# 23: Fire Safety.

# 23: Fire Safety.


I woke up to the smell of cooking. That's weird I don't remember having a guest...

Right, Asia! damn, I drunk myself to sleep last night. Jumping out of the couch I went to the kitchen only to find Asia cooking with an apron.

'I got to admit that apron suits her.'

"Good morning Jacob, I am making breakfast so sit down and wait." She greets me with a smile.

"Morning Asia, you didn't have to cook."

"Let me at least do this. I learned cooking after I started staying in the church. The food there didn't give the same taste as the orphanage."While watching her cook I noticed the report on the table, it wasn't where I put it.

"I see, did you read it? Grigori sent it after those strays got taken care of."

"Yes... Thank you for looking into it." Asia smiles at me while putting the last of the plates but I can see this time her smile is a bit forced.

"Don't mention it, so what's your plan have you thought about it?"

"I don't know, all of this has been too fast. I don't know what to do."

"Hmm, why don't I register you to school, you can finish your education and have enough time to think about your life." That is if she was given formal education in the first place.

"I read that this is a devil territory in that report is that fine? I wouldn't want to trouble you."

"Don't worry I teach at that school, I got your back. I can assure you, it won't be a trouble."

"Thank you."

"As I said, don't mention it."

"By the way, I stayed the night but is that okay?" She points to my ring.

I explained how I am not married for real making her laugh. So I made my defense with students being weird but it only serves to make her laugh more.

After breakfast, I took Asia with me to see the principal and Sona since she's the student council president.

It wasn't hard to get Asia registered especially since she's not wearing her nun outfit and Axii is really useful for making people cooperative.

She kinda trashed that outfit after she read the report. She says she still believes in god but she can't wear that outfit after what happened.

I also gave her a translator amulet it's better to learn the language but she doesn't have time for it, the amulet translates written language as well as speech so she won't have trouble with school. I can help her catch up with her peers.

After I sent Asia to her class Sona approached me.

"Sensei, she has a Sacred Gear."

"You don't say, well she's not up for any peerage. She went through a lot and she's not in the best condition to make life-changing decisions. I registered her to school so she doesn't shut herself in."

"I am assuming there's a sad background." There is always a sad background!

"She's my childhood friend from the orphanage."

"How nice." Sona smiles but I wipe it off her face.

"Two of us are the only survivors from that place."

"Okay, that got dark real fast. Fine I will warn Rias to keep her hands to herself." I shrugged and went to my class while she went to hers.


Asia started living with me, she naturally has trust issues. Although she seems fine with me.

I kinda missed having a lady in the house so I gave her full access to the house. Mary and Martha don't visit here much. It's me who visits them regularly.

Anyway, it's the weekend and I got downstairs to my training area to workout.

It's not like I will lose my skills but training got ingrained into my being at this point. I feel uncomfortable if I don't train.

Following me downstairs Asia watched me from the sidelines for a while before approaching me.

"Jacob, can you train me? I don't want to feel helpless again." Looking at her eyes I can see good old shonen(shoujo?) style flames of determination.

"Okay, but I won't let you quit even if you beg me." Seeing her nod I started preparing to put some restrictions on her to hasten the progress while Asia went to change into something easy to move.

We started after she came back in a t-shirt and yoga pants.

I have enough mastery over senjutsu that I can recover her fatigue physical or mental and mend her broken muscles.

How strong she will get depends on how long she will preserve.

On top of all of that, I kept wounding myself with varying degrees of injuries(I am immune to pain at this point) and had Asia heal it to train her Sacred Gear.


"Senseiiii." A whining Rias hugs my feet the moment I entered ORC she just learned about her new wedding date.

"I am not going to get involved in Devil Politics especially if it involves your useless fiance." I flatly refuse while trying to get her off my feet.

"Sensei, don't call him my fiance I refuse to marry him!"

"Well, you can always challenge him to rating game but I doubt you'll fork out a victory with your meager power."

"That's rude, I did my best." She retorts weakly.

"You did your best being a neet not your best in training. Even Asia can beat you to the edge of death." She's been training under me for a month now.

She's still going strong but she can only train a couple of hours a day due to school, etc but she surpassed Rias a long time ago.

"No way Asia-chan won't hurt a fly." Yeah, Rias has a soft spot for Asia ever since hearing her story.

Especially the Diodora part, but she said she can't do anything about it. Diodora is apparently the brother of Ajuka which shocked me when I learned.

"I am the one that trains her and I am telling you she's stronger than you. Now let my feet go before I kick you off."

"You're mean sensei*sniff*"

"Thanks, it's something I take pride in." I proudly state as I take a seat.

"So if you're not here to help then why are you here sensei?" Akeno asks while pours me tea.

"I am here to check the fire alarms, make sure it works against Phenex fire." I whisper to Akeno's ear while she gives me the tea.

"Fufufu Sensei is really mean."


(ORC, Arrival of Phenex)

"Should I explain to your peerage Rias?" Grayfia gives her sister in law a way out of the explanation.

"No, I will tell them. The thing is..." Unfortunately, she gets cut by the appearance of a fiery magic circle in the middle of the room.

"It's been a while I visited the human world..." Riser Phenex makes his arrival, his mighty flames still burning around him.

He was looking really cool until...

*Fire Alarms Ringing*

His entrance is ruined by fire alarms completely soaking him and his Peerage.

Today, Riser regretted having his Peerage dress in such thin clothes because they might as well be naked when soaked. Especially his sister...

In the end, Rias still managed to get 10 days to train.

"I wonder if sensei would be willing to train us?" Rias mutters to herself forgetting Grayfia is next to her.


"Asao Sensei the advisor of the club." Kiba answers not knowing the witcher's presence being a secret from satans.

Grayfia nods and leaves the club to find the witcher himself to get some answers.