# 24: Killing A Mocking Bird.

# 24: Killing A Mocking Bird.


Sensing Grayfia behind my door I got ready to fight, Sirzechs and her aren't the sanest people when emotional.

Better safe than sorry, she might just freeze the hot cocoa I have in my hand.

As expected I had to block a cold punch after opening the door. At least she decided to listen to me after seeing me acting causal.

"Asao-sama may I ask why are you in Kuoh?"

"I am working as a teacher."

"You know that wasn't my question."

"Fine I retired from mercenary work and decided to become a teacher but if I didn't hide well the other factions would annoy me anyway."

"So working in the same school as sisters of Satans was the best course of action."

"I mean I was living just fine until that underworld KFC rip-off decided to visit his fiance. Did you know I have been here over a year?"

"I see, I will have to report this to Lucifer-sama." She gets up from the couch starting teleportation.

"Do as you like just don't get me involved in something troublesome." I wave her off.

"She didn't stay for tea?" Asia comes in with a tray in her hands.

"No, but I can drink that extra one." I offer seeing there are three cups.

"Then here you go." Asia also sat next to me and took a cup. Her face blushing the whole time.

"Rias-senpai got in trouble?" Asia asks after a moment of silence.

"Arranged marriage." I reply while ignoring her leaning on me.

"I want to help them, they didn't seem like bad people."

"Well, Rias is generally stupid and most of the time annoyingly stubborn but other than that there are not many bad points about her." I comment.


"So how can I help them?" She asks seriously this time.

"Well, they're going to hurt a lot during training." She nodded to my words while leaning in even further.

And I don't know how to deal with this... So I will deal with it later.


Later that night Grayfia came back and requested me to train Rias and her peerage.

Well, I robbed Gremory House clean with that deal. Although I spent most of it on Azazel to buy three Phoenix Tears, the leftover money was put into my savings.

I will give two of them to Rias and one of them is for my research. I want to see if I can turn it into a mutagen, I rather not make a Phenex mutagen because that would make me devil %100 without a chance.

The next day I entered ORC only to find Rias sitting on the ground in seiza and bowing her head.

"Sensei please enlighten us with your wisdom." Naturally, I took some photos first before answering yes. Gotta have some blackmail material.

"Well, kids it's time for a training montage!" I announce and promptly fill the forms for 10 days of club activity.

"Sensei aren't you 18 as well, why are you calling us kids?" Akeno asks clearly annoyed.

"Unfortunately I don't feel 18 Akeno, now take this form to Sona for me please."


Currently, we are doing a club activity for the next 10 days at least that's the official story.

We are climbing to a mountain to reach the Gremory holiday house, I didn't give them any training yet.

Climbing this mountain doesn't count as training compared to what I have planned for them for the next 10 days.

After arriving at the Vacation House I placed restrictions on everyone depending on the recovery rates of their demonic energy.

This will force them to only use the minimum amount. Also, make their life hell.

Except for Issei, his restriction doesn't drain him of his demonic energy since he needs to focus on his spells and he needs every drop of it.

I have been training Kiba for a while so he doesn't get a change from his routine, he was already training on the hell course but this time it's on repeat.

On the other hand, Koneko is getting heavy restrictions on her petite body even more than the rest to increase her speed further.

After all, a slow kitten is a dead kitten... Okay, that was dark even for me.

I also called Beth to knock some sense into her and teach her nekoshou senjutsu.

I was going to do that before but Beth was unavailable and Magari can't leave her place for extended periods since there are some Nekomata that needs training.

Beth is younger than Koneko but she can beat Koneko without trying, Magari didn't go easy on her.

I had Akeno put restrictions on her body to increase her speed and endurance.

She is not a fan of close quarter fights so she doesn't go for extra muscles even after I insisted on it. I also gave her ideas to use her lightning magic better.

I can't make her use her fallen powers without traumatizing her even further so I decided to just do that and leave the fixing to our former protagonist.

