# 21: Azazel Got Assaulted.

# 21: Azazel Got Assaulted.

[AN: Assaulted in a non-combat way, just warning.]


Wanting to talk with Rias before going home I went to the old school building, this is where Rias's club ORC(Occult Research Club) is situated.

I have become their temporary advisor for their club because otherwise, Rias was going to mind-rape a teacher to become one after the last one moved out of Kuoh.

Opening the door I see that there are only the girls today well if you ignore the shut-in dhampir that I haven't met yet.

"Hello, girls how's it going today? What kind of evil plans are you two cooking?" Entering I see them looking at Issei from the window so I made a joke.

"Hi Sensei." They ignored my joke...

"Gremory, I need to talk to you about Issei. I suggest you turn him into devil before he gets killed." Seeing they're rather solemn today, I go to the main topic.

"What if he refuses me as you did!? My business is kinda urgent." Rias looks down to her feet, she is awkward when it comes to inviting people.

Considering her whole peerage consist of people who had nowhere to live or go. Naturally, she doesn't know how to approach the subject.

"I am disappointed that you would even compare me to that pervert, just flash your panties or something as long as it's perverted he'll join without hesitation."

"Pervert senpai is disgusting." Koneko comments while I am waiting for Rias to process my words.

"That might be Koneko, but he has Boosted Gear. So it kinda balances out." I answered Koneko trying to redeem the former protagonist...

I guess he still counts as a protagonist since I don't plan on stealing his future harem.

"Really! He has the boosted gear?" Rias suddenly looks really interested.

"What a waste of Sacred Gear." Jesus Koneko chill, two arcs down the line you'll be falling for him.

"Yes, go and talk to him before he gets himself killed otherwise I will bring a real Camel to the school." I end it with a small threat, despite being a Gremory, Rias is scared of Camels because one of them bit her during her childhood.

I acquired this information from Sirzechs who wanted me to learn about his sister during one of my visits to Ajuka.

[AN: Its canon also, Gremory is associated with camels among the 72 pillars.]

"Noo not the Camel!" Well, threats seemed to be working better than reason when it comes to Rias. Good to know.

While I was leaving Kiba came in seeing that I am leaving he tagged along, we have regular sparring sessions to hone his skills.

I of course use seals to lower myself to one level above him, this way he can increase his technique and get stronger while doing so.

I was going to put him to do or die course but he can barely take the hell course.


The next day Issei got invited to ORC by Kiba himself causing his fans to imagine him with Issei then promptly vomit.

I wasn't there when Issei got the whole devil talk and invitation but he was a devil next day he came to school with a draconic aura around his left hand.

I can only assume that the talks went okay. This turn of events caused Fallens to stall their plans a little.

I used this opportunity to contact Azazel and ask about them. He said they are just watching him but I trust my senjutsu sensing more than I trust Azazel.

Going to the ORC the next day I noticed there is only Kiba and Koneko is here.

"What's up where's Rias?"

"It seems our newest member got attacked." Kiba answers while scratching the back of his head.

[AN: MC has a life it's not like he is watching Issei or the town 24/7]

Really? Stretching my senses I can sense Rias and Akeno next to Issei, there's a fallen near them

Huh, I guess I was right about not dropping my guard, I should wipe them out tonight.

Sitting next to Koneko I started munching on her snacks, she gave me an annoyed glare but I just put some money to the table appeasing the gluttonous kitty.

About an hour later Rias, Akeno and Issei came back to ORC and Issei talked about the encounter.

Issei was surprised to see me but didn't question my presence, it seems Rias told him about me.

Since Rias doesn't know if the fallen is stray or not she can't recklessly kill him, she gave me puppy eyes which didn't work.

Thanks to Beth and Kunou I am immune to such weaponry. That two cute youkai had to invent more potent versions because of my increasing resistance.


Once night claimed the Kuoh, I left my home and made my way towards the Church where fallens are situated, they already proved themselves as strays by attacking their observation target.

Once I arrived there I spread out my senses to determine how many people are in there.

Four fallen angles around 30 humans... Ex-exorcist I presume.

Now, they're weak as hell. I can handle them but I don't want to deal with numbers. This calls for some field experiments.

You see I have been working on the Time Magic circle and I managed to implement it in Yrden but it drains too much energy.

Clasping my hands I called upon the magic and time stopped around the church. This is very similar to the sacred gear "Forbidden Balor View" but I don't need to look at my target.

Seeing my magic is running without problems I got inside and knocked out the strays alongside the exorcist, bagged them up, and teleported them to Azazel's mansion with a note describing the events that happened.

Finished with my business I went back to my apartment, I still need to come up with questions for the surprise test for tomorrow.

Hahaha, Those children will never see it coming.


Azazel called late at night "Jacob, I understand your thought process but why did you teleport them in MY HOME!?

I didn't even realize It... I thought I was having a wet dream involving Gabriel... but turns out Raynare was having her way with me!

If not for her moaning my name I wouldn't have noticed it!" Not gonna lie, his complaint is understandable...

Hold up. Is he complaining that he got laid? Rude!

"Because you would leave it to someone else otherwise. You're their leader take responsibility."

"Yeah *Light Spear Sounds* I am taking responsibility all right...

*Flesh Burning* Well, *Raynare Dies* I will interrogate the others later." Did he just... Whatever, not my problem.

"Please share your results, this might go deeper than we think."

"Yeah, yeah I'll tell Penemue to keep you updated, now I gotta go."

"Goodnight Azazel."

"Tonight is many things my friend but it's not good."