# 26: BBQ With Fallen Feathers.

# 26: BBQ With Fallen Feathers.


The church trio knocked on my door late at night, opening the door I can see that they got owned by whoever they fought...

I naturally invited them inside and called Asia for emergency healing. I already told her she might get late-night patients but she thought I was joking at first.

Xenovia is carrying unconscious Irina and she's bleeding everywhere, I can see that Xenovia has some cuts and bruises but she's the one with the least damage.

Following them behind is Jeanne, she has both of her arms broken and hanging on weird angles. I might've laughed if this wasn't real life.

Setting them in the living room Asia started treating them while learning their names, I started cooking something light. They must've gotten hungry from all the beating.

Getting back to the living room I placed the plates and observed the trio. They look like they have seen hell, I mean Irina is unconscious but you get the idea.

Xenovia is blankly looking at the ceiling while her hands tremble. On the other side, Jeanne is almost about to cry seeing her arms getting fixed.

"Thanks for the help, Jacob." Jeanne groans, I don't know if that was a complaint or her being grateful.

"Well, it was Asia that healed you guys." I shrugged and gestured to the plates indicating them to eat.

"Wait isn't she that saintess that got excommunicated?" Xenovia asks from the side while eating her meal.

"Well, it's more complicated than that but you guys don't look like you have time to listen."

"Whatever I don't care for things like that. Thanks for the healing Asia I am grateful." Jeanne hugs Asia with her now fixed arms.

"It's nothing. I couldn't heal Irina-san completely. She won't wake up for a while." Poor Asia blushes. She is still not used to someone hugging her.

"So Kokabiel has all the swords?" I ask changing the topic.

"Except the Excalibur Ruler, yeah but that one was missing already." Xenovia slumps down looking really depressed.

What did they expect by fighting a cadre?

"He is going to attack the devils at the school tomorrow. He let us go so we can warn them."

"Thank you for the information Jeanne I will relay it. For know get some rest." Leaving the girls to themselves I went back to my sleep.

About an hour later, I was awakened by Asia who got caught sneaking in my bed.

Looking over I see that she's wearing her pajamas and she even brought the bunny plushie I bought for her.

"I put the others in my room, now I have nowhere to sleep. *tehe*" Sneaky Asia... but I can't really refute her argument.


The next day I decided to watch over Irina while Jeanne, Xenovia, and Asia went to school to meet up with the devils.

I am going to join them but after I finish putting a heavy barrier around my house. I should have done this before but I have a legit excuse.

I knew the church trio would get wasted but I didn't expect Asia would be unable to heal them all. It seems I need to have her work with even worse injuries during training.

I can't really leave Irina defenseless just because I want to watch Kokabiel get fucked over.

Once finished with my barrier I quickly ran towards the school, I can already feel Sona activating the barrier she set up yesterday.


Reaching school I quickly did some modifications to the barrier for extra safety.

"Sensei, what are you adding to the barrier?" Sona asks while I am doing the finishing touches.

"Gore censorship among other things." Let's add profanity censor as well, just to be safe.


"You see Sona, your dear friends at ORC have lots of repressed violence in them thanks to yours truly and they will take any chance to let it out." Sona just nodded and went back to maintaining the barrier.

She would later thank me for the censorship after hearing the events.


Once I was finished with the barrier I entered the school premises.

Looking over to where my students are I can see Koneko and Issei are playing Cerberus Tennis with makeshift rackets on the left side. (They're using trees)

In the middle Akeno and Rias are experimenting with their powers. While Kokabiel acting as the unwilling test subject.

"This little fallen went to shopping~" Akeno is making a lewd face as she rips Kokabiel's wings off her hands coated in lighting reminiscent of Chidori.



"This little fallen bought some shoes~"



Wait, Rias isn't trying out anything, she is just playing XOX on Kokabiel's skin with the Power of destruction...

Leaving them to their devices I turn to Kiba. He crucified Freed to the wall with his swords and he's now torturing Valper.

I guess Kokabiel broke him out of Grigori.

"Hmm, it looks mostly finished. Did I miss anything?" Going near Asia and the rest I ask.

"Well, this is actually the third round, I had to restore their stamina twice after they exhausted themselves." Asia informs me.

She can actually inject her newly awakened touki into her Sacred Gear to restore vitality and stamina.

I had to master Senjutsu to be able to that, now she can just say "Twilight Healing goes brrr" and all allies are healed.

"Jacob what did you do to them to turn them into this?" Jeanne asks on the side confusing me.

"I told them they became like this after your training." Asia clears the confusion.

"Well, what can I say this is my most brilliant work yet."I grin at Jeanne.

"They're certainly efficient..."


Eventually, Valper started to talk about the Holy Sword project and he took out a crystal containing the souls of Kiba's friends.

Seeing this he stopped the torture session and started to talk with them and subsequently unlock the balance breaker.

"Jacob pass me some more popcorn."

"There you go Xenovia."

He named the balance breaker "Sword of Betrayer" Cool enough I guess. The turning point was that it's a Holy-Demonic Sword.

This eventually snowballed into everyone present learning God's demise. Xenovia who was just enjoying popcorn fell to her knees alongside Jeanne.

"What... God is dead. It's impossible..." Xenovia is having an existential crisis and Jeanne isn't looking very hot right now.

Just as I was going to bring them up with some motivational speech Asia beat me into it by giving them a bitch slap.

"Once you question your own beliefs, it's over! Stop moping around." Damn, there's no Naruto in this world. So this is all Asia's character development.

She might have just surpassed me on character development right now.

Light returned to the two girls and they joined the torture fest alongside ORC.

"Jacob, why are you crying?" Turning around Asia saw me crying.

"There's just so much beauty in the world you know."


(Vali POV)

"Azazel fuck this, I am not getting near those psychos! Just think Kokabiel dead." I called my useless boss, I am not putting myself at cross-fire just to pull that bastard out of hell on Earth.

"Wait what happened?"

"They plucked his feathers and now they're using those feathers for BBQ." I shudder as I remember my rival's brutality. I thought he was some nobody but he turned out to be more brutal than me.

"Vali I told you not to touch those mushrooms. Come back home I will check your health."

"You don't understand old man they're crazy!"

"Sure and I am secretly a woman come back to base I will call Jacob to teleport Kokabiel back."

"Fine as long as I leave this place." I sigh in relief and started flying back home.

{Vali, you need more training. The red one is almost strong as you and he barely trained for half a year according to our intel.}

'I know!'

Vali would later learn that he didn't see everything due to gore censors.