Talking about him, Issei started peeling onions with his magic while madly cackling he said it's going to be amazing, my bullshit senses are tingling. It's probably something perverted.

He also has restrictions on him activated whenever he's not training his meager magical energy to work his muscles.

Lastly, Rias is doing workouts with seals on while reading a book called "Common strategies and why is it stupid to use them Volume 1" thanks to the VR set I made in my free time. This way she is forced to multitask.

Every time they collapse Asia heals them with her Sacred Gear while I rejuvenate their stamina, fix their mental strain with senjutsu making them start again.

This is the price of not training regularly. The famous shonen style hell training.


"Sensei I give up. Kill me and free me from this torture." Issei begs me as I bring his stamina back to %100.

"Get up Issei, think about your dream also think it like this.

Hardship builds character and Satan knows you need it."

*Issei crying*

"Is it too late to pray for salvation?" He mutters to himself while going back to his taijutsu katas.

"You should be thanking me that I am giving you kids 8 hours of sleep!" Ungrateful brats.

The sheer psychological trauma I inflicted on them allowed them to bond together to lessen their pain by sharing.

I kinda understood Nagato as I watched these children bond further with their common suffering.

Issei even got his first kiss from Rias and the second followed by Akeno.

Turns out they didn't think they will survive this and decided to make the best of the rest of their short lives.

Talking about Akeno she had a rage quit moment during the third day and unleashed her fallen wings for extra boost but she couldn't fly too far and fell on Issei.

From there she told her story which Issei still being the former protagonist got her through her mental block by accepting her.

So Akeno is now using her holy lightning.

"I am such a great mentor."

"Sensei I appreciate your help but I can't help but hope for you to burn in hell." Akeno complains as she tries to increase her lighting output.

It's good to know that they love me.


I had them rest during the last day. They cried together then went to the artificial hot springs in the house.

"I hope they won't get PTSD from this." Asia speaks.

"Well, that's your next training. Fixing mental illnesses." I reply with a grin.

"You're so bad!" Asia slaps my shoulder while giggling to herself.

Once the kids were properly rested we teleported back to Kuoh and I gave them the phoenix tears. Just in case.

Rias was hesitant to use them Akeno shoved the vials to her bosom ending the argument.

"I will take them back if you don't use it. I paid a fortune on them."

"Leave it to us sensei we will slaughter them!" Rias salutes.

"By the way, if you guys lose I will have to train you guys for a whole month." I was pleased to hear their cries.

Proper motivation is required for victory.


(Night Of The Rating Game)

Getting into the student council room I see that Sona and her Queen Tsubaki are already prepared everything needed for the party.

The rest of the peerage was already seated and chatting among themselves.

Taking a bowl of popcorn for me and Asia we sat down next to Sona.

"So sensei, what's Rias's chance of winning?" Sona asks as we wait for the match to start.

"Well, losing is not an option for them."

"Can you train us too?" Sensing my confidence Sona asks.

"Do you seek death? Haven't you seen Rias and her Peerage? They got PTSD."

"I'll pass then." Well, she's certainly smarter than Rias.

After that, we started watching the game with Sona making comments alongside.

"So Akeno started using her holy lightning... Also what's up with Hyoudou's spell such perverted spell shouldn't exist."

"It's good for disarming people since It doesn't care what you're wearing as long as you put enough power into it.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have the brains to figure that out."I analyze the spell.

"It appears Hyoudou has reached a new level in these 10 days I never expected him to get strong this fast." Sona comments seeing Issei achieving Balance Breaker

He reached it while yelling how he is going to have Rias's first time in bed like he took her first kiss.

I can sense Saji having a seizure in the background from the information he received.

"Are they playing soccer with Riser's head?" This time it's Asia that asks the question.

"Well... He is the reason I started training them. So they must be taking some revenge. We all know they can't take it from me." The game ended with Riser forfeiting.

ORC was pissed off that he gave up and destroyed the fake Kuoh Academy where the game took place to calm down.

Ahh, I can already imagine Sirzechs crying out loud after watching Rias being this brutal.