# 22: Nun Makes An Entry.

# 22: Nun Makes An Entry.


The next day after I took care of fallens I ran into a nun on the street, well she's on the ground and her panties are showing but that's not the point, her presence feels familiar.

I went next to her and helped her out, and finally realized who she is after seeing her face and that bunny hairpin.

"Asia?" I called out her name, of course, she ends up in Kuoh.

"Sorry do you know me?" Asia cutely tilts her head looking at me with innocent eyes.

I must say I haven't seen such innocence in anyone other than children.

"Well, you were small at the time. It's normal if you don't remember, ahh you kept pestering me to read you Bible." I tell as I remember those days, then the image of that fucking vampire comes to my mind washing it all away.

"Big brother Jacob!" Her gears finally turn and she points her finger at me.

"Oh you do remember but stop with the big brother stuff makes me feel old." Just because I am old doesn't mean I want to feel like it.

"Then Jacob, what are you doing here?" Asia asks.

"I live here, what are you doing here I thought you were in the Vatican."I ask back I know she didn't have friends but I don't know why she is here. I mean it's for the plot but you know what I mean.

"That... I mean... I.." Seeing her fiddle with her fingers I pat her head making her stop and enjoy my glorious technique.

"It's okay if it's making you uncomfortable."

"No it's okay I will tell you."

"Sure but let's do it somewhere else other than the middle of the street."

"Sorry." Aww so cute here have some head pats.

"So do you have a place to stay?"

"I was looking for a church around here."

"Sorry that place has been abandoned and there was some fallens living there but turns out they're strays. So Grigori arrested them." No need to tell I did it.

"That's..." Seeing her shocked expression I called the school and called in sick and took Asia to my home. I have been a perfect teacher for the past year they can spare me one day.

After I got Asia seated, first of all, I explained my life(minus the orphanage slaughter) and how I became a mercenary, and my current job.

Asia was impressed, she even mentioned how it sounded like a novel rather than real... Really pushing the wall there Asia.

Afterward, she explained how her life was ever since she left the orphanage. It was pretty similar to what I already knew from my brother.

People treated her like she was above them thus didn't become friends with her. They didn't think a "holy person" like Asia needed friends and that she only needs Lord's guidance.

After she unknowingly healed a devil she got excommunicated from the Church. Afterward, some Fallen angles tricked her into coming here for some unknown reason but I have my guesses.

"Church threw me away, fallen angles tricked me... What am I supposed to do now Jacob?" Seeing her tearing up I went and hugged her so she can cry it out.

She cried herself to sleep, sighing I tucked her in the guest bedroom.

"God I need a drink." While I was taking out my Bourbon I got a teleport request at my house.

I am pleased with my security, it doesn't let people teleport in unless I approved them.

Although it wouldn't do shit to anyone stronger than me it's still something.

Seeing it's from Grigori I accepted the teleportation, turns out its Penemeu. She's here to give me the interrogation results.

"Burn it after you read it, okay dear~" Penemeu hugged me from behind while one of her hands started rubbing my wedding ring.

"Penemeu I am not married, this ring is for show." I smirk.

"Says that first, tch." I shook my head at her antics. She left with a dissatisfied expression.

She apparently developed an NTR fetish after she caught the man she fell for cheating on her. She never actually caused any real damage to anyone yet but still, it's a trash fetish.

Pouring myself a glass of bourbon and taking the bottle with me, I sat down and read the report. It's not what I expected, it's even more messed up.

Turns out this group made a deal with a devil named Diodora who in return made a deal with the corrupt part of the church. Diodora was rather vocal about that part according to the fallens.

According to their plan, Diodora wounded himself to trick Asia into healing him. Then corrupt members of the church would have Asia excommunicated.

Afterward, Asia got 'invited' to Grigori by the stray group. They planned to rip her sacred gear from her soul for their use. Then Diodora would valiantly reincarnate her giving Asia second life as his sex slave...

"I need something stronger..." I mutter to myself looking at the finished bottle in my hand.

[AN: You can't have a withcer without them getting drunk at least once. Also, he had something like this coming since emotional suppression fucks him over when it comes to feeling sadness. It's going to get fixed when he gets a major upgrade but by then his personality will be set already.]


(Heaven, Prayer Record Station)

An angel is doing her daily work of recording prayers from the believers, so the important ones would be directed to the upper heavens.

But she ran into one of those drunk prayers.

[God, you useless piece of shit! How could you leave your devout believer to her fate! I wish you were...]

[Why in God's name that vampire was in Italy, couldn't you pigeons watch over a single county you divine piece of...] She trashed those two prayers and the following 30 even more 'colorful' prayers as well.

Thankfully for her, she didn't read all of them completely otherwise she might have realized the prayer is coming from a drunk witcher who knows too much.

[AN: I don't know how heaven's system works but I assume they get some 'prayers' like this.]


[AN: This Asia is a bit different from her canon self, just consider it butterfly effect caused by MC. It has nothing to do with my poor writing skills.]

(Asia POV)

I woke up in a warm bed, it's been a while since I had a nice sleep.

'Traveling to Japan have been trying, and I couldn't get a proper rest.'

Getting up I realized where I am and remembered what happened yesterday. I cover my face with my hands, I cried like a child. So embarrassing!

'But I feel better now.'

Getting up I look around the room to find my luggage after I located the washroom and got presentable I went downstairs only to find my childhood friend Jacob passed out on the couch...

What's that smell, getting near first thing I noticed the small tower made up of alcohol bottles. That explains the smell.

'I didn't know he drank... Then again the last I saw him was when we were children.'

Taking a closer look at him I also saw his ring, he didn't mention being married but why wear a wedding ring if you're not married.

Getting closer I noticed a file on the table it has the symbol of Grigori on it.

I know I shouldn't look but I got betrayed twice so far I rather not have the third.

Reading the file I felt like crying again, why do I keep getting betrayed...

This file wasn't here before. Considering Jacob's previous occupation he must've asked Grigori for an explanation.

'It explains why he got drunk. He would always make sure the other children didn't feel lonely, it's nice to see he didn't change much.'

Deciding that he'll be hungry once he wakes up I found the kitchen and started cooking.

'I wonder what happened to my friends there? Jacob never mentioned them.'