factions as one big faction) factions, and the only reason I was given them is that I am in good relations with them.

Seeing things are getting monotone I started chatting with Rossweisse we talked about different monsters we killed

I talked about my life a little, like Mary's training from Hel(Pun intended) and the funny stuff I went through...

"Wait there's a sadistic elder sister type golem as the last boss in that dungeon and Merlin made it." Rossweisse stops to turn and look at me.

"Well considering that he is the Merlin, I guess it's normal for him. That thing even spoke Japanese to play the part."

"And how did it feel? Did you like it?" Rossweisse asks with a teasing grin.

"Not really. At first, I thought incubus was bad but no that golem is pure evil." Hold up...

"Incubus, you say?" Oh god, I am going to be ripped out of my most shameful secret.

After my shameful moments, Rossweisse told me about her embarrassing times like how she is picky with her money and her love for discounts and bargain sales.

Then she started complaining about her low salary and she can barely pay her rent because she moved to her own apartment.

All in all this whole adventure is feeling like a date than a quest for finding materials. Too bad I am not romantically interested in Rossweisse.

I mean she's fun to be around and she's beautiful but I can't imagine a relationship with her.


While exploring our last cave we sensed a disturbance in the force, quickly making way to the source, we saw one of the cave's entrance has a barrier.

It's a bluish barrier, Rossweisse tried to examine it. It doesn't appear to stop people from getting in. "So what do we do take a peek or call someone?"

"Well it doesn't look like it's dangerous so let's take a look." After that Rossweisse entered but I hit the wall then punched it for good measure only thing I got was a golden glow on my fist.

"It seems it's only for one person. Can you get out?" This barrier is not anything I saw before.

"No, the only way is forward." Roseweisse examines the barrier from her side.

"All right, be careful." 10 minutes later Rossweisse came back with a fez...

I quickly grabbed it from her and wore it to my head. Fezes are cool period.

I kept thinking about Doctor Who after Odin figured out time travel, now we run into a fez... suspicious.

"How do I look?" I ask with a grin.

"Awesome?" Well, at least she didn't say 'with your eyes'.

I am getting really bad Doctor Who vibes today, I inspected the fez and found the same circular rune Odin made(the one he later destroyed) inside with a note saying "ExE Danger" but there's no reason to panic.

Quoting Thanos "Destiny still arrives" I just need to be ready. Although I am not sure quoting a villain is the best course of action but whatever.

The next day we teleported back to Asgard, while Hela is not a social person she insisted we stay the night.

Then again she lowkey interrogated us about the disturbance too.

Now, I just need to give the materials to the blacksmith Odin recommended. It will cost me all my funds but I have been saving up for a while.

Finding their shop I ran into two dwarves, one of them has blue skin... They kinda made me remember God Of War.

Giving them the materials and the blueprints for the armor and the sword I went back to the bar to properly catch up with Loki.